I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

"Aaaaah! Aaaaah!"

He hadn't said a word up until this point, but when he regained consciousness, he started flailing around like crazy.

I can't help but laugh at how exaggerated the movements are, and the voice was so familiar it was almost comical.

It was unmistakable.

I slowly approached the creature and removed its mask. The face I was expecting was revealed.



Jin-woo Bevalt, the heir to the Bevalt family and my academy classmate was looking at me with a face so red it could burst with blood.

"Sa, help me, help me!"

No way, was it because of this guy that my father had entrusted me with this job?

I'd heard that there would be some other family heir or something, but I never thought I'd meet him like this.

Well, I'm wearing a mask now, so he won't recognize me.

I squatted down in front of him and a smile escaped my lips.

“I never thought such a lump of blood would come to the hideout.”


I gently curl my index finger and scratch his mask with it.

At the same time, fear rises into him once again.

Now, what do we do with him…….?

First, I decided to scare him a little more.

"You've trespassed into one of our villainous alliance's lairs. On whose orders did you come here?"


For some reason, he suddenly stopped moving.

He's already calm in this situation?

I wondered what was going on, so I pulled off the mask again.

And then.

"……This is ridiculous."

The guy was stunned.

Ehhh, so it is…….

I hadn't realized that he blacked out.

I sighed as I walked out of the room, realizing that he couldn't take the test properly.

"Master, Master. Isn't that someone from the academy?"

Latte, who was watching the CCTV inside, asked.

"That's right. I think he's here to train as the successor of the Bevalt Family, but I didn't expect him to be like that."

I turned back to the CCTV, marveling at his mental state.

The guys in the other room hadn't woken up yet.

In the meantime.


A faint movement was detected in the room Jin-woo was in.

"What the hell, he’s awake?"

He forced himself to his feet and squirmed around, trying to escape.

Wherever he'd been hiding it, he had a door razor blade in his mouth, and he kept jerking upward to cut the ropes binding his feet.

"Alas, he’s one of those."

"One of those?"

Latte nodded, looking at Jin-woo's figure.

"Yep. You know those people? The ones who try to stay alive no matter what, and then try to escape no matter what. Agents with that kind of personality are definitely good, because they always come back alive from whatever mission they're sent on."

Latte had been an informant since she was a kid, so she'd seen a lot of cases like that.

"After going through such a difficult time do you think he’ll tell me everything?"

He shrugs, as if he already knows that.

“Go in now and ask but I’m sure he'll say some plausible false information. It's obvious."


My interest piqued so I decided to go back inside to make sure.


As I walked back into the room, feigning enthusiasm, his body, which had been wriggling so eagerly just a moment ago, became cold again.

"I saw it all on……CCTV, so get up."


He still sagged.

I pulled out a dagger to scare him, and he twitched and moved.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'm up, I'm up, I'm up!"

He finally stopped acting.

Surely, Latte said, he would lie to me if I asked for information so I decided to test him.

"Make sure you tell me where you belong and what you're here for. I'm going to count to three."




"I'm going to say it, I'm going to say it, I'm going to say it, so come closer……my throat hurts too much to speak loudly!"

I decided to give in to his wishes and move closer.

Okay, so what the heck is he going to tell me, and why is he asking me to come closer to him──?

I immediately jerked back as a chill ran through my body.

Then I felt a cold sensation near my neck as he was about to slit my throat with a razor blade.

I flinched and stepped back.


Jin-woo spat out the razor in his mouth and looked at me.

"Ah. What a waste."

His voice was comically calm after the playfulness of a moment ago.

"Shit, I got caught on my first mission."

Behind his tattered mask, I can see his cold eyes.

"Just kill me."

……Did Jin-woo have this side to him?

I've certainly seen him in action as a Familia member, but I didn't expect this.

No wonder he has the Bevalt blood in him.

"If that's your wish, I'll grant it."

I grabbed my dagger and approached him.

He's calm even though he's about to die.

As I examine him more closely, I can see the aura gradually building up near his shoes.

All the while, he was preparing to attack.

He's doing something I haven't seen him do in a long time.


A lightly thrown dagger cut the rope that bound him.

"Jin-woo Bevalt. Pass."

"……Eh? Kak!"

He falls headfirst to the ground.

I grabbed his head and spoke briefly to him, who was dazed by the sudden situation.

“This is ‘Han’, an executive of Corleone. Stop acting stupid and follow me.”

"Eh? Eh?"

“What are you doing?”

"Oh, yes!"

As if only after saying this did he realize what had just happened, Jin-woo stood up and followed me out of the room.

"By the way, you're really Corleone, right?"

Without saying a word, I flashed him my badge, the symbol of a Corleone Executive.

"Wow……it's real, Corleone Executive……."

When we left the room, Latte was waiting for us, wearing a rat mask.

"I was watching the whole thing, you sure are Don Bevalt son, giggle."

She puts her hand over what appears to be her mouth and laughs.

Once again, Jin-woo stood there, unaware of what was going on.

"Uh…… this is……."

"Corleone Intelligence. The name is Mickey, take care of me, Bevalt Jr."

"Oh, yeah."

He nods dumbly as he grabs the hand Latte offers him.

Ah, the familiar look.

That's the look he subconsciously gets when he meets a girl. Maybe?

"By the way, Master. The third contestant seems to have come to his senses as well, are you going straight in?"

"I suppose I should, um……wait."

"For what?"

"Because I just remembered something interesting."

I said, and glanced over at Jin-woo, who was staring at Latte.

"Jin-woo Bevalt."

"Yeah, huh?"

"I thought you might want to check it out."


"I meant for you to test the third participant over there, just like I just did for you."



For some reason, I felt confident that he'd do a good job in this role.

He hesitated for a moment…and then.

"I can do whatever I want, right?"

He asked me with a mouth-watering expression, the corners of his mouth twitching upward.

"Oh, no torture. Moderate violence……wouldn't be bad."

"Okay. Do you have a goal or something?"

"To get him to say who he is, where he came from, and what his purpose is. The moment Corleone comes out of his mouth, I'll consider it a success."


With that, Jin-woo enters the room where the third contestant is.

Looking behind him, Latte asks softly.

"Is he going to be okay? I don't trust him."

"He'll be fine. He's one of the few people in the Academy I trust."

A few moments later, Jin-woo and Contestant 3 begin to come into view.

The first thing Jin-woo does upon entering is…….

-Hectopascal Kick!

He kicks his tied-up target with his foot.


Participant 3 started shaking violently in response.

What's even funnier is that when a woman's scream was heard from inside, Jin-woo was also surprised.


After all, even though he sometimes does weird things, he always shows us something out of the ordinary.

I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of him learning the family business under me.

Oh, really. Family business is about to get even more interesting.

-Sorry! Hectopascal kick canceled!


This is the best.

* * *

After all the participants were tested, four people were selected, including Jin-woo.

Contestant 3 was the real deal, and after being hit by Jin-woo's hectopascal kick, she took advantage of the apologetic Jin-woo to untie all of her bindings and subdue him.

When I ask Late about her origins, it turns out she was raised as a mercenary in a foreign country.

Based on her level of fear at the sight of me, and everything else, she seemed like a good candidate.

The others passed the test similarly.

I was to mold them into Corleone’s elite from now on.

The four of them stood before me, eager and ready.

I walked slowly in front of them and opened my mouth.

"Let me introduce myself once more. I am Han Corleone, an executive of the Corleone family. I have been tasked by Don to be in charge of your education."

Instantly, the four trainees begin to murmur.

Han Corleone.

Having the surname Corleone meant only one thing.

The rumored Corleone Junior.

The rumored heir to Corleone.


"""Greetings master!"""

At the same time as Jin-woo, who is quick-witted, sings the first song, the other three sing the chorus and bow to me.

To them, I must have looked like an exalted being.

I continued to speak to them.

"What I am about to teach you is the art of battle. Actions that are often called dirty deeds that are not properly taught elsewhere. Instead, I will teach you the tricks that will save your lives."

While Corleone values honor, they often find themselves fighting beings from the underworld and they are often the ones who use all sorts of tricks, with no regard for honor.

To deal with scum, you have to know their tricks.

"From now on, we will meet every night at midnight and train until 4 am. The meeting place will always be here, in this warehouse. And then I will attack you, just like I did today."

The four of them flinched at my words.

Perhaps the memory of my beating them up came back to them.

"It won't be easy, as you know from today. You can always give up if you want to. But I just want you to know this."

With that, I turned away.

"That this is a chance. Please, don't forget that."

With that, I turned on my heel and walked out of the warehouse with Latte.

"Whoa. Finally, it's over. Tough……."

"Tough, but at least we got the right guys, right?"

"Oh, by the way, Master, are you still using that voice? It's weird, because I know your face."

"Is that so?"

It was the voice of Saber Cloud in the game, but it sounded strange to Latte.

I release the skill and speak in my original voice again.

"Ah- Ah- Is that it?"

"Yes, this is the voice, by the way."


"Tomorrow, what do you think he will say at the academy, aren't you excited?"


To be honest, I was a little excited to see how he would react tomorrow.


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