I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

Chapter 50: Turning Point

Chapter 50: Turning Point

Translated by Mara Sov

  Turning Point 

Christines office Several days after the incident.

Honestly, I would much rather be working than be resting right now.

Christine took a sip of her coffee as she said that.

I still think you should rest.

Though she insisted that she was well and even attended the National Assembly, I could see that Christine wasnt entirely past that incident.

I appreciate your concern, but I dislike being treated like a fragile doll.

Left speechless by her reply, I changed the subject.

Ahem-. Jidors presence in the Assembly was quite the surprise.

It was, wasnt it?

Upon hearing my words, Christine glanced briefly at the documents on the table.

Maximillien Le Jidor had missed the last session but attended this one, yet neither he nor any other member mentioned the incident.

Christine had prepared the documents she had gathered just in case he brought up the incident, but there was no need for them.

After a moment of silence, Christine tilted her head slightly and began to speak.

Perhaps, for him, that was the greatest compromise possible.

Compromise, indeed.

Part of his faction had attacked citizens and Christine in the heart of the Capital ignoring the Republics laws.Yet here I was, having killed the ones who shouldve been judged by that same law.

Maybe this was his compromise because while he couldnt agree that I was right, he couldnt outright blame me either.

-You know what I think, Prosecutor? If this is the kind of order you desire, then its better if it falls

The words I said while pointing a sword at Le Jidors throat.

-Now I ask you this. Prove it to me. Show me whether this Republic is worthy of our protection.

The man who was so sure of his righteousness, the man who sought to eliminate anyone opposing his ideals under the guise of necessary sacrifice for the greater good.

Could such a man even be capable of change?

I dont know.

A sigh escaped me. It seems I owed Christine an apology, but I missed the opportunity to do so at that time.

Im sorry, Christine.

What for?

For killing all the people you politically spared.

At that moment, I truly lost my reason.

Maximillien Le Jidor and the National Assembly let it slide, but it could have been a serious issue if they had chosen to pursue it.

Christine simply sipped on her coffee once more.

Placing the mug down, she smiled at me and said.

Its fine, Pierre. It was never my plan to wipe off the Radicals.

Is that so?

Christine nodded.

Yes. The justification wasnt sufficient, and if we were to eliminate all the Radicals, we would sever our alliance with the Moderates. And if that happened, we would be at a numerical disadvantage.

I see.

Currently, the Moderates seem to be on our side, but ultimately, the alliance was formed to keep the Radicals in check, not because were true allies.

I intended to deal with the guilty ones inside the Assembly as a form of warning. I was going to leave this task to you, Pierre. This would have given you more clout in the Assembly aside from your militaristic influence.

Christine set her mug aside and broke a cookie in half, munching on it while she became immersed in thought.

It was a relief seeing her behave more like a human being, since in the past, Christine made do with plain and flavorless bread while she worked. This sight warmed my heart.

Christine seemed to notice my expression as she smiled wryly while finishing her cookie.

Anyway, besides some rather impulsive actions, the goal was achieved. The Radicals are laying low, and the Assembly wont openly oppose us for a while. Honestly, its rather vexing to admit this, but my way of doing things wouldnt have been this effective.


I went insane for a while there, though? 

For them, you are more like a natural disaster waiting to erupt, so its better not to poke the sleeping beast, so to speak.

Natural disasterSleeping beast.

Is that supposed to be a compliment?

As I felt a little disturbed by her words, Christine poured more coffee into her mug and said.

The politicians cant handle your military might. You were a bother to them, but now, they think you are capable of killing them without negotiation, without compromise, and of course, without consequences. So its no wonder theyd see you that way.

I rubbed my temples.

I think Ill need to lay low for a while then, for the sake of public opinion.

Thatd be good. However

Christine chuckled a bit before continuing, 

I wouldnt worry about this, Pierre. After all, part of my job is to support you in your endeavors. And believe it or not, your popularity is soaring within the streets of Lumiere.


I thought Id be likened to a crazy killer?

Then Christine grinned mischievously and, instead of her usual gentle and elegant tone, spoke at an incredibly fast pace.

A Knight enraged by the assault on the lady he fancies, carried out by villains using demonic tools, rushed to her defense and as soon as the lady woke up from her life-threatening injuries, the Knight proposed to her.

It took me a moment to grasp what she was saying.

By the time I did, my ears were burning.

Thats the rumor spreading through Lumiere. A story that would be popular with anyone.

The instigator of the tale seemed amused, leaving the embarrassment entirely to me.

I couldnt deny it because it was all true.

I cant believe thats how I acted.

Ah, I wanna die from shame..

The perpetrators have done something unforgivable, so both the citizens of the Capital and even those in Aquitaine have lost some family members because of this. For those people, your actions seemed to appease a more old-fashioned principle, or simply quenched their thirst for revenge.

How can she talk like its someone elses business?

When I directed my deadpan gaze towards her, Christine had the decency to blush and look away.

I was surprised too, you know? I double-checked this just to make sure I wasnt seeing things.

Ahh, I did act like a deranged buffoon..Im going crazy.

As I said that, I got up and sat down heavily next to Christine who was seated on the sofa.

So, just to make sure I wont behave like this ever again, from now on, no matter the benefits or what sort of genius plot you have, please, dont put yourself at risk.

Christine was silent for a moment before nodding gently.

Understood, Pierre. I wont do such things anymore.

There was a definite emotion now in Christines eyes.

Gone were the murky, cold eyes that seemed capable of throwing her life away for a plan.

When I reached out and took her hand, Christine asked.

What will you do from now on?

Our plan remains the same. You will manage things in the Assembly while I handle the military, protecting this nation against the foreign powers that threaten us.

King Louis still breathes. So we have our work cut out for us, should we want to shatter the remains of this corrupt Kingdom.

The army led by Grand Duke Leopold of the Germania Empire is a formidable enemy, and the military might of the Northern Alliance is not to be underestimated.

The Abyss Corporation remains a silent threat to us.

As to why they are so obsessed with us

Honestly, there are so many reasons for this I cant even begin to guess which one could be.

But those are simply means to an end. The Republic and the Assembly are mere tools for us to achieve a better future.

Joining the Republic to survive was an inevitable decision.

We had crossed the point of no return with King Louis, and our coalition wouldnt be able to resist the Foreign Nations, let alone match half of the Republics army.

But that didnt mean

That the Republic was a righteous institution. That we had to defend them at all costs.

It was foolish of me to think that my people should be expected to make sacrifices for them.

The lives of the few for the lives of the whole.

Those who believe in such ideology will fall prey to errors as grave as their fanaticism.

Liberty. Equality. Fraternity.

The man who once defeated me yelled such values of the Republic for the masses. 

But now I know that Raphael Valliant is simply using such ideas as a pretext.

Theres no such thing as an absolutely righteous cause or ideology.

The pretext used to persuade my people and I was just a means to survive by joining the Republic.

My mistake was to blindly follow such pretext to the point that I became lost in their ideology.

If their system or their Ideology is beneficial to us, then we will stand together. But if they threaten our existenceThen we will destroy them.

My priority will always be the lives of those under me. I will do anything to secure our safety in this chaotic age.

And that we build a future worthy of our efforts.

I dont care about the Republic or Democracy, Christine. From now on, I will fight for you, I will fight for those who followed usNo further sacrifices shall be made.

Should anyone dares to challenge us with their own brand of justice, 

Be it the Republic, the other nations, or even those damned demons. No matter who it is. Even if God himself stands in my way.

I will do whatever it takes to protect my people.

Lifting her hand, I gently kissed its back.

I looked into her eyes, searching for an answer that she readily gave to me with a gentle smile.

As always, Ill lend you my strength For I am yours.

I smiled back. Together, we can surely do it.

As I thought this, Christine spoke up.

Pierre, its time to return to the battlefield.

Yes. Once the enemy regroups, they will threaten us again.

Christine hesitated uncharacteristically before speaking again.

Youre going with the sain-No.With the Princess, isnt that right?


Christine glared at me, searching for something before remarking cautiously.

I would like to believe youre not the kind to stray while engaged.

What is this woman even saying?!

Stray? Me? To whom for fucks sake? I cant believe it..Eris?!

How in the world did we jump to this absurd topic??

Why are you even saying this all of a sudden?

Christine blushed.

Its not sudden. The both of you always stick very, very close when Im not around. So, naturally, as your betrothed..Im concerned. After all, you are mine.

But you didnt seem worried about this until now?

Christines face became frustrated as she avoided making any sort of eye contact.

I didnt have the luxury to care about such matters until now. So I was forced to ignore it. However, even as a woman, I can see that girl is an exceptional beauty.

Doesnt this woman have a bloody mirror? Cant she see how beautiful she is as well? 

With narrowed eyes, I looked at Christine, who had none of her usual composure.

Eris and I are indeed close, simply because we share the same goals to a certain extent.

Tell me something, Christine. As a noble who is in service to a King, have you ever entertained any sort of romantic feelings to your liege?

Christine looked utterly bemused.

If my liege were to be as young, dashing, kind, and strong as you, thenmaybe.

Oh no, that wont work right now, this woman is messing with me. 

Eris abhors any sort of pursuit for power, and she truly cares about every single person in our Nation. Her commitment to the people exceeds my own and even of the Republic. What do you think would happen if she became the Queen, and married someone like me, who holds a lot of military power?

A Saint Queen who married a war hero. It would be the dawn of a strong Monarchy.

Thats right. Thats why neither Eris nor I have ever entertained such notions.

Besides, even if I wanted to do this, Eris would run away somewhere andAh.

While Christine seemed to be engrossed in my reasoning, I exploited her openings, pulled her shoulders, and kissed her.

Her wide, black eyes gradually closed as the seconds stretched while I poured all my feelings for her into this moment.

After a few moments, I released her, and seeing her breath was slightly erratic I said.

It tastes sweet.

Christines face, who had just eaten a cookie, flushed deeply.

Do you understand now? How sincere I am towards you.  Honestly, its a bit painful for me to hear such doubts coming from you.

Christine lowered her head, her hair obscuring her face, and just when I was about to leave with a satisfied smile on my face, she grabbed my sleeve.


T-That was a bit sudden.

With a face red enough to be confused with a tomato, Christine looked at me and whispered.

Y-Your point wasnt clear. I think I will understand it if you do it again.


Should I bring her with me?

Ah, to think the day where I would understand why my father, the Blue Knight, would bring his woman to his side would come.

Truly we share the same blood, much to my displeasure.

The Main Church of Lumiere.

In a dim and confined chamber.

Once a beacon for the Republic, one who was revered by the masses, Bishop Arnaud Richelieu was kneeling, lost in a fervent prayer.

The candles combating the encroaching darkness of the room flickered.

O Heavenly Father, please help us, for we are steeped in sin.

When Richelieu became the leader of the budding revolutionary movement under the urgings of his right-hand man and confident Emanuel Sierres, he believed he could guide them towards a better path.

He believed that if he could enlighten the masses, uniting their voices, even the Monarch who had forsaken God would hear and attend.

Forgive the transgressions of Your devoted flock.

Yet, reality was cruel.

As notions of human rights embedded themselves in the wrath of the oppressed people, they transformed from powerless lambs into a pack of ravenous wolves, lusting for blood.

Richelieu went into seclusion, hiding away from the Revolution that created a sea of blood from the seeds he once sown.

His body trembled daily with the terrible noises outside The cruel guillotine falling, the cries of the frenzied citizens, and the shouts of the accused.

Bestow upon your lambs thy Grace, Lord.

When terrorists struck the heart of the Capital in broad daylight, wielding the Devils instruments, Richelieu was seized with a dreadful sense of doubt.

This Revolution was an abomination never meant to be.

Liberty. Equality. Fraternity Perhaps those ideals were too rushed.

The rule of the people, the Democracy Perhaps it was something too premature.

Perhaps they were something never meant for mankind.

Guide us, Oh Lord. For this old lamb prays to you.

Perhaps the weak and foolish humankind required divine intervention.

But he had failed.

The people were corrupted by a power they had never once wielded, they were intoxicated with strength never once possessed. So, who could shepherd the masses, now that their purity has been tainted?

What manner of hero would be required to guide the people back into the light-


Through the open window, a sudden gust of wind blew.

The feeble candlelight flickering in the dark room was helplessly extinguished, and the newspaper on the desk fluttered about as if it had a mind of its own.

Are you punishing my foolishness, Lord?

As the breeze subsided, Bishop Richelieu stood and fixed his gaze upon the newspaper that had come to rest at his feet.


The likeness depicted in the newspaper, now illuminated by the moonlight once concealed by the candles presence.

Raphael Valliant, the man who had vanquished the forces of three realms, swiftly ascended as the champion of both the Republic and its citizenry.

After a moments contemplation of the moon-kissed image, Richelieu once again sank to his knees before the sacred likeness.


Guys! This em last one for dis week! I fr have to finish Villain who robbed the Heroines. Just 10 more chapters and Ill be done with that novel.

Also, bruh.

Btw please make reviews on NU..I NEED REVIEWS




I CUM-nO Thats too much.

Anyways.My headache has passed and I even met with my old pals from mah old job and it made my day to learn the Office went to shit after I left. Hope they all die in a ditch. Thank you very much.



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