I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel

Chapter 49: The Award Ceremony (3)

Chapter 49: The Award Ceremony (3)

TL/Editor: Rungir

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

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Princess Diana Agnes, the fifth in line, had a straightforward reason for attending Zion's coronation. She didn't manage to secure the empire's shadow, but her impressive knack for gathering information tipped her off that this ceremony was more than just a passing of rights to Zion. Something else was brewing underneath.

She was eager to unravel the plans of the third prince and Lergan, so she decided to witness the ceremony herself. Plus, she wanted to examine Zion firsthand and verify whether he was the one who wiped out the former spirit legion Egrasia, the members of which the third prince had allegedly killed.

'He seems even more different than the last time I saw him,' Diana pondered as she glanced at Zion sitting beside her.

Had he progressed even more in such a short time?

When she last met him in the palace's alchemy room, his aura didn't seem particularly powerful, although his drastic change did take her by surprise. Now, however, the aura Zion exuded was so intense that even she was taken aback momentarily.

'I wonder what kind of power he's gained,' she mused, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. Then, she turned towards Zion and broke the silence.

"It's been a while since we last met in the alchemy room, hasn't it, little brother?"

Zion responded to her words by giving her a lazy glance.

"Firstly, congrats on conquering the Phantom Army. I'm clueless about how you pulled it off."

Unlike their encounter in the alchemy room, Diana was now somewhat acknowledging the formal successorship that the emperor had bestowed upon Zion.

After all, she had suggested dealing with the seventh disaster as a proof of succession rights, and Zion had flawlessly demonstrated it.

The details of how it transpired or who aided him didn't matter. What mattered was that Zion had quelled the disaster, and if she refused to accept it now, she would contradict her own words.

"But if you keep giving off such a vibe, no one here will dare to approach you. Shouldn't you be trying to win over the nobles here?"

Diana, who had been holding Zion's gaze, asked this as she looked around.

"Me?" Zion laughed softly at Diana's question.

"Why would I want to attract these folks here? They're likely of no use."

The influential nobles and bureaucrats were generally allied with other members of the royal family, making them rivals of sorts for Zion. There was no reason for him to join the race for the successorship rights.

So, those present here were mostly of lower ranks, not even considered by the royals.

"So, you're here only for the coronation today?" The fifth princess seemed to be sizing Zion up again with her question.

"Well, they put all this together for me. I had to come, no matter what."

"No matter what?" Diana detected an odd undertone in Zion's reply.

'Does he already know what Enoch is plotting? Was I barely able to piece that together?'

Questions swirled in her eyes, but Zion offered no further explanation.

Just then.

"Let's commence the succession ceremony for His Highness Zion Agnes!" An elderly man with a flowing beard took the stage at the end of the hall, announcing to the gathered crowd in the Ceremony Palace.

His name was Solomon Valdemir, a high-ranking noble responsible for officiating ceremonies within the royal family and the royal palace.

"His Highness Zion, please ascend the stage."

Solomon's voice echoed once again in the silent hall. Zion rose slowly from his seat and began walking towards the stage.

Very slowly.

As he moved, the atmosphere around him seemed to darken. The expressions of those watching Zion approach the stage were a mix of emotions.

Who could have foreseen this scene?

Only a few months earlier, Zion was known as the discarded prince. Now he had surpassed all other royal members, earning recognition as the official successor.

Finally, amidst the stifling silence, Zion set foot on the stage.

"From Aurelion Khan Agnes, the founding emperor of the mighty Agnes Empire that has persisted for four hundred years..."

Just as Solomon, who had slightly bowed to Zion, started to recite the prepared sentences, a voice rang out.

"Hold on! Everyone, please pay attention."

The voice came from the center of the hall. All heads turned towards Lergan, who stood with an unreadable smile.

As everyone's gaze fixed on him, Lergan began to speak.

"First, I would like to extend my gratitude to Prince Enoch and Princess Diana for honoring us with their presence at the coronation."

Lergan then respectfully inclined his head towards Enoch and Diana.

"Their graciousness in attending this event, despite being contenders for the throne themselves, is truly remarkable."

At Lergan's words, Diana snorted while Enoch acknowledged with a slight nod.

"And His Highness Zion, the star of this coronation."

The moment Lergan mentioned Zion, all eyes in the hall shifted to him. Lergan paused for a moment, allowing everyone's attention to focus solely on Zion, before speaking again.

"His Highness Zion has vanquished the Phantom Army, reputed to be the toughest among the seven great disasters of the empire. This is an irrefutable feat that will go down in the annals of our empire. Allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate him once again."

Zion, under the watchful gaze of everyone, kept his eyes on Lergan, his expression unreadable, unperturbed by the words of praise.

The crowd's gaze was filled with confusion. They were at a loss as to why Lergan had chosen to interrupt the proceedings with such remarks.

"Lergan, we can wait for your congratulatory message until after the ceremony..."

But, wearing a complacent smile, Lergan simply pressed on despite Solomon's statement.

"Up until recently, it would have been inconceivable for Prince Zion to tackle one of the disasters. After all, he was the prince who had been discarded, a laughingstock."


Despite Zion's presence, Lergan's candid words stirred a murmur among the attending nobility.

Unaffected by the stir he'd caused, Lergan held Zion's unperturbed gaze and continued.

"Yet, within a matter of months, His Highness Zion has experienced a dramatic transformation. He not only passed the succession ceremony but also exhibited the strength and charisma befitting the Agnes royalty, even resolving the disaster. But I have one question... How could Prince Zion alter so drastically in such a short time?"

Lergan's gaze sharpened.

"Some may attribute this to the late awakening of the Agnes blood within His Highness Zion... But I hold a different view. Frankly, even with the awakening of the Agnes blood, it is unfeasible to acquire such power in so short a span. This is power that would not be obtainable through conventional means."

"So, you're suggesting... Zion has acquired a forbidden power?"

Prince Enoch, the third prince, sought clarification with a bemused expression.

"Indeed. His Highness Zion has dabbled in dark magic, even entering a direct pact with demons."


Shock painted the faces of everyone present at Lergan's revelation.

"What... what are you implying, Duke Lergan! His Highness Zion made a pact with the demons!"

Amid the uproar from the bearded noble, Lergan commenced his patient explanation.

"On two separate occasions, magical anomalies associated with His Highness Zion have been detected. The first instance was in the Chimseong Palace, His Highness's residence. The second was at the Jagak Palace, where the succession ceremony was held. Magic that an average person would never come across in their lifetime has been detected twice in proximity to His Highness. Moreover, symptoms typical of those who derive power from demons are already evident in His Highness."

Lergan vividly recalled the black eyes Zion had sported when he'd left the castle gate to combat the phantom army.

"Is that... true! How could..."

"No, what on earth are you suggesting!"

"Has His Highness Zion truly delved into dark magic!"

People gawked, alternating their shocked glances between Zion and Lergan amidst the uproar.

Dark magic.

It was the ultimate transgression in the empire.

A dire and evil sin, warranting immediate punishment upon discovery.

The revelation that a member of the empire's royal family had studied dark magic was not just shocking—it was unthinkable.

Such a deed could tarnish the honor of not only the royal family but also the entire empire.

"The certainty is not absolute yet. However...."

Lergan's voice trailed off as he nonchalantly flicked his fingers.

"Should we proceed with the coronation amidst such profound suspicions?"

At that moment.


The grand doors of the Yiseong Palace swung open, permitting entry to seven priests donned in pure white vestments, and dozens of battle mages from Icarus.

"What in the world...."

With the flabbergasted nobles looking on, the priests and mages swiftly advanced towards Zion.

"The newly arrived priests are high-ranking members of the Light Worshiping Order. They're here to ascertain whether His Highness Zion truly studied dark magic. The mages trailing behind are merely a precaution against unexpected incidents. Please, don't be overly alarmed."

Contrary to his assertion, Lergan was firmly convinced that Zion had struck a pact with demons.

The evidence was overwhelming.

But these elaborate preparations were intended merely to publicly expose the fact.

It would resonate more profoundly.

Everyone present would be a witness.

"His Highness Zion, I trust you won't mind then."

Without seeking Zion's approval, the Inquisition, who appeared to be in league with Lergan, began to encircle Zion with determined strides.

"What are you attempting to....!"

Did anxiety seize him then?

Zion's eyes quivered as he regarded the advancing priests. He attempted to make a swift move, but...


At that instant, a magic circle previously installed by Lergan under the stage burst into light, binding Zion in place.

The apprehension and assault of royalty in a public setting.

It was a capital offense, yet Lergan was unfazed.

Because if Zion's study of dark magic was proven, all accusations would be nullified.

"O God of Light, the all-seeing...."

The encircling priests of Light, with Zion immobilized at their center, commenced their chants.

Simultaneously, a sacred pattern formed on the floor, with the seven priests constituting its apex.


Instantly, the meticulously drawn pattern radiated a holy light that enveloped Zion.

Arbat Diol.

A high-level spell that required the combined effort of seven high priests. If the subject had indeed studied dark magic or entered a pact with a demon, the spell would unmistakably expose it.

Sacred magic.

It was infrequently employed due to its inefficiency, but its effectiveness was more reliable than anything else.

'He's ensnared.'

As Zion vanished into the radiant light, a triumphant laugh escaped Lergan's lips.

Every detail, down to Zion's final expression of panic, was falling seamlessly into place.

All that remained was to anticipate Zion's dramatic reappearance, enveloped in dense magic as the light dissipated.

"What, what's happening....!"

Solomon's voice quivered as he echoed the sentiments of the baffled onlookers in the hall.

But he was powerless to assist Zion, now trapped within the blinding light.

"Could it be that Zion really...!"

The Third Prince seemed to voice his shock superficially, but his eyes betrayed an undeniable sense of expectation.

However, in stark contrast, the Fifth Princess watched the proceedings with unreadable eyes.

"Prepare Icarus Groups 1 to 4 in case of magical backlash."

Lergan relayed his commands to the Icarus mages, his voice brimming with anticipation.

'Now, reveal yourself. The disgrace of the disowned Agnes.'

Lergan's excitement soared to its zenith.



The light enveloping Zion and the Inquisition expanded, spilling beyond the hall to the exterior of the Yiseong Palace.


As abruptly as it appeared, the light vanished, leaving no trace of its existence.

Slowly, Zion emerged from the void.

"Apprehend him immediat... Huh?"

Lergan's instruction to the Icarus mages faltered as Zion came into view, his certainty faltering.

The sacred spell, Arbat Diol.

According to the Inquisitor, anyone ensnared in this holy spell who had studied even the slightest bit of dark magic or made a pact with a demon would involuntarily release all the magic they possess.

Yet, as Zion reemerged...

"Why isn't the magic..."

No magic was emanating from him.

"Master Lergan, what's this...!"

The alarmed Inquisitors turned their tremulous eyes to Lergan.

They had taken the risk of investigating the royal family, persuaded by Lergan who had wagered his life on irrefutable circumstantial evidence.

But the accused, Prince Zion, was neither a practitioner of dark magic nor in a pact with the devil.

"It seems there's been a miscalculation?"

Zion's thin smile appeared as he regarded the bewildered priests and Lergan.

His eyes, relishing the unfolding drama.

A chilling realization dawned on the mage as he locked eyes with Zion.

"Could it be that from the onset, he was targeting me..."

All along, this was a meticulous trap orchestrated by Zion himself.

From the beginning, it wasn't Zion ensnared in the trap, but Lergan.

"How, how could this happen!"

A look of disbelief and denial flashed in Lergan's eyes.


"Seize them all!"

The palace knights, arriving belatedly at the palace, descended upon Lergan and the Icarus mages.

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