I got an SSS-Grade unique skill

Chapter 12: Fighting a Boss-Grade monster (1)

Chapter 12: Fighting a Boss-Grade monster (1)

" Skill checked! " , Adam utters

After saying the word, a transparent holographic screen appeared before Adam...

[ Absolute ( SSS-Grade )

Description: A skill book containing 10 skills with different requirements needed to unlock

Skill #1: '???' Summon (Active)

Description: An absolute ??? will appear upon activation, the size of ??? is directly proportional to Chosen's mana. Also, the ??? durability, attack power, defensive power, etc. varies depending on the amount of mana supplied.

Skill #2: needed 10,000 mana to unlock

Skill #3: needed 100,000 mana to unlock

Skill #4: needed 1,000,000 mana to unlock



Skill #10: needed 1 trillion mana to unlock ]

Adam was again fascinated at the skill especially by the amount of mana needed just to unlock a certain skill, which goes until 1 trillion mana!

Before, Adam thought that it was impossible to reach such a number within one year of diligent farming.

But now, he thought that it was indeed possible to accomplish, as he saw how much mana did he got when he was just level 10.

Needless to say, he had been on this World of Luck for only 6 days now!

Therefore he was enthusiastic about farming more diligently, and if possible, he could stay inside a hunting ground for 1 year straight!

Of course, that was not feasible as he needs to restock his resources sometimes and be updated regarding the world's contemporary news.

Soon, after contemplating, he then began the skill unlocking...

" Use 10,000 mana to unlock the second skill! ", Adam commands to the system excitedly

[ 10,000 mana used ]

[ Skill #2 of Absolute is now available ]

[ Skill #2: Shape-shifter (Passive)

Description: A skill that allows the user to change the form of '???' at will ]

' Cool! ', Adam exaggerated

' So all ten skills are related somehow? ', Adam thought

Before, the '???' or what Adam usually calls 'coin', can be adjusted but only its size and not its shape, hence, he can only use its weight and desolate force to kill monsters.

Now, with this newly gain skill, he can change the 'coins' shape at will!

He can make it had a pointy edge for penetrative power, or make it circular or oval for defense.

Adam was so excited at the thought of doing such a feat and exploring various possible forms of the 'coin'.

After a while, Adam then began the next unlocking as he had over 100,000 mana remaining as well...

" Use 100,000 mana to unlock the third skill! "

[ 100,000 mana used ]

[ Skill #3 is now available ]

[ Skill #3: '???' Division (Passive)

Description: A skill that allows the user to divide the '???' at the desired size or amount at will. ]

' Good! '

Similarly, Adam was contented with skill #3's effects.

It's also a passive skill that lets him divide the coin at will. In other words, he can attack multiple enemies at the same time!

He could divide the coin into a thin needle-like structure for a great penetrative force!

Additionally, he infers that 'Absolute' can be an AOE skill or single-attack skill depending on its uses.

This cause Adam to had a lot of possibilities on doing things!

After that, Adam then checked his remaining mana...

[ Mp: 630,000/740,000 ]

He used 10,000 mana to unlocked the second skill and another 100,000 mana to unlocked the third.

Nonetheless, he could still hunt monsters with his remaining 630,000 mana! And just drink mana potion to restore his mana when needed.

Though he had a high mana regeneration rate, he had to stay still or don't use any skill for his mana to restore naturally, and considering his large mana capacity, it will take time before he fully replenishes his mana.

Likewise, he had enough money now to buy a bunch of D-Grade mana potion.

Soon, he bid goodbye to Troy and gangs then left towards his next hunting ground, namely, the Gigantic ants zone!


After an hour of traveling through a carriage, Adam finally reached his destination

It was a large mountain with a cave on it. This cave was the opening to Gigantic Ants hunting grounds, and as for the mountain? It was the ant's nest itself!

The reason why Adam choose this hunting ground was first, Gigantic Ants were a level 100 monster that fits his criteria.

Second, Gigantic Ants tends to travel by a group, meaning Adam could kill a large number of monsters at the same time.

There's also a massive number of Gigantic Ants here, so Adam could take the pleasure of killing them until he reached level 50 at least.

Soon, Adam entered the cave and after a while, he saw a group of people which he thinks were Chosen, fighting gigantic ants immensely.

Hence, he searched and went deep inside the hunting ground where there's no people at all, as he didn't want to reveal his capability to others as it may result in some inconvenience.

A later while, he encounters a group of 10 Gigantic Ants.

As the name suggests, it was an ant that was huge in terms of size. It was 3 meters tall, and was almost twice the height of Adam!

Upon seeing Adam, the gigantic ants pounced on him instantly, since this monster attacks based purely on its instinct.

Adam was not afraid nor shocked at all when faced with such a huge height difference. He just thought calmly then speak...

" Greed! ", Adam said composedly

After the word leaves Adam's mouth, a large-looking adult man appeared out of nowhere.

The man was Greed, the summoning of Adam!

Greed was a bulky man who was around 250 cm tall! and releasing a profound aura.

As soon as he appeared, he knelt before Adam immediately.

' thud '

Adam was somehow embarrassed at the scene of a bulky man kneeling before him as if a knight kneeling to his princess...

Likewise, Adam was glad to see the loyalty shown by Greed, as he was afraid before that the summon may retaliate to his command.

And deducing that Greed didn't speak, he infers that summon don't have the ability to speak at all.


The gigantic ants somehow step back at the appearance of Greed...But soon continued pouncing like a madman...

Upon seeing this, Adam then gave his first command to his first summon, Greed!

" Kill them all! ", Adam commanded composedly while pointing at the now pouncing gigantic ants

He also began to supply 1000 mana first to try whether the amount was enough...

Soon, after hearing the command, Greed stood up then faced the gigantic ants with an expressionless look...

He then began to take a step forward then brandished his sword once the ants were a meter away from him...

' ding '

A metallic sound was heard as the sword met the ant's skin...

'It's too hard! ', Adam thought as the sword didn't cause any damage to the ants at all.

Soon, he began to increase the amount of mana inserted and finally stopped at 30,000 mana as it was more than enough to kill dozens of ant!

The scene inside the Gigantic Ants hunting ground now changed, and if someone were to see it, one word was all he could say.

' Massacre! '

The scene was gruesome as Greed killed the gigantic ants one by one like how powerless ants on Earth was, in front of childs foot.....


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