I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 18 18. System Panel

Karna was not aware of the panic he caused outside. At this moment he was looking at the system panel in his mind with a confused look.

[Ding! Million Times Crit System Panel

Host Name: Karna

System Level : 1 (Not yet find system part) (1/4)

Title : Suryaputra (Son of Sun), Born King

• Suryaputra : This title grants host super affinity to Sun element.

• Born King : This title gives the host aura of a king. The host will have the authority and majesty of a king. He will be the center of attention anywhere he go like a king. Imperial aura will be constantly emitting from host.


[1] Sovereign Constitutions : This constitution enhances all attributes by 10,000 times. But it also needs 10,000 times more time to train than normal people.

Charm :

[1] Supreme Charm : There was only one being in the history of the universe that had this level of charm. This level of charm can enchant Deva (Gods), Raksha (Demons), Naga (Lamia), Yaksha (Spirit), etc.

(Note : Beware this charm works on every being including immortals.)

[2] Star Child : As the host possesses a bloodline and title related to the star, He will get the charm and luster of the star too.

[3] Twilight : As the host is a son of Sandhya, goddess of twilight, You will receive her charm. Your beauty will be like Twilight unreal and eternal.

Bloodline :

[1] Star-Child (Supreme grade) : As a star child, You will be loved by the world, Even the despair of the abyss will not harm the star child. (In process of merging 10% ...11%...12â„….....).

(Warning : Star-Child is prone to have trouble with the women. Beware of it when opening a Harem.)

Cultivation/Warrior Level : Not yet started.

Yogic Power : Not yet started.

Body strengthening Level : Not yet started.

Luck : ???

Boons :

[1] ???? : ????? ???? ???????? ?????

[2] Knowing and Understanding any and every language.


[1] Power of Words (Active): The host can use his words to create or make changes in non-living things.

(Note: This power will not work on living things or things carried by sentient beings.)].

[2] Aura control : Can release or hide the Aura.

Element Affinity :

Super Affinity Grade:

• Sun : Anything that is Sun-related will not harm the host. Heat and the overbearing power of the Sun will not cause any harm to the host.

• Light : Sun is the source of light in this world, As you are his son you also gain an affinity for light. You will receive a buff of power in presence of a light element.

• Darkness : As your mother is herself, Queen of Darkness, You received the buff of stealth in the darkness.

• Water : You received the blood essence of the river Ganga, Goddess of Purification, Hence you will have an affinity to the water elements. You will never drown in water and be able to breathe in water. The water resistance also turns 0% you.

(Note: This will not affect your ability to swim.)

Lineage :

• Surya : Your celestial birth father.

• Sandhya : Your celestial birth mother.

• Chhaya : Your celestial birth mother.

• Adhiratha : Your adoptive father.

• Ganga : Your adoptive mother.

• Radha : Your adoptive mother.

Inventory (Locked) :

(Note : More information will be available as the Host explore them on its own.) ]

"Why was Kunti's name not on the lineage list?"

Confused Karna asked the system in his mind. System bombarded him with information but in midst of this his attention was captured by this point


The system did not respond to him at all, As if it did not hear him.

"Hello System, Are you there? Answer me!!!."

Karna tried and tried but he did not get a reply from the system.

"Maybe it's one of those kinds of systems that do not have system assistance?"

Karna thought about it. In past reading novels, he used to prefer this type of system but now the problem is that he needs a system to explain to him. He needs that type of system to solve his query.

'I should have been more specific when asking for a boon.'

Karna now regrets it. Why didn't he be more specific and ask about that type of system? He needs it or His curiosity will not let him stay still.

"At least tell me about how the ranking works. You can't just say rank and become mute. How should I know what this ranking represents?"

Karna said out loud in annoyance. He was stuck here until his bloodline was done merging because to completely merge the bloodline without any complication, the Body needed to be in deep sleep, or the process might stop midway and fail to merge the bloodline.I think you should take a look at

[Ding! The bloodline ranking is as following....

Mortal: Unsentient beings like ants and all levels.

Human : Normal humans in this period possess this bloodline.

Demi-Human : Naga (Lamia), Yuksha (Spirit), Raksha (Demon) and others have this bloodline.

(Note : Some Demi-Human might have a stronger bloodline than Demi-Gods depending on their strength.)

Demi-God (Half god) : Half Deva or Half Ausra have this bloodline.

Asura/Deva-level bloodline: All the gods and Asura have it.

Supreme level bloodline: Only Trimurti and their Avatar or (partial) avatar can have it. ]

[Ding! The affinity level is like the following....

Enmity : Elements of this level of affinity will go out of their way to try to harm that person. It's recommended that if you have this level of affinity to any element, Never go anywhere near that element.

Null : Elements will be as it is, This level of affinity is for mostly all living beings.

Low affinity : In some special cases some beings get this level of affinity. Elements of this level of affinity will favor a possessor over the normal being.

Base affinity : The exceptional level of affinity. Element mostly favors this person but stays within the given limit. Most of the demi-gods have this level of affinity.

High affinity : This affinity rarely appears in an individual, Only in some special circumstances one can have this level of affinity. There is a slight possibility that the element will go out of its way to help the being.

Super affinity: There are only very few individuals in the history of the universe. In only some rare cases one can receive this affinity. Elements surely go out of their way to help or protect the possessor from any harm.

Supreme affinity: This affinity can only be possessed by the Trimurti or received by them. There is no known individual mortal with this level of affinity.]

Just as Karna's voice fell, System surprisingly responded to him. All about the ranking details explained by the system in detail.

"Wait, So you can understand me? So the system tell me why Kunti's name is not here?"

Karna was pleased that the system finally responded to him, So he quickly asked the question to the system.


The system again fell silent. So Karna started to try and make the system react again.

------ Outside on Ganga's shoar ------

"This- This impossible, How can he have this bloodline?"

Ganga muttered to herself in shock, While couple Adiratha and Radha anxiously waited for her to answer, Why Karn was not waking up.

"Goddess, can you please tell us, Why Putra (Son) Karna is not waking up?"

Even after sometime Ganga didn't speak, Radha couldn't bear it anymore and finally asked. The reaction of Ganga really scared her a lot. She started imagining the worst of the worst situations. She even forgot to call her Queen mother but used her goddess title.


Ganga is brought back to reality by the voice of Radha but she is still in a dazed state.

"Goddess, Please tell us what's wrong with our son. We want to know, Don't left left us in worry."

Adiratha spoke as if Radha was not in a state to ask again. She was so nervous that her whole body was tumbling.

"Huh oh, I am sorry to let you worry about it, There is nothing wrong with Karna. I was just too surprised."

Ganga finally comes out of shock. Her eyes looked at Karna as if she was looking at some monster but her heart was very happy.

'If he grows up and receives the right education then who can in these three worlds (Hell, Earth, Heaven) be able to defeat him as a possessor of both Sovereign Constitutions and Supreme level bloodline? I just have to find the right teacher for him here on earth.'

Ganga was delightfully surprised that Karna had this big change. It's just a little regretful that she can't bring him into heaven to learn from other gods. So she has to find a suitable guru (Teacher) here on earth.

'It's just, What type of blood line is this? Why have I never heard of it before?'

Ganga in confusion racked her brain to think what kind of bloodline Karna awakened but failed to know about it. She didn't have any recollection of this bloodline, She just knows this is the Supreme level bloodline.

"What do you mean you got surprised, Goddess Ganga? Please don't keep any secrets, we can handle the truth."

Radha hearing that Karna is fine sighs a breath in relief. But then she became confused as to why Ganga gave this big reaction, If Karna was fine.

"Sorry, the fact is that you guys really can't handle the truth. Just know that he will be a very special child."

Ganga didn't tell them the truth. Even she herself as a goddess has this big reaction, So just imagine what will happen to the mortals, If they know about it. Thinking of something she shakes her hand in the air summons a golden-colored scroll.

"When there is a race for charioteers in this kingdom, You with your family go there with this scroll. This will guarantee that low caste will not hinder him."

Ganga said as she handed the scroll to the couple. She wanted to say something but suddenly she felt something in her heart. King Indra used the highest level of authority to summon all the gods. This worries Ganga as this level of summoning this order is only used when the life and death of the world was on the line.

"Radha, Adhiratha, I have to go now. Karna will wake up in a few days, don't worry about it. Also, don't try to forcefully wake him up. Okay, we will meet again someday."

Ganga quickly said to the couple. She held Karna in her hands and kissed his forehead lovingly, Her eyes were full of tenderness. After that, she gives Karna back to Radha. Then she took last look of him and vanished out of thin air in front of the couple.

'What is happening that makes Devraj (King of God's) this anxious? I have to speed up to go and see.'

Ganga at full speed rushing back to heaven. She has to find out the reason for it as she has a feeling in her heart that this summon is somehow connected to Karna.

"Arya (Husband), What did the goddess give you?"

After Ganga was gone, Radha held Karna carefully, Fearing that her actions might wake him up. After making sure that Karna was comfortable, She curiously asked Adiratha about the thing he received from Ganga.

"Look, this is it."

Adiratha was also curious as he didn't have time to take a look before. Now that his wife asked he also took a closer look at it.

Then both of them were shocked as they read the text on the scroll. There is only one name written on it. This is the name of the kingdom.

(A/N : Aren't I a good author? You don't want to suffer from a cliffhanger, So i wrote this chapter hurriedly for you as not to let you suffer from cliffhanger and then leave another cliffhanger. Feel free to thank me.

Also, don't forget to leave comments, Power stone and if you have time a review.

Tomorrow might or might not have another chapter, It's totally depends on the Net if it's working or not.

Like always thanks for reading and have a good day �.)


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