I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

Chapter 57: Revolutionary Period - Hero

Chapter 57: Revolutionary Period - Hero

Translated by Mara Sov

  Revolutionary Period Hero 

The following day,

Despite making a full recovery thanks to Eriss care, I was still being treated as an invalid, which was frustrating.

In an attempt to fight such frustration, I was training with my sword inside my room when someone knocked on my door.

All the visitors who should have come to greet me had already been here yesterday, and Valliant himself had already departed this morning. Therefore, there shouldnt be anyone visiting me today.

Could it be a servant?

Come in.

Lowering my sword, I wiped my sweat with a towel when I looked at the person who stood at the doorAnd Immediately froze.



Christine De Aquitaine stood there, with a flushed face as she hurriedly opened her fan and covered a part of her face.

IIll be outside!

During that brief moment, I could sense Christines eyes scanning every inch of my body, while her maid, Lina, became startled and quickly shut the door.

After an awkward silence, I completed wiping the sweat off my body and put on the clothes I had taken off.

AhWelcome! I didnt hear you were coming, so, well, hm

I received reports stating that you were injured in battle, so I

Christine looked at me with a strange gaze as she closed her fan with a loud snap.

But you seem to be in better shape than I expected.

What should I even say in this situation?

It was extremely hard to find the right words to say to her, considering she had heard of my injuries after our mutual promise.

Thanks to Eriss care, Ive recovered well.

Ah, those words seemed feeble even to my ears.

However, despite my horrible attempts to reassure her, Christine slowly came over to me and placed her hands on my chest, leaning against me.

IWas training until now, I might smell.

Ignoring my shame, Christine rubbed her forehead against my chest as she replied in a muffled tone.

Let me have this, just for a moment.

I could feel the area around my chest getting a little damp.

Without saying a word, I gently wrapped my arms around her slender form.

After some time,

Christine regained her composure as if nothing had happened as she sat in front of me.

However, I simply couldnt hide my guilt as I stared at her exhausted face.

During my absence, she must have been busy handling the matter in the Capital and must have rushed here without even stopping to rest once she heard of my injuries.

Even so, Christine still updated me about the situation in Lumiere.

Maximillien Le Jidor and the other radicals have formally established the Revolutionary Party.

Following this, the Moderates formed the Liberal Party while our allies created the Central Party, and each began their activities in the Assembly

It seems that the National Assembly is finally moving on from a haphazard measure to a proper political institution.

The National Assembly is finally stable. Even the Revolutionary Party led by Jidor has started to propose negotiable issues instead of their usual radical policies. One of their new proposals is the property-independent voting rights and the free distribution of land.

It seems that even the extremists have learned their lesson.

This seems to be a good change.

I said it while offering a piece of apple on a fork to Christine.

With raised eyebrows, she demurely accepted and ate it.

I dont think they have completely given up on their radical ideals. However, the fact that they are compromising in order to push for achievable reforms is a good thing, as you have stated.

Looking at her for a moment, I asked.

What about the Liberals?

For now we have a cordial relationship. However, they are absorbing the deserters from the old Radical faction, and are trying to expand their influence.

Christine paused for a moment, choosing her words carefully before continuing.

I think our alliance with them will fizzle out as time goes on. Our goal is to secure a good foothole before that happens so that the Central Party can match the size of the other two.

This time, I picked a strawberry and offered it to Christine.

She quietly accepted like before, but now Christine had a hint of dissatisfaction in her eyes as she said.

Why are you treating me like a child?

You can trust a child to eat if they are hungry. But you wont. If anyone was here, they would think that I was the one visiting you, instead of the contrary.

Instead of answering, Christine simply pouted as she chewed on the strawberry.

Suppressing a smile that threatened to split my lips, I said.

Well, while I think youre doing well, it would be better if we accelerated some of our plans. We only achieved this sort of union because of the foreign threats, but if things go as I predict, the Germania Empire will withdraw soon.

Christine, who swallowed the strawberry, looked a little confused.

How can you be sure of that? Withdrawing now will damage the Empires prestige.

This isnt their war, Christine. Their presence here was under the pretext of easing the Empires Lords who were startled by the revolutionary movement. Since theyve lost a significant portion of their army, I imagine the Empire will cut off their losses soon.

Christine still seemed a bit skeptical, so I continued.

Moreover, if King Louis were to, ahem-. Disappear, then Empress Cecilia will have all the pretext she wants to claim her right over the Throne. Since they have already fulfilled their agreement with King Louis, even if for appearances sake, theyd rather prepare for the next war, than to keep assisting a doomed King.

IHadnt thought of that.

Of course, these observations of mine were made with the knowledge from the events of my past life.

Princess Cecilia was married off to the Empire as a symbol of peace, after the war between the two nations.

Back then, with the Royal Family intact, no one cared about a spare princesss succession rights. Who would have imagined that after the Kings death, and the Civil War, the Empire would invoke her claim?

Christine seemed to be lost in her thoughts for a moment. After a while, she looked at me as if she realized something.

Is that why youre protecting Eris?

With a grin, I offered Christine an apple.

Exactly. The Empires ultimate goal is to control Francia with the Empress as the Queen of Francia after King Louiss death. What would their faces be, when the lost Princess, suddenly appears and snatches the Throne, messing up all their plans?

Christine swallowed an apple slice and sighed.

I thought you intended to use Her Highness as a bridge between the old regime and the revolutionary movement, but since you never detailed your plans in this junction, I was wondering when you would act.

Thats why Im telling you now. With Eriss popularity soaring after this battle, who would oppose her claim to the throne when the Empire invokes their rights to succession? This could even stop a war in the best of scenarios.

Christine smiled wryly at me.

Sigh-. I get what youre aiming for, its a simple but effective plan.

The most crucial part of this plan will be the moments preceding the Empires claim. When we deal with King Louis and Duke Lorenne, the war will reach an end. That will be when the real political struggle will begin in the National Assembly. That will be your battlefield, so your role is of extreme importance.

Its a law of nature that once life becomes a bit bearable, even those who had restrained themselves during a national crisis start to look out for their own interests.

Just as you believed in my victory. I will place my hopes on you as well.

Upon hearing my words, Christine laughed as she said.

You have quite the courage to say this to me after giving me such a scare, but since Ive worried you before, lets call it even. After all, its a fact that youve fought well.

In order to disguise my complete loss of words, I stabbed another strawberry with my fork and fed it to Christine, who accepted it as she signaled with her hand.

Then, her maid, Lina, approached us and placed a bundle of papers on the table.

A newspaper?

The moment I saw the headline, my mouth fell open.

The image was a depiction of me, wielding a sword, leading the revolutionaries towards a Witch floating in the air, while Eris stood behind us with her hand stretched, gracing us with her Divine Light.

It was such an epic illustration.

Something fit for the myths of old

Christine leisurely chewed on the strawberry, taking extra time to swallow it as her expression became predatory.

You can understand the overall atmosphere in the Capital now, cant you? The masses have begun praising you as not only the Son of the Blue Knight but as the Republican Hero, Pierre De Lafayette. Clap-, Clap-, Congratulations~

While I expected to gain some recognition for my actionsSeeing something like this is more embarrassing than I thought it would be.

Thank you. But this is just the beginning.

After all, I still have a long way until I can proudly say Ive surpassed the Great Blue Knight.

After the Empires defeat and the death of their Witch, they barely managed to retreat before the counterattack led by Raphael Valliant began.

The Grand Duke realized the futility of further resistance as he gave up control of the Vauquois region and retreated once more.

Duchy of Lorenne Alliance Headquarters.

Grand Duke Leopold surveyed the soldiers belonging to his regiment lying in the makeshift infirmary.

These men were the pride of the Empire, but now, less than a third remained.

Unlike Valliant, who left the wounded in Reims and only took the able-bodied for his offensive, the Grand Duke couldnt afford such luxury.

He had managed to evacuate as many wounded soldiers as possible, however, many were killed in their retreat.

Either that or they simply succumbed to their injuries and were left behind.

As the Grand Duke continued to look over the beds of his subordinates, a soldier recognized him and tried to salute.

But the man realized he lacked the right hand to salute his General, so he only offered a depressed nod.

The Grand Duke saluted the crippled soldier and turned away.

He had received orders from the Empire issuing a retreat. The war was out of his hands now.

They would leave these lands without achieving any glory.

The Grand Duke laughed at this thought.

He had been overconfident in might.

The Germania Empire had lost against the King of Kraft, however, everyone believed it was simply because that man was a monster.

As such, the Grand Duke simply couldnt imagine a scenario where he would lose to anyone other than that King.

Although he found the son of the Blue Knight and the young tactician intriguing, it was merely a form of curiosity towards the next generation.

If he wanted, the old General could list several reasons or excuses to justify their loss, such as the presence of the Saint, incompetent allies, etc..

But this wouldnt change the fact that he had lost.

Despite all that bloodshed, he couldnt even secure some honor and glory for his men.

Perhaps even him, the great war hero of the Empire, had become a senile old man unable to catch up with the new era.

While the Grand Duke continued to mourn the passage of time, someone appeared before him.

King Louis.

The once gallant young Knight who was favored by his father, the Knight King of Francia had turned into a coward, as he approached the Grand Duke with an anxious expression.

Your Majesty.

Grand Duke Leopold, is it true that the Germania Empires forces are withdrawing?

The Grand Duke nodded.

Indeed, Your Majesty.

While the Grand Duke awaited King Louiss response, wondering how he would handle this conversation, the monarch did something completely unexpected.

T-Then! Take me with you!

King Louiss words graced the Grand Dukes ears with the force of a stampede.

Pardon me, Your Majesty, I might have misheard that, what did you say?

T-Take me to the Empire, Your Grace.

The Grand Duke was speechless.

While the King continued to prattle desperately.

That Duke Lorenne, hes a turncoat I say! He cant be trusted. Left as it is, I shall be captured by those savages and suffer unspeakable things! We are allies, and the Empress of your Empire is my sister, isnt she? So, please take me with you. When the Empire recovers its strength and drives out this rebellion from my Kingdom, Ill do anything to pay you back!

As he heard King Louiss desperate ravings, the Grand Duke couldnt help but become disillusioned.

How many good soldiers had died for this cowards sake?

How much blood has been spilled in the Civil War he caused?

How many people suffered due to his tyranny for a Revolution to spark?

At this moment, the Grand Duke felt a genuine sense of compassion for both his soldiers and to the people of this nation.

And with equal fury, he spoke.

Your Majesty.

Without even waiting for the Kings acknowledgment, he continued.

If Your Majesty is truly the honorable monarch of the Knight Kingdom of Francia, the owner of these lands, the leader of a nation allied with the Glorious Empire of Germania.

The Duke looked straight into King Louiss eyes as he delivered his words.

It would be better for Your Majesty to end your pathetic life now, to at least redeem your past mistakes and protect the honor of the people that were born on this land.


I shall take my leave now. Good day to you, Your Majesty.

The Grand Duke turned his back and walked away.

Leaving a furious King alone, shouting in rage.

T-These cowards! Empire scum! We, we were allies! How dare he! How dare a defeated general insult this King!

Despite his insults, the Grand Duke never looked back.

I order you! Grant me an audience with my sister, Cecilia! No law, no country, no Empire can stand in the way of blood! Do you hear me?! This King demands it!

The next day, the Germania Empires army withdrew from Francia under the command of Grand Duke Leopold.

TL Note: Welp for this week this is it.

Imma make it up to you guys next week.

Believe in Mama!

I fr only have 13 more chapters and Ill finish translating Villain Who Robbed The Heroines.


Btw Jidors Revolutionary party is based on the Actual Korean Revolutionary /genesisforsaken


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