I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

Chapter 44: Revolutionary Period - Western Front (4)

Chapter 44: Revolutionary Period - Western Front (4)

Translated by Mara Sov

Revolutionary Period Western Front (4) 

Count Lionels soldiers respected his dying wish and surrendered. As soon as we managed to reorganize our troops and establish a rudimentary control over the Counts lands, we marched towards Alsace at a hurried pace.

However, our allies were nowhere to be seen, while some unwanted guests continued to encircle us.

Squinting my eyes, I looked towards the enemys light cavalry watching our army from afar.

Soldiers clad in stylish uniforms with leather hats. Those are without a doubt the prized cavalry of Germania The Hussars.

They continued to observe us from a distance, keeping tabs on the armys every move.

With no way of driving them off, the Hussars continued to perform their duty as light cavalry.

It was extremely unsettling.

Are you truly sure about this, Marquis? Our men are exhausted from their long march. If we engage the enemy in this condition


Taking my telescope I assessed the Hussars watching us and said.

We havent encountered our allies on our way here. And this light cavalry has too many numbers for it to be a simple scouting mission.

Lowering the telescope I continued,

If our allies had been defeated, we would have encountered some stragglers and survivors on the way here. And if they were about to be defeated the Hussars would be busy pursuing their quarry.

I see. Then this means that the enemy is still fighting our allies.

Oh. Honestly, I didnt expect much from the fellows sent by the revolutionary government, but this guy has a good head on his shoulders.

What is your name, officer?

Louis Desaix, sir.

This fellow has the same name as King Louis.

What did you do before the revolution?

Desaix, who seemed to be about my age, smiled bitterly.

I served in the Royal Guard.

How are you still alive?

Because I ordered my men to surrender without resistance, a certain councilor spoke on my behalf.

Phew-. Youre a lucky fellow, you know that?

While I was thinking about how to use him the best, Desaix grinned and pointed behind me as he said.

That is the case, sir. And it looks like your hunch was correct.

I also turned to see a group holding a white flag emerging amidst the Hussars and smirked.

It does seem so.

Myself and a few Knights carrying a white flag rode towards the Hussars and faced the enemy.

But I was quickly surprised.

I expected to meet a high-ranking officer, but I realized this wouldnt be the case as I looked towards the insignia engraved on the man leading the delegation.

Its an honor to meet the esteemed Grand Duke from the Germania Empire. I am Pierre De Lafayette, General of the Southern Army of the Republic of Francia.

I, The Grand Duke Leopold Johann from House Habsburg, the Supreme Commander of the Germania Empire forces, greet Pierre De Lafayette. I must say, your reputation precedes you.

The Grand Duke didnt hide his curiosity as he greeted me.

In his youth, he had taken part in the war where my father gained the title of Blue Knight and this man was also the hero of the Empire who stood against the Great King of Kraft

Im hardly worthy of being compared to your illustrious reputation, Grand Duke.

Sigh-. I never anticipated meeting the Grand Duke like this.

A cold sweat ran down my back, as the Grand Duke spoke in a relaxed tone.

As we speak, the Southern Army of yourcountry, led by Count Millbeau is surrounded by my forces.

I see. I suspected as much.

They have fought valiantly. It was the show they put on. Therefore, since both sides have shed enough blood, I will consider allowing the Southern Army to withdraw should you relinquish control of this land and retreat.

The Grand Dukes eyes sparkled mirthfully as if he was merely testing me.


With the Hussars blocking the way, I had no way of knowing the true state of the army under Damien.

Francia is a nation focused on Knights and Heavy Cavalry, therefore, our light cavalry is nothing compared to the Empire.

Besides, Damiens forces numbered 12,000, while the Grand Dukes were 20,000.

Even with the reinforcements I received from Lumiere, I only had 3,000 soldiers with me.

While its true that the Grand Dukes army must be at least a little tired from their battles, my forces were exhausted from our long march.

With their cavalry, they had scouted us, and thus knew of our situation, while we were going in blind.

If Damiens army had already lost their combat effectiveness, a wrong choice here will spell our doom.

But If I relinquish this place, then the Northern Army under Valliants command will also have to retreat to avoid a pincer attack.

Retreating now would mean that the deaths of all those soldiers were worthless, and the Capital, Lumiere would be exposed to the enemy.

After a couple of seconds of contemplation, I said.

That would be problematic, Grand Duke. Instead, allow me to make a counteroffer. If the Germania Empires army ceases their engagement and withdraws, I shall ensure that your forces will retreat untouched.


The Grand Duke smiled, amused.

Do you have what it takes to defeat my army, Marquis?

No. I dont. Seriously, I dont.

I dont even know the condition of Count Millbeaus forces, and even if they were pristine, my soldiers were in no condition to fight.

If I could have pulled a surprise attack from their rear, I might have stood a chance, but with those cursed Hussars, it would be impossible. If the Grand Duke engages us now, its our end.

Fuck, my throat is dryer than a desert.

If Count Millbeaus army had collapsed already, you wouldnt have come to meet me. You could have simply attacked us with your forces.

The last message I had received from Damien told me he was focusing on defending his fortified positions.

I can only pray that the fool hasnt acted harshly and managed to preserve some fighting strength.

The Grand Duke chuckled at my words.

Thats not an unreasonable assessment. But judging from the time of your arrival, I believe your soldiers have been forced to endure a harsh march. You have few numbers and they are exhausted. Do you truly believe you are capable of changing the tide?

This damned Grand Duke just knocked down all my cards, one by one.

Well, I wont be sure until I try, isnt that right? On the other hand, Im also worried about you, Grand Duke.

If my predictions arent wrong, by now Lorenne should be desperate for help.

Oho! You overestimate the capabilities of this Republic, Marquis. Our forces in Lorenne are twice the size of the Republics Northern Army, and yet, you seem to truly believe you are right.

Was he bluffing? Or did Valliant drop the ball?

Im getting a headache just from trying to understand the current situation with such limited information, but if Valliant didnt perform as well as I had hoped, then its all for naught.

With all due respect, Grand Duke. But I dont think it should be difficult to deal with an unmotivated enemy.

The Grand Dukes smile faded.

Your confidence is turning into arrogance. I had intended to be generous out of respect for the valiant efforts your soldiers have shown.

Did I make the wrong choice?

The pressure of holding the lives of the entire southern army in my hands is making my palms sweat.

I tried to appear calm as I spoke.

Are you sure about this, Grand Duke?

About what?

We were at a clear disadvantage. Theres no other way to say it, and nothing I can do will change it.

This is the Kingdom of Francia, Grand Duke. Even if our army falls, we will recruit more troops to defend our motherland.

I stared directly at his eyes as I continued.

Do you think that the Germania Empire shares the same resolve? Even if you were to claim a pyrrhic victory today, by sacrificing all the Empires forces, I doubt anyone in your homeland would count it as a worthy accomplishment.

Since I have no way forward with my military might, then I must go through my political means. In this war for King Louis, how much loss can the Germania Empire afford?

If the Grand Duke fights us, we will lose. But his army wont go away unpunished. Would he have the resolve necessary to shoulder such losses?

The Grand Duke glared at me.

After an intense stare-down, he burst into a hearty laugh.

Hahahaha! That was a good try, lad, but Im not that easy to fool.

He stroked his chin with a mirthful smile.

Tell me, lad. Do you truly believe you can achieve victory against me?

I shared my honest thoughts on his question.

No. That would be nearly impossible. My southern army will suffer a great loss, and the control over the Republics forces will shift towards General Raphael Valliant. However, should we fight, the Grand Dukes army will also suffer considerable damage, and perhaps even lose the initiative in this war.

The Grand Duke simply stared at me in silence.

Gambling with the fate of every soldier under my command is not an easy burden to take.

However, with such little information available to me, I have no choice but to trust in my gut.

Since the Grand Duke is already a National Hero, he would have no problems prioritizing the Empires interests instead of chasing personal glory.

It will be a lose-lose scenario for the both of us, Grand Duke. So lets call it a draw and move on.

After all, this war started with the pretext of establishing King Louis as the rightful ruler of Francia, under the Germania Empires influence of course.

If he destroys the Southern army but suffers great losses while doing so, it will be difficult to control King Louis later on. And in the worst-case scenario, they will have to recruit even more soldiers to fight in a war on behalf of another King.

Of course, that is purely a gamble on my part.

After hearing my words, the Grand Duke looked at me with a serious face and said,

Dangerous is the man who is not only a warrior, but a politician as well. And you, Marquis, are dangerous.

Do you accept my proposal, Grand Duke?

Please just say yes! Please!

After a tense silence, the Grand Duke chuckled and said.

I shall collaborate with you this time. Effective immediately, we cease all hostilities and will withdraw our troops. Please inform Count Millbeau of this as well.

I had to restrain myself from jumping around in pure joy and relief.


Hn-. Though our conversation was brief, it was rather interesting. I hope to meet you again on the battlefield where we shall fight to our hearts content, Marquis.

Interesting he says? What a dreadful way to resume this encounter.

He wants to meet me again after almost giving me a nervous breakdown?

I would prefer if such an occasion did not arise

Hearing my response, the Grand Duke laughed as he turned his horse and galloped away.

Alsace Front Republics Headquarters.

Under the command of the Grand Duke, his troops retreated in an orderly fashion while we headed toward the position Damien De MIllbeau was defending.

The chaotic defense lines and the numerous soldiers carrying the wounded bore witness to the fierce battle that had taken place here.


Go. Please take care of them, Saint.


Eris immediately broke off from our formation and went towards the wounded, followed by none other than Sir Beaumont.

Welcome, Marquis Lafayette!

When we arrived at the entrance, Damien hurried out to meet us, a trickle of foam present on the corners of his mouth, as he began to chatter excitedly.

I never doubted that the Marquis would come! But for you to arrive so soon its utterly commendable! The entire army owes our lives to the Marquiss benevolence!

I nodded my head towards Sir Gaston, who stood behind Damien, as he returned my greeting with his usual stiffness.

Well done Count Millbeau, you held your own against the master of deception, Grand Duke Leopold himself, and you fought with prudence, preserving our forces.

If he had fallen for one of the Grand Dukes ploys, the entire army would have been utterly destroyed, so his performance exceeded my expectations.

Damiens eyes welled with tears as he nodded.

Ahhh, to have my efforts recognized by the Marquis is a true honor! This Damien De Millbeau shall continue to serve with Loyalty, and I mean absolute Loyalty

Ah, thats it.

But theres one more thing.


I leaned closer to him and whispered.

Why on earth, did the Southern Army engage the Grand Duke without any support from the Northern Army?

Damien whimpered.

Was it that Valliant wished to leave the Southern Army to our own devices? Probably. We are, after all, competitors so thats not surprising.

Rather, its a good thing we do cooperate when it matters, but its a problem that the Southern Army followed his orders without thinking.

I dont recall telling anyone to throw away their brains and follow Raphael Valliants every order.

Hells, even if I gave the command to Christine who knows nothing about waging war, I doubt things would have played out like this.

Surely, you, the Count of Millbeau didnt just follow the orders of a mercenary-turned-general without thinking, right? Ah, but we shall speak of this in great detail later.

Damiens face paled, as he followed behind me in complete silence.

This cunt. Its not like he almost ground my people to dust just because he was seduced by some sweet wordsSurely not.

As we entered the Headquarters, the soldiers waved their flags enthusiastically, cheering for us.

Long live the Marquis of Lafayette!

Had I arrived even a day later, all these men would have been reduced to cold corpses.

Thank the gods you came!

Had my talks with the Grand Duke gone awry, the battle would have continued, so not only those who endured until now would have perished, but those who had marched all the way here would have perished as well.

While I waved at the soldiers, I couldnt help but sigh in relief, something I didnt allow myself to do near the Grand Duke.

Those who cheered at me, are the ones who decided to stand by my side, even if meant forsaking their titles or lands.

Those who followed me were the ones who were almost branded as rebels, but eventually, they also decided to join my banner.

I slowly raised my gaze towards the flag fluttering in the soldiers hand.

I etched in my memory their faces, filled with relief and joy because they had survived.

Ever since my regression, Ive been through several battles.

All those battlefields soaked with the blood of my countrymen.

I fought against those who wanted to plunder my realm and establish my foothold in this new life.

I opposed a King who continued a Civil War just to fatten his belly and the bellies of his followers.

We fought to survive.

Because our beliefs differed, I was forced to fight against those who were once my allies.

I fought against my countrymen, just to secure the future I had envisioned.

And now, only after such a long and tortuous journey, we were finally united under a single cause To protect our people against foreign nations.

Now, in this moment, I have fulfilled my promise to not lead my people into the battlefield just for the sake of my own goals.

Behold, oh Great Blue Knight. My Father. The man who claimed to have no equal under the heavens.

Isnt the hope of a better future held by those who survived far more valuable than the honor built under countless sacrifices?

TL note: I just did a whole inventory with my brother, helping him with his new gig.Bruh Like idk if ur guys country has this shit, but sometimes the government here just gathers a bunch of contraband itens the cops got, or just people trying to smuggle shit. Then the IRS of our country does an inventory, a market price research and sell those things without tax, and at cheaper price.




I WANNA KILL THAT CUNT OF MY BROTHER! HOW DARE HE MAKE ME HELP HIM, PAY FOR ME, GIVE ME FREE FOO actually, now that I think about it wasnt that /genesisforsaken


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