I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 257 257: Destroy All The Fortress (part 2)

Chapter 257: Destroy All The Fortress (part 2)

Xal'Thur wasted no time in complying with Cambion's command. With a determined step, he left behind the festivities and took to the skies, his form a streak of crimson against the backdrop of the world. His flight was swift, guided by purpose and an unshakable resolve.

Upon reaching the location of the first fortress, Xal'Thur's gaze turned toward the imposing structure that stood before him. Guarded by a sect master of a first-grade sect, it was a bastion of human strength and arrogance. But in Xal'Thur's eyes, it was nothing more than an ant daring to challenge a dragon.

With a breath of focused energy, Xal'Thur's aura surged, his power visibly radiating around him like an inferno. The air crackled with anticipation as he raised his hand, fingers curling into a claw-like gesture. Energy converged at his fingertips, forming a condensed sphere of power that seemed to pulse with a life of its own.

Then, in a display of sheer might, Xal'Thur's hand shot forward, releasing the sphere with pinpoint accuracy. The condensed energy streaked through the air, tearing through the distance with a velocity that defied comprehension. In the blink of an eye, the sphere collided with the fortress's defensive barriers, and the impact was cataclysmic.

The air itself seemed to tremble as a shockwave erupted outward, creating a shockwave of force that swept the surrounding area. The fortress's defenses strained against the onslaught, but they were no match for the concentrated power that Xal'Thur wielded. The barrier shattered like glass, fragments of energy dissipating into the atmosphere.

The fortress itself groaned under the assault, its very foundation cracking in response to the overwhelming force. And then, with a final resounding boom, the fortress crumbled. Stone and debris exploded outward in all directions, a chaotic storm of destruction that consumed everything in its path.

Amidst the chaos, the sect master who had guarded the fortress attempted to resist, but it was futile. Xal'Thur's power was beyond comprehension, and his mastery over the energies of the world was unmatched. The sect master's futile efforts were silenced as the force of the explosion engulfed them, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake.

In mere seconds, the fortress that had once stood as a symbol of human pride was reduced to rubble. The echoes of destruction gradually faded, replaced by an eerie silence that hung in the air. All that remained were the ruins of what had once been a bastion of power.

As the dust settled and the debris began to fall, Xal'Thur lowered his hand, his aura gradually subsiding. He stood amidst the ruins, his gaze steady and resolute. The fortress was no more, and the sect master had been vanquished. It had been a display of power that left no doubt in anyone's mind—Xal'Thur was a force to be reckoned with.

With his task completed, Xal'Thur turned away from the wreckage, his crimson eyes reflecting the determination that burned within him. He took to the skies once again, ready to move on to the next fortress, each step a testament to his newfound strength and his commitment to Cambion's orders.

While Xal'Thur continued to wreak havoc upon the fortress, another scene was unfolding within the main fortress, where Kaelar and Althea had been engrossed in their plans for the Azure Continent's defense.

The news of the life lamps extinguishing in the attacked fortress reached them like a chilling breeze, causing them both to turn towards each other, shock evident in their eyes. It was a grim revelation that pierced the air with uncertainty and dread.

Kaelar's brow furrowed deeply as he exchanged a glance with Althea. "How is this possible?" he questioned, his voice laced with disbelief. "Even the most formidable Core Formation demon couldn't bring down their defenses so swiftly. The fortresses were designed to withstand powerful attacks and to allow communication for help. Did anyone send out a distress signal?"

A man, his expression marked with concern, stepped forward to address their questions. "Lord Kaelar, Lady Althea, no distress signal was sent out. All the life lamps within the fortress went dark simultaneously. It implies that the fortress was brought down by a single, massive attack."

Althea's voice was laced with a mixture of astonishment and concern. "A single attack? That's nearly impossible. The level of power required to breach their defenses in one strike… it's beyond what even a peak Core Formation demon could achieve."

Kaelar's mind raced as he considered the implications. "Unless... unless it was the work of a demon at the Soul Strengthening Realm."

The room fell into a tense silence at Kaelar's words. The notion of a Soul Strengthening demon's involvement cast a shadow of fear and dread over everyone present. The Soul Strengthening Realm was legendary, a realm that only a handful of individuals in the history of the Azure Continent had ever achieved.

The man who had delivered the news chimed in, his voice heavy with disbelief. "But the legendary realm... throughout history, only three individuals on the Azure Continent are known to have reached such heights. And they are long gone."

Althea's eyes reflected the grim reality of the situation. "If it truly was a Soul Strengthening demon, then we're facing an adversary of unparalleled power. The very thought is chilling."

The room seemed to tighten with tension as they grappled with the implications. The presence of a Soul Strengthening demon could potentially tip the balance of power in favor of their enemies, erasing any advantage they had fought so hard to secure.

As the weight of the situation settled upon them, Kaelar's voice cut through the tension, breaking the heavy silence that had enveloped the room.

"Alright, now is not the time to feel scared," Kaelar's words were firm, his gaze resolute as he addressed those gathered around him. "We must act swiftly and decisively to ensure the safety of our people and the survival of the Azure Continent."

He turned his attention towards the man who had brought the news. "Gather all the inhabitants of the fortresses. We need to evacuate immediately. Everyone is to leave the fortresses and retreat back to my territory. We have to abandon these locations."

The man nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. "Yes, Lord Kaelar. I'll relay your orders and ensure that the evacuation process is initiated promptly."

Kaelar's gaze then shifted towards Althea, his expression serious. "And you, Althea. I need you to gather all the people of your sect and bring them to my territory as well. We must consolidate our strength and resources if we're going to survive an attack from a Soul Strengthening demon."

Althea met his gaze with determination in her eyes. "Understood, Kaelar. I'll organize the relocation of my sect's members to your territory. We need to ensure that we're united in the face of this unprecedented threat."

As Kaelar and Althea exchanged determined glances, a sense of purpose enveloped the room. The gravity of the situation demanded unity, cooperation, and swift action. The Azure Continent's defenders knew that their survival depended on their ability to adapt and strategize against the unprecedented power they were now facing.

In various corners of the Azure Continent, the leaders of different fortresses received the urgent orders from Kaelar. Confusion and surprise rippled through their ranks as they struggled to comprehend the abrupt change in plans. They had poured countless resources, time, and effort into building these fortresses to secure their territories. Now, faced with the command to abandon them, a mixture of disbelief and dissatisfaction clouded their minds.

They immediately contacted each other using a talisman.

"What is the meaning of this?" questioned one of the leaders, his voice laced with irritation. "We've invested so much into fortifying our defenses, and now we're being told to retreat?"

Another leader shook his head in disbelief. "These fortresses were meant to be our stronghold against any threat. How can we just leave them behind?"

The news spread like wildfire among the leaders, each grappling with their own concerns and doubts. They were leaders who held the responsibility for the lives of their people, and the prospect of abandoning the fortresses they had worked so hard to establish felt like a bitter pill to swallow.

Amid the murmurs and discontent, a voice of reason emerged. "Think about it," a wise leader spoke up, his expression contemplative. "If Kaelar is giving this order, there must be a reason. Let us not forget that Kaelar has always prioritized the safety of the Azure Continent. If he believes that evacuating the fortresses is the best course of action, then we must trust his judgment."


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