I Cheated While Cultivating

Chapter 125: 125: Lost Everything in the Bet

Chapter 125: Chapter 125: Lost Everything in the Bet

The true dream realm is based on an incredibly powerful spiritual force, and is an illusory world constructed out of thin air.

At the very least, one requires the cultivation level of the peak of Fifth Rank, with their Primordial Spirit’s Dharma Phase as the foundation, and also a grasp on related special Secret Techniques, in order to construct a nearly real dream realm.

However, such a high-level true dream realm, though intrinsically profound and interwoven with corresponding principles, usually does not cover a very large area, certainly not nearly as boundless as what she was seeing now.

A boundless dream realm means an endless and vast spiritual force!

Even stronger than the Fourth Rank level she had originally anticipated!

Oh heavens!

How could this be?!

This situation completely exceeded the expectations of the Qingxia God.

Even though she had previously considered the possibility that Zhou Heng was actually conscious within the dream realm, she never expected that she would plunge headfirst into such a massive real dream realm.

Feeling the vast and boundless true dream realm, the Qingxia God felt deep fear, as well as immense regret, that she should not have been so greedy as to dare to invade the dream realm of a reincarnated Tao Lord.

Simply tired of living!

Thus, she made a split-second decision to self-destruct, and then her true form would immediately flee.

To survive by cutting off one’s tail!

The Qingxia God before him was merely a strand of the Primordial Spirit from her true form, even if it self-destructed on the spot, it would only cause a minor injury to the true form, which would quickly heal itself.

But when she was about to self-destruct, her entire being suddenly became stupefied, she actually forgot what she had been planning to do just moments ago, staring blankly at everything around her, with a perplexed look on her face.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I supposed to do?

One question mark after another emerged in the Qingxia God’s mind, her stream of thought nearly came to a halt, her expression dull and foolish, as if her very intelligence had been lowered.

Zhou Heng emerged from a void, standing with his hands behind his back, high and lofty, looking down at the strand of the Qingxia God’s spirit, and said in a deep voice, “How can I make you submit, completely follow my orders?”

This very real dream realm was constructed using the Taoist Formulas Dream Cultivation Card, aimed at preventing any accidents on this last night before departure.

Physical attacks in reality, with You Ziheng and the Five Emperor’s Inner Seat present, did not warrant much worry, but silent, unnoticed spiritual attacks were difficult to guard against. If he could be within a true dream realm, matters would be much easier to handle.

When Zhou Heng discovered the intrusion of the Qingxia God, he was taken aback. He hadn’t anticipated that his precautions would actually encounter the very contingency they were meant to safeguard against.

Therefore, he resolutely used the “Fooling Card,” dumbing down the Qingxia God.

Facing such a being that had once reached Second Rank, Zhou Heng didn’t dare take it lightly in the least, nor did he dare to be overconfident and hold back his trump card.

Originally, he intended to use the Peak Card next to launch the ultimate-level Purple Thunder Seven Strikes, directly obliterating the Qingxia God.

However, through the perception of the true dream realm, he realized that the Qingxia God was nothing more than a strand of Primordial Spirit. In this case, exterminating it would be meaningless.

Upon reflection, if he couldn’t kill her, why not make this weakened Second Rank power submit?

Anyway, since she had been dumbed down and nearly lost the ability to think for herself, answering almost any question posed, it was the perfect opportunity to inquire about ways to control her.

“You can let me swear an oath with my own Tao Seed, pledging loyalty to you, obey your command.”

The Qingxia God said with a dull look and foolish tone, “However, I am only a strand of Primordial Spirit right now, taking an oath won’t have the same effect as the true form, and your control over me would be limited.”

“To what extent can it reach?” Zhou Heng inquired.

“After I take the oath, my true form will not be able to harbor thoughts of harming you, and you can issue me three mandatory commands each day.” The Qingxia God continued with a foolish appearance, her eyes void of spirit, her entire being like an exquisitely delicate and pretty doll.

“Then take the oath,” Zhou Heng said.

“I swear with my own Tao Seed to pledge loyalty to you, to heed your commands!” The Qingxia God looked up at Zhou Heng, her body radiating a green light, with layers of principles intertwining and extending the reality of the dream realm, connecting her to the Bai’s family’s true form.

The Qingxia God’s true form was originally sitting cross-legged in the void, waiting for the return of the soul strand to avoid being intercepted by it in case of an emergency escape. She did not synchronize information with the soul strand to reduce the degree of connection, only sensing it when the soul strand was destroyed or imprisoned.

But suddenly she felt an anomaly within her own Tao Seed, invisible shackles spread from within, tightly binding her Primordial Spirit.

“What’s happening, has something gone wrong with the soul strand?!” The Qingxia God was horrified, her cultivation was rooted in that very Tao Seed, now with the Tao Seed undergoing changes, it equated to shaking the foundation of her cultivation.

Immediately after, she perceived an image: it was the scene of her soul strand pledging loyalty to Zhou Heng with the Tao Seed, this scene reflected in her mind almost caused the former Second Rank Tao Lord to faint.


And to pledge loyalty with the Tao Seed!

The Qingxia God felt she was going insane, her heart about to surge with murderous intent towards Zhou Heng, but the power of the Tao Seed unfolded in an instant, firmly suppressing this thought within her.

She could not harbor any thoughts of harming Zhou Heng.

The power of the Tao Seed would prevent it.

This was the effect of swearing an oath on one’s own Tao Seed.

At the same time, the Qingxia God also came to realize that from now on, Zhou Heng could impose three compulsory commands on her every day.

Why had this happened?

Why had she obediently sworn an oath with her own Tao Seed, was her intelligence truly that low??

She couldn’t understand, couldn’t figure it out at all.

Even if her split soul had to self-destruct, why swear an oath of loyalty with the Tao Seed?

It was pure madness!

At this moment, the Qingxia God was completely baffled and had fallen into deep self-doubt.

How could she be so unlucky?

When she had just condensed her Tao Seed, she encountered the Divine First Rank “Law Saint” who directly suppressed her into a grand river.

After the “Law Saint” fell, his disciple “Sealing Tao Lord” JiangTafa came to ferry across the river, using “Sealing Tao Seed” to suppress her for thousands of years.

Seven years ago, she finally seized the opportunity, her Primordial Spirit escaped the seal, reincarnated with her Tao Seed, but then fell into the confusion of the embryonic stage, bewildered for six or seven years, until half a year ago when she began to awaken some fragmentary memories and was barely able to mobilize some of the power of the Primordial Spirit and Tao Seed.

Yet, before she could recover further, she encountered a reincarnated Divine First Rank Tao Lord who had once controlled the Five Elements Path, who almost seized her Tao Seed.

Although she had retained her Tao Seed, somehow her split soul swore an oath of loyalty using the Tao Seed to that reincarnated Tao Lord, and her original self was also greatly affected, controlled by another.

This was a total loss, even including herself.

Looking back on her several thousand years of snake life, it was truly filled with all sorts of misfortunes.

“Why am I so unlucky!??”

The Qingxia God wanted to cry but had no tears to shed.

She was utterly desperate within her heart.

The next morning.

Zhou Heng, under the enthusiastic farewell of the Wang Family and Bai’s family, followed You Ziheng and left Yuanhe Prefecture City.

The Wang Family’s patriarch even seized this opportunity to recommend Wang Xinyue to Zhou Heng again, wishing her to stay by his side and serve him… but alas, it was not to be.

Zhou Heng replied perfunctorily a couple of times before taking off into the sky with You Ziheng on a white crane.

Inside Bai Yuejian, the Qingxia God felt a weight lifted off her shoulders.

Zhou Heng had used two compulsory commands on her last night; although they were not anything serious, the feeling was still very uncomfortable.

Also considering her current level of awakening was still quite low and she couldn’t leave Bai Yuejian, now that he had left this place, she should not be subjected to compulsory commands again for a short while.

Zhou Heng sat atop You Ziheng’s giant white crane.

It was his first time experiencing the sensation of flying in the high skies without any obstructions; frankly, it was a bit unnerving.

The next destination wasn’t the Pure Yang Palace but rather the place he first came to in this world.

In the deep mountains more than three hundred miles south of Huangtong Mansion City.

There lived Zhou Heng’s parents in this world, as well as some of the first people he had met.

Now that he was going to the Pure Yang Palace, he had to inform his parents in this world and ask for their opinion, to see if they were willing to move to live inside Huangtong Mansion City.

However, halfway through the journey, a five-colored light suddenly fell in front of them, blocking the white crane. The person who came was dressed in a Five-Color Gown, wearing a mask painted with five sovereign emblems.

It was a Fourth Rank pinnacle expert from the Zhou Tian Boundary Officer, code-named “Inner Seat of the Five Emperors”.

“You couldn’t resist after all,” You Ziheng chuckled, as if he had expected it.

“Hmm.” The Inner Seat of the Five Emperors nodded slightly, then looked at Zhou Heng and said with all seriousness, “Young friend, I extend an invitation to you on behalf of the Zhou Tian Boundary Officer.

“Would you be willing to join us?”


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