I Fell For My Nemesis

Chapter 106 - But You're A Therapist!

Joss wasn't nearly as goofy as Keith was. At least she could appreciate his goofiness. Most people couldn't. 

He always had to tone his personality down depending on who he was interacting with. But there was something about her that made him feel comfortable enough to be himself. Maybe it was because of her psychology training. 

Most of his life was spent acting. Acting how he thought the foster families wanted him to act so they wouldn't send him back. Acting how he thought the kids at school wanted him to so they wouldn't ostracize him. Acting like a normal person who did not double as a hero. Acting more heroic than he truly was. 

He didn't act around Joss as much as he did around the others. He couldn't tell her about being Delta but aside from that she got the most authentic version of Keith there was. 

He headed back to work feeling lighter somehow and was able to handle the rest of his first day without difficulty. The problem was after work when he wasn't even able to take a dinner break because too many people needed saving. 

Keith was starving and desperate for food. After the night he'd had he needed his favorite so he headed to a tavern he knew had great burgers that was open late. He was friendly with the owner in both of his identities and got free food on occasion when he was in costume. That was especially helpful tonight. 

He took full advantage of the bottomless fries and had three baskets. That was how hungry he was. 

It really hit the spot and he had the random thought that he should take Joss here before dismissing it. Stupid. That wasn't how their relationship worked. He brought her food; they didn't go out to get it together. 

But he couldn't help but wonder what that would be like. If they could hang out on weekends. That couldn't happen unless he was off-duty though. And he was never off-duty. 

Heroes never rest. At least not him and Frostine. He couldn't speak for the others that he saw less often. 

Honestly, he was surprised he didn't run into her at all today. But he would probably see her tomorrow. He almost never went more than two days without running into her somewhere. They were both on the more active end of things. 

Keith savored his meal and headed home feeling satisfied. Unfortunately, that didn't last long because the roommate he shared a room with, Brandon, harped on him for coming in so late on a weeknight. 

"Where do you even go? It's not like you have a girlfriend. You're never here and you need to do your portion of the chores."

"I'll do it tomorrow," Keith said wearily. "Can you let me shower now? I want to go to bed too."

Brandon let it go reluctantly. They had some version of this argument at least twice a week. It always went around in circles and it was draining. Having roommates and having a secret identity was hard. Yet another reason for him to want to get his own apartment. 

In this city that seemed like a pipe dream. His own place on his salary? Laughable. 

Keith really, really needed to get on top of his future. He should probably go back to school but if he hadn't managed to figure out what he wanted up to this point he doubted he would be able to now. 

He wanted things to be taken care of before he retired so he wouldn't have to worry. Assuming he retired before he was thirty that didn't leave him a lot of time since he would have to go back to school at night after working all day. That would limit the amount of classes he could take at once. Two or three tops. 

Would he even be able to finish school by then? Maybe if he took classes year round. The prospect was not a pleasant one. 

What Keith really needed to do was pick something and commit. What did it matter if he didn't find fulfilment in it? He didn't find fulfilment in any of his other jobs aside from ten-ish minutes a day talking to Joss. 

He needed a consistent, stable way to pay the bills. And to start saving for retirement so he didn't have to work himself to death as an old man. That was a terrifying thought. 

Maybe what he needed was career advice. The problem was that he didn't really have anyone he could ask. 

Frostine was smart (or at least thought she was) but they never talked about anything remotely personal. He supposed there was Joss but he didn't see her nearly often enough to have time to chat about something like that. Plus asking for help was embarrassing. 

Keith was sure if he did bother asking Frostine she would give him a hard time about it in that know-it-all way of hers. Joss might be a better bet. She at least knew about his endless job hopping to an extent. 

When would he have time to talk to her about it though? He really didn't see her for very long and he didn't want to get in trouble at work. Should he text her? 

She might have a heart attack if he did that out of the blue since they never texted about anything but his job switches. Their text history consisted of maybe fix or six texts in a row every few months and it would be weird to change that. 

This was the problem with not having any other friends. It wasn't like he had any family to rely on either. When it came to things like asking for advice he was stuck. Hitting up random strangers on the internet who didn't even know him didn't seem wise. 

If he was going to ask for help it had to be from someone who actually understood him at least a little. And that only left him with two not-so-great options. 

Keith could think about this more tomorrow. He was exhausted. 

He flopped into bed once he was done with his shower and was asleep from almost the moment his head hit the pillow, not waking until his alarm woke him up the following morning. He ate an overflowing bowl of cereal before getting ready for work and had time to think again on his commute. 

Joss or Frostine? Which would ultimately be more fruitful? Should he just risk mortifying himself and try both of them? 

When Keith went to deliver Joss's food (red curry with chicken) he still hadn't decided what to do. Yet she could tell there was something off about him immediately, curiously tilting her head to the side as she scrutinized him. 

"Are you alright? You seem different than usual."

That was what he got for being friends with a therapist. She was trained to notice things like this. 

He tried to give her a reassuring smile. "Actually, I was debating whether or not to ask for career advice. You're pretty much the only person I could think of but it's embarrassing."

"How is asking for help embarrassing? Though I don't know how helpful any advice coming from me would be," Joss said matter-of-factly.

This woman truly wasn't fazed by anything. He couldn't help but wonder what all she had heard to become that way or if it was simply part of her personality. It could be a combination of both. 

Keith handed over the food and pad for her to sign sheepishly. "You really don't mind?"

"No. In fact, I'm kind of flattered. No one has ever asked me for career advice before," she told him. 

"But you're a therapist!" 

"Who works primarily with traumatized children, couples, and families. People don't come here asking for career advice. They come here for just about everything else."

Ah. He supposed that made sense. Still, her reaction was surprising. Why would she be flattered that he had come to her for help? Was it because she was glad he thought of her in his moment of need or something? That was awfully sentimental for someone who saw so little of him. 

"Got it. I don't really have a lot of time now…is there a time you're available outside of work?" Keith asked. 

Joss bit her lip. "…I'm a pretty busy person. I can't do weekends but if you wanted to meet right after work today I could probably spare an hour or two." 

"Great! I'll be sure to treat you in return for the help. Is there anything specific you want for dinner?" 

"I'm good with anything."

Keith nearly sighed. He thought she would say something like that. Did she even have a favorite food? She had never gotten back to him with the answer to that. Come on, everyone had a favorite food!

"Alright. I'll figure something out before then and text you so you can meet me there. I don't get off until 6:30." 

Joss nodded. "Just let me know. I'll be there."

Keith was relieved. He had been worried she would say no for some reason.. He thanked her and headed out feeling like he might finally be getting somewhere regarding his long-term future. 


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