I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement

Chapter 32

A Punishment for Breaking the Rules

A day later, A Quiet Place had yet to start its open beta officially.

However, it was available for the first 10,000 players who cleared Zombie Apocalypse II to download!

Su Ping would find them through their user codes and send them the installation packages.

Although the promotion of the games had just started less than a day ago, the popularity of A Quiet Place was extremely high!

All around the world, almost everyone who was related to the game industry had their eyes on this game.

In the live-streaming industry, every streamer, regardless of whether they played games or not, was ready to compete in the popularity and traffic of A Quiet Place!

Since the game was so popular, every streamer would benefit from simply playing it during their live stream!

Naturally, no one could resist such a temptation.

As the 10,000 people who could experience the game in advance, any one of them could temporarily enjoy the life of a popular streamer as long as they turned on the live stream.

Meanwhile, the major game development companies had found employees who could experience the game in advance and let other employees watch them play it.

After all, there were many professionals in a game development company, and they could even contact many gaming vloggers with high technical skills.

Therefore, it was easy for them to find a group of players who could experience the game in advance.

Some game development companies started to have crooked ideas since they had many slots to experience the game.

They were still unwilling to accept that Su Ping’s skills had surpassed their entire game development company.

At Steam.

“Start cracking A Quiet Place’s installation package immediately! Analyze the game’s physics engine and codes!”

The platform’s technical director gave an order. He had gathered almost all of the company’s top game producers in advance.

Following the failure to crack the codes of Zombie Apocalypse, Steam hired many top programmers to prepare for today!

However, the technical director received depressing and desperate news within two hours.

“I’m sorry, director. We’re incompetent!”

“The physics engine of A Quiet Place is even more perfect than the previous Zombie Apocalypse!”

“Even though we’ve focused all our attention on cracking it, we still can’t figure out the logic behind the physics engine!”

“I’m sorry, we might not be able to replicate the technology!”

After hearing the news, the technical director went furious.

“What did you just say? You’re telling me we can’t crack this damn game’s physics engine with our company’s technology?”

“What the heck are you guys doing? You’re getting paid by the company, yet you’re giving the company an explanation with such results?”

The head of the technical department lowered his head, not daring to say a word.

He didn’t want it to happen. However, the reality was cruel.

Just now, the top programmers had almost gone bald in the technical department, but they still couldn’t figure out what kind of physics engine was used in the game!

In the end, the game development company’s technical staff gave up on cracking the game file.

They had accepted their failure and could feel the chasm between them and Su Ping. They were in great despair!

On the other side, the players who had started to experience A Quiet Place had officially entered the game.

After all, these players had achieved good results in Zombie Apocalypse II. They thought they were good at playing games.

Therefore, they were confident when they first entered the game, thinking that they could clear it at the fastest speed again.

However, they soon encountered all kinds of tricky problems.

The first problem was to maintain absolute silence in the game!

Even if it was just a light sound, like a soft cough, the squeak of glass underfoot, or the sound of a can rolling across the ground.

The monsters would hear these sounds, leading the monster’s pursuit, causing them to fail the game.

The style of A Quiet Place was different from the Zombie Apocalypse series. At first glance, people wouldn’t think A Quiet Place was a horror game.

However, due to the game’s special rules, the game was even more terrifying than Zombie Apocalypse!

Due to the setting of absolute silence, the players didn’t dare make any noise after the game started. They had to maintain their tension the entire game to ensure that everything they did was quiet and gentle!

Soon, the players were aware of the game’s difficulty. Hence, they changed their attitude and played the game seriously.

However, since there were 10,000 slots for A Quiet Place’s advanced experience, there were all kinds of people among them.

Therefore, to clear the game as soon as possible and become the first person to have A Quiet Place’s traffic...

Some people began to come up with crooked ideas!

Some people found experts around them who were proficient in games and planned to send the game files to the experts so that they could clear the game on their behalf!

However, just as they were about to do so, they found an email in their mailbox.

When they opened the email, they saw that the content of the email was a warning from the producer!

“Please play the game yourself. The new game is only for personal experience and cannot be passed on to others!

The user’s IP address will be permanently blocked if it happens again. The user will be prohibited from playing all of my games forever!”

The warning was severe. It prohibited players from spreading the game’s installation package in private.

Some players even wanted to send the game files to more people. However, they found the game installation packages on their computers had been forcibly deleted!

Naturally, these players couldn’t stand such a thing happening. Initially, they could experience the game in advance, but it was confirmed that the producer had deleted the game installation package.

Some of them chose to complain about the situation online.

“Exposing the game producer’s unpleasant attitude, the dictator of the gaming community!”

“Here is the situation…”

These players revealed everything they had gone through to the public in the post. However, they brushed off their act of spreading the game installation package without permission.

The main content of the post was to criticize Su Ping. They claimed that Su Ping might have used some hacking technique to forcefully delete the installation package on their computer.

“I suspect the game producer has seriously threatened our internet security and privacy!

The producer could steal the information stored on our computers. He might use it for inappropriate purposes!

I hope everyone can take this as a warning and see the producer’s true colors!”


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