I Hate Systems

Chapter 170: Why Are They Swaying?

Chapter 170: Why Are They Swaying?

Whether or not the Coincidental Luck System was supporting him through its luck, he was unsure. After all, it wasn’t something he could feel. And besides, there was no guarantee in this being a fact.

He had to proceed with the thought process that he wasn’t supported by any luck and would have to go about things carefully.

Grisha’s mother had a wide network of connections, and they proved to be useful in this situation. Dr. Gregesh seemed like a veteran in the field, one that was influential on his own.

At first glance, it would seem like his meeting with Grisha, the attack from the creature, etc. was a coincidence of events. But in reality, none of them would have happened to him if he chose not to work in the café run by her mother.

That was his choice. And, everything that happened rest occurred as a result of that. Or maybe, there was an ounce of coincidence involved. He didn’t know about that.

As Grisha continued to drive, he thought through his plan, ‘If I accompany Rhizen once the apocalypse starts in full swing, I’ll have to passively defend against the attacks of all the Systems that target him.’

He had figured out the name of the Coincidental Luck System’s Host after casually asking around in Grafet Enclave, the apartment where Rhizen lived. As a lot of the residents there were senior citizens, they were rather chatty about everything.

So, it was easy for him to find some basic information about the target he had to protect.

But, once he moves alongside Rhizen, the situation would turn passive for him. He won’t be able to actively take charge of things to deal with the opponents. So, he decided on a plan of action accordingly.

He’ll convert two mutated animals into members and allow them to gradually get to know about Rhizen. This way, once they become close enough, they’ll be accompanying Rhizen throughout the apocalypse.

And through them, he would be able to keep a track of things and plan accordingly. Rhizen would be out in the open, targeting the attacks from the Systems while he would be in the dark, hunting down the Systems in response.

This would also fall in line with him being an embodiment of Secret Society. Moving in secret was what he desired as well.

Moreover, once he makes some mutated animals into members, he’ll be able to find out more information from them. That would allow him to plan better.

There was a good chance the enemy Systems would have appeared in the world enough times to be fully aware of the inns and outs of all things here, including the power mechanics of the apocalypse.

So, only by obtaining enough information firsthand would he be able to prepare enough to contend against not one, not two, but 37 enemies.

“We’re here!” His thoughts were interrupted by Grisha’s excited shout.

Opening his eyes, Compass Carburettor turned around to notice a massive shopping mall come into view, sighing. Though, he realised that he had to enjoy at times. Otherwise, he won’t be able to keep up with everything mentally.

‘There should be a balance in all things.’ He thought, exiting the car as the two boarded an elevator, noticing that its interiors were made from mirrors.

Upon seeing that there were only the two of them in the lift, Grisha blushed upon gazing at their appearance, gently coiling her hand around his, smiling when he didn’t extricate himself from her hold.

The two of them exited the elevator and arrived at the second floor of the shopping mall, casually strolling through the corridor, making small talk.

As time passed in such a fashion, Compass Carburettor noticed that his mind was at peace, fully relaxing. Strolling about without any aim in sight, looking through things of interest, eating food just because of likes and not because of needs, all of them were regular humane tasks.

And, proceeding about with them made him recall scenes from Earth when he had done the same things with his family, sighing in melancholy, lost in nostalgia. ‘I miss Stencil.’

“Here! Try this!” Grisha pulled out a set of clothes in excitement, placing it before him to see that it matched him, urging him towards a changing room, “Just stay there! I’ll bring you lots of clothes to try.”

“Haha, alright.” He gave up in the end, wearing one set of clothes after another, watching Grisha become excited upon seeing him in different wears.

What had been promised to be an hour’s session extended into five hours as it was already evening now.

‘Might as well since I’m here.’ He thought, pointing at a sci-fi flick, saying, “Let’s watch that.”

“Why not that? I heard it’s really great.” Grisha pointed at a romance flick, saying, “And, its reviews are pretty great too.”


Compass Carburettor stared at her for a good dozen seconds when she turned her head, blushing in response, unable to maintain eye contact any longer. Smiling, he casually bought two tickets for the sci-fi flick.

He would be lying if he said he wasn’t interested in the movie. After all, it was an interstellar space adventure about a cigar-gobbling man wearing a cowboy hat. Just the trailer that he casually observed hooked him onto the premise.

It was night as they had dinner at a restaurant and began to drive home.

Upon seeing Grisha being all smiles while she drove, Compass Carburettor asked, “Did you have fun?”

“That was great.” Grisha laughed, “I enjoyed every minute of it.”

Soon, they reached Grisha’s house as Compass Carburettor carried all the luggage that they had purchased, about to take a step into their villa when he paused all of a sudden, dropping all the luggage as he pulled Grisha backward instantly.

Her heart thumped as she was in his embrace. But, upon seeing his solemn face, she shuddered, asking, “W-What’s up?”

“The grass in the lawn…” Compass Carburettor frowned, focusing on them, “Were they always…so lively?”

“Lively?” Grisha looked around, noticing the grass gently dancing about, unable to find anything amiss as she said, “They are just grass. What’s odd about them?”

“But…” He said with a frown, “There’s no wind now. So…”

“Why are they swaying?”


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