I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 9: Tang Shelter

Chapter 9: Tang Shelter

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"But you bit my husband who just turned into a zombie... wait, don't tell me, are you into biting zombies? Is that your thing? Why would you do that? It's not even sadistic anymore, that's pure craziness!"

"Wait miss, don't misunderstand... I..."

What do I tell her?

Honestly, what do I tell her?!

I pulled back and thought real hard but I can't find anything to counter her assumptions.

Wait! If this goes on, I'd be labeled a pervert on a higher plane! Everyone would know me as the person who sucked a zombie to death... and that's not even an achievement worth bragging to everyone.

Wait... zombie? Yeah, she did tell me that her husband just turned into a rabid human.

That's it!

"Miss, you misunderstand, I repeated." I waved my hand. "It's not that I'm into sucki-, er, biting someone. It's just that... I know of an effective and safe way of getting rid of a zombie and that involves biting them."

"No, my daughter and I know who you are." The mother closed her eyes. "You're the Zombie Cultivator!"

"What did you ju- A Zombie Cultivator? What in the blazes are you talking about?" I asked her, confused.

"Yes, we know you go around biting both the infected and not infected and sucking them dry."

"Hey, be careful of your phrasing, what if we get demonetized?" I exclaimed because she didn't choose her words right. It's not that I sucked everyone dry, I specifically bit them and sucked their blood dry, get that?

"Demonetized? What do you-"

"Enough of your banters, just continue with what you're rattling about and be done with it." I waved off my hand so she could continue.

"You go around biting everyone you set your eyes on. We know because you've been doing it for five years!" The mother exclaimed. "That's why no one wants to go to this city. You bite everyone and then you sit in a cultivating position as if nothing happened. It would've been understandable if you were just a different type of zombie but to think that you're actually human?!"

"Wait... what do you mean by five years? I've been biting everyone for the past five years?" I asked her. Everything that she said was finally starting to sink in but I couldn't quite grasp everything yet. "You mean to say, I've been like this for the past five years and I've been going around biting everyone I see?"

The mother nodded.

The information was too much for me to take in and I collapsed knee-first into the ground. Tears were trying to escape the floodgates of my eyes but I held it in. As a sect master, I shouldn't lose my calm even if my dignity was stepped on. One must maintain his composure at all times! That's how I, Yongrui, am and I won't change just because of something I did when I didn't have consciousness. "I've turned into something I've sworn to destroy... but now that I got my consciousness back, it's time to exact revenge to those who deserve it."

I turned to the mother and daughter, contemplating whether to tell them or not. "I'm really sorry but the truth is... I really turned into a zombie. I just managed to get my humanity back after subconsciously gathering Qi in my mind. I know you might not believe me but this was the day I finally took control of my mind once again."

"I-is that true... are you... are you going to suck us dry too?" The mom asked yet a misleading question. "Please, if you're going to suck us, leave my daughter alone. Just suck me and let my daughter escape."

"AS I SAID... STOP SAYING I SUCK PEOPLE!" I screamed at her. My patience was already running thin as it is and she just had to say some misleading things.

"Please, sniff~, don't bite my mom... you can bite me instead... Please spare my mom... " The daughter sniffled.

What the- are they for real?! How preposterous! This mother-and-daughter pair knows no bounds in their insolence. How could they tarnish the name of an esteemed Sect Master just because their vocabulary is limited and their minds have been closed off! This is pure disrespect!

"ARGH! I was unconscious when I did that and also, I was biting everyone! Sucking their blood was just an added bonus! How many times do I have to tell you!" I reasoned.

No, I shouldn't lose my calm! How unbefitting of a Sect Master! "Ehrmm," I cleared my throat before I continued. "Even though you spoke of such slander, I will spare your lives because you both are ignorant of my identity. Just this once, I will forgive you and your unpardonable sinful acts of defamation."

Although it's unbelievable, I could tell that the mother and daughter were telling the truth about me roaming around this dilapidated city for five years. Long story short, I've been a rabid human for the past five years and now I'm probably still a rabid human but at least I got my consciousness back.

"Wait, you won't bite us?"

"YES! WHY WOULD I BITE YOU TWO?!" I groaned once again. I was getting tired of exchanging words with these people. "In fact, I'd even lead you to your safety. So, where are you going?"

"Wait, how could we trust you?" The mother asked. Although she had no place to negotiate with me, she asked nonetheless.

"You could trust me or I could just stay here and bite you two just because you're being a pain on my butt." I finally took control of my composure. "What do you say?"

Since there was no room for negotiations, the mother regrettably nodded her head. I think she was just glad that she's not yet dead.

"So, where are you headed?"

"To the Tang Shelter."

"Tang Shelter?!"

"Yes, it's two cities from here."

Tang Shelter?! Of all the names they could name the shelter, they just had to call it Tang Shelter? Now, this is interesting.

Are Zhen, Zhiyun, and Liang alive? Did they make it?!

"If you're going to go there, then I could aid you in crossing through the cities." I offered, "Of course, I don't need anything in return. Think of this as an apology for biting your husband."

"N-no! You don't have to do that! Our husband already turned and he was about to eat us when you came and bit him on the neck. We should be the ones expressing our thanks."

Then why did it look like I was the criminal back there? Oh right, they thought I was a rabid human as well. Understandable.

"Then I get that you want to thank me? As thanks, let me accompany you to this Tang Shelter. I promise I'd get you there safely and any rabid humans that try to attack us would be put down by yours truly. I'm plenty strong if you ask me."

I could tell that the mother and daughter had mixed feelings when they looked at me with a mixture of disdain and perplexity. Still, since they didn't have any choice and they probably thought that I'd really bite them if they don't adhere to my wishes, they decided to agree on my terms.

The terms being, I accompany them to the Shelter as their way of thanks for me. I know it doesn't make any sense but that's about it.


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