I got an SSS-Grade unique skill

Chapter 26: Level 101 (3)

Chapter 26: Level 101 (3)

[ SSS-grade Unique Skill has been found ]

[ Based on Chosen's Unique Skill, a stat advancement will be applied... ]

' ding! '

[ +100 remaining attribute points ]

[ +10 skill points ]


[ The chosen's stat will be doubled ]

' Good! '

Adam was so excited at the message of his stats being doubled... which is what all the Chosen would receive during their major breakthrough!

Hence, a level 101 Chosen can effortlessly compete with a level 100 Chosen though there's only 1 level difference...

Likewise, monsters received the similar advancement...

Aside from that, a chosen would also receive bonus attribute points which depend on their Unique skill, hence, Adam obtained +100 remaining attribute points and another +10 skill points which are exclusive to him...

While Adam was still fascinated by the boons he received from advancement, he was suddenly interrupted as a masculine voice was heard from beside him...

" Master! ", the masculine voice utters...


At the same time...

In the lotto shop at Manila City, a crowd of chosen and royalties can be seen to be properly aligned in front of the shop...

Among them was a man who attracts most of the Chosen's admiration and royalties disdain...

The man was seemingly 20- 30 years old and wears common equipment for level 800 chosen!...

Likewise, he was also an E-rank! The lowest rating one could achieve!

But unlike what's expected, the chosen's within the area didn't show disdain nor disgust on him!

In fact, they show a look of admiration towards the man!

With some chosen from large guilds even afraid of him!

His name was Tristan, the sole chosen who could fight with the leader of the 5 largest guilds without being disadvantage! despite being E-rank!

As for why he managed to do that? It's because of his hard work, completing the quest diligently until he received an A-grade Title 'Man of Hard work!', which boost his power vastly.

Furthermore, he completed the various quests with the lowest rating of B-grade! thus, awarding him with rewards like items and even sometimes, attribute points! lessening the gap between him and other A-rating chosen!

He was also the leader of a mid- sized guild 'Rogue's Guild' which was exclusive for rouge chosen!

Moreover, he was currently in front of the lotto shop cause like the others, he was also attracted to the prize and wanted to try his luck!...

After a while, a boy from Cuenca Guild stepped out from the crowd and went towards Tristan, with a boasty attitude...

" Is that you? The E-rank who was rumored to have the guts to challenge our Guild Master? ", the boy from Cuenca Guild snickered

' .... '

Unlike what the boy expected, Tristan was not troubled at all and just look at him lazily...speaking nothing...

Upon seeing this, the boy got provoked and wanted to 'teach' Tristan a lesson...

Hence, he immediately withdrew his fist, while conjuring it with skill, aiming for a punch!

He was a member of the first batch chosen as well! And level 810 at top of that! Hence, the low- leveled chosen around them, just gulped upon seeing the domineering punch!

The punch contains all his mana as he used his strongest skill ' Amplified Thunderous Punch ' which doubled his punch's prowess!

Sparks of lightning can now be seen forming on the boy's fist, nonetheless, Tristan was still as composed as ever!

With not even fear nor frighten expression on his face!


At the same time, a man was on the rooftop of a certain building near the lotto shop...

Like others, he also noticed the feud between the two...

As he saw the punch nearing Tristan's face, sweat starts to form on his head as he reminisces on something from the past...

' He's dead! ', he thought anxiously


In front of the lotto shop...

The boy's punch was nearing Tristan, causing the 'audience' to gulp in anticipation...

The boy smirked upon seeing Tristan being negligent and standing composedly...

' Idiot! ', the boy thought as he perceives the possible outcome of Tristan being crushed into minced meat...

But alas! before the punch could even hit Tristan, a large monster appeared out of nowhere and immediately pierced the boy's body using its enormous claw!

The boy was instantly stopped on his action and soon felt his body floating in the air!

' Am I flying? ', utters the boy as he starts to lose his consciousness within just that single attack!

He was about to close his eyes as he felt his vitality leaving his body and soon accepted his tragic fate when suddenly, he saw a gigantic mouth full of an extensive tooth coming towards him...

' ahh ahh! ', the boy shouted while being chewed by the gigantic monster

Soon, he ended up being the monster's meal and died helplessly...

On the other hand, Tristan was standing there composedly as if nothing happened at all!

The other chosen and royalty on the scene just sweat from fear and anticipation...

While the man on the rooftop nearly lost his composure as he saw the monster that was so familiar to him...

'It's that damn Ancient T. rex! ' he thought anxiously


Back to Dark Wolves hunting ground...

Adam was interrupted at his fascination by a masculine voice that was heard from beside him...

" Master! ", said the masculine voice

Adam was so bewildered at hearing the unfamiliar voice which comes near him...

So he slowly tilted his head as he starts to form an idea of who could the source of the voice is...

As soon as he finished tilting his head and looked towards the entity beside him, a shock with a mixture of amazement can be seen on his face...

Adam then stuttered bewilderedly...

" I---it's you "


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