I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 25: Shield Forest: Part 5

Chapter 25: Shield Forest: Part 5

The huge snake was following me with its body squirming around.

Every move, the trees sways, and the plants were destroyed, its gigantic body was doing damage to its surrounding.

I swallowed the big lump in my throat, the future that I was thinking once I get caught in that humongous body bring shivers to my very core.

I switched direction and let my instinct kick in. I run with all my might, while my brain is working at full speed to find a solution.

The huge black snake fling its tail and I got tossed helplessly.

-pak! Sound of my body thrown in a nearby tree.


My whole body ached after the collision.


The monster saw me, still laying on my body, aggressively approach me.


It made a sound while its body was slithering in the dirt.

I ready myself and tried to avoid the approaching mouth of the snake.

I take my short sword hanging in my waist and -swish! I swung it with all my might, but the scale of the snake was too hard for me to penetrate.

I silently cursed at my predicament!

"If sword can't cut your skin then I'll fucking stab your mouth!"

The timing was just right!

When the huge black snake opens its mouth. I then hurriedly place my sword inside!

My short sword was placed vertically, and the jaw of the big snake was hanging open.

I inwardly rejoice... but amidst my joyful cry, the sword was shrinking in the mouth of the monster.

"What the hell...?" I step back. Full alert.

My eyes seem to be fooling me so, I rub them hard but still saw the same scene.

The short sword that I got from the head butler Jede, was melting!

'Is it a poor sword? A low-quality short sword was given to me?! Is that it? Shit!' I thought all the cussing words that I know and silently said it in my mind.

"Wait Don't tell me!"

The sword melted in no time. The black snake spitted, and I avoided it in a hair's breadth!

"Damn! This snake is too powerful!"

I quickly tried to make my brain function to conjure a plan.

Then, I remembered I have powers!

"Shit... How idiot am I supposed to be!" Then I stopped running and immediately put my mana in my palm.

I pointed my palm in the direction of the monster and said my chant while yelling.

"Fire blitz!"

The fire pounces at the snake's head, and it struggles to put the fire out by rushing to the lush trees and banging its head in the tree branches.

I coldly stare at the huge black snake and curse it.

"That's what you get for targeting me! Damn, snake!"

The huge snake twists its body and spits acid at everything without looking where it shoots. The forest then turned to the war state. Everything was tattered and pulverize and turn into a cloud of black smoke.

It was furious as snakes are a cold-blooded creature and heat is their worst enemy. And that is exactly the reason why I fired my spell at it.

The scene of the huge black snake that is about seven feet tall struggling with a small fire that I aimed at it was a sight to see.

My smile broadened. Then I remember the child who was with me just a moment ago.

"That kid run all by himself!" as I said those words, the monster launches an attack as the fire was put out while I was busy searching for Gab.

I turn my head, the snake was already close and ready to swallow my thin body whole.

My mind went blank and all I can think was...

'Is this it? After the betrayal and the abandonment of my family, I'll just die again? What bullshit!'

While my whole self was crying with complaints, a small frame came into my vision and... -tuk! It clashes with the snake's body and the snake staggered a bit and was pushed back.

I only stare with shock. In my dazed state, a red color entered my sight. It was a relief to see! It came closer and ask with a worried expression.

"Hey! Are you okay?!"


He clicks his tongue and reaches my right arm.

"Let's go! We need to run!"

He pulled me, and we run towards God knows where!

And as I gain myself in my trance, the thick forest came into view and we were deeper in the woods! I looked back and saw the angered snake following us.

"Come on! Run faster!" Gab tried to encourage me.

I pushed myself to run with all my might as my life is at stake.

'I can't die here! I can't leave without giving a piece of my mind to those damn sick family of mine!'

I got my reason to hold onto the small hand that was pulling and gripping me hard, the energy surge, and I gain my mana again.

I draw the mana in my palm and chant the 'Fire blitz' again, the fire engulfs the surrounding area and the snake was more irritated than ever.

I snatched my hand from Gab and chant a spell for Wind magic. I cast Wind Canyon to try and see if the pressure of the wind can cut through the hard scale of the monster.

Alas, after simultaneously casting the two spells alternatively, my mana was depleted and the magic that I mastered after the two-months that my small body can withstand is now exhausted, the good news was I finally made some damage. It was just too small to notice.

"Tsk! Just drop dead already!"

"That giant snake can't be killed with that!" said Gab.

"Then how? If you have any ideas, you should have said so!" I retorted.

"Black snakes are known for their hard scale -huff" Gab explained the characteristics of the snake while we are running.

"And usually, a group of elite knights is the ones who can fight a black snake that grows into a matured one just like that and turn into a gigantic size!" Gab continued

"You did well! You alone did damage to that monster!" Gab praised me, but I was not in the situation to think and be happy about what he said.

After running with everything we have we are tired, and our energy was slowly consumed, and our body was now feeling the backlash! Especially me, who used a lot of mana.

We got into the deeps of the forest and came to a stop when we saw the vast scenery that awaits us.

"Shit!" said Gab. His face turns into a scowl.

I can't blame him for cussing because what happened right now are worth cursing for! The scenery was lovely, but our situation isn't!

As we are now pulled into a stop, we are standing near the end of a cliff, we got nowhere to run and behind us is the huge monster-hunting us, and below are feet are heights that I don't want to bother how deep it is.

"So what now?" asked Gab.

"Can you still chant that magic of yours" Gab continued.

"I only have one chance That's the limit of my mana right now!" I informed him while I'm still panting.

"Let's still give it a shot!"

"What are we going to do if this doesn't work?!" I asked, doubting my mana capacity.

"Then we will die!"


I don't have a choice, am I? It is to fight or to die here.

Then, I'll die after I fighting to death you damn snake!

"What are you waiting for?" Gab inquired, his voice in a hurry.

I gather my mana and

'If this doesn't work, I'll curse everyone who said that the Shield Forest was safe! Safe my ass!' Then I chant my spell, yelling.

"Fire Blitz!"


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