I Grabbed The Leash Of The Blind Beast

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

If I didnt suck on the candy, I wouldnt know either.

Seeing Elysias lips swollen with the color of rose petals, Eleons mouth felt dry.

His neck stiffened, He wanted to untie everything that bound his suit.

Whats wrong?


He wondered if Elysia would be able to stand in front of him if she knew what he wanted to do.

Eleon could have bet on the Grand Duchy Mansion and its territories that she would have fled if she had known what was inside his heart.

I thought this is the lowest I could go..

Eleon had fallen to the most miserable point in his life.

He was struggling, lying on the floor. He witnessed for himself that a person named Eleon fell to the very bottom of humanity.

It was a muddy day.

Desperate for abandoning his humanity, Eleon ridiculed himself as a mere beast.

But his life had no end. He was slowly dying.

He thought the pain was endless.

Holding Ronas hand and slowly returning to daily life, he was able to control himself day by day, saying that he was getting better.

But he felt that love was so antagonistic.

His desire to gently touch Elysias lips and the desire to bite her lips until they swelled co-existed.

He couldnt even see her smile properly, but he wants to see her cry because of him.

He wanted to hold her in his arms and give her the most secure place to rest, but he also wanted to hold her tight before he could break her.

That was as low as he could go.

Even though his eyes are fine, his head feels strange.

Ive never been like this before.

He never had a crush on a woman.

Even at 16 years old, already having a coming-of-age ceremony, Eleon possessed a physique that surpassed that of an adult.

As a result, curious and seductive gazes fell on him, who was young and outstanding.

But he could not remember any of those women.

He doubted himself several times.

For him, the existence of a woman was just a feeling of appreciation.

But the day he saw Elysia in the Imperial Palace, he realized that she was his Rona. Something seemed to have gone through his head.

Its too hard to bear.

Although he was a trained knight, he became a living sword for the Empire.

But every time he faced Elysia, his heart raced like crazy, and he couldnt resist the urge to keep her within his reach.

I want to keep her where my hands can reach.

Eleon pondered the gentle expression of his inner feelings.

I want to take her to the Grand Duchy right away.

He wanted to skip all the rules of etiquette and procedures.

However, marriage between nobles cannot be treated as the marriage of a barbarian tribe.

For Elysias honor, and to gain the recognition of her parents, Eleon preferred to act like a Grand Duke rather than a beastly animal.

Come to think of it, I havent seen her smile.

The butler mentioned it once.

Her hair is blonde, but it must be a bit unusual. Its not a crumbly color. Its like a well-brewed tea. And her eye color is purple, but this is not a very common purple. The color is deep and every time she smiles, it gives off a dazzling light. She gives the impression of being pure and cute.

As Bernard had said, he had yet to see the bright, twinkling lights of her smile.

Eleon thought he couldnt be more pathetic as his situation was worse than a butlers.

If you want to do something, do it.

Not knowing the thoughts that filled Eleons head, Elysia provoked him.

Do you really think so?

Yes. Isnt it better than regretting it later? You have to do it.

Before he knew it, the candy that filled his mouth sweetly melted and disappeared a long time ago.

Eleon looked at Elysia.

As long as you let me. I couldnt ask for more.

The chaperone, who felt his eyes were unusual, coughed from afar.

Ill think about it some more. There is still a big chance that I will regret it.

Eleon took a small candy from his pocket, handed one to Elysia, and popped it into her mouth.

Its delicious. It must have been made by Chevalier.

Elysia didnt seem to notice the mistake, as she inadvertently mentioned the name of the Grand Dukes chef.

My chef is very skillful.

Oh, wow. I didnt know there was such a place here.

Elysia exclaimed when she saw small water lilies blooming in a shallow water flow.

Its so big here, there are many things Ive never seen before. Oh, lets go and see that.


When Elysia said lets go, the corners of her eyes curved up gently.

Her golden hair fluttered as she grabbed the hem of her dress.

And Eleon followed her.

* * * * *

After Eleon left, Elysias head throbbed with complicated thoughts.

I feel weird. What was it earlier?

The words that came out of her mouth while she was with him caught her attention.

Not being able to remember is not necessarily a bad thing.

It seemed sincere.

Thanks to you, I can start all over again. Because I cant remember.

Maybe you forgot something you regretted?

Im not sure. If there was something I regretted, I would not have forgotten it.

It was the sincerity of Elysia Yuter.


Elysia sighed and put her hands on her chest and looked up.

Ba-thump ba-thump

She could feel her heart beating.

Elysia.. Perhaps she knew what was going to happen to her?

If she was a priestess, she might have had some special power.

But why did Elysia become a priestess?

In this world, priests were monks who could not marry for the rest of their lives.

However, its a different matter when it comes to gathering enough divine power to communicate with the Gods, so most of them remain as priests-in-training, and there are very few people who are officially chosen by the Gods to become High Priests.

Even if they are priests-in-training, they will not be able to marry unless they are registered priests.

However, there is one side that is not subject to discipline, if they ever decide to leave the temple, they could leave Hadunsha with some support as if they had retired.

It was a fact she learned when she stayed in Hadunsha for a few days.

But priests dont get married, do they?

She could not understand the original story.

How could she, a priestess, be the crown princes fiancee? Besides, she even had a child.

Maybe it happened around this time. Is it now?

Suddenly, she got goosebumps.

It happened at the same time that Eleon regained his sight.

And Karina wanted to win Eleons heart.

The point of their fateful meeting at Caf Cardinal has also passed.

From now on, if she gets entangled with Sabiel and suffers a terrible death according to the original story, she wondered if that would put Eleon and Karina together.

Elysia trembled as she rubbed the goosebumps on her arms with her cold hands.

That cant happen. I absolutely hate that. I desperately survived until now.

Its just her desire to return to the original world.

Then, suddenly, her mind felt clear.

What the hell was I thinking about?

All the sad and complicated thoughts about Eleon became clear to her when she returned to her role as a reader.

Eleon said he was looking for Karina.

The reason why he danced three times with her during her debut was also to provoke her jealousy.

And Karina was also hoping for the best with Eleon.

It was as if time had stopped. It felt like we were the only two left in the world.

Elysia attributed the reason for the cringe-worthy expression to why she is so upset when she is in a position to support Karinas love.

Anyway, if the two of them go well, after that, they will fall in love with each other and it will continue as the original story, and I can return to my original world.

Before that, she needed to avoid becoming a sacrificial lamb for their relationship.

Suddenly, it seemed that all the complicated thoughts that had been bothering her had been resolved at once.

So why did he come to me?

Theres no way he knows Im Rona.

Is he really here for tea?

Was the taste of the tea I made at the palace that impressive?

He may have felt the taste by Ronas hand, who made him tea every day.

Elysias question was surprisingly answered in the wrong place.

Lady Elysia. A guest has arrived.

Yes? For me?

Today, another visit came after Eleon left.

When Elysia opened her eyes wide, Laurie smiled broadly.

Ah, My Lady. Youre so lovely. The guest is a very pretty lady. Her name is Karina, the daughter of Count Harrington.

What? Karina?

Elysia jumped without realizing it.

Is. is there a problem?

No, there is no problem at all. Can you guide me to the living room?

The young maid, reassured by those words, quickly nodded.

Oh my gosh, My Lady. Im surprised you made a mistake. Ive already shown you around.

Yes, thanks.

Feeling apologetic for nothing, Elysia gave Laurie a soft smile and headed into the living room.

Hello. Lady Elysia.

The woman with silver hair, who was sitting like a painting, got up from the sofa as soon as she saw Elysia.

Hello. Lady Karina, you can sit down comfortably.

The two girls sitting next to each other were silent for a moment.

Elysia lost her appetite, just looking at the dessert in front of her. Maybe it was because she had tea with Eleon earlier.


By the way..

They spoke at the same time.

Karina smiled mischievously, and she gestured to Elysia to speak first.

Go ahead.

Yes. No, I mean, what did you come here for?


Karina was silent again for a moment, then touched the teacup.

Whats going on?

There was nothing she couldnt tell her. Because the two werent that close.

After a while, Karina raised her head as if she had made a big decision.

I heard that Grand Duke Clevent has been coming to your house every day for the past few days.

Thats right.

At that moment, suddenly, something flashed through Elysias mind.

Oh, this cant be happening.

She still doesnt know why Eleon comes every day or why he comes to see her without saying much.

Well, cant Lady Elysia help me?

Karinas green eyes lit up.

So that the Grand Duke and I can get closer.

At the ball, Eleon said that there was a woman he was looking for and that he had only found half.

Although Eleon and Karina ran into each other at Cafe Cardinal, it must be hard for him to get close to her.

Because Eleon never had a dating experience.

Is she asking me to set her up with Eleon?

It occurred to her.

Not accepting her request right away, Karina looked into Elysias eyes and asked again.

Is this too much to ask?


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