I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 3: Chapter 4: Part 3

Book 3: Chapter 4: Part 3

Heres the chapter, enjoy~

Part 3

(Im coming.)

Hes really coming

The next day after I got a master named Usagi-san, he came to my house as if it were natural. Whats more, he even came into my garden.

Up until now, not a single monster had ever tried to break into sage-sans house, but Usagi-san had no trouble getting in Could it be that Master Usagi is not a monster? Or did he simply get in because he has no hostility towards us?

Woof, woof!


There are a lot of things I dont understand, but Night looked excited about Master Usagi, who came over, and Akatsuki looked pale as if he was about to vomit. A-Akatsuki-san. You dont have to be that uncomfortable

While I was hushing Akatsuki, Master Usagi looked around sage-sans house and garden curiously.

(This place what is it? This is using even more magic than that Magic Saint guy?)


Well, whatever. Today



I couldnt help but call out to him as the training was about to begin again.

Um why are you teaching us about kicking? Can you tell me about it?

I didnt understand that point, so I decided to ask him honestly. Then Master Usagi gave an answer that was completely different from what I expected.

(Its because I chose you as my successor.)

Your successor? And I was chosen?

Eh? I didnt even know I was being considered as a successor, you know? Well, he just made me his apprentice out of the blue, so its a bit late for that, isnt it?

(Thats right. We who bear the name Holy are obligated to nurture their successors. Thats why I chose you, who happened to be in this dangerous forest, as that successor.)

Holy? And the obligation to raise a successor its getting more and more confusing to me



Both Night and Akatsuki tilted their heads, not really understanding what Master Usagi meant. Then Master Usagi showed a dumbfounded look.

(You guys you really dont know about Holy?)




(Seriously people usually call animals bearing the word Holy as Divine Beasts in respect then, of course, you dont know about the Evil, do you?)


(Alright now.)

Master Usagi let out one sigh and began to speak with a serious expression.

(There are several people in the world who bear the title Holy like me. Thats the title this planet bestows on those who have mastered their field.)

A title was given by the planet?

Arent titles something the world gives to you on its own? A new question comes to mind, but now that I hear about Holy, I silently encourage him to continue.

(Then why does the planet give the title Holy? Take it as the self-purification process of this planet.)


(Yeah. Against Evil. This Evil is an existence where the negative side of the creatures of this world crystallized and came to life.)

The negative side?

What a fantasy and conceptual story I cant follow the story at all. Im beginning to get a headache from this story that would be unthinkable on Earth.

(Evil means the negative crystallization of us. Thats why its only harmful to us. In order to protect other living beings from such Evil, there are beings that bear the name Holy.)


So does that mean that Master Usagi is a hero of justice? I dont have a better analogy for it, so its hard to say.

(But for now, do you understand what I am?)

K-kinda except that you wanted me to be your successor, but is that something I cant say no to?

(You can always refuse.)

Oh, I can, huh?

I thought it was a non-vetoable thing, so I was a little disappointed. No, Im grateful, though. I dont even know what it means, and even if Im just given the responsibility, I cant do anything.

(As you can see from the flow of the story, once you obtain the title of Holy, you will be obligated to fight against the Evil. It will be an extremely fierce battle. And if you challenge such a battle with a half-hearted ability and feeling, youll immediately die, which is obvious. Ive chosen you as my successor candidate because you have a latent ability that even I cant see the bottom of. You would be able to resist Evil)

I see So, when one receives the Holy title? Is there anything good that comes with it other than the obligation to fight an opponent who has the Evil title?

(I dont know if its a good thing or not, but only when fighting the Evil, our Holy status will be doubled or more. Also, this is rather bad, but those who have the title of Holy are at the pinnacle of their field of expertise. And since the world has decided that this power should be used in the battle against Evil, that means that if we are fighting against creatures other than Evil, we usually fight with our status reduced by half. Well, even so, most enemies wont be a match for us.)



Master Usagi literally told me the difference in status, and I froze in surprise.

Eh, so the status I saw with my [Identification] skill is in a state where its been halved? And yet he killed the [Mithril Boar] in such a state? This is exactly what it means by jaw-dropping; I could not help but be stunned by Master Usagis extraordinary character.

(Well Ive talked on at length, but Im not forcing you to take over the title of Holy. Even so, the more I train you, the stronger youll be, and the less unnecessary blood will be spilled. Theres also the hope that you might be able to take care of things that we Saints cant reach.)

I still dont know what the opponent with the title of Evil looks like and what kind of abilities they have, but if Master Usagi is right, those who have the title of Holy will be fighting against the Evil together, well, even if some kind of ability of the Evil influences the people around me, even if I dont inherit the title of Holy, I will still help the people around me with my power.

So, what would you do? Will you inherit this Holy?

Well Ill pass.

I cant take over such a position of great responsibility, no matter how hard I try. Moreover, since Im originally from Earth, if by any chance I cant come to this world, there will be that much less power to fight, so I cant even look at it.

Fuh I see. Oh well, it doesnt change the fact that Im going to give you practice.

Um but why me?

(I told you. With your high potential, the rest is at your whim.)

If thats the case, I cant afford to have you teach me for nothing which is exactly why I think you should find someone more deserving and devote your time to that person.

(Sigh even though Im saying Im fine with it. Youre a stupid, honest guy.)

At my words, Master Usagi let out a sigh of amazement and looked around the house as lightly as he did when he visited my house.



(If you dont want me to teach you something for nothing, then you should teach me magic too.)


Once again, as I froze at the unexpected request, Master Usagi continued.

(I was surprised when I came here, Ive never seen such a ridiculous barrier before. This time, I didnt have any particular hostile or harmful intentions, so I entered it as is, but this barrier, if I tried to act hostile in the slightest, I would be flung out of the barrier in an instant, and no matter how much I attacked, I wouldnt be able to scratch it. Honestly, I didnt think there was a being that could create such an extraordinary barrier. That would be an Evil class of monster, but I cant even sense a sign of Evil from you, and I know youre not.)

As I thought, sage-san was so amazing! Although the title of Holy usually has half the status or is at the pinnacle of their path, Master Usagi, who holds two of them, is surprised this much. It must be quite a feat.

(Of course, theres also the Magic Saint who is the pinnacle of magic, but rather, until I checked you, I thought that he was the one who stands at the top in magic That instantly fell apart. Im rather surprised that youve remained unknown until now)

Thats because Im from a different world. I usually live on Earth.

(Anyway, enough of the jumbled up details. If you dont want to be taught by me one-sidedly, then you can teach me this super magic. That way, we can teach each other, so all will be well.)

Um to begin with, can Master Usagi use magic?

(I think I saw the skills, but I cant use them at all!)

Even though youre so strong

It seems that he has excellent ears and feet, but he is incredibly bad at understanding and activating magic. More importantly, can I teach him? I just happened to find a book that looked like sage-sans diary. I only inherited the magic circuit and magic theory from it. Thats why Im not in a position to teach others so proudly.

Even so, Master Usagis kicks are very appealing. Just yesterday, I encountered [Mithril Boar] in the depths of the Great Devils Nest, and it was like I couldnt stand up to it. The more ways there are to fight against them, even a little, the better.

I nodded and offered my hand to Master Usagi.

Then I dont know how far I can teach you, but Ill do my best.


In the meantime, I dont understand magic theory myself, but I can teach it, so it wont be as miserable as I thought.

(Even so it feels weird to be a master as well as my disciple, doesnt it?)


I wasnt really aware of it, but it seems that I became a disciple and master of Master Usagi, the divine beast.

(Well, this is how we became each others masters and disciples. I dont have a name, but tell me your names.)

Oh, Im Yuuya. And this is Night and Akatsuki.



Night and Akatsuki dexterously raised their front legs to greet him, and Usagi-san nodded. Then Master Usagi and I lightly told each other what we could teach one another. Then we hunted the monsters for each others kicking and magic training.

(Cant you think of anything more interesting to say?)

Before Yuuya and Usagi met.

Usagi had stepped into the Great Devils Nest, which is a place he usually doesnt go near. Although its not a problem for Usagis abilities, there are still many powerful monsters in this Great Devils Nest, so he doesnt often visit this Great Devils Nest.

However, today, for some reason, Usagi had come to this Great Devils Nest.

(I wonder whats going on here. Normally I wouldnt even go near a place like this because its so troublesome, but)

As expected of an existence bearing the title of Holy, he proceeded to the depths of the Great Devils Nest without any hesitation. Then, Usagis special ears did indeed pick up a faint sound.

(Hmm? Territory war?)

Usagi couldnt grasp what was going on until he could figure out what was being fought over, but with a bit of interest, he turned his feet towards the sound.


(Mm? A human?!)

The sight of a Mithril Boar, which is one of the strongest in the middle tier of this Great Devils Nest and a humanYuuya fighting, jumped into his eyes.

(No, to call it a battle, the Mithril Boar hasnt been damaged, but)

As Usagi said, Yuuyas attacks are not very effective against Mithril Boar. Mithril Boars body is wrapped in a rare [Mithril] that shows unparalleled strength against magic attacks and even has a high resistance to physical attacks. It would be difficult for a mere human even to inflict a single wound.

And whats more, the troublesome thing about Mithril Boar was its overwhelming defensive power, as well as its rush attacks that smashed its massive body at tremendous speed. Normally, if a mere human received that attack, it would turn into a piece of meat in an instant


Yuuya was indeed blown away by Mithril Boars rush, but he survived without causing his body to burst into pieces. He couldnt hide his surprise at that fact, and even more so at the strength of Night, who was fighting with Yuuya.

Usagi, who once again observed Yuuya carefully, broke out in a cold sweat inwardly.

(That human is the most unreadable. No, I meanthe most invisible.)

As for Night and Akatsuki, Usagi was able to predict the strength to some extent. However, it was only a prediction, so it could change significantly with future growth. However, as for Yuuya, even Usagi, who was bearing the Holy title, could not foresee the limits of his growth.

(I didnt expect that other than us Holy holders, there was a being with this much potential)

What Usagi felt towards Yuuya was fear andjoy.

(What if I train that guy?)

Usagi has two titles, Holy Ears and Holy Kick, and when it comes to Ears it cannot be taught to humans. But when it comes to kicking, which he takes pride in being the best in this world, its a different story.

If possible, he would like to raise him as the successor to Holy Kick, but more than that, he wanted to give his skills to Yuuya, whose bottom of his potential ability is not visible.

However, due to the position of Usagi, he couldnt teach the technique so easily. Thats because there might be people who would misuse those skills. Thats why an existence chosen to be the successor of one who was bearing the Holy was required to have a certain level of integrity.

When he recalled the troublesome Holy restrictions, Yuuya and the others seemed to feel that they were not good enough and were trying to escape from the Mithril Boar.

However, the Mithril Boar would not be so easy to overlook and continued its attack. And in Yuuyas decision to fight Mithril Boar alone, and his willingness to sacrifice himself to protect his friends, Usagi found the final piece of his succession.

Originally, he had no intention of leaving him to die, but fortunately, Usagi decided to save Yuuya and the others as soon as possible.

Thus, Usagi got an apprentice named Yuuya, but at this time Usagi didnt know that when he saw the barrier that was placed on Yuuyas house, he experienced a talent for magic that surpassed even the Magic Saint and became Yuuyas apprentice, a strange relationship of master and apprentice.


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