I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

Chapter 62: Revolutionary Period - To The Next Act

Chapter 62: Revolutionary Period - To The Next Act

Translated by Mara Sov

  Revolutionary Period To The Next Act 

A month had passed since the Duke of Lorennes death, and a new year welcomed us.

Bright rays of light illuminated the capital as cheers erupted through the city.

Indeed, this visage was truly befitting of the name Light1Lumiere means light.

Long live the Republic!

Long Live the Revolutionaries!

As we marched along the main street that led to City Square, the loud cheering of the populace followed us.

Raphael Valliant rode by my side, leading the parade.

Behind us stood Louis Desaix who smiled and waved at the citizens, while Jerome Morelle had a triumphant look on his face.

Turning my gaze away from them, I looked at the crowd.

Liberty. Equality. Fraternity.

Banners and placards with these words were held by the citizens.

In my past life, when I set foot in this square, these same citizens carrying these same banners, shouted for my death.

When I joined the revolutionaries, most of them looked at me and the other nobles with a mix of skepticism and hope.

But now,

They all looked at me and my people as their heroes. Their protectors.

I slowly turned to Valliant.

He seemed puzzled for a second, but after a moment he gave me a sly smile.

While the other nations prepare for war, we both know that the Assembly will be preoccupied trying to recover from the Civil War, and they might want to keep you in check since youre a noble and all of that nonsense.

Thats what he said.

Even with all my contributions, even after becoming a public hero, in the end, I was still a noble. And thus, now that the war was over, I would be subject to their mistrust once again.

Had I been alone, I might have been worried about this.

But I simply smiled back at him and looked towards the figures before us.

It wasnt hard to spot Christine among the many members of the National Assembly waiting for us on the stage.

As soon as our eyes met, she gave me a short smile, prompting me to return the gesture.

With her by my side, why would I fear the National Assembly?

As our army finished its triumphant return and lined up in the main square, Prosecutor Maximillien Le Jidor stepped forward on the stage.

Citizens of Lumiere, and the proud revolutionary army. Its an honor to have the opportunity to declare this

As the people stood proudly, their attention focused on him, Jidor proclaimed-

People of Francia! Our Revolution has triumphed!

A loud cheer burst from the entire square, shaking the Capital.

With the parade of the army finished, the leaders of each political Party within the Assembly declared the triumph of the Republic.

As such, Maximillien Le Jidor, the leader of the Revolutionary Party, Nicolas Brisseau, the leader of the Liberal Party, and Count Anjou, the head of the Central Party all rose up and delivered their speech.

Since Christine and I considered ourselves too young and busy to take the leadership role of our faction, the good Count became our representative.

Perhaps, it was because of this, that the celebratory banquet after the parade was a lively event filled with members of the Central Party.

Youve worked hard, Marquis Lafayette. Thanks to you we have achieved victory, and because of this, even an old man like me has managed to climb some ranks!


Some laughed at the Counts good-natured jest.

Thank you. Im pleased to be part of such a joyous occasion.

Some of the more conservative nobles were pleased that someone as wise and old as Count Anjou became our figurehead, and since no one denied that Christine and I were the true leaders, their choice was of no consequence for us.

This calls for a toast! For the glory of the Central Party and prestige to Lafayette!


Following Count Anjous lead, everyone raised their glasses, while I savored the high-quality wine while looking around.

When we first joined the Assembly we barely had 40 seats, but now, our party holds 124. Honestly, this increase wasnt all that surprising.

I see we have a lot of new faces here. I gather they must have joined us while I was on the battlefield?

Haha-! Indeed, many were deeply impressed by your exploits, Marquis! And because of this, our Central Party has grown a lot!

Now, there were more members who joined us due to our support, than the nobles who stood with me since the beginning.

We cannot rule our the Countess contributions as well! It wouldnt be an exaggeration to say that more than half of those who joined because of your eloquence, Countess Aquitaine.

You flatter me, Count Anjou. We should be grateful that some people were capable of prioritizing our vision for the future over their prejudice.

Christine bowed slightly at the Counts praise.

With both the Revolutionary and Liberal Parties holding 200 seats each, we could play the role of tiebreaker in the Assembly.

Weve come a long way. From joining hands with the moderates to create a meager foothold in the Assembly against the Radicals..To be a major faction within the Republic.

To say that Christines political prowess was impressive would be an understatement, and the fact that it was thanks to her that we gathered such influence while the Assembly was Enshrouded in such turmoil only exacerbates this fact.

But still

I took a sip of my wine while I narrowed my eyes.

I dont that Christine is getting all this attention

However, regardless of my mood, the food being served was exceptional.

It was definitely better than what we had on the battlefield, and it even surpassed the cuisine at the Marquisatte.

It seemed like a throwback to pre-revolutionary times, observing the well-dressed individuals enjoying the banquet and conversation as if the Republic had put great effort into celebrating the victory.

Naturally, important conversations also flowed effortlessly in such a setting.

Come to think of it. You missed King Louis execution.

I was busy restructuring my troops, so I couldnt get back in time.

The Northern Alliance and the Germania Empire all made their displeasure known, but surprisingly enough, the Kingdom of Kraft was silent.

Hm-. Maybe the Great King has a favorable view of us?

Hardly. Although he claims to be an enlightened man, hes still a Monarch. Perhaps hes simply using this opportunity to annoy the Empire?

The Kingdom of Kraft.

They were once part of the Germania Empire, but they revolted and became a military superpower, expanding their territory.

The nominal territories of the Empire span much of the Central Continent, but most are ruled by principalities, and the Emperors direct domain is not that extensive, making such a scenario possible.

Moreover, their Great King is both a capable sovereign and a renowned general, so its positive, for the time being, that they do not oppose us.

If we could make use of them, we could distract the Empire, buying us precious time.

While I was immersed in my thoughts, another topic arose.

Ah, have you heard the news from the wastelands, Marquis?

From the wastelands?

Yes, some rumors indicate that some barbarian tribes from the southern mountains have established a Kingdom.

Barberians forming a Kingdom? Thatwould be a surprising development if true.

The Wastelands were a barren peninsula located beyond the Southern mountains of Francia.

There, both goblins and orcs were referred to as Barbarians since they lived in tribal units and crossed the mountains a long time ago to plunder the southern territories of Francia.

However, since Francia became the Kingdom of Knights and drove them out, fortifying the southern mountains, theyve been dismissed as merely barbarians of the frontier

But now, such tribes have established a kingdom to the south of Francia?

It doesnt sound like good news for us. We should verify the truth of this matter.

Haha-. Of course, I have no worries with the renowned Marquis Lafayette in our midst!

This guy doesnt seem to understand the severity of such news

Since Im the general of the Southern Army, and both Christine and I have a large amount of assets in the South, any sort of problems that arise would be my responsibility to address.

As if the Germania Empire and Abyss Corporation werent enough of a headache

I hope there wont be more trouble coming my way.

After the banquet had ended,

I had greeted and conversed with countless people to the point of exhaustion and found myself seeking respite on the balcony.

The banquet itself had been manageable, but as a central figure of our Party and a hero of the republican army, the interest in me was overwhelming.

For a martial noble like me, who never once had any sort of contact with the politics of the central noblesThis was more tiring than any battlefield I fought on

And despite everyone knowing of my re-engagement with Christine, the audacious advances of those presuming my single status only fueled my irritation.


The cool breeze on the balcony offered a moments respite, making life seem bearable again.

With Christine still entertaining the other members, perhaps I should mingle a bit more before heading back in.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, a distinct knocking sound came from the door.

Turning around, I saw the balcony door slightly ajar and Eris in her familiar white robe, half-emerging from within.

Ah, the poor servant who tried to get this woman into a dress might have thrown a fit, but it seems Eris triumphed in the end.

I couldnt help but snicker at this though.

Its been a while, Eris.

Indeed it has, Marquis.

With a shy smile, Eris extended her hand toward me, and the light that emanated from her dispelled the fatigue from my body.

Thank you.

You seemed tired. Did it help?

Tremendously. Youre getting better at this, arent you?

Im having a lot of practice these days.

A brief silence followed her words.

Perhaps her reluctance to fully enter the balcony was her way of being considerate.

As I mulled over this, Eris spoke up.

Im sorryFor healing King Lou- Brothers jaw without permission.

I had instructed her not to bother healing him, out of worry that King Louis might have lashed out at her further increasing her guilt.

Well, you believed it was the right thing to do

However, despite my worries, after being healed, King Louis boldly confessed his sins in the courtroom.

Those who initially reveled in the opportunity to humiliate him grew silent as the man himself admitted to his sins and he even seemed to be at peace when the guillotine claimed his neck.

Perhaps, King Louis would be the last human the guillotine would claim

That was my sincere hope.

Although it seems a bit unlikely.

What did you do to him?

When I first heard about it, I too doubted whether he was the same King Louis I knew. What kind of magic could have transformed him so utterly?

Eris only offered a faint smile in response a smile that also seemed tinged with bitterness.

Its good to know youre not angry at least.

Youre not the naive and idealist Saint I had to worry about. I respect your will, Eris. After all, the outcome of this decision was the best it could ever be.

Though it didnt seem like Eris acted out of desire for such an outcome, her diligent care for King Louis during his escort transformed her into an even more revered saint who led even the corrupted monarch of the old regime to repentance.

I looked at her,

Eris was a grown woman now.

It would be arrogant of me if I tried to instruct or decide things for her now.

Instead, I would simply address her with all the respect a Saint deserved, and with all the reverence my future sovereign deserved.

Youve grown into a beautiful lady, Your Highness the Princess Erisliste Lilianne De Francia.

Thank you, Marquis Pierre De Lafayette. This princess shall look forward to your continued support.

After saying this, Eris then grinned like a Cheshire cat as she looked to her side.

Countess Aquitaine~!

Ah, My lady the Saint

Christines voice, tinged with rare confusion, filled the air, and after a little altercation, Eris ushered her onto the balcony and then disappeared with light footsteps.

I couldnt help but laugh at Christine, who was coyly fanning herself with her fan, a slight flush on her face.

Oh. I should have come to get you myself, but youve been aided.

I was waiting for you to come and fetch me, but you seemed busy talking to someone who caught your attention.

Christine neatly folded her fan and cast me a playful glance, which made me burst into laughter again.

I apologize. Its not much of a substitute, but

I pulled out a fan I had tucked into my coat earlier and extended it towards her.

Though its late, this is an engagement present.

This is

Christine examined the gift and her eyes widened upon seeing the gem set into the handle.

At first, I considered giving her something traditional like a brooch or an engagement ring, similar to the one she gifted me, but I knew her constant wearing of a black dress signified mourning.

Thats why she refrains from wearing any jewelry. After much contemplation, I decided to commission an artifact that she would actually use, and finally, it was complete.

Christine seemed to immediately understand why I chose a fan of all things and said with a natural smile,

Thank you, Pierre.


The day she is freed from her guilt and burden, the day she sheds her mourning dress, having returned Aquitaine to Louis.

Until we are completely together, this gift will protect you even in my absence.

Christine smiled softly and then spoke jokingly,

I worry I might make you wait too long.

Theres no need to worry. Well both be quite busy until then, so time will fly quickly.

The old, corrupt kingdom has finally crumbled, but weve only just passed the first stage.

There are still many mountains to climb ahead.

I smiled and extended my hand to Christine.

So please trust me. As I trust you.

Christine also smiled in response and reached out her hand to mine, replying,


I believe that as long as we are together, we can certainly overcome anything.

TL Note:


Hindsight is bitch.

  • 1

    Lumiere means light


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