I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 70 70. Deja Vu

[Ding! The host received Gayatri Mantra…

Congratulations to the host for getting 100 times critical Strike…

Calculating the rewards… 

Due to not enough critical strike reward can't be upgraded…

Host receives a 100 times multiplier on this Mantra…]

Karna stands there stunned and astonished by the speed of the Sage, All he was able to see was the burry figure of the Save and before he could react this man was standing in front of him with his hand on his forehead.

This scared Karna a little. If this Sage wanted he could have dealt a deadly blow to him, Though he knew his armour would have protected him but he still felt afraid of the fear of death.

The people who said that once someone died or had a close call with death don't care about dying are liars. It's totally the opposite, If you have a close call with death then they care more about life.

But thankfully, Sage did not have any ill intent and just passed Mantra to him on which he even received a reward though not much but he understand he would not be going to get a million times critical strikes all the time, so he was happy with the reward he got.

"Chant this Mantra every morning after your morning duties seating in front of the rising sun bathing in its light. Doing this not only strengthens your body but also cleanses your soul and mind. Your Karma also can be washed and become stronger with this.

It also makes it easy for you to open your Chakra and get Yog Shakti. When you start to practise warfare, This will also help you to get the blessing of the sun and world, And help you gain wisdom and Supreme Knowledge."

Surya in disguise of Sage said to Karna boasting the powers of this holy divine Mantra, There is a reason why this mantra is called the most powerful one because it was too broken.

It not only gives you power, knowledge and blessing but also wash your Karma and help you gain more, The Karma which is the only thing that with enough of it can stand against even supreme lords and ignore curses and boons.

So it also gives you protection against everything, The more you chant the stronger your protection will be given you deserve that which most people are, And on top of that, it was also used to not only get a blessing from him but also please his Lord Shiva.

That is enough to show why it was so respected and wanting of Mantra put there, Everyone wanted it but could not get it as they were not worthy but he can give it to his son because technically this is also his Mantra and as a father, he can give his things to his son.

"...Thank you."

Karna still did not see what is a big deal of it, He knows the power of this Mantra and also understands how powerful it would be if chanted here, especially with his buff effects on him but still, he knows this mantra, So there was no need to get copy imprinted in his mind and soul.

Oh yes, that's how Mantra or any divine knowledge is passed down here, They do not use words but rather pass this knowledge through their soul and imprint on it, Which is why it can't be passed down that easily and need time to pass again.

"No need, You should seriously think about coming to learn from us, Take this Sunflower, whenever you want to learn- Stop! don't eat it."

Surya in sage disguise was happy that Karna agreed now he get to see him every day at least for a while unlike before, He also seriously thought that he should teach Karna about Vedic knowledge and even start teaching him warfare and weapons.

It would be good for him if he started to learn this thing early as it would also create a firm foundation for him to learn Divine Celestial Astra's later on, It would give him good control over them.

So thinking about that, He pulled out a sunflower out of thin air, Normal sunflower is always facing him and this one is a divine one that not only faces him but asks can help to communicate with Surya himself.

Hence Surya wanted to give this to Karna, So that whenever Karna needed he could communicate with him and call to learn from him and his wives but as he handed the sunflower to Karna, He without batting an eye opened his mouth and started eating it.

"Sorry, I am too hungry, I can't help it."

Karna looked up at Sage, While maintaining proper eye contact with him said as he was devouring the Sunflower given to him without any regret.

He can't help it, He was already too hungry before then there was beati*Ahem* teaching the life lesson to Duryodhana and after that was the merging with Eye Of Chaos, Which cost him too much energy.I think you should take a look at

The only reason he did not fall down without any power is because his earring was providing him with enough power to maintain normal function of his but now that there was food in front of him he couldn't hold back as his natural instincts took over.

[Ding! Host devoured the Celestial Sunflower…

World devouring passive is activated….

A new skill "Call Of Sun" gained…

Call Of Sun : Can be able to communicate with any Sun deity as long as the Sun is in the sky.]

System's voice fell but Karna ignored it as he focused on eating the flower given to him, He not only just ate its seeds but also the whole damn flower was well devoured by him.

All Surya could do was just stare at him with dumbfounded eyes but then his eyes filled with anger as his blood was boiling with rage, He looked at Gandhari who also was how angered the Sage was panicked.

No one wants to provoke a Sage, Especially not the one who radiates this much of a Divine aura. It was nothing but a miracle that this sage was not lashed out the first time Karna turned the table on them.

If there was some other Rushi (Sage) like Durvasa, There would have been a barrage of curses until now, So it was fortunate there was this very understanding sage but now their luck has run out and the sage was reasonably angry.

"Lord please forgive him as this is nothing but a child's ignorant innocence and-".

"Why is he this hungry? Does no one feed him? Where is his mother? How can she let the child starve to this degree?"

Gandhari kneeled and bowed in front of Sage asking for forgiveness on behalf of Karna as she thought Sage had enough and was now ready to curse Karna because his actions looked like he was being purposely disrespectful.

She knows it was not true, She knows now hungry Karna becomes from time to time and everytime that happens he just runs here to eat as he did not want his mother Radha to suffer because of his immense hunger.

So she gave him special permission that he can come to eat in this royal dining hall anytime he wants. There are hundreds of cooks in the kitchen of the Palace, So there will be no pressure on one person to handle his hunger.

They are used to serving Bhema daily, So they even have the experience of feeding someone with huge hunger. Hence it is his ideal place to come and eat. He should have been served the food by this time but because of the mess and the lack of ingredients it was delayed.

She had guessed Karna could not bear his hunger and ate the flower Sage had gifted him, Which made him hungry to this degree but the words of Sage stopped her as he looked at them with confusion.

She had never seen a sage this understanding, Though most of the sages were are respectful but only till they were not disrespected, Once someone disrespects them hell broke loose.

"Sage I am sorry that I ate your gift and thankful for your concern for me but be careful with your words, I will not tolerate it if you insult my mother."

Gandhari wanted to resolve this misunderstanding but Karna's stern voice had interrupted her. He looked at Sage with a neutral eye with respect in them but also a naked warning.

He can be diplomatic, and cool-headed when dealing with anything else but if a matter is related to his mother, He loses his calm. For him she is a godsend gift, He who never had known what mother is and experienced what it is like being pampered and cared for by one in his last life understands being with her understand what he had missed.

Surya was taken aback by the warning in Karna's eyes, For a moment his heart missed a beat when those two eyes locked onto him. He felt like he was being stared at by some world-devouring beast and for a moment he forgot he was just a child.

He had a deja vu as he remembered the two dark eyes of an infant who once stared at him taking away all his glory, Who was his own son, Shani. 

(A/N : There might be another update today, I wrote half of it but let me see how much I write.

Also sorry but need one last chapter before we dive into the story.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)


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