I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 21 21. "Star-Child" Bloodline

"Hey, System, You know you are the best of the best System."


"System, Your Mama is so fat that....."


"System, why don't you tell me about Kunti's absence in my lineage column?"


"System, You tell me nicely and no one has to get hurt."


"System, Why are you doing this to me? Do you not like me? Or you are jealous that I am this Handsome?"


"Say something, Damn it."

It's been 3 days since Karna fell into a deep sleep to properly integrate his new improved bloodline. During this period since he had nothing to do, He tried to get answers from the system but no matter what he did, the system never responded to him.

"*Sigh* Show me my property panel."

He signed helplessly. The system only responds when it was a task like this, Anything else the system pretends to be dead.

[Ding! Million Times Crit System Panel

Host Name: Karna

System Level : 1 (Not yet find system part) (1/4)

Title : Suryaputra (Son of Sun), Born King

• Suryaputra : This title grants host super affinity to the Sun element.

• Born King : This title gives the host aura of a king. The host will have the authority and majesty of a king. He will be the center of attention anywhere he goes like a king. Imperial aura will be constantly emitting from the host.


[1] Sovereign Constitutions : This constitution enhances all attributes by 10,000 times. But it also needs 10,000 times more time to train than normal people.

Charm :

[1] Supreme Charm : There was only one being in the history of the universe that had this level of charm. This level of charm can enchant Deva (Gods), Raksha (Demons), Naga (Lamia), Yaksha (Spirit), etc.

(Note : Beware this charm works on every being including immortals.)

[2] Star Child : As the host possesses a bloodline and title related to the star, He will get the charm and luster of the star too.

[3] Twilight : As the host is a son of Sandhya, goddess of twilight, You will receive her charm. Your beauty will be like Twilight unreal and eternal.

Bloodline :

[1] Star-Child (Supreme grade) : As a star child, You will be loved by the world, Even the despair of the abyss will not harm the star child. (In process of merging 95% ...96%...97â„….....).

(Warning : Star-Child is prone to have trouble with the women. Beware of it when opening a Harem.)

Cultivation/Warrior Level : Not yet started.

Yogic Power : Not yet started.

Body strengthening Level : Not yet started.

Luck : ???

Boons :

[1] ???? : ????? ???? ???????? ?????

[2] Knowing and Understanding any and every language.

Armor :

Kavach (Armor) : This armor makes the wearer immortal as this is made with Amrit (Elixir Of Immortality). There is nothing in these 3 worlds that is capable of penetrating this armor. Anyone who wears this armor is even feared by Death. Death will not venture anywhere near this armor holder.

Kundal (Earings) : These Kundals contain a tiny amount of Amrit in it. This Kundal's will redirect all attacks to the Kavach and protect the wearer from the radiation force of Astra's.

(This Armor set will stop aging of wearer and always put wearer in their prime condition)

Astra (Long range weapons) : Not yet acquired any.

Shastra (Melee weapons) : Not yet acquired any.


[1] Power of Words (Active): The host can use his words to create or make changes in non-living things.

(Note: This power will not work on living things or things carried by sentient beings.)].

[2] Aura control : Can release or hide the Aura.

Element Affinity :

Super Affinity Grade:

• Sun : Anything that is Sun-related will not harm the host. Heat and the overbearing power of the Sun will not cause any harm to the host.

• Light : Sun is the source of light in this world, As you are his son you also gain an affinity for light. You will receive a buff of power in presence of a light element.

• Darkness : As your mother is herself, Queen of Darkness, You received the buff of stealth in the darkness.

• Water : You received the blood essence of the river Ganga, Goddess of Purification, Hence you will have an affinity to the water elements. You will never drown in water and be able to breathe in water. The water resistance also turns 0% you.

(Note: This will not affect your ability to swim.)

Lineage :

• Surya : Your celestial birth father.

• Sandhya : Your celestial birth mother.

• Chhaya : Your celestial birth mother.

• Adhiratha : Your adoptive father.

• Ganga : Your adoptive mother.

• Radha : Your adoptive mother.

Inventory (Locked) :

(Note : More information will be available as the Host explore them on its own.) ]

"So, I will wake up soon."

Karna looked at the bloodline integration status which will be close to completion.I think you should take a look at


[Ding! Congratulations to the Host for completely integrating the "Star-Child" Bloodline. Changes are like the following.....

Star-Child bloodline : As a star child, You will be loved by the world, Even the despair of the abyss will not harm the star child.

This bloodline gives you the following benefits..

1000 times increase in cultivation speed.

500 times talent increase in culinary talent.

100 times talent increases in all fields.

10 times talent increase in speech.

2 time increase in attraction to opposite sex.

New passive skill "Qi Luck Backlash"

Qi Luck Backlash : Anyone who tries to harm a starchild will suffer from bad luck. The stronger an opponent is, the more they suffer from bad luck.

(Note : There is no upper limit to this passive skill.)].


Now it's Karna's time to be speechless. He looked at the stats provided by the "Star-Child" bloodline and suddenly he didn't care if the system talked or not as long as it was providing things like this.

"This is too OP bloodline. System tells me what rank my bloodline belongs to."

Karna asked the system. In these 3 days he figures out if he is asking about rewards or things related to the system, Then the system will mostly answer him.

[Ding! This bloodline is not from this universe, So it is not present in the bloodline ranking system of this world.]

Really, When asked the right question, System answered.

"Wait!! What do you mean not from this Universe?"

Karna was startled by this news. He never thought that this system could even pull things out from another universe.


Well, Karna only received silence as an answer from the system.

"System now that the bloodline is integrated, When will I wake up?"

Karna now got used to the system of silence, So he asked about when he would wake up as now he tried to open his eyes but he wasn't able to do it as some outside force prevented him from waking up.

[Ding! Host still needs 2 and half hours before he can wake up as your body still needs time to get used to its new gain power.]

The system said and again fell silent.

"Okay then, Tell me about the anti-aging quirk of my armor and will it work with Supreme charm or will I lose my charm as I grow old?"

Heck there was nothing else to do, So Karna started asking random questions to spend his time.

[Ding! There is nothing in this world able to reduce supreme charm, Not aging, not injury, not even death. Even after death, the body still possesses its supreme charm.]

System answered Karna's question but its words made Karna break out in cold sweat.

"Oye System, Are you cursing me? Don't you know it's a bad omen to talk about this? You are raising a death flag , Tu Tu Tu."

Karna said and quickly spit 3 times to throw away any bad omen. Before he did not believe in things like omens and all but now, He had to believe it even if didn't want to. After all he himself first hand experienced their power.

Then after claiming down Karna started asking many more questions to systems, Which half of it answered while others completely ignored it.

Time went by and soon 2 ½ hours passed by.

[Ding! Host, now you are able to wake up.]

Hearing system notifications Karna slowly opened his lotus-like eyes.

------ Anga, In the house of Adiratha ------

Radha was doing her everyday work but her eyes were falling on the wooden cradle in the middle of the room from time to time. Every time she looks at the cradle a very beautiful smile appears on her lips.

She purposefully put the cradle in the middle of the house, So she has her eyes on it from anywhere in the house all the time.

It's been three days since they received the blessings of a child. Even though she wasn't fully able to contain her joy and fear that it was all just a good dream, But every time she looked at her sleeping bundle of joy, She knew it was not a dream, and she became a mother now.

"How much longer do I have to wait until you wake up, Karna? Quickly wake up, this mother wasn't able to bear it anymore."

After she was done with her work, She came to the sleeping Karna and shifted his position to prevent him from having any bed sores. After all, he can't turn himself over in his deep sleep.

This is a routine for the past 3 days. Every 15 to 20 minutes, She comes and shifts his position. She barely got any sleep in the past 3 days fearing that if she sleeps too deeply and forgets to turn him over, It will harm Karna.

"Radha, You go and take a nap, I will look at Karna."

The beautiful moon replaced the sun in the vast sky. Today was a full moon night. A big luminous moon was adoring the beauty of the sky with the twinkling of the stars. Adiratha who came back from his work, Saw Radha was still seated beside the cradle, So he suggested that she should at least take a nap.

"Arya (Husban) You are back, Wait a minute, I will serve food for you."

Radha quickly got from her place and ran to the kitchen. Then she brought all the food to the dining room, completely ignoring his suggestion to take a rest.

"Radha, I know you want to be the first person he looks at but you have to take a rest or you will become ill."

Adiratha shakes his head helplessly. He was asking her to rest for the past 3 days but she was adamant that she will be the one who takes care of him. She did not even let anyone get close to sleeping Karna fearing they might wake him up, After all, Goddess Ganga warned that they should not wake him up.

"Arya, I am not tired at all, Plus I also had a selfish wish to be the first person he sees When he opens his eyes."

Radha comes to Adiratha bringing a glass of water to him. When she was talking her gaze again fell into the cradle.

"It's not a selfish wish Radha, Every mother wishes she will be the one who her child sees first, It's just to take some rest."

Adiratha said after taking a sip of water. He didn't care if Radha wanted to be the first person Karna sees. After all she earned it but he was just worried about her health. If she keeps going like this, She might anger the Nidra devi (Goddess of Sleep).

"I will take a rest when Karna wakes up, I have a feeling that he is going to wake up soon."

Radha still didn't want to go to take rest as she had a feeling in her heart that Karna would wake up soon.


Just as the two were talking, Cradle made noise as the body of sleeping Karna moved. Both Adirataha and Radha became alert and quickly came to Karna just at the moment, When he opened his lotus-like eyes.

(A/N : I am feeling little sick today and still is, Tomorrow might not come a chapter if i am still in this condition, If that happen you will receive chapter day after tomorrow, If not then original schedule or you will receive 10 new chapters until 15 nov, Depend how i was feeling.

Also question: do you guys like if I add the r-18 chapter later on?



Write your answer here, Also don't worry I will not use any respected character for it or I will use OC depending on if you like it or not. Don't forget to write that in.

[1] Nidra devi : Nidra devi is goddess of sleep, Who gives sleep to all and is the presence in the all beings.

Like always thanks for reading and have a good day�.)


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