I Fell For My Nemesis

Chapter 36 - One More Question

Christian's week in the hospital wasn't truly terrible because he had so many visitors and he spent most of the time people weren't there sleeping because he was exhausted and the tiniest movement hurt. He was told to take it easy and had a doctor's note excusing him from work for another two weeks.

Used to being busy, he didn't know how to cope with the endless days of nothingness. He had no idea how Liam did it when he was between jobs.

Avery came over to his place after work every day to take care of him since he wasn't supposed to move around too much (and it hurt). She did that every day of the week he got out of the hospital except Saturday when she had plans with Angelo she couldn't skip out on.

He was bored out of his mind so his thoughts wandered back to the issue of Nox. Who hadn't said anything about his identity yet. It had been two weeks since the villain's perplexing heroics and there hadn't been a peep about who Mercury might be online.

Christian knew he wasn't supposed to be up and about but he desperately needed answers. He couldn't retire if he wasn't positive this wouldn't come back to bite him later.

He wouldn't fight anybody; all he wanted to do was fly around and see if he could locate Nox since he only operated on random Saturdays now instead of every week. He could do this every week until he found him.

Flying was about as strenuous as walking was to him. He didn't have to wear his costume, which needed replacing because of the blood and the stab hole. All he needed to do was wear his mask and no one would know who he was.

Tonight was his lucky night. He managed to find Nox less than an hour into his search. The villain was leaning casually against a wall tapping his fingers on his arm and humming to himself as if he was waiting for something. When he saw Christian approach he was immediately on the defensive.

"You idiot! What are you doing here so soon after surgery? You can't fight!" Nox protested. "Don't make me knock you out and drag you back to the hospital because I will."

He held his hands up innocently. "I'm not here to fight. I…I wanted to thank you, though I am confused about your motives. Can we talk?"

"What is there to talk about? I saved your life and now you're throwing it away by flying around like everything is fine. Go home, Mercury. I don't have anything to say to you and even if I did you wouldn't believe me."

Christian supposed he deserved that. He had lumped Nox in with the other villains he knew but after much thought he realized that was a mistake. This one was different than the others.

"How did you know to find my brother to donate blood for my transfusion?" he continued as if Nox hadn't shot him down.

"I'm omniscient," the villain said flatly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Look, if you're worried about your secret identity getting out I'm not going to tell anyone."

"How am I supposed to believe that? You have my life in your hands!"

"I already had your life in my hands and chose to save it. Is that not enough for you to believe I'm not out to get you? I have no beef with you aside from the fact that you get in my way when I'm trying to do things. You're a good person; you don't deserve to go out like that."

Christian blinked at him in disbelief. His archnemesis didn't have anything against him and thought he was a good person? Had his wild theory that Nox thought they were friends been correct?!

"You, the villain, think I, the hero, am a good person. Seriously?"

Nox shrugged. "Yeah. You do what you think is right and I do what I think is right. Heroism and villainy is largely a manner of perspective."

That certainly sounded in line with what a Robin Hood type would think. Frostine's speculation was seeming more and more likely. He couldn't deny his curiosity about the villain's plans were was driving him crazy more than usual.

"What is your perspective then? I'm honestly curious," Christian told him. "I want to understand. I've seen the way you work—you never hurt anybody if you can help it and you do things you don't have to like stop Inferno and save my life. What makes you tick, Nox? I've been wondering for ages."

Nox let out a light laugh. "I'm flattered. But how do I know this isn't some ploy to get my plan out of me and turn that information over to the cops?"

"You don't, though I swear it isn't. I want to understand why someone who values life would become a villain. Most of the bozos I deal with don't care who they hurt as long as they get what they want."

"Because the world is broken and innocent people get exploited by the law every day."

Not the answer he was expecting but he shouldn't have been surprised. That would explain the insulin thing but he had to ask to be sure.

"So the insulin—?"

"What do you think someone like me would do with insulin?" Nox deflected.

Christian would have thought poison or a bioweapon before but now that he was actually talking to the guy in a rational manner… "I think you stole it to give it to someone who needed it."

"Look at you finally thinking the best of others! I'm so proud."

That wasn't exactly a yes but it wasn't exactly a no either. He already knew Nox was a master evader when it came to answering questions. It was amazing he was even bothering to stand around talking to him right now.

"…you do realize that by taking insulin and giving it to someone you're preventing it from going to someone else, right?" Christian dared to ask.

Nox let out a bitter laugh. "You think there's a supply and demand issue with insulin? There's enough to go around for everyone. Cheaply. Insanely cheaply. Charging that much for it is literally murder."

He couldn't deny the other man had a point. There were so many stories of people rationing their insulin and dying because they couldn't afford it. Hiking the prices was, in a way, murder. That didn't make stealing the right thing to do though.

"You're still stealing."

"I know but I don't care. I sleep well at night knowing people are alive right now because I stuck it to the man," Nox said proudly.

Christian wouldn't be able to dissuade him so he switched tacks. "Who do you know that's diabetic?"

"No one. At least not personally."

"Then how did you know who to give it to that one time?"

"I told you, I'm omniscient."

He sighed. This was getting nowhere. "You're a hacker, aren't you? That has to be how you knew who I was. What all do you know, anyway?"

Nox's laugh was much more genuine this time. "I know everything there is to know about you, Christian Slater. I have to say, I wouldn't have expected a lawyer to bother becoming a hero but it explains why we're on opposite sides despite both wanting the world to be a better place. You're part of a corrupt system."

"…that's really creepy, Nox."

"I never said I wasn't creepy! Really though, I'm not going to share my treasure trove of information on you with anyone. Cross my heart and hope to die. So can you go home now before you keel over?"

Christian frowned. He wanted to believe that everything Nox said tonight was sincere but he was a villain. This could all be an elaborate act to get him to let his guard down.

"You're stealing insulin again, aren't you?" he asked to stall for time while he figured out whether or not this guy was on the level.

"And if I was? You can't stop me in your condition. You can't even stop me on a good day," Nox said in an infuriatingly matter-of-fact way. He wasn't wrong either, which made things worse.

"Is that really all you do? Then what's the vandalism for?"

"I think you've used up your question quota. I don't have to explain my motivation to you when all you would do is dismiss it. Go home before I drag you there and make your brother lock you up."

Christian narrowed his eyes. "You're bluffing. Don't you have insulin to steal? You don't have time to do that."

"Don't underestimate how much I want to knock you out and tie you to your bed so you can't do stupid things like this anymore. It's really sad when your archnemesis has to play nursemaid for you," Nox said as he finally uncrossed his arms and moved forward in a vaguely threatening way. "Are you going home or am I going to make you, Fly Boy?"

He really couldn't fight in his condition and his intentions for coming out here tonight had been to get answers. As much as it pained him to be aiding and abetting a villain he could let it go this once.

"I'll go if you answer one more question."

"Alright, shoot."

"Did you save me because you think of me as a friend? After thinking about it I've started to wonder if all your mocking was malicious or if it was meant to be friendly teasing."

Nox burst out laughing harder than he had all night. "You're hilarious! You're wrong on both counts though."

Christian was confused. "What were you doing then?"



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