I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 2: How Disrespectful Indeed

Chapter 2: How Disrespectful Indeed

It didn't take long before Rong finished doing his weird and jerky break-dance. At least ten seconds had passed, and Rong just lay on the ground, his feet were carefully placed beside his head and it looked creepy. His eyes were also beginning to get bloodshot and he started groaning to himself. It was very mystifying and eerie at the same time, making me wonder how times have changed so much even though I haven't stayed that long in the cave doing my cultivation.

Since I didn't know how else to react, I just clapped and cheered for him. In all honesty, I was genuinely amazed at his dance, so amazed in fact that I momentarily forgot Natalia was still holding me in her passionate embrace. I only remembered when her teeth dug in deeper on me and I flinched in slight pain.

"What was that about? Is that dance another weird trend nowadays?" I asked him, totally not insulting his dance skills at all. After all, I couldn't imagine myself dancing that bad- er, I mean, that well. Even though it was a weird dance, I could tell it required a lot of skills since those movements couldn't possibly be done without practice.

And others were starting to do it as well.


Rong, instead of answering me, just groaned in my face. How disrespectful!

"Hey, Rong. First, you killed your brother. Second, you interrupted me while I was talking. Third, you were flexing at me on how well you do this trendy weird dance thingamajiggy. And now you won't even answer my question? Did you just groan at me, your Sect Master?" I was barely holding it in. After just a few months, Rong had gotten so disrespectful that I'm quite shocked.

Well, Rong was never the respectful disciple, to begin with, but he wasn't that disrespectful either. I didn't know what came about for him to change so drastically since I wasn't gone that long. He couldn't be compared to Natalia at all, although they were of the same age. Their difference has that too big of a gap.

Look! Until now Natalia's still letting me know how much she means to me and how much she missed me! What a good disciple she is!

Compared to that, Rong not only disrespected me a lot, he even went as far as to murder his brother in front of me! What a disappointment, indeed.

THE disappointment of the Tang Sect. That's what you are, Rong.

As if he heard what I was thinking, Rong stared at me with an offended look on his face as he unhinged his jaws. Uttering yet another groan, he rushed towards me with arms flailing like a madman. Just like Natalia, it seemed to like he wanted to bite me too. After mocking me, he dared to copy Natalia? As if I would allow it! If he wanted to welcome me, he should've given me some face and bowed down in my presence!

Well, even if he did that, biting me is out of the question.

"Master! They're infected with some sort of zombie virus! If you get bitten you'll die!" One of my disciples shouted in my direction.

"Zombies, you say? Did you really just say, zombies? How absurd! Ahaha~! " I guffawed, shrugging off the prank as I simultaneously sent Rong flying a few hundred meters away from me using a single punch. He skittered away and it was obvious he suffered an incredible amount of broken bones and injury.

Let that be a lesson for you, Rong. I hope that's enough to make you quit in my sect.

Once again, I gave the said disciple another skeptical glance before speaking. "If you're planning to carry on with this bizarre and unusual festival then, herewith, I command you all to stop now! This isn't amusing, to say the least!"

For a moment, all of them stopped chasing and being chased by each other. But a split second after their halt, they started rushing towards me as if to encourage that I join them. This is nonsense! There's distinctly no way I would partake in such trifling activities!

This just proved how much disrespect my disciples really had towards their one and only master. And in order to teach them a lesson, I sent all of them flying just like I did when Rong launched himself to me.

"Master! You have to believe us! Some sort of virus outbreak occurred and everyone infected by it started acting feral. Even Natalia is infected. You have to believe us!" One of my disciples desperately pleaded as he kneeled to the ground. By the looks of his eyes, I could tell that he was extremely desperate for me to believe him.

At this point, I was beginning to wonder if I should give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, this certain disciple of mine isn't one to tell jokes willy-nilly. In fact, he was one of the most rational disciples I could ever hope for. Well, he's rational but that doesn't mean he's smart.

"So, you're telling me, that human rabies is finally a thing of the present?!" I reconfirmed, trying to affirm if what he was saying was the plain truth. "How long have I been in my slumber that I've been ignorant in these world-changing events?"

When I looked over my shoulder, I saw that Natalia was still digging through my neck! By now, it's starting to feel rather weird for me. I didn't expect her to sink my teeth on my neck for a long period of time. "Hey, Natalia? Don't you think we should do this later? I know you missed me that much but don't you think we should at least be more secretive about this? I mean, I'm your master and you're my disciple. Our relationship is one thing but I have an image I have to uphold in front of the others." I reasoned, whispering in her ear in hopes that she would heed my words.

She paused, then after staring at my eyes for a split second, she continued biting my neck even deeper! "Grgnghnrgngh~" She responded. I thought she was trying to tell me something but her teeth were in too deep that she just made unintelligible sounds.

But later, I would find out just how much I overlooked.


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