I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 22: Difference in Power

Chapter 22: Difference in Power

<Stage 1 Low-Leveled Zombie Killed>

<You've earned 1 exp>

<Stage 1 Low-Leveled Zombie Killed>

<You've earned 1 exp>

<Stage 1 Low-Leveled Zombie Killed>

<You've earned 1 exp>


When it comes to going through a killing spree, keeping track of time could become so difficult. As time passed, waves upon waves of rabid human hordes came up to me without rest. And yet, I didn't feel exhausted in the least. In fact, I felt more energized every time I beheaded one of them.

"How many days has it been?" I asked myself while punching another rabid human to death. I lost track of how many rabid humans I've slaughtered and they just kept coming!

Everything was like a blur when I let my adrenaline take over me. An unusual habit was starting to form within my body the more I killed a rabid human. And before I knew it, I was dancing around, efficiently punching their head off their shoulders. If a passerby saw me, they would think that I was crazy due to the super weird dance I was doing.

I was going around and around like a kid playing. The reason for that was so a rabid human won't sneak up from behind me and bite me. In other words, I was rotating so I won't have any blind spots. And while doing so, I punched their heads as hard as I could with my fists. I got too used to it that the rabid humans surrounding me began to dwindle in numbers. Now, they die faster than they respawn, which was a good thing.

Wait, do they respawn? Seems to me like they do since they just keep coming, I guess.

<Exp 640/640>

<Congratulations, you've reached Level 6>

<You've gained a free stat point>

Wait, I'm level 6 now? So I've killed more than a thousand rabid humans by now? That's insane! I thought that I only killed a few hundred of them, who would've thought that I already reached a thousand.

The refreshing feeling in my body was replaced with a certain coldness. It started from my Virus Qi Core and then it affected my Qi Core with its coldness. Then, my whole body soon followed, giving me literal chills. At first, I thought that the coldness had to do with my Virus Qi Core but as it turns out, I was wrong. The coldness that I felt came from the System and it's like a status and hp refresh in video games. Just like when you level up in video games and your hp goes up to full, the coldness was the same. The little bit of fatigue that I felt vanished in a blink of an eye. Not only did I feel stronger than before due to the level up, but I also felt more energized.

For a split second, I was tempted to look at my stats but seeing that I'm still in the middle of a battle, I stopped myself. I can just look at it later, after all,


My attention was attracted by a loud and ferocious scream, emanating from a really massive rabid human which was at least a hundred meters from where I was. Compared to my rabid human subordinate, the Stage 1 High-Leveled rabid human, the thing was like a monster truck. My subordinate couldn't even be compared to it, in other words. And just by its looks alone, I could tell that it was at least ten times stronger than my subordinate.

But we won't know unless we try, right?

"Let's go, p*kemon!" I shouted, as I extended my hand and imagined pulling my rabid human from my storage. In just a split second, my First-Stage High-Leveled rabid human appeared in front of me all menacing with its black-colored body. It's violet, vein-like streaks glowed as it roared.

In return, the massive rabid human that appeared roared as well. It seemed provoked by the appearance of my rabid human.

Without further ado, my rabid human charged, ready to bite and beat the living daylights out of the massive rabid human in front of me. They were like two buildings trying to topple each other down, judging by their size. My rabid human was just a story tall, however, while the one attacking us was two stories tall.


"Wait.. what?! What just happened?!" I exclaimed.

It only took one shot... just one shot to kill my rabid human. It took hundreds of Stage 1 Low-leveled rabid humans to take it down but this zombie just took care of it with one slap?! How could this rabid human be so strong?

<Stage 1 High-Leveled Zombie has returned to your System Storage>

After the prompt, my System spoke to me in a bit of a panicked manner. "Yongrui, get out of here! You can't take that on. It's a Stage 2 High-Leveled Zombie!"

"Stage 2?! That's just stage 2?! How could it be so formidable when the difference in their levels is just one?" I asked as I tucked my tail and run. As I said before, I'm a rational person and I could tell that there's no way I could rise victorious if I go head to head with that gargantuan of a zombie. Even if my system already told me that I leveled up to Level 6, I still won't risk it.

"It's just like in cultivation, Yongrui. A higher realm is more powerful than a Lower One. And when it comes to zombi- er, rabid humans, that difference in power is more conspicuous than in humans."

"And so? What level do I have to attain to be able to defeat a Stage 2?"

"I don't know... but probably Level 10+ or 15+." The System spoke.

"Wouldn't that take so long? How many Stage 1 should I kill? Thousands? That will take so long!" I complained. "But no matter. For now, I just have to escape this place and do some planning.

I, Yongrui, is the strongest cultivator back in my days. There's no way I'd allow a mere pesky rabid human to defeat me. If killing thousands of rabid humans is what it takes to reach a higher plane, then so be it. I'm not the kind of person who'll run forever. I will defeat that Stage-2, no matter what!



I didn't even see what happened. The next thing I knew... the Stage-2 High-Leveled Zombie fell down as its head rolled over to my feet. Someone slashed it with a single strike...

Someone more powerful than m- wait?! What?! Isn't that


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