I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

I already had an insider's knowledge of what happened this time, who was the mastermind and what the plan was.

There were two targets. The chairman, the mastermind, and the secretary, the architect.

That meant there were two guys to take down.

Deciding to rob the secretary's mansion as a warm-up before robbing Pendragon mansion, which was the main target, I felt my wand in my pocket and looked inside the mansion.

"Looks like they have a lot of guards. Three guard dogs. They even have a security company."

This is why it's more fun to mess with families with money or power.

The difficulty level goes up significantly after you've eaten a lot of crap and saved up.

"It's been a while since I've been in magical girl mode."

I stretch and prepare to enter.

My rough estimate is that the second-story window at the back door is the weakest spot.

I pushed up on my toes and bounced lightly.

Nothing but air below.

Gravity pulls me down, like a bird stretching its wings, or a crucifix falling.

The pleasant breeze on my skin reminds me that I am free.

The moment I landed just right.

"Black Mist."

Kicking the air, I land on the railing of the second floor.


I slowly straighten my knees and look around.

"Guess they didn't notice."

It would be rather odd if someone from a security company notices me.

With the buffs on my gear, stealth was a breeze.

The Abyssal Mantle of DisPater alone gives me the ability to hide in the dark, and the Black Radish has the ability to completely muffle footsteps and greatly reduce stuns.

So, let's see.

"Is the door tolocked?"

But don't worry. I was an Awakened, not a normal person.

I focus the aura on my fingertips and slowly begin to carve a hole in the side of the lock for my hand.


The window was cut very cleanly, as if with a glass cutter.

I slip my hand through the hole, unlock the lock, and step inside, revealing the interior of a large mansion.

[Activate Skill: Aura Sonar.]

I immediately take in the terrain and personnel inside.

1, 2, 325 people.

A few of them are motionless, slowly emitting faint waves.

Considering the location, it seems like the secretary and his family have all gone to bed.

I immediately check the hidden area.

"It's there, isn't it?"

Yeah, it doesn't make sense that a house like this wouldn't have a secret stash.

I find an empty space in the basement, so I slowly walk towards it.


Apparently, the security is centered around the outside, and there aren't many people inside, so I can move around easily.

This is why insecurity is so scary.

Humming along, I arrived at the warehouse in no time.

Now, it was time for Mr. Magical Girl to come into play.

"I guess it's because they trust these special security safes."

In the world of the Awakened, this safe is the culmination of all sorts of techniques and magic.

That's why they're so lazy.

Well, it makes sense.

It is impossible for me, who is not a wizard, to break through this safe, which is much stronger than the safes in reality.

However, I do have a trick up my sleeve that I used to use when I was raising Mr. Magical Girl.

It's called.

"The formula."

I clasp my hands together and then slowly relax.

Then, after activating the technique with one hand, I looked at the safe.


I concentrate and focus my aura intensely, cranking up my firepower to the extreme limit.

My right hand glows crimson as I activate the Abyssal Flame Ring I received from my godfather.

I use the ring's Light Predation ability.

[Light Predation: the more light the black flame absorbs, the more intensely it burns. The flame can be extinguished at the user's will.]

My hand, which glowed crimson, faded to black in an instant, and I covered the entrance to the vault with it.

" Player entry!"


Eeng! Eeng! Eeng! Ehhhhhhh! Ew!

I smash the entrance.

A sharp, ear-splitting sound is heard, and the surroundings flash red.

The formula engraved on the safe has been triggered, and the alarm has begun to sound.



It's faster this way.

I instantly melted, opened the broken entrance, and scraped out the inside.

Let me see.

"The gems used for magic andOh, the leaves of the Divine Tree? They're precious. Ill take this andOh! I don't know, Ill just grab everything."

Scrape it all up and save it in the cube.

Now, I just need to wrap it up.

I pulled out the crucifix I'd been keeping in my pocket and slammed it into the now-empty vault, topping it off with a letter and my trademark pink wand.

[Execution of Justice]

[I'll put it to good use~ Wagu wagu! So sweet~Magical Rogue.]

The letter was just to piss them off.

Hmm. Okay, I like it.

I'll forgive you with this much, Mr. Secretary.

-Here! The door is open!

The guards shouted from the doorway.

That was faster than I thought.

I'd better get ready to receive my guests."

I grabbed the it' from its holder and ran out the door.

And then.

"Intruder! Trespassing here."

One shot to the chest and one to the head.

I adjusted my power to match the amount of Aura my opponent had, so he would probably wake up tomorrow morning.

"Wizard! Wizard trespassing!"


I twirled my pink wand once, then steadied myself.

The wand with a heart on it was Tokarev in disguise, that I had prepared for today using the skill [Clown Makeup].

For today only, this wand can be used to cast a magic spell.


A righteous spell that stuns the villain is fired.

The guard takes an Aura-shot in the forehead and collapses.

"Capture him at all costs! He must reveal who is paying him!"

The crowd continues to swarm but I'm in no hurry, so I walk slowly through them.

The guards surrounding me unfurled their batons or channeled their magic, shouting.

"The opponent is a mage! Push him, and he's ours!"

These guys are so dismissive of magical girl magic?


"Magic. Stun gun."

The magical girl's original magic involves coating her right hand with aura and punching her opponent in the face.

The opponent is stunned by the magic.


"I thought it was a wizard!"

"Magic. Flying knee kick."

Flying knee kick was one of the forbidden spells. The opponents hit by the spell are stunned, not killed.

Magical girls are non-lethal because it's common sense.

"That's not magic!"

Perhaps feeling threatened by my continued magical (and physical) attacks, they slowly began to close the distance between us.


I pulled a large, blingy wand out of my cube.

"Magic. Silent bullet."

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Of course, I have ranged magic. Im a magical girl.

People are knocked out by the sound of a typewriter (silencer.Ver) that goes on for a while.

The siege is finally breached by my bombardment of magic spells.

"He's getting away!"

"Catch him!"

I run down the corridor as fast as I can, leaving the panicked men behind.

By now, they must have realized that they couldn't possibly catch me with their skills.

Judging by the fact that they're not following me right now, even though theyre shouting at the top of my lungs means that they've decided not to bother.


At that moment, I bumped into the secretary in his pajamas, who must have been awakened by the commotion of the mansion.

He was carrying a cane in his hand, apparently intent on catching me.

I wanted to take a look at him before I left the mansion, so I was very happy to see him come out to me.

First, a gift.

"Magic, Falcon Punch."

This is a deadly spell that involves coating your hand with magical power (aura) and punching your opponent in the face with all your might.

The opponent who is hit is sure to die.


He takes the Falcon Punch and flies backwards.

I click my tongue briefly as I stare at his ugly form, unconscious after hitting the wall.

"He's not very good."

I bit my lip in disappointment.

In fact, the magical girl's character was a mix of a paladin and a rogue.

In the process, I used the Skill Customization System to make the effects pink, but the character could be considered a paladin.

As a result, I had a near-perfect technique that allowed me to heal at the same time as I hit my opponent, leaving me unscathed.

Even if I hit with full power, the villain's wounds would collapse and I would heal at the same time, so my moment-filling hand was great.

Moreover, the pink exploding effects were so cathartic to watch.

Well, it was a romantic era.

Named mobs fainting from a pink punch? I can't stand that.

Well, for now, I'll have to settle for a gut punch.

"Let's try to sneak out."

I could have made a pretty penny if I'd turned every corner, but I didn't need to since I picked off all the good stuff.

Stealing wasn't really why I was here in the first place.

I wanted to shame them to the point of embarrassment.

"There was a noise over there!"

"The Lord is with you!"

Okay, now that I've had my fill, let's do the finale.

I pointed straight at the wall leading outside and shouted.

"Pass wall."

In an instant, it crumbles away to reveal a corridor with a hole for a person to walk through.

Throwing myself through it, I pull a smoke bomb and a grenade from the cube and simultaneously pull out the pin.

It was a final ritual to let the neighborhood know that I, Mr. Magical Girl, have arrived.

"Magical bomb."

And with that, I start throwing grenades and smoke bombs all over the place.

All of them untraceable, with serial numbers erased from Corleones warehouse.

-BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!

At the same time, a tremendous explosion engulfed the mansion, and black smoke began to rise.



"Protect the lord!"

The guards shouted from inside.

Seeing the smoke rising black and merging with the clouds, I turned and threw myself into the bushes.

At the same time, I utilized Black Mist to escape.

Before I knew it, my face had been transformed into a completely different appearance using Clown Makeup.


I quietly got on the hidden motorcycle and started it up.

Yi yi yi ying

A successful heist.

This is a common thief, but Mr. Magical Girl goes one step further.

I opened my contacts through my smart lens and immediately dialed the number I had bookmarked.

-Sir? What's going on at this hour?

One of those days when she answers the phone after less than two beeps.

"Sorry about the late hour. Were you sleeping?"

-No, I was just organizing some accounting stuff.

"I'm glad. From my slush account, umWould you mind taking about 500 million credits and donating it under someone elses name?

-DonateYou mean under a second name?

"Uh, yeah. The name isMagical Rogue, please."

-Magical Rogue?

Haru asks in a questioning tone, as if she doesn't understand the conversation.

"I'll give you the details tomorrow, but do me a favor. Never be traced."

-Ah, okay.


And with that, I successfully completed my mission.

Mr. Magical Girl's iron rule: give half the value of what you steal to those in need.

In the original game, it was a way to manage karma, to keep my paladin job, butin a way, it's really a righteous theft.

Plundering property from the wicked and distributing it to those in need.

"I did it again today."

This is going to create a huge storm in the academy and society tomorrow.

I'm already starting to look forward to tomorrow morning's news.

A bright, glorious moon shines overhead, as a motorcycle glides smoothly down the road.

As long as I am here, there will always be justice in this barren world.


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