I Grabbed The Leash Of The Blind Beast

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

I can see.

As Elysia stared blankly at him, Eleon extended his hand towards her head.

Seeing Eleon remove the white acacia petals, Elysia jumped in surprise.

You can see what does that mean uh, uh.

In an instant, Elysias body leaned over the small boat that was shaken by the waves.



Eleons voice calling out for her was drowned out by the sound of the rushing water.

Elysia sank as if she was being sucked into the water.


The river, which seemed warm and calm in the sunlight, hid its mighty claws beneath the water.

Ugh Ah!

She quickly suffocated as she fell into the water unable to take a deep breath.

Elysia fought her way to the surface.

But her body was dragged little by little by the water.

She tried to move her legs, but the hem of her thick layered dress was soaked and wrapped heavily around her legs.

Sa save me

It was painful when the water went through her nose and mouth instead of the air.

She felt hot tears leaking from her eyes into the cold water.

It was then.


She could see him swimming down towards her.

Eleon.. Im scared.

Elysia hoped that he would rescue her quickly. She hurriedly extended her hand to him.

She looked at him so earnestly.

He moved as flexibly towards her as if he had turned into a water creature, and his eyes were trembling.

For a moment, she appears to be looking double.


His gray lenses fell off as if they had been ripped off by the current of water.

She saw a red light.

Their red eyes that are clearly visible as drops of blood, the source of life, even under water that was getting darker the further they went into the depths of the water.

She felt a pain as if her lungs were being squeezed. Her mind was cloudy.

In my world, red light means stop.

Elysia lost consciousness at the end of the absurd thought that it was used to mean dangerous, and that she should have told Eleon at least once.

* * * * *

Emperor Markis was walking towards the Palace of the Empress.

He was the Great Sun of the Empire for those who followed him.

He was in a good mood.

He received a prophecy from the so-called representative of God.

There were times when he gave orders that he did not understand, and so there were times when he wondered if this was something the five gods wanted.

The worry that comes down to the thought of whether he can understand Gods arrangement as a mere human being has always been fleeting.

But this time, when Emperor Markis prayed to God, the Crown Princes marriage was mentioned.

Sabiel and Elysia.

Both of them would be a good match as they are not lacking in status and families. Besides, they are at a suitable age for marriage.

Empress Seraphina was overjoyed when a girl was born into the Yuter family.

The Yuters were a traditional and excellent family that no one could dispute.

However, when Elysia unexpectedly joined Hadunsha at a very young age, Empress Seraphina was furious as she thought there was no other lady worthy of Sabiel.

All right. It is not common to serve the Five Gods, but straying from that path is also not under the will of man.

Considering the life of Elysia, who had to train hard to serve God for a long time, it would be difficult to say that it was fortunate, but he thought that this was also fate.

The Empress will be delighted.

Empress Seraphina would be delighted to hear the news that Emperor Markis himself would personally deliver to the Empress Palace.

Your Majesty the Emperor. What brings you here at a time like this?

Empress Seraphina greeted him with a surprised look on her face since he hadnt sent a message.

Tea is fine. Take a seat.


Empress Seraphinas face had an expression of not knowing what was happening.

She spoke first, expecting Emperor Markis to speak.

Do you have something to say?

Its been a long time since the Gods spoke to me.

You mean the Five Gods?

Empress Seraphina is also a member of the Imperial Family.

His companion, the Empress, also knows the secret passed down only to those who ascended the throne.

A country that worships the founding myth of the five gods and Oder as religions.

The Constance Empire, a country ruled by proving that the descendants of Oder, who ascended as a God after death, are the children of God.

From generation to generation, the emperors often had someone who preached the word of the Gods.

It was a secret fact known only to the one who ascended the throne and the empress sitting next to him.

It was recorded in an ancient book handed down from the previous emperors to the next generation, that it sometimes allowed them to avoid famine and prevented great disasters.

There were times when it was difficult to convey the contents of the prophecy on which the fourteen of the Empire depended.

However, the prophecy he received was a bit different from what previous emperors had received.

Prophecies are handed down because they are descendants of God.

Empress Seraphina pressed the Emperor to talk.

What is it that you even have to come here in person?

Its about Sabiels marriage.

What? Sa Sabiels marriage?


No. What did the Gods say about our Crown Prince..

Empress Seraphinas face hardened a bit.

He said that I should make Elysia Yuter a candidate for Crown Princess.

Really? Your Majesty?

He really asked for that.

Then the Empress face got better.

Oh my gosh. Thats good news. I think we should pay a tribute to the five gods and Oder as gratitude.

Seeing Empress Seraphina rejoicing, Emperor Markis smiled delightfully as well.

Its not the kind of marriage the Empress wanted.

Of course, Your Majesty. I like it. When are you going to make the announcement?

I will speak with the Duke of Yuter first and try to make arrangements. By the way.

Emperor Markis stopped smiling.

Isnt it time for Princess Lev to come home?


The Crown Prince is about to get married, but Princess Lev is not the only imperial adult.

Thats right.

Is Trofalgara the last place she had contact with?

Yes, Your Majesty.

Empress Seraphina nodded.

Since then, I have not been able to trace where she has gone. I am not able to reach her.

I see. Still, try to send some more people. I will pay the expenses with my personal property.

I will comply, Your Majesty.

Empress Seraphina answered graciously.

Emperor Markis could only sigh briefly.

She didnt even take many people with her.

There wasnt a day that he wasnt worried about her.

Lev Where the hell are you and what are you doing?

The Emperor left the palace of the Empress feeling lonely and thinking of his only sister.

* * * * *

Crackling, crackling.

The sound of burning firewood was heard, which had almost been consumed.

Elysia opened her eyes.

Cough. Cough.

She coughed a little by the time she woke up.

Her throat was sore.

Here is..

Familiar ceilings and furniture.

It was Eleons bedroom.

Why am I here?

She was dazed, and her head felt heavy.

She blinked a few times before remembering that she had fallen into the river while on a trip with Eleon.


I am not blind.

Said the man, who removed the white petals.

I can see.

His gray eyes that seemed to have lost focus were fixed on her.

She recalls incident after incident in which she lost consciousness while looking at his red eyes that were exposed when the current of water removed his lenses.

Then he lied to me on purpose.

As she organized her thoughts, her heart ached. She felt suffocated.

Why? Why did he do that?

She couldnt understand.

Eleon wouldnt have acted that way.

He was more upright and fair than anyone else. He was far from all injustice in the world.

Because he was the male lead of this world.

It was unbelievable to think that he, who was a flawless being in <The Flower of the Blind Beast>, had deceived her.

Maybe I heard it wrong.

Elysia got up from the bed. She grabbed the doorknob but hesitated.

If he isnt in the bedroom, hell be in the room where he spends most of his time working.

Elysia felt lost for no reason.

Her sense of fear comes from ignorance.

She was scared because she didnt know anything and couldnt understand either.

She thought she knew this story and Eleon better than anyone else.

Eleon, who seemed to deviate by acting inconsistent with his established personality, became an unexpected person for Elysia.

So who is he? Unless its the Eleon I read.

That unknown side of him that had been attached to her like a limb for half a year, was a contraindication.

Somehow, she felt cold.

Elysia took a deep breath as she continued to feel that she shouldnt meet him now.

To get out of Eleons bedroom, she had to go through his drawing-room.

Why did you bring me here instead of my room?

A maid could not always occupy the Grand Dukes bedroom.

Hell have to come to bed anyway, even if its late.

It would be nice if the butler came to call me.

So that Eleon and I dont run into each other. So that I can leave this room naturally.

I felt pity for myself for even thinking like that all of a sudden.

What about Eleon?

Although he acted inappropriately, he also rescued me from drowning.

Whats the point of scolding him who is only worried about whether to cross the forbidden line or not when he did nothing to harm me?

After pacing around for a long time, she pulled the doorknob.


Elysia quietly opened the door.

There were goosebumps on her arms from the temperature difference, probably because there was a fireplace in Eleons bedroom.

The room was dark with no lights on.

As her eyes became familiar with the darkness, she saw him sitting in a chair with his back against the door.

Elysia called out to him in a trembling voice.

Sir Sir Eleon.

Youre awake. How do you feel?

ImIm fine.

His voice was calm.

Did you lie to me?

Elysia, who was overwhelmed by his emotionless tone, couldnt even argue much and asked as if she was talking to herself.

Why did you do that?

She waited for him to respond without being able to get closer to him.

I dont think youre asking because you really dont know that.

Eleon quietly stood up from the chair.

At that moment, Elysia felt a sense of ignorance.

She has seen Eleon standing up in this room several times. But he looks strange and big like its the first time she sees him.

For you to stay by my side, I had to pretend I was blind.

Eleons eyes glowed red as he stepped out of the darkness.

Sir Eleon.

Elysia stared blankly into his eyes.

She should be mad at him for deceiving her, but as she watched Eleon staring at her intensely, she couldnt say anything.

You drive me crazy, Elysia.

Ba-thump ba-thump.

Her heart was beating anxiously.

When she heard that he had lost his sight again, she ran towards him like crazy.

But, how could you tell such an absurd lie to me?

She wanted to argue with him, but the atmosphere was different.

You knew for sure. How much I want you.

He wasnt the Eleon she used to know. His eyes were cold and ferocious.

I felt like I was going to die every time you pushed me away and rejected me.


Every time he took a step closer to Elysia, she took a step back in surprise.

You didnt come back without knowing it. Elysia. What am I going to do with you?

The body moved first before thinking with the head.

Eleon approached her.

Elysia, who had widened her distance, stumbled as she turned her body and ran towards the door that led to the hallway.

She never dreamed she would stimulate the instincts of a beast at the top of the food chain.


Eleon grabbed Elysia and knocked her down to the floor in an instant, trapping her under his arms.

His red eyes shone dangerously.

You came by yourself.


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