I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

~A street of workshops tucked away in the center of Palermo~

He opened the oldest door of all, the one that creaked and stepped into a dark interior.

"Kolok- Kolok- I haven't been in here in a while, and it's a mess."

Sweeping the dust from his hands, Ludvio stepped inside and flipped on the first light, looking around the workshop.

The tools and decorations were already broken and rusted.

He sighed deeply at the sight and bowed his head.

"I don't even know where to begin."

In fact, it was hard to even call it a workspace anymore.

"This is too much I mean, if you're going to foreclose on a workshop, shouldn't you at least take care of it?"

Elena mumbles to herself as she gathers up the shards of porcelain and tools on the floor.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Its going to take me a while to work on this.

I couldn't let it go on like this, not when he was working on my items and not someone else's.

"Maestro. Can you wait a minute, Elena, and stop picking up that thing because you'll hurt your hand."

Without another word, I pull out my cell phone and dial one of the numbers in my contacts.

~A brief dial tone~

-Yes. Hello.

A much more subdued voice than usual.

Suddenly, I realize that Italy's time is eight hours behind Korea.

It's evening here so that means it dawn in Korea?

"Sorry to call you at dawn, it's urgent."

-It's okay, I've just gone to bed, I'll just go back to sleep.

Haru's voice on the other end of the phone becomes clearer and clearer.

-You said it was urgent. What is it?

"I need some things for my workshop in Sicily. Is it possible?"

-You mean Sicily? Luckily, I have a contact there that I'm in touch with.

She doesn't disappoint.

"I'll give you the address and the things I need, but don't pay attention to the price."

And then I gave her a list of things I needed right away and the address of the workshop.

-Yes, I got it. I'll see what I can do to make sure they arrive today.

"Thank you as always."

-I did what I was supposed to do.

After a quick goodbye, I hang up and immediately dial the next number.

-Yes. Sir. It's Latte.

"What's up?"


"I need you to help me with my work here.

-Uh now?

"You don't have to come yourself. Send a few of your surplus troops to Sicily HQ. I have a place to clean up."

Silence flowing for a moment at my words.

After a moment. Latte's serious voice came through.

-Should I send them all armed with heavy weapons?



Oh, I see.

She must have taken the word clean' to mean something else.

" Not that cleaning, but really cleaning the building. It's kind of dirty in here and we need someone."

-Ah, that cleaning. Yeah, I'll talk to the director here and see if he can send some people over. What's the address?

I gave her the address of the workshop, too.

By the way, the director here is surely Uncle Milano, right?

"If Uncle Milano says anything, you can tell him it's a favor for me."

-Yes. Okay, I'll check it out and get back to you!


That's all I can do right now.

I put the phone away and look up to see Ludvio and Elena staring at me, their faces blank.


I wonder what they're looking at, but Elena speaks up first.

"I forgot for a moment that you're the heir to Corleone."


But Ludvio was looking at me for a different reason.

"No, it was bad enough that you got my workshop back, but you had to borrowstuff from another workshop."

It seemed like he felt like he owed me for this extra help.

Hmm, it's not that expensive for me, so it's okay.

"If that's the case, don't worry about it, they're just things you need to make my stuff the best it can be. If you're really bothered about it, you'll just have tomake the best work of your life as a maestro."

What's the harm in spending a pittance to get the attention of a maestro-level craftsman and the best shoes in the world?

"I'll make sureit exceeds your expectations!"

With a craftsman's motivation like that, it was the best choice.

"I'll get someone else to clean up after you, so let's go out and have dinner. Elena, can you recommend a restaurant nearby?"

"Oh, I'm sure I can, come on, I'll take you to the most delicious place in Sicily!"

* * *

I followed Elena to a restaurant labeled Anna's Kitchen' in Italian.


"This is my mom's restaurant. Come on, let's go inside."

is this the best restaurant in Sicily?

"Uh-huh. Anna's food is definitely the best. Come on in."

Judging by Ludvio's reaction, I'm guessing she didn't just bring me here for sales, butis this okay?

"Mother, I'm home!"

Elena's cheerful voice rang out as we all entered the dining room.

"You're late for dinner. Where the hell are youOh, my, Mr. Marco?"

"Anna. It's been a while."

"It's been a long time! I can't believe you came down to town with Elena. What happened?"

She asks, wiping her hands dry on her apron as if surprised to see him.

Ludvio chuckles in response.

"I've had enough of playing, I need to get back to work. Things have been going well lately."

Anna beams with delight at his answer and grabs both of his hands.

"I'm so glad to hear that, Mr. Marco is a great guy, so I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time. By the way, are you here to eat?"

"Mmm. The usual, please."

"And this handsome young man next to?"

She looks at me as she says that. He definitely looked a lot like Elena.

"I'll have the same thing, please."

"Sure. I will make it for you right away."

"Mother. Me too!"

"You come and help me cook!"

"Oh, mom!"

And with that, Ludvio bursts out laughing as Elena is dragged by Anna's hand into the kitchen.

"There's Anna, Elena's mother, keeping this old man's stomach from rumbling all this time."

"I suppose that's proof that the Maestro has done many good deeds in the past."

Perhaps the people of this village didn't starve to death because of Ludvio.

"Well, that's nice of you to say. By the way, have you decided where you're staying tonight?"

"Oh, yes. I've booked a hotel in downtown Palermo, for now."

"Oh, that's good. This old man's house is all broken down and crumbling, I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to sleep in it. Haha!"

Technically, I had booked the hotel because I had a lot of work to do on my own, but I smiled in agreement with him.

~A moment later~

"You've been waiting a long time!"

Elena returned from the kitchen with a large tray full of food and began to set it down on the table.

"Here are the two alla norma you ordered! Ah. Caponata is a service!"

And just like that, two pastas and a red stew made with eggplant were placed in front of us.

She sat down at an empty seat and naturally picked up a fork and spoon.

"You said caponata is a service. I thought you brought it for you to eat, hahaha!"

"I was hungry tooit's been a while since I've been on the move."

Elena smiled and bowed her head as if she was being flattered.

In response, Ludvio also bows his head gently, as if in a moment of silence.

Prayer before a meal is a common sight here.

But what are they praying about now? Well, if there's one thing I know for sure.

Please let my shoes be properly strengthened this time.

* * *

After a meal and some small talk, I headed back to my hotel, took a quick shower, and opened up my laptop from Korea.

Even though I'm in a foreign country, I'm still the president of a Silver Club and the general manager of the club's support project.

It was my fate that I couldn't rest even if I wanted to.

All I could do was check reports and make economic decisions.


[Latte: Master?]

[Latte: Master?]

[Latte: Master?]

[Latte: Master?]

Suddenly, the messenger on my laptop started vibrating like crazy.

[Me: Is the cleaning done?]

If she's done cleaning, she'll just call me to tell me he's done but she's suddenly calling me like crazy.

[Latte: What?]

[Latte: Uh, the cleaning was done]

[Latte: But that's not the issue right now]


[Me: What happened?]

[Latte: I just got that from the Italian intelligence.]

[Latte: To where you are now]


Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it at this hour?"

I closed the laptop I was looking at and stood up, stretching.

I'm in a suite in a four-star hotel in Sicily. Not just anyone could be here, and I certainly don't remember ordering room service.

"Who is it?"

I slowly approach the door and peer out through the peephole but there's nothing outside.


I'm about to turn around again, thinking, "Something must have knocked on the door.


Once again, I hear a knock on the door. Sure enough, I hadn't misheard.

"No way, is that a door knocker?"

It was a prank that every Korean adolescent male has played at least once in his travels.

No, wait, is this a prank in the first place?

Sensing something was amiss I pulled Al Capone's Tommy out of my cube and slowly approached the door.

I disguise myself and my footsteps as best I can, and I stay close to the door, waiting for the right moment.

When the signal comes once again, I hold my breath quietly, ready to exit.



With a loud bang, I yank the door open with all my might and point the Thompson.

"How dare you-"



Something slams against the door, and I feel a brief vibration from the hand holding the doorknob.


Something pure white immediately collapsed in front of me.

I stared at the fallen person, wondering what the hell it was.


White hair that would almost touch the floor if it were standing, and a white outfit that reminded me of a nun's robes.

I'm intrigued by her harmless appearance, wondering if this is what white color would look like if it were made into a person, but my eyes are drawn to her forehead, which is stained red.

Could this be the person who's been knocking all this time?

Was it her short stature that prevented her from being seen through the peephole on the door?

"Ha what am I supposed to do with this?"

It's a disaster of doubt and mistakes but just as I was wondering how to fix this situation.


For some reason, the golden cross around her neck caught my eye.

Wait a minute. That necklace must be.


At the same time, I felt a cold sweat on my back and forehead.


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