I Fell For My Nemesis

Chapter 71 - Valentine's Day

"Later" came much sooner than Avery wanted. As promised, Angelo didn't bother her with anything related to the mission in January. But he saw February 1st as fair game since he had been sitting on something he and their network had been working on for weeks. 

"Leah helped us," he confided. "She's been indispensable. But some of the scientists we're holding have been trying to make deals too. They're scared and want Hunsacher taken down, knowing they'll be dead the moment they're released from the safe houses. This could really be it, Güera! We still have a lot to do but we're closer than we've ever been."

Avery wished she could share his enthusiasm. His plan involved a lot more Nox than she had hoped for. Missions every weekend like before they had destroyed the room. 

How was she supposed to pull that off as a newlywed? She couldn't exactly say "hey, Christian, you know I love you but I can't ever hang out on weekends anymore" without him asking questions she couldn't answer. 

"Angelo…does all of this really have to be done by me?" she asked desperately. "Can't we use mercenaries for some of it? I'm never going to be able to get away with sneaking out this much."

"You should have thought of that before you got married," Angelo replied. 

She huffed. Of course he was going to be difficult about this. He hadn't wanted her to get married in the first place. 

"I can bring your personal missions down to twice a month aside from insulin runs but that's all I can do. And most of them will involve traveling. Unfortunately, we need you. If we had another suit it would be different." 

Avery wanted to scream. Of course it would be different if they had another suit! She squashed down her frustration because this wasn't his fault. She had been the one to try and settle down before their business was done, like he had said. It was her problem and she knew it. 

"Fine. But not on Valentine's Day. I have plans."

"So do I, believe it or not. I wouldn't do that to you. Are you going to be able to come up with an excuse so your husband doesn't get suspicious or do you need me to do it for you?" Angelo asked. 

Avery sighed and rubbed her forehead. "No, I'll think of something. He said he would support me so I just have to make it seem feasible. Or when possible do things in the middle of the night only if it isn't going to take more than a few hours. I'll figure it out."

"If you're sure. I don't want you to get in trouble."

She was already in trouble. Sneaking around more after getting married hadn't been what she wanted but she knew it would happen. She had to find a way to make it work. 

"Just tell me what you need me to do and I'll do it. I have to go. Christian will be home soon."

"I'll send you the details for Saturday night. Good luck," Angelo said. 

The call ended and Avery sighed again. This time she could say she needed to do more this month since she had taken time off for the wedding but what about next month? How was she going to explain herself if this kept happening month after month? 

She didn't want to think about that. She should be focusing on what to get Christian for their first ever Valentine's Day together. That was a more pressing issue than whatever might happen in March onward. 


Angelo felt sorry for Avery. He really did. She should be enjoying time with her husband right now but she did what she was told despite being exhausted. 

She knew what she was getting into though. It was her own fault so he couldn't feel TOO sorry for her. Still, the situation sucked. He wished things were different for his best friend who was at her happiest when she was with the one she loved. 

She had been absolutely radiant on her wedding day once she got over feeling crowded before the ceremony started. She actually cried happy tears during the speeches, which wasn't like her. 

Being there and seeing her so blissful was torture because he knew it could end in an instant if her husband found out who she really was. Watching them dance with her heart in her eyes was especially difficult. He needed a distraction and ended up finding it in Vanessa, who was also sitting somewhat glumly on the side. 

"What's with you?" Angelo asked. 

"All of the other guys here are in relationships or married and I really wanted to dance instead of just sitting here. Help me, Angelo Cruz. You're my only hope," Vanessa said dramatically. 

He couldn't help but laugh at the Star Wars reference despite being slightly offended that he was her last resort. "You're so desperate you came to me?"

"Well, it sounds terrible when you put it that way."

Angelo shook his head with a slight smile on his face. He had an idea. "On one condition. Favor for a favor. I function as your wedding date so you can dance to your heart's content and you go out with me on Valentine's Day so I feel like less of a single loser."

Now it was Vanessa's turn to laugh. "I feel like I'm benefitting more from this than you since I have the same problem regarding Valentine's Day. I'll bite though. Any plans are better than no plans."

"My thoughts exactly." 

Angelo stood and offered her his hand. She took it and let him lead her onto the dance floor. They spent the rest of the night dancing aside from when he felt obligated to dance with Avery. She had understood why he wanted to do it and let him go without any fuss, going to get another slice of cake while she waited. 

Vanessa served as an excellent distraction so he didn't worry about his best friend too much or get emotional that she was married off. When they were younger he always expected it to happen but not like this. 

They were in the middle of trying to get revenge. Who had time for sentimentality amid all of that? 

It was why Angelo never tried to get himself a girlfriend despite going on occasional dates. He knew he couldn't commit himself to anyone until after Nolan Hunsacher was destroyed. So why had he gone and stupidly asked out a woman he would be interested in under different circumstances for VALENTINE'S DAY? That was as mushy and sentimental as it got!

He framed it in such a way that it seemed casual and that was how he had to keep it. He enjoyed Vanessa's company so he couldn't screw up and make things awkward. This was simply a pity meeting between two friends who had nothing better to do. 

That was what he told himself yet he still showed up with flowers the day of. And she had raspberry chocolate puffs for him. 

"I made these for myself but there were way too many," Vanessa explained as she exchanged a plate of them for the flowers when he showed up at her apartment. "I always experiment with new pastries around holidays."

Angelo knew this was true because he had been on the receiving end of them many times. It made him feel slightly less stupid about bringing her flowers. She seemed happy about them rather than weirded out so that was a relief. She delicately sniffed them before hunting down a vase. 

Once they were settled on her kitchen table she grabbed her coat and followed him out the door. They were going to eat at a Cajun restaurant nearby because that was Vanessa's favorite. Her family had moved to upstate New York from Louisiana when she was little because of her dad's job and they still missed the food. 

She looked stunning in a red dress and matching lipstick and despite himself his heart skipped a beat. She had never dressed up like this in front of him before. 

He was grateful he thought to wear a button-down shirt and slacks. It was Valentine's Day, after all. Everyone else would be looking nice so they should too. It didn't mean anything. They were both just playing their part. 

When they settled in at the restaurant Vanessa smiled and leaned forward on one hand. "So. What have you been up to lately? I haven't seen you since the wedding."

It was true that their only point of contact was Avery. Since she had been busy between enjoying her brief time off and the greater number of missions since the beginning of February the three of them hadn't gotten together in a while. He supposed he should say the four of them since Christian was always there now too. 

Angelo had been quite busy. While she was off gallivanting with her new husband he, Leah, and the scientists willing to work with someone anonymous (he had to protect himself in case they wanted to double cross him) had been hard at work.. He couldn't exactly say that though.


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