I Can Peek Inside Every Place And Even Record It

Chapter 160 Yasmin

Chapter 160 Yasmin

"What exactly was that?" asked Ciel.

When thinking about it, Ciel was curious, but also did not consider it that important. After all, he had two unrivaled treasures, one of which guaranteed his cultivation success.

If he fucked Rin who had divine cultivation, the result would definitely be better than that chance. He could directly break through to the Demigod Realm.

"There's no need to rush, how about we eat first, I've already booked a restaurant to welcome you," Rin replied so the Ice Palace disciples who were also curious had to endure their curiosity.

Ciel was also interested in this desert culture, so he did not mind.

"Alright," he replied.

"Hehe..." Rin gave a short laugh before signaling everyone to get off the ark.

They then left the area where the ark had landed. It was private property belonging to the Ice Palace.

Arriving on the road, Ciel saw many people dressed in desert-style clothing.

After taking a closer look, he found their physiques seemed stronger than average. Each of them had hands full of muscles.

What interested him the most were the camels here, which were also very numerous.

They were huge, had long legs and necks.

Some of them even had wings, perhaps a unique breed as their aura was one level more majestic than ordinary camels.

There is also no shortage of beautiful women here.

They give off a sweet impression with their tanned skin and long black hair that always seems to be blowing in the wind.

The group from the Ice Palace was particularly eye-catching. Admiration instantly appeared in their eyes when they saw those beauties with pale white skin.

Mu Yixue for example, who had a strong impression as an ice princess was gazed at as if she was a rare diamond.

Of course, for all the women, they were more attracted to Ciel because he was the only man in the group.

"That way!" Rin who took the lead directed the way. She walked leisurely with a faint smile always on her face.

Her calm aura sometimes made her look like an ordinary woman.

As she walked, she approached Kaiya, chatting in a low voice.

It was unknown what they were talking about, and Ciel wasn't interested either.

He was focused on observing the crowd.

In some areas, he saw arguments between locals and outsiders.

Apparently the locals here had a lot of courage. When provoked, they fought back immediately without considering the background of the enemy.

And so far, Ciel found the locals winning every conflict.

They didn't just look physically strong, but they were really strong.

Moments later, he was attracted to a large stone platform that stood in the center of a large field.

It was the most crowded place, Ciel saw many outsiders gathered.

Of particular interest was the figure of the woman standing on the platform.

She was wearing a long black dress that covered her entire body and a veil that covered her face. Even her hair was barely visible as she wore a white shawl to partially cover her head.

Her hands held a silver bow that occasionally emitted light while her black eyes occasionally gazed at some point on the field.

If we're talking about her beauty, it's hard to say, but even with that covered appearance, people who saw her were always made to feel that she was very beautiful.

However, compared to her beauty, her incomparable aura attracted people more.

Her cultivation was at the Eighth Hegemon Stage, but she was definitely no ordinary Hegemon. Anyone could sense that she was an extremely dangerous Hegemon.

"Little brother, are you interested in her?" Rin suddenly asked Ciel when she saw the direction of his gaze.

Before Ciel could say anything, she explained, "Her name is Yasmin and the people of this desert honor her by calling her Princess Yasmin even though she is not a princess because there is no kingdom here and she also has an ordinary background. She's genius number one, a rising star who is predicted to become a God in the future. Before this, many geniuses had come to challenge her only to lose. It seems that now she's giving it to outsiders to fight if they feel great."

"What do you think if she is compared to Yixue?" asked Ciel in response.

Of course, if asked whether he was interested or not, he would honestly say that he was interested.

He is still too young to be able to ignore such an amazing woman.

"Hard to say," Rin replied while looking at Mu Yixue who was also looking at Yasmin.

"Sister Junior, how about you challenge her?" Rin asked her.

Unfortunately, Mu Yixue shook her head in response.

"I won't fight without importance," she replied.

Rin didn't try to force Mu Yixue if she didn't want to, she smiled and continued talking to Ciel.

"Little brother, if you are interested in her, I can send your proposal message to her."

"What?" Although Ciel was a womanizer, directly proposing to a woman he had only seen for less than five minutes was still too much.

"Kekeke, you don't know, but marriage on this continent is a cultural imperative. You don't get married, you will be questioned, and getting married is a must that everyone believes in including the women. When they are in their 20s, they will open up to men who want to propose to them. Polygamy is also considered so common that even upper-class women don't mind it at all. Introductions, friendships, love journeys, engagements, these are all unnecessary here. Everything will start after marriage." Rin went into detail about life on this continent. She seemed to know it very well.

The information was a little surprising to the Ice Palace disciples. Mei Mei then asked, "senior, is Yasmin also the same as other women on this continent?"

"Of course, I heard that she has even announced the requirements to become her husband. Hehehe, but even though women here are easier to marry, it takes a lot of wealth to marry them because the dowry is never small. The more the merrier," Rin replied.

"So how is Little Brother? Don't worry about the dowry, I will prepare everything for you. I happen to have a lot of wealth, I'm sure I can fulfill all of that woman's needs?" She looked at Ciel with a wink of her left eye, seeming like she was baiting him.

The fact that she was doing all this was somewhat beyond Ciel's expectations. He was increasingly thinking that she was very good as a big sister.

"Let's eat first, I'll think about it," Ciel replied.

This would be like an arranged marriage, Ciel needed to calm down first.

However, that didn't mean he didn't like this kind of thing. He thought it was interesting and worth trying.

"Sure, but don't think too long or you'll be preceded by someone else," Rin replied with a soft laugh, reminding Ciel that there were many young geniuses coming up now.

Some of them might also propose to Yasmin.

Ciel was not worried up to that point, of course. When it came to dealing with women, he had absolute confidence.

Seeing Ciel's calmness, Rin ended up taking Ciel and the others to a fancy restaurant near the area.

Unlike the other restaurants, it was not accepting guests right now. The boss and his waiters were waiting outside.

When they saw the group from the Ice Palace, they immediately greeted them in a very friendly manner.

"Miss Rin, young ladies, welcome," said the boss who was a middle-aged man with a fat body.

When he saw Ciel, he cupped his fist very carefully.

"Prince, welcome to my little restaurant, please come in," he added.

Ciel did not respond, just stepped inside.

Arriving inside, Rin suddenly pulled him to the largest table beside the window. It had up to ten seats.

Mu Yixue and Mei Mei naturally followed him, and even Kaiya sat at that table as well.

However, Isla apparently chose another table far away.

In the end, Ciel sat on Rin's left side while Mu Yixue was on Ciel's left side.

From where Ciel sat, the stone platform in the center of the field was clearly visible.

At this moment, he saw a young man climbing onto it, looking magnificent in the imperial robes he wore.

He was also brimming with confidence.

This was a challenge.

Unfortunately, when Ciel expected an amazing fight, the arrow Yasmin shot easily knocked the young man down.

He lost in a single blow causing great excitement among the outside spectators while the locals laughed proudly, wondering if any outside genius could defeat Yasmin.

Even the boss of the restaurant who happened to be standing near Ciel's table spontaneously said, "is it really as it is said, that Princess Yasmin is the pinnacle of genius that no one can match her?"

Unfortunately, his words earned him the sharp gazes of all the Ice Palce disciples who seemed to be interested in finding out if that was the case. The boss trembled so much that sweat poured out of his body.

"Ahh, yeahhh, how is that possible? In the Ice Palace, I'm afraid Princess Yasmin is only a second year disciple," he said hurriedly.

Only after he said that did the glares at him stop. It wasn't that anyone was angry with his words, but it was clearly unacceptable in front of them given their unparalleled achievements. After all, two of the Ice Palace disciples had already become a God. The third disciple had also already reached a peak below Gods.

And the fourth disciple Mu Yixue was considered no less than the three.

To the Ice Palace disciples, Yasmin looked impressive only because she had yet to meet a truly powerful opponent.

The boss wanted to divert attention, so he waved to the waiters while shouting, "quick, quick, prepare the food. Make sure there are no mistakes."


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