I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 185 183. Kunti's Facade

Chapter 185 183. Kunti's Facade


A howl of terror rang in the land spreading blood chilling aura all throughout the royal palace and gained the attention of everything that was present there at the time.

"Mata, what was that? It sounded like some evil beast attacking the kingdom."

Nakula quickly made his move and rushed to hide near Kunti in fear after hearing such a howl of the beast, Then he spoke trembling in fear.

They lived in the forest and the time they spent there taught them few thing, One of them included determining the threats present around them by the roar and howls of the beasts around them.

It's the thing his father Pandu taught them and he later on mastered thanks to his affinity towards the animals thanks to his celestial fathers blessing.

And because of that when he hears that howl he knows the threat of the being, At least the beast which just howled has to be in the ranks of Ati-rathi warriors and it is a beast the actual combat power would even be more then it's rank.

So it was rightfully a terrifying thing to find out, And if you also find out that such a beast is just a few 100s of metres near them, It's rightfully thing from nightmare.

"Nakula don't worry, We have likes of Mahamhim and Kripacharya here, They can easily able to handle whatever beast dare to enter in the human society breaking the accord between humans and Yaksha."

Yudhisthira said to be stay calm even in the battlefield filled with blood was of course did not feel any panic, Or at least its shown that he didn't feel any panic on his face.

He walk towards Nakula and as big brother tries to console him but Naukala refuses to be swayed away from the fear.

For some reason he felt terrified, No animal before giving him this feeling even the wildest of wild beasts did not awaken such a panic in his heart as this simple howl ignited.

He has no idea what kinda of beast is outside, He only knows whatever that beast is. It is something they should pray to the lord they never encounter in their life.

"Naukala, Stop acting like this, You are Ksatriya, The warrior class who would have a smile even in the face of death, then how can you be scared like this? Just stand straight and be brave, be a man."

Kunti seeing the relation of Nakula couldn't help but say seeing how childish he was acting. It does not matter if he is a child, she can't tolerate such a cowardly act of his.

If he acts like this then how can he face the united front of all those 101 Kurvasa in the battle of the throne? He would do nothing but be a liability for his brothers, Which she can't afford.

No, all five of them need to stay together, Stick to each other and have their back for their elder brother's decisions. Only then they might be able to have any chance to get the throne which is rightfully theirs.

She didn't care what that other kid was saying, It's not a matter of her husband relinquishing his right to the throne before he decided to go live in the forest as a mendicant.

Pandu was, is and will be the son of the Bharta race, and so his right over the throne still remains and so do the right of his sons.

Now she just lost the most important pawn of hers, Vidura, This put her on her back leg. Now she was in passive, and now if someone attacks her she doesn't have much leverage to handle the situation.

So the frustration of it and seeing how weak her kids are, She was not able to control her facade and let somehow her real thoughts leak out.

"Mata but-"

"Mother, don't be angry at him, He is the youngest of us, He should really be terrified of that unknown beast out there."

Other brothers, seeing how their mother reacted, did not dare to speak up, So Yudhister reluctantly as the elder had to step up and defend his brother.

He was torn apart by the choice, On one hand there is his mother who takes care of them to raise them on her own in the absence of their father and on the other hand his youngest brother for whom he is like a father.

How can he choose one over another? For others it was not a big deal to speak this out but for him who was told to strictly follow the text and laws that were written in the text as it is, This was akin to committing the unforgivable sin.

But in the end he gave up and let one side win. He stood up for his brother and for the first time in his life he voted against the action of his mother making him overfilled with guilt.

"....No it was my fault, I just care too much about you my children, You have to understand that there are those 101 brother standing united against you. If you act like weak they will take advantage of your unpreparedness.

That's why I put pressure on him, as you said Yudhistara, He is the youngest and should be forgiven but because of that I am more worried about him.

He being the youngest means they know he is also a weakness of you brothers, if they harm if it is akin to harming all of you combined, That is why none of you can let your guard down.

I know I am asking for too much, I am demanding the thing no one should ask from you but I beg of you to not fall and live the ignorance of childhood.

We can't afford that, I can't bear to see you get hurt or worse lo-lo *Choke* *Muffle cry*"

Kunit, as sharp as she was, also saw what her eldest son did, making her panic. Not in his entire life did her son question her action even once, He blindly followed her lead.

And because of how she trains her sons, They too follow their brothers, This way she can control other brothers without actually having to take others in control too.

She just has to make sure the eldest is in her control and with that others too will be in her control, It was a perfect plan which was also quite easy thanks to how easily Yudhister is to manipulate by using the biased interpretation of the Vedas.

That is why she was quick to salvage the situation. There is no way she can allow him to even think of going against his words, She just can't allow that to happen, She would not be allowed to let go of the control she finally got in her life.

She will never allow anyone to dictate her life anymore, And so she spoke the words that did not even make her the weak woman who was sacrificing everything for the ungrateful children.

But would also fix her facade and even strengthen it before making her eldest trust in her blindly like a worship.

This way there is no way they would not dare to question her intention ever again in the future, And so it would make her life a little easier not having to do mental gymnastics all the time to maintain her facade all the time.

"No no no no, Mata you misunderstood, You should give us a command not beg us, I ask forgiveness, I will never dare to question your decision ever again in future."

As expected Yudhister became panicked as he rushed towards Kunti kneeling in front of her begging for his forgiveness in a rush as the tears were rolling down from his face as he bawling like well child.

He really regrets it. Why did he not trust the judgement of his own mother? He knows her well, She would never do something that harm them and yet he not only questions her but also goes against her decision.

How bad would she have felt? She sacrifice everything for their well being even kept her pride aside and moved into the royal palace ignoring the last wishes of their father just for their well being.

His words might really hurt her and dig deep in her heart like a throne hurting but refusing to show that pain to them, This thought made him even more guilty as he constantly begged her for forgiveness.

Normally other brothers also join but it was not that time, Arjuna was fall into depression looking at the bow lost in his own thoughts, Bheema was still unconscious and there was no sign he would wake up anytime soon.

Share the brain of the group counting on his hand over and over again like he became crazy but he didn't mind as he tried over and over, But he everytime became desperate and lost in his thoughts.

He does that sometimes, So it was ignored by others as the rule says don't dive into the secrets of the destiny, Or it would backlash the nosy bystanders.

As for Nakula, He was terrified of the beast out there and so he too did not participate in it, making Yudhister perform solo.

'I will take my revenge for this, You damned Angaraj.'

Kunti gently tools Yudhister in her hug consoling him but her eyes become cold as the thought of the child who ruined her well-game burns her from inside.

She would not let this go, she decided she would take her revenge, Not right away but she would get her revenge, That would be her promise to herself.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)


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