I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 56 56. Angry Little Bear


Before Duryodhan could ask him the meaning behind his words, He saw a blurred shadow at lightning speed headed towards him, He did not get time to react to what was happening when a sharp pain from his abdomen shook him up.

It was unbearable pain, Even outmatching the previous crushing twisting pain of his bones and muscles, He had yet to understand who and where this pain came from when he felt his body has become weightless as he is airborne by the uppercut of Karna.


Duryodhan's body slammed into the ceiling and dropped down with such a powerful impact that it created a small crater around him, Duryodhana was in utter shock, Pain took over his thinking ability making him run on his instincts.

So as he fell on the floor, Each and every body part of his was in immense pain though there was no injury on his body but the pain was too overwhelming. Out of his instinct, he stood up or at least tried to do it.

Because as he lifted his body from the ground, Karna's leg, like a whiplash, headed towards him and hit again on the abdomen, sending him flying straight forward followed by Karna behind it.

*Slam* *Punch*

He slammed into the solid wall of the chamber and once again he was bombarded by the pain. He never in his life experienced this pain ever, Even when his Vajra (Diamond) body was incomplete there was no such making him doubt if it was a downgrade of his power, not an upgrade.

There was just a half of second he got to think though as in the next moment, a huge impact of first landed once again on his abdomen making him kneel and gasp for air.

But Karna did not feel any pity as he raised his leg to once again repeat what he did before.

"Wait wait!! I lost, I lost, you won Mitra, So stop beating me."

Duryodhana seeing what was Karna upto quickly comes back to his senses admitting defeat as he thought Karna was doing this because he misunderstood his words of what he said of protecting him.

So he quickly apologised admitting that he is not strong as Karna, That invincible feeling he had gotten was long gone replaced by the pain that stays there like an uninvited guest.

He though beaten by Karna did not mind it rather he was happy and excited seeing how strong Karna really is. If Karna used this level of power to beat Bheema before there is no way that fat man would be able to survive even a single punch.

"What are you talking about Mitra? Aren't I just seeing if your body is as indestructible as it looks? Doesn't It make you invincible? You don't worry about me Mitra, I will be careful not to hurt myself. Let's continue."

Karna stopped seeing Duryodhana's defecated face, Hearing his words Karna just gave the same hypocritical smile to him and words as he once again lifted his leg to Duryodhana's horror.

His eyes became wide open as he saw Karna did not wait for him to say anything and just lashed out his leg heading straight towards his face.

For a moment everything became slow in Durypdhan's eyes as his eyes focused on the arched leg that was heading straight towards him as if it was a noose of Yama himself.

His heart felt cold as a voice from inside him said that if that kick to land on him, He would die. He would die here. There is no doubt about it but he could not do anything other than helplessly watch his death marching towards him.

He just closed his eyes and was ready to accept his fate. There were too many regrets on his mind now, Regret that is why he boasted his newfound power to Karna making him misunderstood.

Yes, He still thinks that Karna didn't understand what is happening here. As he said before he is invincible to him so Karna might be thinking of that and because of the lack of any injury believe it making him increase his power.

He understands now how stupid he was to call himself invincible, He indeed felt invincible but how quickly that "invincibility" turned into vulnerability making him dumbfounded.

He wanted to laugh at himself for even thinking of that, Heck he even asked Karna to be careful not to hurt himself, Which now felt like a slap in the face, A solid slap of irony.

He regretted that even seeing and believing him of some gods Avatar, why was he boastful even in front of him after seeing what he could do? Cursing his damn brain for not realising how stupid he was being.


Duryodhana felt a wave of a cold wind on his face indicating that the impact was not too far away but even after watching for a while it did not come, He hesitantly opened his eyes just to Karna standing strong of him extending him a hand this time with a genuine smile.

"Do you now understand Duryodhan, You are not as invincible as you thought you were, Right?"I think you should take a look at

Duryodhana reached out to him with to his surprise shaky trembling hands, Karna grabbed it and lifted him while saying it to him with a soft tone.

Duryodhan hearing it hung his head down in shame not willing to face him in guilt, He do felt he is invincible he can't get hurt, He can feel it in his body, Even now after this beating, there was not even a single scratch on his flesh but he could not call himself invincible anymore.

Yes he can't get hurt now but he can still be overpowered, He is like a turtle with mighty protection but no power in his to defend himself, All he could do if this happens again is to just coil up and hope pain will not kill him.

So all the arrogance which he was not aware of faded away replaced by respect for Karna. He knew he was strong but he did not know he was strong to this level. 

"I was wrong Mitra, Forgive me for my ignorance, I overestimated myself."

Duryodhana stood up and looking at Karna apologised with utmost sincerity, He now knows there is a world beyond worlds, people above people, He was boastful of something that was nothing in the eyes of his opponent.

"One should not be ashamed of their ignorance, They should be ashamed of not accepting and changing it. You as a prince was not a fool to ignore your mistake, Which I am proud of but you misunderstood me and my purpose behind beatin*Ahem* sparing with you"

Karna was happy that what he achieved the effect he wanted, It's a good thing that Duryodhana is not a self-righteous self-centred fool who could not see his mistake, Not only that he has the heart to ask forgiveness for his mistake which most of the Dharaatama will not do.

So he was quite happy and impressed and was happy with the fact he chose to support him, Though he never going to support Pandavas because of that woman being there, But he also did not wanted to support Kauravas at all.

Not for any specific reason other than to stay away from conflict but now seeing Duryodhana, He was happy he changed his mind, This man is more open-minded and soft-hearted than all those Pandavas.

At least he is to people who are not close to Pandavas, Unlike them so can sacrifice anyone and any being for their own gains, He still remembers the story of Nishad's mother and her 5 sons and the genocide of the forest that he did not remember the name of.

In his eyes Duryodhana though bad, cruel, and evil towards Pandavas; he was good and fair to others, Which was also a fact that was overlooked most of the time. 

"You bad man, Tell me why you beat my brother."

Duryodhana wanted to know why Karna did this as he could feel there was a deep reason behind it but before he could say, His little sister with flaming eyes walked towards Karna.

A Sushala who is the timidest in them was now standing fumingly in front of Karna having her hands on her hips asking for the reason why he beat up her brother.

Gandhari before might be taken back by where did the confidence come from in her little one but she was not in a condition to think of that, Her eyes focused on Karna in shock as she was looking at a ghost.

She did not think about him beating her son but rather the fact that he was able to beat her son, Though it sounds like the same problem with different wording but it was not the case here.

Before even the reawakening of Duryodhana, The Bheema, A son of Vayu the god of wind and power could not able to harm Duryodhana and yet after strengthening it with the reawakening Karna a mortal normal child able to beat her son giving him no chance to fight back, It is an impossible thing in her eye.

And here it was, Just happening in front of her eyes making her doubt her own two eyes.

Shakuni too ignored the little angry bear as his eyes glued on Karna with fear and joy.

Ekvlaya and Vikrama both have stars in their eyes when looking at Karna, Both have already decided his avatar of god just wanting to see which one.

Karna on the other hand was sweating buckets standing in front of that little angry bear controlling himself so as not to laugh out, She was trying to look angry and fierce but ended up looking too cute to be taken seriously.

"Say it."

Seeing Karna becoming silent, Sushala thought he was afraid of her and asked aloud in her childish voice the reason behind the treatment of her brother.

(A/N : I wrote this chapter last night only leaving a few words to write and fell asleep, Then forgot to write and upload it, Sorry 😅😢🙏

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)


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