I Fell For My Nemesis

Chapter 54 - You Know I Love You, Right?

Avery actually snorted. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

"So you tell me. Uh…does this mean I'm forgiven?" Angelo asked a bit nervously. 

She gave him a small smile and punched his arm from over the counter. "You did something you think is stupid in order to make me feel better. I'll forgive you on one condition."


He didn't mean to make the desperation in his voice so obvious but this had been the longest they had ever gone without talking. He would do anything to prevent that from happening again. ANYTHING. 

"You have to walk me down the aisle since my dad can't," Avery said resolutely. "Without complaining."

Angelo was insulted. "I was already going to do that! I'm all you've got left so I have to represent. You really think I would miss your wedding?!" 

"I don't know what I was supposed to think, Angelo." 

Ah, he had really screwed things up, hadn't he? Her tone was cool and her violet eyes were steelier than he had ever seen them. He had an awful lot of making things up to her in the future and he wasn't looking forward to it. 

He had known apologizing wouldn't fix the underlying issue! But what would? At this point the only thing he could think of was taking down Nolan Hunsacher so it didn't matter that she wanted to drown in all of that mushy stuff. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything he could do to speed things up. 

Angelo sighed. "I would have gotten over it eventually. I would never miss something so big, especially since your dad isn't here to do it. When is it happening, anyway?"

"The second Saturday of January," Avery said. "I'm still trying to figure out colors but I'll tell you what kind of suit to get and provide the tie myself. If you set up any missions in January I'll kill you. Got that?"

"…got it."

He wanted everything to be done long before then. With any luck they would have made their next move before the end of November. That should buy them enough time to figure out how to take Hunsacher down permanently without him being able to retaliate with mind control. 

"Is there anything else I need to do?" Angelo asked. 

She shook her head. "Not that I can think of at the moment. Go do whatever super important thing you were doing before bothering to come here. Your total is $60." 

He nearly exclaimed about how expensive it was before remembering that she was kind of a big shot in the cake world. This cake had hardly anything on it; he had said to do whatever the most basic thing was with the words on it but that was still a lot for cake!

His family had been seriously taking advantage of her. She brought such expensive cakes to various events for free! He had no idea they cost this much. He didn't even want to think about what the damage would be for something with more decoration on it. It had to be astronomically high. 

"I'll text you when I have anything," Angelo promised after inserting his card into the chip reader." 


"Hey, Güera?" he asked hesitantly before he turned to go. 


"You know I love you, right? More than anyone."

A real smile appeared on her face for the first time this entire conversation. "Duh. And for the record I love you too. Even if you do worry too much."

"Someone has to since you don't worry enough," Angelo countered. "See you."

He left the bakery feeling much lighter. He was going to have some undoubtedly delicious cake and refocus as soon as he got home. Now there was yet another reason to get this stupid plan set up as quickly as possible. His best friend was counting on him. 

It was impossible to get behind what she was doing as long as she had to be Nox. The simple solution was to eliminate that need so she could live the rest of her life in peace with nothing more to worry about than what new cake decoration technique to try out next. That was all he could do for the person he cared about most. 


Christian was still frustrated when Avery came home. He had gone out to fix things and if anything made them worse. He felt like he should apologize for getting involved but was surprised when she floated through the door in an excellent mood. 

She kissed him so deeply his knees went weak before she even changed out of her uniform. What was with THAT reaction?!

"Thank you for defending me," she said when she finally came up for air, beaming at him.

"He told you?!"

"He apologized too. I don't know what you did but it worked!" 

Had it really? Who knew. Christian hadn't expected that outcome after what happened at all. He tried thinking back on exactly what had been said. All he really remembered was thinking that Angelo was a stubborn idiot who didn't know what he was talking about…and that he really wished he knew what was actually going on to make him that way. 

"Did he change his mind then?" he asked doubtfully. 

Avery let out a small sigh. "No, but I didn't expect him to. I understand his reasons. Don't resent him too much, okay? He's trying to look out for me in his own way."

Christian couldn't let it go so easily. "But why? Why is he acting like that? He seems to think I'm going to drop you like a hot potato without provocation! Why would he think something so horrible?"

"…he's overprotective."

That seemed like a lot more than overprotectiveness to him. Angelo had mentioned something about him being the one to pick up the pieces when things fell apart and not wanting to have to deal with that. Like it was an established fact that their marriage wouldn't work out. 

What made him so confident? Why was he so convinced that Christian and Avery weren't going to work out? 

"Avery, that wasn't like any sort of overprotectiveness I've ever heard of." 

She let out a much heavier sigh this time and rubbed her forehead. "I know. You really wouldn't get it though. I'm sorry. What matters is that he apologized and he isn't going to give either of us a hard time from here on out. Can you accept that?" 

Could he? He knew that he was the last person who should be lecturing anyone on keeping secrets but he didn't think that he would be able to be okay with this without having some sort of resolution. 

He needed to understand why Angelo thought that way. If he understood that he would be able to move past it. 

"I can if you tell me why he acted so convinced I would abandon you," Christian said stoutly. 

Avery ran a hand through her hair in agitation. "He's kind of an idiot. He's concerned about differing political views because he's seen people break up over elections before. We're both the sort of 'left wing liberal hippies' that ring wingers like to give people a hard time about." 

He stared at her blankly. "That's seriously it?"

"Yep. I told you he was an idiot. He thinks I'm rushing things because we haven't known each other very long and that stuff like that would come between us in the future."

"I don't care what your political views are!" 

"I told you it wasn't a problem. He's just overprotective. Keeps sending me links for articles like 'crucial conversations to have before you get married' like he knows anything about relationships," Avery snorted. 

No wonder she had left him on read. Christian couldn't believe Angelo was freaking out over something so stupid. It made sense though. He had said something about how he didn't know her very well and would change his mind once he got to know her better. 

"His problem is with the timing not you," she continued. "When he apologized he said he always hoped I found someone like you." 

"Someone like me?"

"Someone crazy about me. His words not mine."

Christan actually laughed. This whole thing was so ridiculous! "Well, he's not wrong."

Avery grinned at him. "I know." A moment later she grew more serious. "Can you try not to give him a hard time about this? He knows what he did wrong and I know his reasons behind it. I've forgiven him so you should too."

The issue at hand may have been stupid but the reasons behind it that he could guess weren't. They had grown up together. Angelo thought of Avery as his little sister. With both of their dads gone he felt like he had to protect her from ever getting hurt. 

Christian wanted to stay mad but he really couldn't fault the guy for that. They had both been through a lot. He could reserve judgment and let bygones be bygones unless something like this happened again. 

Avery was looking at him rather pleadingly and he couldn't say no to her either. He was going to have to let this one go. There was an explanation for it, albeit one so stupid he didn't know where to begin. Politics? Seriously? 

He always tried to stay out of things like that because all it ever did was make people argue. The law was far from perfect but it prevented this country from dissolving into complete chaos. Having gone to law school he knew better than most how much needed to be fixed. 


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