I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 3: Chapter 5: Part 3

Book 3: Chapter 5: Part 3

Another chapter brought by Patreon, enjoy~

Part 3

H-hey did you catch the moment when he hit it?

No, thats impossible. I mean, I heard a sound that wouldnt have been possible if you were playing table tennis normally, you know?

More importantly, the table tennis table had been penetrated.

Yes, I know, I did it! On a level thats irreversible now!

The unexpected turn of events caused me to forfeit, but on second thought, I wonder if it was a good idea to forfeit. Although the main reason for this photoshoot was to feature Ousei Gakuen, it was originally supposedly because they wanted to take my picture so maybe it was a bad idea to abandon the photoshoot, right?

Even though such thoughts are overwhelming now, Im more afraid of continuing on and injuring someone else, and it wouldnt have been a mistake to forfeit the tournament, after all. Because if something with the power that could penetrate the table tennis table and the gym floor with a table tennis ball hit someone yeah, Id become the real Sniper, instead.

As I was letting out a single sigh, the president of the entertainment agency came over to me quickly.

H-hey, Yuuya-kun! Id be troubled if you lost in the first round! Moreover, what do you mean by forfeiting

N-no, but my opponent is a famous table tennis player, correct? So I think I knew Id lose even if I continued like that

No, you werent. You were able to hit your opponents ball back. At least you wouldnt have been beaten to a pulp, you know?


President-san, youre observing well, arent you?

However, I didnt expect you to destroy the table tennis table. You must have something to hide, dont you?

H-hahaha theres no way thats possible.

T-this president has a sharp intuition! However, since I wasnt going to talk about the other world honestly, I just laughed and fooled around.

Well, thats fine. Anyway, if you continue to lose here, we wont be able to achieve our original goal, so please do something about it.

Eh? No, wait, what did you mean by that.

So, I asked you to do something about it, okay?

Before I could stop her, the president left quickly, accompanied by Kurosawa-san. E-eh no way, do I have to somehow participate in another competition or something?

I dont know if thats really allowed, though.

Anyway, since I decided to forfeit the game early, Ill have to support everyone in the class thats fighting properly until I get to do something about it.

First of all, I headed over to Shingo-kun, who was having a doubles match at a nearby table tennis table and cheered them on, but as he said before it started, his opponents were students from the P.E. class, so, unfortunately, he lost.

By the way, his opponent, who was from the P.E. class, wasnt muscular like my opponent from earlier; hes just a normal boy. Thank goodness for that, because I wondered what I would do if the standard body type in P.E. class was also that of a muscular guy.

Shingo-kun, who has finished his match, notices me and comes over while dropping his shoulders.

Ugh it was no good after all

But youve got some points, so you shouldnt be that pessimistic, you know?

W-well, if you say so, its true that Im not very good at sports, but I did my best, I guess. Also, my partner has helped me so much.

Its unfortunate that they lost, but Shingo-kun seemed to have fun in the end, and I couldnt help but smile too.

O-oh, by the way, how did Yuuya-kun fare in the end?


L-look, all the photo crew members were nearby, and I believe Yuuya-kun was able to win because of.

I forfeited.


Shingo-kuns eyes widened as I said that while averting my gaze.

F-forfeit, you said? What happened?

Uhwell the table tennis table and the gym floor had been penetrated by the ball


Well, that will be the reaction I get. I know very well that it isnt realistic for me to be saying it myself. But its the truth, so I cant blame him!

I-I dont know how that happened somehow, but thanks for your hard work!


R-right! What are you going to do after this, Yuuya-kun? Im going to go watch Ryo-kuns match outside, but

Well actually, as I said before, I had to forfeit the match so they couldnt take a proper picture of me, so they asked me to do something about it thats why I thought Id try to enter another event for now

Oh, another game? I wonder if thats acceptable?

Well.. To be honest, I dont know if its okay with me either, but I thought Id look for an event I could participate in while cheering for my classmates in the other events in the gym. So, after I look around the gym to a certain extent, if it looked like Ryo was still competing, so Ill show up there as well.

I see I guess well have to split up for now.

Thus, Shingo-kun and I parted ways, and I began to look around the gym. And then suddenly, a voice calls out to me.


Hmm? Ah, Kaede!

It was Kaede who came running up to me with a small run. As Kaede came in front of me, she tilted her head curiously.

Yoo-hoo! Whats going on? Have you finished your game yet?

Ah actually, I had to forfeit it for a variety of reasons.

Eh, really? But its unfortunate I wanted to go and cheer you on, you know.

Ah Im sorry about that. What about Kaede? I believe youre playing volleyball, right?

Yeah, youre right! Ah! Yuuya-kun, that means youre free right now, right?

Eh? W-well, I guess?

I couldnt see the real meaning of Kaedes words, so I tilted my head, and she took my hand.

Please! Can I ask you to join volleyball?


Kaede told me while I was surprised at the unexpected request.

I will be participating in the mixed-match division, but One of our members got hurt earlier, so we have to play with only a small group of players. But our next match will be in a class with a lot of students from the volleyball club, and honestly, if we dont have enough people, its going to be tough what do you think? Will you join us?

Kaede looked up at me anxiously.

For me, its not a problem to participate but is it okay for non-registered members to participate?

Oh, dont worry, its okay!

I-is that so? Well, Im going to give it a try then.

Really? Thank you, Yuuya-kun!

Kaede laughed, looking really happy. As for me, I was grateful for Kaedes offer because I had to participate in some kind of competition again due to the presidents absurdity.

Kaede took me to the volleyball team, and I saw Rin there as well.

Ooh, isnt that Yuuya? Could it be that you are a helper?

Yeah, Kaede asked me to join her. Is that okay?

Of course. Right?

When Rin called out to the other members, they all nodded with motivation.

W-well, I didnt expect to be able to fight with Yuuya-kun!

Eh, by the way, if Yuuya is here, does that mean were going to have our picture taken?

Wow! This will make me not want to lose even more!

As everyone was motivated for the next game, the photographers who followed me started to get ready for the next game.

Looks like volleyball is next.

And its mixed gender. This is going to make for some great pictures.

Besides, all the girls at Ousei Gakuen are high class. Theyll look even more picturesque alongside Yuuya-kun.

This is a good target.

And as expected, or rather, because the photographers talked about it, my classmates especially the girls for some reason, had a fire in their eyes.

This makes me feel so motivated!

We might be able to get a picture with Yuuya-kun, right?

I definitely wont show him my ugly self!

Each of them were prepared for the conditions, and when the match started, they scored one point after another, despite Kaede saying that their opponents were mostly students from the volleyball club.

Here, Kaede!

Alright! Im coming!

Kaede jumped up vigorously to the ball that Rin tossed and decided to spike it beautifully just like that. Then I called out to Kaede with a smile.

Thats good, Kaede! Excellent!

Wawa, Yuuya-kun is praising me!

Kaede, you have a big grin on your face, you know.

N-no way!

As I watched Kaede hold her own face, Rin approached me with a grin.

So, how was it? Yuuya.

Hmm? It was amazing. Rin also tossed at the perfect time

No, no, its about Kaedes breasts!


Ueeehh! R-Rin-chan!

Rin suddenly walked around behind Kaede and grabbed her chest directly.

You see, when she hit that spike earlier, it was super shaky, right? Hmm?

No, Im not looking at it like that!

Eeh? Isnt that weird? This girls breasts are so amazing

Hiyauu! Hey, wait, Rin-chan! Ill get angry if you do this any further!

In front of Rin, who continues to rub Kaedes chest without hesitation, I activated the [Mind-Body Unification] and [Mental Enhancement] skills with all my might and desperately removed my gaze. Thanks, my skills!

Its not the way it is supposed to be used somehow, but I quieted down Kaedes anger at Rin.

Even though we were having such a loose exchange, we were steadily gaining points, and we were steadily getting closer to victory. However, the president, who was watching the development of the game, called out to me.

Hey, Yuuya-kun! Dont just support all the time! You need to decide, spike it!


The president was right, I continued to be mostly supporting my team, blocking the opponents spikes and collecting balls that everyone else couldnt reach while trying not to spike during this match.

Thats because, as you can see from the table tennis matches, it would be a hell of a lot of work for me to compete in a normal game. Thats why, as I was pondering what to do about the presidents request, Rin and Kaede approached me.

Thats right then next time, well support Yuuya so that its easier for him to strike, okay?

What? No, no you dont have to do that to accommodate me

Its okay! Besides, Yuuya-kun has supported us a lot, hasnt he? So, well support Yuuya-kun this time!

Its hard for me to refuse when they say that as a pure favor. Thats why I was extraordinarily worried about what to do, but time never waited, and the game continued.

And then, Rin picked up the opponents spike and Kaede tossed it, but

Ah, sorry! That was too high!

Kaedes toss was raised farther than expected, and if I waited until it fell into a hitting position, the opponent would be able to get the timing of the block perfectly.




I reflexively kick the ground and jump up at Kaedes ball. My leg strength has increased due to my training with Usagi-san, and even if the ball reaches the ceiling of the gymnasium, Im confident that I can jump up there and get the ball.

I thought about it a lot, so I desperately tried to control my power, then I spiked the ball, which was raised high and aimed at the opponents court.


As I heard such a grand bursting sound, the wind pressure created by my spikes momentum tore down the volleyball court net. My spike, which I was supposed to have controlled, caused the ball to explode, blowing the volleyball net off.

Luckily, no one was injured, but the students were silent as they looked at the volleyball court that had been turned to nothing.


Uh, Im sorry.

While the photographers, and even the president, who had requested the spike, were stunned, I could only apologize. I knew I shouldnt have spiked it

As I was worrying about what they were going to do for the rest of the game, one of the opponents team raised his hand.

Im going to forfeit.

Thus, the victory was secured, this time due to the opponents surrender.


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