I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 183 181. The Missing Parshu

Chapter 183 181. The Missing Parshu

The Bhagwaan Parsurama woke up along with both of Rishi Durvasa and Asura Guru Sukracharya and after clearing his mind he stood up.

As usual, he turned around to look for his Pershu, That weapon is an integrated part of him, That is a gift his Lord and Guru gave to him, So he love and revere that axe of his.

Normally that axe itself comes back to him when he is asleep, But this time he could not find it, He tried to sense it but he was not able to locate where is Pershu.

But he didn't think much of it, There was power turbulence in the air, Which might be the reason he was not able to sense it, So he decided to look around thinking of fighting it would have fallen here.

"It should be around here somewhere, It can't fall too far away."

He searched around but could not able to find it making him a little worried and so he seeing Durvasa and Sukracharya in front of him decided to ask them, They were present there so they might know something about his axe.

"Ohh, Bhagwaan Parsurama, So it was you who spied on us."

Durvasa turned around when he heard the words of Parsurama and spoke as if he was really surprised seeing but all three of them knew it was just an act.

He was making sarcastic comments because Parsurama did not just join the battle to stop them fighting, he rather sat aside and watched the fun.

"Rishi Durvada, Do you really think it would have been better if I also joined in the fun of you two?"

Parsurama of course was countered him back. If he joined the battle then who would have been able to save others if the fight reached the degree which it eventually reached?

If not for him to throw his axe at the end, The blast of the aftermath would have destroyed the whole palace.

"Wait!? Axe, Did you see my Parshu?"

Parsurama while talking came to the realisation that he was going away from the point, So he quickly asked once again hoping they might know where is his axe was.

"Oh!~ Has someone lost the gift that was given by Parmeshwara himself?

Before Durvasa could answer, A sneer came and with a voice filled with brim to disgust sounded mocking Parashurama for losing the axe gifted to him by Lord Shiva.

Sukracharya already has immense hate towards Parashurama and this thing just adds more reason for him to hate Parashurama, When Sukracharya need none for it.

'No, Please don't start another fight.'

Lord Surya and others hearing the words of Sukracharya started to pray, They really can't afford a 2nd battle like this here. They just hoped Parashurama would ignore such a comment.

But knowing the temper of Parashurama they were not sure that if the 2nd battle was even avoidable at all, After all even slight injustice is enough for to trigger this man to rain down hellfire.

"I did not lose my Parshu, Asura Guru Sukracharya, I just misplaced somewhere in the conflict between you two."

But contrary to others' imagination, Parshurama just smiled at Sukracharya and answered to him without any hint of brewing anger inside him. He genuinely did not feel angry by his words.

This was unlike him, Yeah he was not a always angry person but he majority of time is angry, Which even he knows and hence why chose to self-isolate himself in the Mahendra Mountains to meditate.

Being the only Avatar of Lord Vishnu who never dies, having the boon of being Chiranjeevi (Immortal), So he was not bound to the curse given to the Lord Vishnu by the sage Bhrigu, The father of Sukracharya that Lord Vishnu has to born and die like mortals.

And irony is in that, Parashurama is descended from that man who cursed Lord Vishnu and that makes Parashurama and Sukracharya related at least by their lineage.

"*Sigh* You are no fun, No wonder you are that trickster Avatar."

Sukracharya looked at Parashurama in helplessness, He did not want to argue with this man anymore.

It has no fun in it, Shukracharya is able to bear the presence of only two people that are directly related to Lord Vishnu, One is Lord Rama as unlike the trickster, He was a man of his words.

One that man said something then he rather cut his head then to back away from the word given to others which is so unlike of that trickster in his mind of Sukracharya and so there was no hate towards Rama.

And second is Parashurama. This man is also the man of his principal, He did not use trick or deceit to win over the situation. No be go head on to any problem that was coming towards him, Answering it with his axe in hand.

He even if he wants to not hate this man, Yeah he bung the Avatar of Lord Vishnu is indeed a stumbling block and whenever he remembers it he has that instinctively hatred towards him.

But after knowing what kind of man he is, He did not hold it for long, That anger came and went without taking over his actions.

Plus Parashurama is also from his lineage winning him an extra point in his heart, All in all as long as Shukracharya does not get reminded that this man is the Avatar of Lord Vishnu, Everything is fine.

And even if he just used that to mock Parashurama, It did not escalate any further than that, At least up to this day.

"So now you are willing to tell me where my Parshu is? "

Parashurama looked at Sukracharya, the man his Lord and Guru so fond of. How can he ever get angry at someone his Lord is fond of? So he just takes it with a smile knowing Shukracharya must saying out his frustration.

He can at least do this for his lord, Yeah he is also the man who throws his axe at the kid of his lord but he did that because that kid passed him off too much by his play and he didn't know that kid was the son of his Lord.

When he found out about his mistake he repented it and even gave the book to the child that he will be known for his broken teeth which broke because that son took it on his elephant tusk.

Because the boon attached to his axe is that once it's hurled towards someone it would not come back without harming the person the axe is thrown at ignoring all the defence of the person.

So even if the son was a powerful god-like Ganesha, He can not able to go against that power of boon and lost his tusk and because the tusk broke because of his axe, There is no way it can reattached again as it also followed the same principal of Lord Shiva's Trishul (trident).

Once something is cut by that weapon it loses its power and isn't able to attach back as cause and effect itself was affected by the power of such weapons.

"If your Parshu is not here then it might be in that miasma of power in the centre. Try to sense it and call back, Why is it even a problem? You can call your axe from anywhere and it comes back to you."

Durvasa this time came and answered it for Sukracharya who was still frustrated about why this man did not get angry at him. It's an everyday thing so they two do not mind it.

But others are not aware of such a thing between them, So they were flinching with each words spoken by those two, thankful to the fact they were still being civil and not broke out in a fight.

Eklavya and Ashwatthama felt like a lost child standing aside not knowing what to do. They do not know anyone here, So they don't know who to ask permission to leave.

They felt like they should just sneak away but voted against it thinking there has to be the reason why Karna brought them here and left, So they stayed to see what might be the reason why they are kept here.

"I tried to do it but I could not able to sense my Parshu. It might be happening because of the spiritual turbulence in the area."

Parashurama heard the thing Durvasa said but then spoken out as this is the first thing he did after he realised his axe was not with him.

His axe is linked to him, so when it was not with him, He just has to recall it and that axe no matter where it is rush back into his hands, this has been the case since he got that axe.

It's just today that the function was not working, He can't even sense the axe presence, Which normally would have made him concerned, but knowing there is that still miasma around, It's logical that he can't sense his axe.

Though before spiritual disruption was never cause such a issue but this thought was not pass through him mind.

"....You can't recall the axe or you outright could not feel the existence of your Parshu as if it never existed in this world?"

Durvasa, hearing the Parashurama thought of something and asked the strange question out of nowhere, he had a hunch where the axe might be.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)


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