I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 6-1

Chapter 6-1

A helicopter landed with a loud noise at the academys helipad.

Why the heck the academy has a helipad in the first place?

Weve arrived, Young Master, Han Seo-jun said as he opened the helicopter door. There was no one around.

Silently nodding his head, he got off the helicopter and looked at his smartphone. According to the time, it had only been about two hours since they arrived on the deserted island at a reasonable speed.

As he entered the classroom at a reasonable pace, he saw Jisu-hyeon sitting there with an evil smile.

Congratulations. You are in first place.

I nodded my head and took my seat. The situation on the island was displayed on the chalkboard at the front of the classroom.

Have you been watching us through this?

I already knew the ominous witch was watching us all.

But I couldnt let her know that I knew, could I?

Oh, right. You were watching to see how we handled things.

And what she saw of us would probably be recorded in our student records.

Do you want to watch with me?

I will not decline.

I looked at the screen she was staring at as I spoke.

Kim Se-ah was casting spells while the other guys were bringing in more magic stones.

It seemed like they were doing well.

As I was watching the guys on the island, the classroom door opened and Ji Soo-hyun greeted with a smile.

Did you come? You got second place.

One of the guys covered in salt approached me without a greeting.

How did you get first place?

The guy, whose name tag read Choi Kang-hyun, asked me without any formalities, looking very curious.

I swam at full speed, but I never thought there would be a guy who came before me. How.?

Well, there was no need to lie.

By helicopter.


I rode a private helicopter. I have a lot of money.

.I see.

After hearing my answer quickly, he seemed to lose lost interest and returned to his seat as if nothing happened.

If you need a job or money, just let me know anytime.

I said that to the guy who sat down without saying a word, and Im sure hell contact me soon.

Thinking that, I focused on the video again.

After about 30 minutes of watching the video in silence, the results started to show.

Most of the students with glasses seemed to be able to come back safely, and the other guys were also returning in their own way.

Instructor, can I go in first?

Choi Kang-hyun, who seemed to have seen the results, stood up and asked Joo Soo-hyun.

Go ahead.

Yes, thank you.

The guy who answered like that left the classroom first.

Dont you want to go too?

Joo Soo-hyun looked at me as if she was interested, still sitting in her seat.

No, Ill watch a little longer.

Okay, do as you wish.

I have to recruit useful guys within this school and make an organization.

A smile naturally formed on my face as I already started imagining the organization chart.


Im back.

I could only arrive home around 3 oclock.

Originally, I was thinking about taking the bus home, but after seeing a group of black cars rushing out of the school gate, I quickly gave up.

Honestly, it was overprotective.

So, how was the first day at the academy?

My father, who was reading the newspaper in the living room, asked me bluntly.

What should I say? Should I tell him that I was sent to a deserted island on the first day? But I decided to give a safe answer.

It was fun.

It was an experience to see the heroes that I could only see in games in person.

Honestly, I was quite excited.

Thats good then.

My father replied bluntly to my words and started reading the newspaper again.

My father, Don Vito Corleone, sitting down and reading the newspaper means hes not currently working for the organization and is taking a break.

Thinking that this was an opportunity, I immediately sat opposite my father.

Boss. I have something to say.


Fathers expression stiffened momentarily upon hearing my words, then quickly changed to one of interest.

Sure, go ahead and tell me.

Seeming to realize that I wanted to talk about the organization upon hearing me address him as Boss, Father put down his newspaper and looked at me.

The gaze of the boss of the organization alone was enough to be intimidating, but I calmly spoke while meeting his eyes.

I want to establish a small branch of the organization at the academy.

Father listened to my words and took out a cigarette from the box on the table.

It was a sign that he found my proposal interesting.

Really? Then why dont you do as you think.?

Of course, if it were just my own organization, I could have just done that, but my plan was far more ambitious than that.

If I can successfully establish a respectable organization, I would like it to be officially take it under Corleone.

The Corleone Familys affiliated organization. That was what I was aiming for.

What are you thinking, asking to be officially recognized as under the Corleone family?

It was a very natural reaction from my father.

It was no different from asking a luxury brand maker to include an ordinary product from a market stall without any certification in their launch.

However, it was a necessary step to realize my plan.

Anyone who has played the underworld play knows the story of the Corleone family.

Eugene Corleone is a character originally portrayed as a mediocre villain in the game.

A sub-villain who engages in dirty deeds out of inferiority complex.

And Eugenes behavior disappoints Vito Corleone, and Corleone, who thinks about the safety of the organization, decides to choose a successor in a different way.

That is to compete among the organizations under the Corleones umbrella.

And the successor of the victorious organization becomes Corleones quantum and becomes Corleones official successor.

I just want to test myself.

Honestly, even if I became Corleones successor now, there was no guarantee that my future father would easily hand over Corleone to me.

The games Eugene never became the boss of Corleone under any circumstances.

So I thought.

If so, wouldnt it be possible for me to become a boss the way Corleone did?

since I wasnt that guy from the original? the possibility is more than enough.

I see, so want to give it a try

As my Father was smoking a cigarette and lost in thought, he suddenly cut off the end with a cigar cutter and spoke up.

Well, that sounds interesting. Alright, go ahead and do as you please.

Yes, Boss.

With that, my duty with the Boss was done. Now, I changed my attitude and immediately sat next to my father.

Hmm? Whats this now?



Vito was surprised when I called him father just after referring to him as Boss a moment ago.

Im embarrassedbut I had no choice for my plan to work.

After all, I was using the fact that I am Eugene Han Caliogne.

I have a request, Father.

Are you saying this as my son?


Despite the businesslike expression he had just moments ago, Father now looked at me with a smile.

Seeing him like that, I laughed happily, convinced that my plan had virtually succeeded.


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