I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 192:

Chapter 192:

Corleones evening was even more tumultuous than usual.

"Did you get all the ammo?!"

"Two boxes of Great Awakening ammo are empty, fill them up!"

"Dig all the gas masks to the right!"

It was the bustle of preparing for war.

I watched this from my balcony on the second floor and let out a nervous sigh.

It was my first overseas assignment and it's not just any job, it's an important mission against the Villain Alliance.

How I handle this assignment will make a huge difference in how I'm viewed within the organization.

In other words,

"You're going to have to do it overwhelmingly and flawlessly, with everything you have at your disposal."

And I was ready to do just that.

"Master. I think you should get moving."

Han Seo-Joon, who had come up beside me, began to report the situation below.

"Twelve enforcers from the executive branch and twelve action squads are fully armed and ready to move between continents. What do you say?"

Corleones ability to prepare a medium-sized elite army, as well as intercontinental travel magic, in just one day is a testament to how well the members have been trained.

"Rally the troops. I'll say a few words and we'll be on our way."

"I'll pass it on."

Han Seo-joon disappears immediately.

I, too, slowly walk downstairs and look around.

"Take care. Master."

"""Goodbye. Master."""

The members bow in unison at Alessia's chant.

The sight made me feel solemn, like the attitude of a long-serving general going into battle.

"I'll be right back."

As I walked past Alessia, who was still bowing her head, and headed for the entrance door to the first floor, I saw two men standing in front of the door.

"Father, Godfather."

Father and Consigliere were the ones leading Corleone.

"What did I tell you, I'm not nervous about that one bit."

"Well, I can't blame you for being nervous. You'll have to see him off on his way."

I could tell from her comments that they were worried about this being my first overseas assignment as a leader and were uncharacteristically open-minded.

"I don't mind, I've had enough of the usual villains."

"You didn't listen, Don. Eugene is good enough."

"I know. I know, butits still overseas, and I'm speaking to you now as a father."

My father walks slowly toward me, gently placing his hand on my shoulder.

"When we leave the mansion, I will treat you as an executioner, not a son. But for now, I want to say this:Take care of yourself."

I felt the hand on my shoulder tighten, at the same time, I felt warmth so I smiled and returned the favor.

"I'm going to make sure my family is respected and feared there, too, Father and Godfather."

They both nod at my words.

When I finally opened the gate and stepped outside, the troops that had been lined up in advance in four rows stretched out in front of me.

All dressed in combat suits made of monster materials, bulletproof and magic resistant.

They even wore black gas masks that covered their muzzles, just in case.

It's like a white devil's night out.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump!

I gently raise my hand as they stomp their feet and begin to welcome me in their own way.

Then a sound that stops like a lie.

All 25 people who were going to walk into the limb with me had their eyes on me.

To be honest, I struggled with this part.

I wondered if I should tell them something that would boost their morale or if they wouldn't worry about it but the answer was closer than I thought.


I just had to answer with the skills I had already shown them.

The one who had captured the dragon on Jeju Island, the one who had won the top spot at the academy, the one who had been promoted to an executive.

To them, I had already become someone to follow so I blurted out what I could at my age.

"It's the weekend, let's get this done and get back. I'm tired."

Because this was the least I could do.

"Han Seo-Joon."

"Yes. Master."

"Activate the Intercontinental Travel Magic."

"Understood, Master."

Slowly walking over to the group, I took my place at their head, looking at the organization's spatial mages surrounding us.

Eight spatial mages alone that we had gathered for this trip.


The violet-colored magic power that began to surround us as we stood still began to speed up, completely isolating us from our surroundings.

The concentration of magic power is getting higher and higher.

"This is an incoming call. They're counting down."

Han Seo-joon, who is accompanying me on this mission as my assistant, looks at the mages standing beyond the barrier and starts counting.

"5 4 3 2 1moving."

At the same time, a flash of light fills the surroundings.

It's as if a camera flash has gone off right in front of me, followed by the dizziness and sickness that comes with traveling through space but no one is agitated.

I close my eyes and breathe slowly and deeply, gradually regaining my composure.

After recovering quickly, I look back and see my teammates still breathing deeply or lying down to recover.

"It's good to see that everyone seems to be okay."

"You're right, it's starting to get dark at this time of night."

"We can't control the time difference but it's much easier to take advantage of it."

The time difference between Korea and Australia is two hours and we left Korea in the evening, so it's no wonder it's dark here.

And for Corleone, night is a time that strikes fear into the hearts of the enemy and coziness into ours.

"Alpha and Beta, go straight to your pre-briefing positions. Gamma and Delta, prepare to enter with me."

I pace slowly as I pull my weapons out of my cube for immediate combat.

My weapon of choice is a [Al Capone's Tommy] with a silencer.

I chose this weapon because of the disparity in numbers between us and the enemy, as well as the high probability of a melee.

"Master. Alpha and Beta say they're in position."

Han Seo-joon, who had caught up to me, reported while fiddling with his in-ear.

"And the entrance?"

"Eight guards guarding the entrance. Five are heavily armed. The other three appear to be Awakeners."

"Not bad."

Finally, the twelve enforcers, all ready to go, fell into formation behind me.

We're here not to capture, not to take, but to annihilate.

Our primary purpose was to strike fear into the hearts of those who turned against us.

"100 meters to go."

"Keep walking, like you're not trying to hide."

In the distance, watchtowers and guards lit up the neighborhood along with huge warehouses.

After confirming the presence of the guards in front of us, I slowly slipped my comms into my ears and began to prepare for the briefing.

Crackle The briefing from each team leader slowly faded in with the noise of the street.

-Alpha Team. Ready to go.

-Beta. Ready to go.

One shot. Quick and sure.

"Alpha, beta. Drop the canary before it cries."


A moment later the bodies of those who were standing just a moment ago crumble and fall from the watchtower or lie bare.

-Clear left. 4. Killed.

-Right clear. Four, all silenced."

Teams Alpha and Beta managed to snipe all eight at the same time.

"Well done. Slowly advance so we can support Gamma and Delta."



With the canaries guarding the entrance down, all that's left is to move in.

"I'll take the lead. Gamma and Delta will flank left and right, respectively, and you will break through the front with me."

"Aye. Master."

Reaching for the massive iron gates, which were firmly locked, I placed my hand on the lock and moved my aura to my hand.

Seeing the lock melt away in a flash of heat in response, I pushed it open and said.


At the same time, the Enforcers begin to move.

All of them had worked with me in the past when I was a member of the Enforcers, so they were the ones who had seen my every move the most.

-Gamma. Killed four Awakened on the left.

-Delta. Four heavily armed guards and one Awakened on the right.


The operation had been extremely stealthy and precise.

According to our intel, a guy who's currently rated as a semi-official of the Villain Alliance is preparing a new branch here in Australia and the location was right here, in a refinery.

-Report from Alpha. To the right of your front. Detected 3 enemies.


I lift Tommy up, listening to the live briefing of enemy positions from my teammates.

I took one deep breath then rounded the corner and squeezed the trigger, silencing them.

-Reporting from Gamma, all visible enemies are clear. Looks like we can continue straight ahead.

The team was divided into four groups and each assigned to a mission.

We overwhelmed the enemy with the equipment and manpower available to Corleone.

This is, in my opinion, one of the most complete uses of the Corleone.

"Maintain the siege. Gamma, take the power plant. Beta, follow us."

In the first place, what organization on the peninsula would have access to a weapon called a Great Awakening sniper rifle' and ammunition called Great Awakening- magic killing rounds'?

I guarantee you, outside of the military, Corleone would be the only one.

-Gamma arrived at the Power Plant. Number of people guarding the plant. Not exactly clear yet.

"Alpha. Do you see anything?"

-Identifying. There are five people guarding the power plant, four heavily armed. I see one Awakener.

The Awakener must be a supervisor.

"Alpha snipes the Awakener and Gamma enters simultaneously. Remember. Not a single shot shall escape."


After a moment of silence.

-Alpha ready. 3 2 1 0. Situation over.

-Gamma reporting. Power plant. Secured.

Everything is going according to the plan so far.

Standing in front of where I assumed they were clustered, I took a deep breath, then looked behind me and said.

"Remember. One of them must be left alive. There must be a messenger to make sure the enemies of Corleone know what has befallen them."

For that was the purpose of this battle I walked slowly to it and spoke quietly before the last barrier.

"Gamma. Power down the plant on cue."


I look at the door in front of me, counting down slowly in my mind.




"Let there be darkness."


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