I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 267

Chapter 267

"Wait, that's……, that's Kwak Chun-sik!"

"……Order Master Kwak Chun-sik? What the hell is that damned goblin doing here?!"

I never thought that this would be a way to make them unable to escape.

To strike fear into them by forcing your skill into them, while at the same time opening up an avenue for your opponent, forcing them to focus all their attention on you.

Of course, Kwak Chun-sik can always get into a fight if the math is wrong, so it doesn't add any convincing, but this way, they'll be more focused on taking me down than escaping.

I chuckle at the obvious and absurdity of it all.

"You’ve got big mouths for villains."

The old man spits on the ground as the villains back away, then turns his head toward me.

"Okay, I've laid the groundwork for you, so go ahead and go on a rampage."

"……You're raising me real strong."

"Hehe, lions push their cubs off cliffs. Grow up strong."

I don't think this is quite pushing off a cliff, but……surely, if it's Corleone’s cub, it's something to balance things out.

"There you go. If you don't want to be followed by Inspector Kwak, you'd better come fight me."

I pull on my gloves and look at the three villains crouching.

A Latino woman and man, and an African-American.

They had just muttered something in Korean, so they must have understood everything I and Kwak Chun-sik said.

In fact, the African-American with the afro who seemed to be the leader of the group stepped forward.

"Are you sure……will let us go if we win?"

"Of course. Not just let you go, but smuggle you out by hand."

"What proof do we have that you're not lying?"

He pulls something out of his pocket.

"This old man is a man of his word, and he keeps his word. If you don't believe me, try him, not me."

Even if I say this, they didn't have a choice anyway.

They had no choice but to die right here or to try to resist me.

Run away? If the momentum the old man had just unleashed hadn't frightened them, they'd be dead.

Fortunately, they weren’t that foolish.

"……I trust you to keep your word. Villain's name, Scarhand."

He raises his scarred hand and makes a fist, as if to prove his villainous name.

Introductions before the start.

"No way, you're going to take them out one by one?"

"……Isn't that what you were hoping for?"

These guys must be gravely mistaken.

"Don't be ridiculous, we're all in this together, and the person you're going to have to deal with from now on is……."

He smirks and holds out both hands to them.

"I am Eugene Hah Corleone, a member of the Corleone family."

──Come in at once.

* * *

Scarhand's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at the man in front of him once more.

He was dressed in a neat and clean suit, typical of the mafia.

The kind of connections that could get a big man like Kwak Chun-sik to act for something like this and that last name, Corleone.

"……The heir to Corleone?"

"You think I recognize the name?"

The smirk on my face is simultaneously creepy and chilling, and Scarhand takes a step back.

‘Surely……this is a team effort.’

He pictured defeat in his mind.

‘Eugene Hah Corleone.’

Rumors about Corleone Jr. had already been heard by those in the underworld.

‘He purged Blunt on his first day in the organization.

‘The evil dragon of Jeju Island. He slayed Fafnir.’

‘He fended off attacks from Plague and the Villainous Alliance.’

"Participated in the Night ofWalpurgis, helping Peak deal with Joo Yeongdal.

‘And……he succeeded in pulling out the Vatican and defeating the "Fire Giant" in Italy.’

This is the kind of information we'd expect to see in a coalition of villains pitted against Corleone.

But what's even more surprising is that all of this happened in less than a year.

The Villain Alliance had also been keeping an eye on it.

"……What kind of relationship does that guy have with Kwak Chun-sik?"

"I heard that the Sword Saint and the Aura Master recently formed a united front with Corleone, is that why?"

The two of them spoke quietly to him as Scarhand stepped back.

They were the villains he'd been working with, Tabasco and Katus.

"Damn you for talking shit, I want to tear this guy to shreds right now!"

"Enough. Think of our mission."

The man suddenly becomes as excited as his villain's name but Scarhand stopped him and said.

"That's not what's important right now, it's how we get out of here. Stay focused."

At the words of their leader, Scarhand, the two turned to look at Eugene in front of them.

They could feel his aura just by looking at him.

His body was already oozing a red aura.

"I can't believe……he can produce that much aura just by standing still. What the hell happened to his aura?"

Katus chuckled in disbelief and drew her own weapon, a long rapier.

At her words, Scarhand nodded his head in agreement.

"Being the heir to those bourgeois bastards, I'm sure he’s used to expensive food, but for the three of us, it's worth it."

"Yeah, well, a hungry dog guarding a house can't beat a coyote!"

Next to him, Tabasco snaps his fingers and joins the others in a battle stance.

Eugene, watching them, sighs heavily and turns on his toes.

"You're just going to keep looking at me like that? You're just like little rats──"


As if they had been waiting for the right time, the three of them simultaneously lunged at Scarhand's order.

The target was Eugene.

Spreading out in three directions, they were approaching at a pace that would leave their opponent unable to react.


"Get ready!"

Tabasco stretched out his hand toward Eugene at Scarhand's shout.

At the same time, a pungent-smelling, bright red liquid spews from his hand.

Eugene lightly stamps his foot at the sight of it.


Suddenly, the ground ripples violently and creates a gap between the three of them.

"Don't panic already."

Eugene stomped the ground even harder this time. But unlike before, the ground doesn't resonate, instead Eugene's aura races across the ground, and in an instant, the area around him is enveloped in a red current.

The villains recoil in surprise at the sudden blast.

"There's suddenly this electricity……!"

"Danger, everyone get back!"

The power grows stronger as they head toward the center, forcing the villains to back away.

When the three of them had closed the distance, Eugene turned and stomped his foot in Tabasco's direction.

"As usual, your powers are the most annoying."

"Crazy……! That’s so fast!"

With Eugene's figure lunging forward in an instant, Tabasco abandoned his evasive maneuvers and exhaled his specialty: a pure white powder that made everything around him spicy.

‘White capsaicin.’

A technique that sends a fume around him that is more potent than tear gas.

A cloud of white dust blows toward Eugene, covering his entire body.

"Great! With this……."

Tabasco is delighted but Eugene ignores the white cloud and continues on his way, his aura covering his entire body.

"That's a terrible technique."

"How come you're still intact- -God!"

Tabasco was sent flying backwards by a punch to the face.


Eugene didn't stop there, spinning around and kicking out at the blade coming at him.

The rapier soared into the air.

"This is too predictable."

"──Is this one too obvious?"

But at that moment, Katus attacks, and a sideways Scarhand slams into Eugene's side.


A shockwave reverberated around the area with a huge sound but Eugene, who raised his left arm and blocked it, smiled and looked at the black man in front of him.

"I see you had a reason for giving the order, huh?"

The smile was almost too creepy to be seen in the middle of a life-and-death battle but the look startled him for a moment, and he had no choice but to move quickly.

Eugene, who had aura wrapped around his right hand, spun his body and threw a fist at Scarhand.


The man who had blocked Eugene's punch by crossing his arms was sent flying backwards, spitting out blood.

"Scarhand!!! You fucking monster!"

Katus lunges at Eugene despite the rapier flying away.


But Eugene's blow engulfs her entire body.

Katus screams in pain as her entire body is set on fire.

Eugene pays no attention to her, and slowly approaches the gasping Scarhand against the wall of the warehouse.

He tried to take him out with a single blow, but he was still breathing and had not passed out.

"I didn't think you'd last this long, but you're better than I thought."

"Shut up……!"

He clapped his hands with a "Hmph!" and turned both palms toward Eugene.

Eugene grinned at the sight, then stood up and looked at Scarhand in front of him.

"Alright, let's see if you can stop this one."

With a crackle, black electricity shot out from the Black Mist.


In an instant, Eugene charged at him, leaving only a black lightning bolt in its place.

In response, Scarhand tried to block the attack with his scarred palm, but…….

"What kind of nonsense……!"

"It's an attack that even mythical giants couldn't block, so there's no way you can stop it."

The next thing Scarhand knew, a black, searing foot was already in his face.


His body flew backward, slamming into the warehouse wall.

All that remained was Katus.

As he withdrew the Black Flame, he saw Katus already tattered and staggering.

She looked at Tabasco and Scarhand, who had fallen in an instant, and muttered in disbelief.

"Those two……fall so easily? B-class villains?"

"No wonder. They're B-class, that's why they were defeated so easily."

Eugene said mockingly.

However, a B-class villain was a level that could only be cleared with at least one A-class hero.

There were three of them and yet, Eugene had defeated them without much difficulty.

"They'll be right in, right? Let's finish this quickly and go home."

Katus, who was shivering at the sight of the one waiting for her, raised both hands.

"I surrender."

"……What, surrender?"

"You've already laid two people down, so what's the point of me fighting you, I might as well just surrender right here."

Eugene is puzzled by her unexpectedly rational choice.

"What, you're really just going to surrender?"

"Of course. Scarhand is out, I can't tell if Tabasco is dead or alive, and I'm supposed to fight you in this condition?"

Katus drops to her knees, muttering as if she's given up.

"Because I don't……want to die."

She had already given up.

Three minutes, 45 seconds, that's how long it took Eugene to defeat three B-class villains.


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