I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

Chapter 37: Revolutionary Period - Lumiere

Chapter 37: Revolutionary Period - Lumiere

Translated by Mara Sov

  Revolutionary Period Lumiere 

Upon receiving news of Germania mobilizing their forces, Christine immediately ordered Jean Malos death.

The commotion in the Capital regarding Malos assassination was quickly forgotten before the looming threat of war.

With Malo, the most vocal opposition to our collaboration with the Republic gone, and the imminent threat lit a fire under the Republic, the National Assemblys decision was quickly concluded, a stark contrast to their previous pace.

The position of Commander-in-Chief of the Republican army that I had demanded was, of course, denied. The proven general Raphael Valliant was appointed as the leader of the Northern Army, while I was assigned the command of the Southern Army.

Truthfully I had never expected that the Republic would place their entire forces under the command of a noble, as my demand for the role of Commander-In-Chief was merely an opener to the negotiations, so this could be considered an adequate outcome.

In exchange, all the nobles allied to me received not only officer ranks in the Republic but also seats in the National Assembly, while keeping the rule of their Estates for a year, to allow the Republic to take over the administrative systems.

In addition, the nobles had guarantees for securing their existing wealth, and depending on what the Estates agreed to hand over to the government, they would be compensated in the form of tax exemptions, pensions, or roles as a public officer.

Christine in particular will receive tax exemption for her merchant company within Francia, which, along with the free trade agreed by the Holy Theocracy only cemented her position as the wealthiest person in the whole Republic.

After so many years spent in preparation for this, we finally stand under the banner of the Revolution.

Currently, the soldiers of Lafayette were busy preparing themselves to accompany us to the Capital Lumiere.

As I looked at my personal maid, Jessie, whom I hadnt talked to in a long time, I asked.

Are you sure? Even though youve become very close friends with Eris, your family wont join you. Theres no need to follow us to the Capital.

After the grace period is over, the estate will be handed to the government, and I would become nothing more than an employer for the servants.

But as she heard my question, Jessie smiled.

Its fine, My Lord. I greatly enjoy my time serving Lady Eris.

When she first became my personal servant, she was stiff and tense, but now that apprehension had vanished completely as she would even join Eris in teasing me.

Two and a half years have passed since my regression. And after these two years, Jessies expression is much brighter, it almost made me wonder if this was the same woman who cautiously handed me my final meal.

While I became lost in those memories, Jessie asked me.

My Lord. If you may allow, can I speak my mind?

Hm? Go on.

With my permission, Jessie hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Im but a maid of humble origins. However, even in my ignorance, I can see that you, as a Lord, believe your subordinates serve you out of compulsion.

While I was caught off guard by her words, Jessie continued to speak in a more cautious tone.

You, My Lord, give us fair compensation for our labor and treat us fairly compared to other Lords who abuse their servants. If I may be so bold, I can safely say that it would be difficult to find a better Lord to serve.

I see.

Jessie paused for a moment as she smiled shyly before speaking.

Now that I think about it, when your Lordship suddenly took me as your personal servant, I feared you harbored some impure intentions

Sigh-. I realize what my actions may have looked like.

My apologies.

Jessie averted her gaze for a moment, but after taking a deep breath she looked at me in the eyes and said.

Its not just me, but all the servants are satisfied with their work at the Marquisate, and its thanks to you, My Lord. Since the Late Marquis left the estate and gave the lordship to you, many have felt this way. Therefore, My Lord, neither I nor the others who will travel to the Capital are doing it against their will. So please do not feel guilty.

I couldnt help but smile as Jessie kept glancing at me to gauge my reactions after her little motivational speech.

The answer to one of my doubts I had when locked in that dungeon, and after returning was right before my eyes.

I believed that even if I, their Lord, tried to get closer to my subjects, it would only cause them discomfort, and I constantly worried if I was treating them properly.

However, this girl before me managed to not only guess my doubts but to even answer them.

Thank you for those wordsI mean it. Nevertheless, I hope I havent taken too much of your time with all the preparations you must do.

Not at all, My Lord. I shall take my leave now.

Good. Once we arrive at the Capital, I shall give a generous reward to those who followed us.

Ill look forward to it, My Lord.

With a beaming smile, Jessie left and while I was on the way to my office, I bumped into Baron Domont as I turned the corner.

The Baron, whose belly had become even morerotundwiped his reddened eyes with a handkerchief.

Baron Domont.

Ahh-. If only Lady Yuria could see this, she would have been so proud

As soon as I heard those words, a teasing smile found its way to my face.

Werent you angry with my decision, Baron?

Ahem-. Well, thats

To join the Republic I had to give up control of my lands.

My alliance made with the southern nobles may hold a lot of power now, but even with our combined might, our population barely exceeds half of the Republics.

This was a necessary step to oppose King Louis and foreign powers, and we even gained a lot from it, but Baron Domont as well as other vassals who were loyal to the Earl of Toulouse expressed their discontent.

The good Baron seemed to think about this for a moment before letting out a deep sigh.

I still dont quite understand your reasoning. But I suppose it wont be easy to change the mindset already set in our ways.

This man was one of my most loyal allies during these two and a half years, but he was also the one having the hardest time accepting my decision. So I decided to grant him the position of governor over the Toulouse region.

In terms of pure influence, this position was vastly superior to his rank as a Baron. But to him, it was more a matter of sentimentalism than everything.

However, Lady Yuria made me promise to look after youThus, it is my duty to serve you, Marquis.

No, Baron. From here on, you will serve this country and not me. You will work with me, not as my vassal, but as my equal.

I, I dont believe I will get used to this

You will, my good Baron. I will leave this place in your care.

Offering my hand to him, the Baron accepted it somewhat awkwardly, hesitating before shaking my hand.

With a firm grip, I shook his hand and gave him a polite bow.

Thank you for everything, Baron.

The Baron once again wiped his tears with a handkerchief.

This man really doesnt act his age at all.

But with him here, I can head out to the Capital without worry.

It took some time to join our army with the forces of Aquitaine and Anjou, but we reached the Capital just before the winter kicked in.

Truthfully, it was disconcerting seeing the flag of the Republic, the same nation that killed me as I led my troops.

Although the Revolutionary government compromised, they didnt want it to appear as if they were surrendering to the nobles again.

Despite our deal, the revolutionaries spun the narrative making us the patriots who turned their backs on the corrupt monarchy to join their cause.

Well, in the end, the residents of Lumiere reacted rather well because of that.

The same people who were once gathered around the main square watching my execution were now looking at our procession as if we were some sort of spectacle.

When the merchants from Aquitaine at the front of our procession began to throw bread at them, the crowd exploded into cheers.

Some even started shouting Long Live Lafayette or Praised Be Aquitaine, as this fervor quickly spread through the streets.

Although this was Christines idea, I couldnt help but frown.

Liberty. Equality. Fraternity. These valours and the death of the corrupt nobility were something they proclaimed. But in the end, a simple piece of bread was enough to give them this amount of joy

Hah! Even this useless rabble knows you are an unparalleled hero, Marquis! This humble Damien De Millbeau will continue to serve you!

As I struggled to hide my disdain, I managed to send Damien a polite smile.

Just concentrate on doing your duty, Commander.

Hahaha.Y-yesOf course

Damien De Millbeau who just recently joined us was granted the position of General under my command, securing his immunity before joining the Republic.

Even this guy can be lucky sometimes, huh? But I wonder if sparing this fellow was a good decision.

Upon reaching the main street, I saw a podium prepared with several members of the National Assembly waiting.

Dismounting from my horse, I slowly made my way towards them.

Welcome, Marquis of Lafayette.

While Nicolas Brisseau, the current leader of the moderates extended his hand toward me, I heard a voice beside me.

Its been a while, Marquis.

With a light bow, Prosecutor Maximillien Le Jidor took a piece of bread thrown by the Aquitaine merchants as he glanced at the cheering crowd, frowned, and adjusted his glasses before speaking again.

Its like watching the Colosseum of the ancient empire.

Was he referencing those Emperors who entertained the people with brutal blood sports as he controlled his subjects hearts by giving them bread?

With a wry smile, I said.

We arent here to rule them, but to fight for them.

Jidor raised one eyebrow, but without even saying anything, he simply gestured towards the podium.

While I walked towards the podium, I realized that I was walking through the same place they had dragged me in my previous life.

In the distance, I could even see the makeshift tribunal and the guillotine.

The faces of the crowd that once shouted for my execution werent filled with madness.

Some were simply stuffing their faces with bread, while others were disinterested, and some whispered among themselves warily.

But as I took the final step onto the Podium, something flew at me.

You filthy noble!

I reflexively shielded myself with mana, but then I realized that what had fallen in front of me was a rotten egg.

The same rotten smell that filled my nostrils during that day as I was dragged, shackled, and defenseless made me sneer.

How dare you!

Sir Gaston burst from within the crowd in the blink of an eye and tackled the man who threw the egg, knocking him to the ground.

I could use this.

Sir Gaston.

My Lord the Marquis.

Let him go. He is also a citizen of Francia.

As you command.

As Sir Gaston released the man and stepped back, the man who stood up angry and confused spat on the ground before turning his back and walking away.

Before the crowds focus wavered, I infused my voice with mana and said.

Greetings citizens of the Republic! I am Pierre De Lafayette, the newly appointed commander of the southern army of our nation.

The murmurs from the crowd ceased as they all stared at me.

I am aware that many among you harbor doubts about me and my people, who have decided to stand with the Republic as fellow members of the Third Estate.

Up till now, I have done everything I could and prepared several contingencies.

Even then, it wont be enough. For we will have to fight enemies both outside and within Lumiere.

We have lived different lives for a long time, so your doubts are justified. I cannot dare to say I have understood Liberty, that I have treated everyone Equally, or that I upheld Fraternity towards all.

Below this podium, Christine was staring at me.

Her deep and tranquil black eyes seemed to reassure me, conveying her trust.

So, with her support, I continued without hesitation.

However! Today I stand here of my own free will. Not beside a tyrant King of an old regime, but with you, the sons and daughters of Francia.

When I first opened my eyes, all I could think of was my survival, and to prove for myself I was correct in my affirmations.

But as I slowly turned my gaze towards the one who enlightened me to the weight of responsibility and the righteousness placed on me.

Despite the veil and robes, I somehow could clearly see Eriss expression.

At this moment, I face the undeniable truth that should I not stand with you, my homeland will be trampled under the heel of foreign nations. Like you, I am also a son of Francia who is ready to defend my homeland against those invaders.

Sir Gaston and my Knights are also listening to my words.

The freedom you painstakingly achieved is a threat to them, so they will retaliate to preserve the oppression of the old regime. They believe themselves capable of binding us with the chains of suffering once more!

The same people who fought against the Revolutionary cause a lifetime ago, now stand under the same banner of the Republic.

People of Francia! You have endured countless hardships and shed much blood. The Liberty you have achieved, the Equality gained, and the Fraternity practiced are being threatened.

I once demanded the loyalty of my soldiers when we stood on a battlefield covered with bodies after the meaningless death of a horrible father.

Words filled with hypocrisy as I used them for my own goals, leading to where I am now today.

Our enemies are ignorant of our nature. They will be forced to fight for a useless King, for the honor of their commanders. But we are different, we fight for our own Liberty, for true Equality between us, and for the Fraternity in our homeland.

Before my regression, I couldnt tell my soldiers what they were fighting for.

This time, however,

Thats why I shall dare you to, the free people of Francia!

I hope they know what cause they are fighting for.

Will you allow your freedom to be taken again?


The entire crowd answered as one, as echoes of their voices rippled across the main square.

Will you allow that King to enslave you all again?


Will you fight against the tyrant King who betrayed his country and its people?


Will you fight against those nations that wish to destroy us?


We are the Revolutionary Army! We stand on the battlefield not at the behest of a despot, but to defend the Republic we have built! This will be the fight for our freedom! This will be a fight for your own glory! We are Francia! For the Revolution! Viva La Francia!



As I turned my back, I could hear the voices of those filling the main square, the united chorus shaking the entire Capital.

While some councilors joined the citizens in their cheers, Maximillien Le Jidor stood quietly as he looked into my eyes, clapping his hands.


He clapped exactly three times, both short and concise.

I smiled at him.

Now, at last.

A new future would be forged.

TL Note:

So, yesterday when I was going home from da super market.

There was dis crack head yelling sum nonsense like THE HEADSTONES WILL RISE





wtf was that my bro.



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