I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

Chapter 7: Civil War Period - Christine Aquitaine (2)

Chapter 7: Civil War Period - Christine Aquitaine (2)

Translated by Mara Sov

Civil War Period Christine Aquitaine (2)

Once we both agreed to the deal, the narrative progressed smoothly.

In order to take control of the Aquitaine Family, Christine would need to strengthen her influence within the house and find a good cause to strike at her adversaries.

Theres a lot to do, and for that, we both need money.

I may have robbed Millbeau County this time, but the other neighboring Lords are not fools. This little trick wont work again.

The Aquitaine Family is also doing business with the Abyss Corporation, arent they, My Lady? 

Christine blinked and hesitated before answering me.


Dont worry. I have no intention of criticizing your business with them.

I know that its impossible to ignore them while running a trading company. 

I apologize. The Knights of Francia may not be as vehement as the Holy Theocracy, but they do despise them, so I have to be cautious. 

The so-called Land where the sun never rises, or Abyss Corporation, is located on a massive island northwest of Francia.

Like the Dwarfs Kingdom of Alps and the Elfs Eastern Empire, they are a nation of non-human races.

They are an amalgamation of several companies that they call corporations. Im not sure if this qualifies them as a country, but the Kingdom of Francia recognizes them as one.

They are mainly composed of various races called the Demonkind and excel in dark magic and magical engineering.

Naturally, because of who they are, their relations with the Holy Theocracy, who venerate the God of Light, and the Kingdom of Francia, where Knights who claim to follow the honor code, are not good.

Thats the general knowledge, at least. Behind the scenes, most nations crave the superior goods of the Abyss Corporation and trade with them in some way or another. 

The main products of the Aquitaine Family, the owners of the largest port in Francia, must have been from the Abyss Corporation. And as such, they must cover the origin of said products.

One of the seven corporations that make up Abyss Corporation, the Sloth Corp has developed a new technology and is on the verge of implementing it. 

HowHow do you know that? 

Christine seemed very curious, but since I cant say I know the future because I regressed, I had to make something up now. 

Tell me, the Aquitaine Family should have the means to confirm this, right? 

Christine seemed to think for a bit, but then she nodded her head.

Yes, thats possibleIf its true. 

I dont have the exact details of this new technology, but it is said to increase their productivity to absurd levels using slaves.

The Abyss Corporation branded this surge in productivity due to this new technology as the Industrial Revolution. 

Following the introduction of this technology, the Abyss Corporation began to churn out manufactured products with such an overwhelming level of production that it could only be described as demonic, and the impact of this was indescribable.

An increase in productivityI dont quite grasp this concept. 

I dont know the exact principles behind this as well, but simply put, its a technology that allows the easy mobilization of countless artisans. 

Ugh, my head is starting to hurt. 

I had to suppress a smile as I watched Christine press her hand to her forehead.

I truly wish to have more details to share, but what we can consider is that this new technology will increase their productivity to absurd levels, and the consequences of this. 

Christine sighed and then said.

An Increase in productivity, huh? That would mean the supply of processed goods would increase. Maybe their prices will drop a bit? 

Its not that they will drop a bit; the prices will plummet.

Due to the Industrial Revolution the prices for simple processed goods like fabric and daily necessities plummeted drastically. While some truly high-quality products would still require the skill of a sophisticated artisan.

However, the need for raw materials, like cotton, lumber, and minerals will increase drastically. 

At this point, Christines face was pale. 

Is that really possible? Can one invention do all that? 

Well, thats for you to find out, no? For now, I would appreciate it if you would consider my words seriously rather than writing them off.

Sigh. I still have many doubts, but I can verify this later. IHope youre mistaken, Your Excellency the Marquis. If what you say is true, then this would be a disaster for Francia. 

It will be. 

The prices of raw materials would soar, and the prices of processed goods would plummet.

From the Abyss Corporations perspective, the mass production and sales would be absurdly profitable, but Francias economy was heavily reliant on handcrafts, so this would be a catastrophe.

Had there been a King to impose a national trade embargo, the crisis would have been averted. But in Francia, a kingdom embroiled in civil war between the First and Second PrinceThat was something impossible to achieve.

Instead of a trade embargo, the so-called honorable Knights the nobility began to competitively buy the cheap weapons provided by the Abyss Corporation in order to win the Civil War. 

Therefore, My Lady, if their technology proves to be true, it would be wise to buy as many raw materials as possible using your available resources. It would also be prudent to dispose of any processed goods the trading house has in stock. Of course, the best course of action would be to somehow steal this technology for ourselves, but 

If it had been that easy, someone would have made a similar technology in Francia, but since this had never happened before, it wouldnt happen now as well.

Christine heaved a deep and tired sigh this time.

I want to wake up on my bed and discover that all of this is just a bad dream, please. No betrayal from my family, no plans of taking control of them, and certainly no absurd theories that might destroy this already ruined Kingdoms economy. 

I could only smile at Christines resigned tone. 

After a moment of moping, she slapped both hands on her cheeks, making a loud smack sound, and breathed in deeply.

Phew. Okay. Ill confirm this and let you know, Your Excellency. If this is not a figment of your imagination, I could use this to take control of the family on the spot. ThereforeWhat do you want in return for this information? 

Id like to borrow funds. Unlike you, who can mobilize the Aquitaine Countys trading company, Im struggling to even finance my fathers military expenses, so I cannot make use of this information. 

I see. My family would likely cut most ties with the Marquisate, although turning completely against the Marquiss family is foolish. Since we just gained the tax rights from Millbeau, Ill see what I can do as compensation for that. If needed, I can even add a bit of my personal funds. In exchange for this though 

I will assign Sir Gaston as your escort, My Lady.

Christine blinked for a moment before a genuine smile spread across her features.

Ah, its good to make deals with a smart man. 

She had the influence over the company and the wits to manage it well, but she lacked the muscle to enforce it.

Since the caravans incident which was supposed to be a good opportunity to dispose of Christine in the conflict between House Lafayette and Millbeau failed, the Countess and her followers would be even more wary of her now. 

In such a situation, if Christine starts to expand her influence in the family and company, the countess might do something desperate, so its my duty to ensure her protection.

Its a shame our engagement is broken, but from now on Ill be counting on you, Your Excellency. Ill strive to live up to your expectations. 

Though suddenly, I hope we can maintain a rather cordial partnership. Oh, excuse me for a moment 

While Christine sent me a confused look, I stood up from my seat and picked a silver teaspoon from the tea set.

Before I regressed, she had died.

My father himself confined the facts behind her death, but aside from this, there were no particular rumors surrounding her death.

At least, back then the countess and her followers must have done a great job of disguising her death.

They must have chosen a method that made it look natural since she had died of illness. 

Isnt that a bit lacking for a gift to give a lady? 

Hahaha, as my soon-to-be ex-fiancee, I hope you can forgive me. 

Christine took the silver teaspoon and examined it for a moment.

Silver is an item that changes color when it comes in contact with poison, so most noble families use these items as a precaution against poisoning.

Of course, the silver cant detect all poisons, but this is more of a symbolic gift that Im sure she would understand.

Soon, a sad smile crossed her face.

Now I wont even be able to enjoy the treats my little brother gives me. 

Christine returned to Aquitaine County, and shortly after, our engagement was broken.

My father, the Marquis who was on the front lines was enraged and demanded to know what happened, but he was appeased after I sent a hefty military budget funded by the ransom from Millbeau County.

As the time continued to flow, autumn had arrived.

The news of Christines death, which had happened during this time, never came.

Meanwhile, I used the funds Christine gave me to stock as many raw materials as possible and to reorganize the remaining forces in the Marquisate.

This would give me the necessary power to act on my future plans.

As of now, I was practicing my swordsmanship in the training yard.

I still have all that combat experience gained from rolling around the battlefields after my Fathers death.

That was why I didnt avoid the duel with Millbeaus second son.

Truthfully, I had greater confidence than a noble who never partook in real combat and only stayed in his territory, as I fought in the later stages of this Civil War, and several battles against the Revolutionary Army.

My only flaw is that my younger body cannot keep up with my experience, but with the rigorous training Ive undertaken these last months, the gap is not as wide as before.

Although the nobility may mock me, Im still the Blue Knights son, and the physical traits inherited from my father ensure that my body is in excellent shape despite the lack of exercise.

This was one of the few things Im grateful for the Marquis.

As I continued to put my sweat and tears into my training, the butler approached.

Young Master. A letter and some goods sent by Lady Aquitaine have arrived. 

Very well, Marco. Ill be there shortly. 

As the butler bowed and withdrew, Jessie approached and handed me a towel.


Wiping the sweat off my face, I headed to the office with Jessie dutifully following behind me.

Aside from the odd servant bowing and greeting us when they passed, only our footsteps could be heard in the hallway, so trying to find a way to break this awkward silence I opened my mouth.

Have you grown accustomed to your duties now?

All thanks to the Young Masters consideration. 

She answered me rather swiftly.

When I made Jessie my personal servant, she looked extremely nervous and unsure of my intentions.

But as time passed, and her expected mistreatment never came, she became more relaxed in my presence.

I apologize if Ive made matters awkward for the other servants by suddenly taking you as my personal attendant. 

Not at all, Young Master. On the contrary, Im being treated far beyond one such as I deserve. 

Well, that was the expected answer.

But I still felt somewhat deflated.

Maybe it is just a whim. Maybe its because of gratitude, or maybe Im just seeking something to quell my ego.

But it must have taken a lot of courage to give your former master a piece of bread in that mad republic, just before he would be hauled to the guillotine.

Before my regression, I didnt even know her name, but now she follows me around, her eyes always set down in respect.

I want to ask her if Im a good master If she did that last act of kindness towards me because she felt I was different from those other nobles.

Perhaps thats just her gentle nature, an act of pity for her previous Master.

Either way, those are questions that will never get answered now.

Turning my head, we continued heading towards my office.

No matter how much I care for my subjects and try to protect them from harm, its simply my Noblesse Oblige.

Im simply doing my duty as a noble.

Knowing that a Revolution will break out, my status as a noble is a threat in and of itself.

But at the same time, I know that the Revolution is needed in this rotten Kingdom.

The Revolution is merely the way this corrupt and rotten kingdom full of hypocrites with a false sense of honor meets its end.

Therefore, I must devote myself to the revolution, trying to contain their rampage, and till now this plan is progressing well.

Do you get it now Marquis? That is why noble scum like you are called Blue Blood.

And yet, the curses hurled at me and the glint of the nightmarish guillotine blade still haunts me.

Can I truly treat them as equals, and could they even acknowledge me and allow me to stand by their side? 

I dont know.

As I entered the office while lost in thought, Christines letter and an unknown sphere were on my desk.

Nodding to Jessie, she took her leave as I opened the letter.

[Dear Acting Marquis Pierre De Lafayette.

Im pleased to report that our business venture is progressing well.

I must emphasize the significant role played by Sir Gaston; he truly is a model of Knightly virtue oh so rare in these trying times.

Regarding the matter Im sure youre curious about, the opposing party has shown an interest and has sent an item for you.

Infuse it with your mana, and it will activate when you utter the name of the cute child we met.

With this, I must conclude this letter.

May peace and prosperity shine for the Marquisate of Lafayette.

Yours truly,

Christine Aquitaine.]

A smile bloomed on my face.

It seems that Christines takeover is going well, and looks like Sir Gaston managed to thwart an assassination attempt.

Now, on this matter, I was curious about, it must be

The new technology from Abyss Corporation.

And what cute child did we meet? When did we even meet a kid together? 

My eyes narrowed as I glared at the sphere on my desk.

With a bit of hesitation, I touched the sphere and opened my mouth.

Damien de Milbeau 

As soon as I said this, the sphere absorbed my mana and glowed.

No way, really? Him? A cute child? 

Could it be thats how Christine sees him?

Such disgusting taste 

A booming laugh erupted from me as the glowing sphere became transparent, revealing a figure of someone.

The figure inside the crystal sphere was an androgynous beauty, dressed in a fancy purple dress with a white robe-like garment.

The horns on its head confirmed their race as a demonkind.

The androgynous figure placed a hand over its heart and offered a polity bow in my direction

And from the sphere, a voice as enchanting as a melody flowed.

[Its an honor to meet you, Acting Marquis of Lafayette. 

The demon inside the crystal sphere smiled.

[In your language, you can call me Paimon, the President of the Sloth Corps under the Abyss Corporation.]

TL Note:

Well, the Britshy are here mate!

No joke, in this novel the Abyss Corporation are the brits Lmao.

Btw People sometimes refer to the MC as Marquis. Without the Acting thing.

Maybe its the author being lazy, but Ill decided to leave it as it is.



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