I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 35 35. The Sushala, The Apple Of Her Brother's Eyes

Karna started weaving, As his fingers started running onthe machine, The silk threads moved like a flowing wind and running water.

As he gets more and more close to completion. Unknown to him, The threads started pulling the power of laws and started integrating into the dress.

And he who lost in his work didn't notice these changes at all, He at this moment was like an artist addicted to his art.

Soon he made 7 very exquisite dresses, 5 were small in a size of 7 years old and were gorgeous, While the other 2 were for his mother Radha and Gandhari. One was a lovely and simple red sari, While the other was majestic, fully radiating an aura of royalty was a royal queen attire of royal purple color.

The dresses of the girls were also different. The one made for Meghana was an especially glittering white dress. It was soft and comfortable like a cloud.

Nikita's on the other hand was a golden-colored flowing gown with specks of little red here and there.

Heera's dresses were long one-piece pitch black colored with a greenish border. Although black is a bad omen, this dress looked quite attractive and suited for her

Priya's dress like Nikita was also gold-colored but unlike her, this was fully golden-colored without any other color blasphemy. But this one was battle centric one, This dress was made with keeping mostmobility in mind then beauty

As for the last one, a pure lovely pink dress, He didn't know why he created it, His fingers just moved on their own.

"Ehh...Do they even gonna like these?"

Karna snaps out of his trance after he completes making this dress. Looking at what he made even made him stunned.

Although they are exquisite and enchanting dresses, they are way ahead of their time. Other than two dresses made for Radha and Gandhari. Others are way too different from the current fashion style.

"Anyway, First go and give this dress to Queen Gandhari, Then think about others."

Karna didn't think much about it. If they don't like it he can make another one for them, Then he picks up the dress meant for Gandhari and carefully packs it up. After making sure he put others in a safe place, He started his journey toward the royal palace.

'*Sigh* When will this system inventory be unlocked?"

As he took steps toward the palace, This thought came to his mind. It's been 7 years and yet he didn't know how to unlock this function yet.

He sighs and fastens his steps towards the palace.

——— Royal Garden of Hastinapur ———

"Brothers, Be careful, Only throw mangos when I am near you."

In the garden of the palace, Little loli was seen running around, outstretching the hem of dresses, Trying to catch the fruits her three brothers threw down at her from the mango tree.

"Sushala, We don't have any time, If that fatty came, He might eat this whole tree without leaving us anything. So hurry up and catch up as quickly as you can before he finds this remaining tree."

One of the boys on the tree said to their sister, Sushala.

"Okay, Okay."

Hearing her brother mention "fatty" fear run through her body, She quickly shut up and started collecting mangos like a squirrel. From time to time, She looks up to confirm the one mentioned is not near.

"Vikrama, Why are you lying to her? That fatty not only gonna eat a tree but he might also eat us too."

Suddenly another boy on the tree branch, Said to the first boy named Vikrama.

"Ahhh, I do it quickly, I do it quickly, Please don't let him eat me, I don't want to get eaten."

Just as Sushala heard the words of her other brother, Her body trembled in fear and she hastened her actions.

"Hahaha, Sushala you are too naive haha."

Seeing her act like this, Both brothers burst out laughing holding their stomachs to contain their laughter.

"BHATHA* Suyodhana!!! Big brother Suyodhan, Brother Sushasan, and Brother Vikrama are bullying me."

Sushala reacted, She understood that her brothers were pulling her leg, So in annoyance, she complained to her eldest brother.

"Vikrama, Sushasan, stop bullying our little Susha like this, or else I will punish you."

The third boy this time spoke and warned his two brothers in an elders tone.

He is the firstborn of Gandhari and the eldest brother of Kaurava, The 100 kids were born from the boon of Gandhari, Suyodhana.

Sushasan and Vikrama too are born one after another from the "Clay" pot.

That's right, They were born from the "clay" pot. The reason is very simple, Gandhari as a normal human can't possibly give birth to 100 children at once but Boon too can't be failed, So other than directly giving birth to the 100 children, She delivered a large pound of living flesh after being pregnant for 2 whole years.

Seeing that pound of just flesh she falls into disrepair, She thought she had a miscarriage.

Thankfully, In this sorrowful time, her husband was with her, Which gave her little solace. After claiming down her dejected heart, She was ready to throw this flesh but suddenly a saint came to them at that moment.

He tells her the reason behind birthing this flesh and said that he was there to fulfill that boon's next step.

Gandhari and Dhritarashtra were both elated to hear that, They both requested him to do the ritual for it.

Soon the saint used his yogic power and pulled out strange cylinder-shaped pots, which look like clay pots out of thin air. Those pots were quite rough looking, emitting the aura of domineering.

After that, he again used his power and took out the various divine medicinal herbs and celestial liquids. I think you should take a look at

After distributing uneven amounts in the pots, He cut that pound of flesh into multiple pieces and put them into the pots, And that's how a hundred Kauravas brothers were born.

But to the astonishment of the saint, He mistakenly divided that flesh into 101 pieces, not the whole hundreds. This was impossible to happen given his cultivation level but still, these things happen.

Sensing his mistake, He was about to apologize to the couple but suddenly the reason why this happened rang in his mind with the power of heaven.

It turns out that, The reason why this happened is Gandhari's words when she asked for the boon. She said she wanted 100 sons, So they too can enjoy the same blessing as her being the sister of 100 brothers.

Because she used these words, So in her 100 sons also included another girl as a sister of those 100 brothers.

After realizing this, Saint chanted some mantras and created another separate pot but unlike others, this pot was very elegant, Emitting a gentle aura.

And that's how this little loli Sushala was born.

This happened 7 years ago. Currently, this brother and sister are 5 years old, Because their age is counted from the moment they were born from Gandhari and not from when they came out of the pot a year later.

"Humph!! Susha, Don't worry I as your big brother protect you from that fatty, I will not let him eat you."

After warning his younger brothers, Suyodhana said very tenderly to his little sister. They are too doting on their one and only sister.

"He...Does he really eat people? Brothers, let's go from here I am afraid."

Not only words of Suyodhana failed to calm her down but made her even more afraid. In fear, he hurriedly started to pick up as many mangoes as he could.

This action made her look very cute as she started stuffing mangos in her outstretched hem like a squirrel who put the nut in her mouth.

"Haha, Susha's elder brother Suyodhan is also pulling your leg."

"Hahaha, Susha you are too naive, What are you going to do without us?"

"*sigh* Why did god give us this dumb sister? Why is she this naive?"

A trio of brothers started laughing, Seeing how easy it is to fool their sister.

"Hey I am not dumb, Brothers you are bad. You only know how to bully me, I will not talk to you. Humph."

Sushala really felt dissatisfied, Even her eldest brother joined in bullying her. So as a last resort, She pulls her strongest weapon, Her cuteness.

This always works, every time her brothers bully her, She pulls out the threat of not talking to them, Then all her brothers come to her to please her and dismiss her anger.

"Hey, Hey, Susha we were wrong, you are not dumb, You are the smartest among us, No you are smarter than everyone, A genius."

"Yes, How can our most beautiful sister be dumb? Sushasan, if you say something like this I will fight with you."

"Yeah, Our sister is the best, So the best in fact is she will not be angry at her brothers, Right?"

Just like she thought, As her words fell. Her brother jumped down from the tree and came running towards her. Soon they started to please their sister.

Although they love to pull her legs but they love their sister also too much, She is the youngest of them and The apple of their brother's eye.

"Humph, Next time I will never forgive you."

Sushala is used to this act of her brother, Just like how they love her, She too loves them dearly. It's just that this brother of hers loves messing with her.

"Hey, What a sweet smell of mangos, Dushala hand over those mangoes to me."

Suddenly the sweet moment of brothers and sister was broken by the loud hoarse voice.

As they looked in the direction of the voice, Their face turned white as what they feared happened, This fatty found them here

(A/N : Yoo guys, How are you? Hope you all are fine.

[1] Bharata : Bharata means brother

[2] Shushala, Sushasan, and Suyodhan were the actual name of the Kauravas but later it was changed to Dushala, Durshasan, and Duryodhan.

Sushala means good character, Dushala means bad character, Sushasan means good governor, Dushasan means bad governor, Suyodhan means the one who is good with arms (Warfare), Duryodhan means the one who is bad with arms (Warfare).

(Note: Du in Sanskrit also means hard, So Dushasan also means hard to govern, and Duryodhan means the unconquerable one. So depending on which Du meaning you are using, the Whole meaning of the sentence will be changed.

I just want to say that an exclusive contract offer was rejected by the web for this novel. They did not give a reason why. (They did offer a non-exclusive one)

So did anyone know the site which will give good exclusive or nonexclusive contract offers?

As you know I am in need of money as not long ago my father passed away. If anyone has any suggestions, please recommend them to me.

There is nothing else to say, I should have completed this chapter 2 days before but after hearing the news my motivation to write took a hit. That's why it's delayed.

I am thinking about starting to write other novels, Which I know will definitely be contracted here. So this book might be delayed a little (Not confirmed yet, So don't panic guys.)

Like always thanks for reading and have a good day 😁.)


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