I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement

Chapter 34

Just a Reminder, You Can Breathe and Speak!

[What should we do? The host doesn’t seem to have any weapons on her, right?]

[It’s useless to bring weapons, though. These monsters have armor on their bodies. Even if you use a shotgun to hit the monsters’ armor, the monsters probably won’t be affected at all.]

[Haha! I didn’t expect Mikuya, who killed so many zombies in Zombie Apocalypse, to have such a day. Open the champagne!]

[Host, why don’t you just admit you’ve failed? The game is too difficult. No one will laugh at you!]

Facing the audience’s ridicule, Mikuya wouldn’t give up, of course. That would be too embarrassing.

Furthermore, she did not believe she would fail the game.

She had put a small alarm clock in her backpack before she set off. She could set the timer to make a sound!

Since the monsters could be attracted by sound, she could naturally use the alarm clock to lure them away.

Mikuya gestured to the three people beside her, telling them to move to the other side of the pharmacy, stay away from the entrance, and not attract the monster’s attention.

Mikuya then took out an alarm clock from her bag and set it to ring after a minute. She turned it to the maximum volume!

Mikuya then placed the alarm in the deepest part of the pharmacy.


When Mikuya placed the alarm, the monster broke through the door and rushed in.

The monster had not yet found them and attacked them because everyone was completely silent.

The monster kept waving its sharp claws, wreaking havoc in the pharmacy and making louder and louder sounds.

Mikuya used her agile body to dodge the monster’s attacks. At the same time, she tried her best to stay quiet. Finally, she managed to meet up with her family.

More than 40 seconds had passed, and the alarm was about to go off!

The possibility of them safely escaping the pharmacy and surviving depended on whether the alarm clock worked!

Finally, the alarm sounded ear-piercingly. The loud sound made everyone unfamiliar with the noises covering their ears.

When the monster heard the sound, its huge hearing organ began to shake violently, just like the eardrums of speakers.

Then, the monster smashed everything in its way and rushed to the alarm clock as if it had gone mad.

At the same time, the monster opened up a path to leave the pharmacy!

Mikuya immediately whispered to her family, “Run for your lives! We have to leave this place!”

The others were well-prepared and took the opportunity to run out of the pharmacy.

The monster had smashed the door of the pharmacy, leaving a lot of glass shards on the ground.

There would be some noise when they stepped on it. However, the alarm clock in the pharmacy was making a louder sound, and the monster itself was making a lot of noise.

Hence, the sound made by the glass seemed insignificant.

Finally, everyone successfully left the pharmacy. Just as they arrived at a house across the street, the alarm from the pharmacy stopped!

The monster had found the alarm clock and destroyed it!

After they escaped, Mikuya collapsed to the ground.

The character she was controlling in the game was a pregnant woman. Also, she had been pregnant for a long time and was about to give birth anytime!

She was even worried that she wouldn’t be able to return home safely after suddenly running for such a long distance.

After everything was safe, Mikuya could finally pay attention to the comments in the live stream.

Meanwhile, she teased.

“Everyone, I’m a girl who hasn’t been in a relationship in a long time. I didn’t expect to experience what it feels like to run like a pregnant woman today.”

“To be honest, putting aside the game’s content, just the feeling of experiencing a pregnant woman is fantastic!”

“I suggest everyone try it, especially the men watching the live stream. It will definitely open the door to a whole new world for you!”

“Girls can try it too. The feeling of giving birth to new life is fantastic and sacred!”

Mikuya said it from the bottom of her heart. She was not at the right age to discuss marriage since she was only in her 20s and still young.

However, she became a mother and a pregnant woman in the game.

She had to protect not just her family and her young child but also the unborn child she was pregnant with!

At this moment, Mikuya suddenly felt that Su Ping might have designed the game for another purpose!

Otherwise, why would he turn players into pregnant mothers in the game?

The viewers also started discussing after listening to Mikuya’s words.

[Haha! The situation is expected since it’s a game created by Su Ping. My heart was in my throat just now. I was so worried that the host would suddenly give birth to a baby!]

[Sigh, why do you still want to have children in an apocalyptic environment? Isn’t it just troubling yourself?]

[We shall never question the desire and obsession of a species to continue their offspring! Are we hoping to make humans extinct if we don’t have children?]

[Although getting pregnant in the apocalypse sounds troublesome, I have to say that if the apocalypse really does happen, this situation is very likely to happen!]

[What our Su Ping wants is to simulate reality!]

The game continued. After getting some rest, everyone finally returned home safely.

Afterward, Mikuya sped up the time flow in the game. Soon, half a month had passed.

During that time, many accidents happened, but they were all minor problems.

Mikuya had always been able to rely on her and her family’s intelligence to escape danger. Apparently, they already had a set of methods to deal with the apocalypse.

After experiencing the accidents, Mikuya clearly felt she was about to give birth!

Even though she was just playing a game, the feeling was extremely real.

Sometimes, Mikuya would caress her stomach during her spare time as if she was really pregnant with her child.

According to the in-game time, Mikuya had already spent more than a month in the game world.

However, in reality, only two hours had passed.

All the viewers in the live stream room were totally immersed in a world where no sound could be made. The live stream room was extremely quiet during the live stream.

Even when the viewers were watching the live stream, they would unconsciously control themselves not to make any sound!

Everyone held their breath and focused. They had forgotten to speak and breathe as if they were in the game’s apocalyptic environment.

[Just a reminder, you can breathe now.]

[I’d like to remind everyone that we can make a sound, it’s just the host can’t!]

If it weren’t for the reminders floating across the screen from time to time, many viewers might not have realized that they were completely immersed in it.

Whenever someone realized they were too immersed in the character, they would cough twice and smile awkwardly.

The game was too real!


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