I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel

Chapter 47: The Award Ceremony (1)

Chapter 47: The Award Ceremony (1)

TL/Editor: Rungir

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

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"The phantom army... it's gone?"

In a hidden corner of the 'Eye of the Moon', a well-known spy network nestled in the Agnes Empire's capital, Hubeuris, Aileen, the branch manager, questioned the man named Allen, who stood before her.

"That's right. Our lead agent, Nariye, tracked Prince Zion herself. She reported it."

Allen gave her a short written report. His own eyes echoed Aileen's shock.


Aileen let out a gasp of surprise as she scanned the report.

She had hoped, of course, but didn't believe that Prince Zion could really deal with the phantom army.

Whether Prince Zion was up to the task or not, it seemed like a lost cause from the start.

But Prince Zion made the impossible possible.

And this was already his second time doing so.

"As you can see in the report, right after Prince Zion and his group arrived in Kurd Village, the phantom army was called forth, along with a barrier that enveloped the village.

Agent Nariye was stuck outside the barrier, so she didn't witness what happened inside, but when the barrier faded, the phantom army was gone. Inside the barrier were Prince Zion, a woman with red eyes, demon King Liam Reiner, and the Ashen Lion squad who joined midway."

"This news... it's not out yet, is it?"

Allen shook his head to Aileen's question.

"Right, it's not. But it'll get out soon."

"I see."

The news would shake up not only the royal city but the whole capital.

Weighing the advantages that the 'Eye of the Moon' could reap from this information, Aileen asked about Prince Zion.

"And what about Prince Zion?"

"He seems to be going straight to the royal city without stopping."

"Hmm... he's planning to break the news to the assembly himself..."

Aileen saw this as another challenge set by Prince Zion.

'I need to act.'

While picking a suitable agent to dispatch to Prince Zion, Allen, who had been quiet, spoke up.

"One more thing. We've got new info."

"What is it?"

Aileen turned her questioning gaze to him.

"A man, believed to be the hero, has shown up."

At this news, her eyes lit up.

"Tell me more."


Raei Translations


Five palaces encircle the People's Palace at the center of the Imperial City.

"What? Repeat that."

Enoch, the third prince and the lord of Hyukseong Palace, one of the five palaces, shot a fierce look at Lergan Urschler, the wizard kneeling before him.

His eyes widened in surprise.

"...Prince Zion and his group have destroyed the Phantom Army."

Lergan repeated himself, his voice grave.

"Do you believe that?"


At Enoch's question, Lergan fell silent.

He didn't believe it either.

From the moment Prince Zion had left the royal city with only one companion, Lergan had foreseen failure.

He had concluded that Prince Zion lacked the ability to predict where the Phantom Army would appear, and even if he could, he wouldn't have the power to handle it.

As a result, his plans were built around Prince Zion's expected failure.

"So what really happened?"

"Prince Zion didn't handle it alone. The Ashen Lion Corps were there, and so was Liam Rainer, a border guard commander…"

"That's not important."

Enoch interrupted Lergan's report.

"The point is, that jerk Zion dealt with one of the disasters."

This was a big deal.

It was like telling the entire empire that he had the power to handle one of the seven major disasters.

As a result, the empire's counselors and nobles would surely turn their attention to Zion, and some might even choose to side with him.

In addition, it wasn't just any disaster he dealt with. It was a test of successorship, which could shift the power balance in the Imperial City.

"And now we have to watch him officially recognized as a successor…"

Enoch, nervously tapping his chair, turned to Lergan.

"How are our plans coming along?"

"We may have to change the location due to this development, but everything else is ready."

"We need to speed up."


At Enoch's command, a cold glint appeared in Lergan's eyes.

With that, Lergan bowed to the third prince, turned, and left the library.

Enoch, watching Lergan leave, thought to himself.

'Maybe it's time to visit the basement.'

His mood turned grim.


Raei Translations


The news of the Phantom Army's disappearance, one of the empire's seven calamities, spread quickly, reaching beyond the Imperial City and into the entire capital.

Could it be because the tale was even more astounding than the fact that the forgotten prince of the imperial family had handled the disaster?

The repercussions were monumental, like the ascension of a new emperor.

Throughout the capital, tales of the Phantom Army's disappearance filled the air. News outlets and information guilds produced related content relentlessly.

Many found it hard to believe, checking the news repeatedly. Some rejoiced, while others reacted with anger.

Naturally, the empire's attention turned to Zion.

But the real Zion...

Since his return to the Imperial City, he secluded himself in the underground training grounds of Chimseong Palace.

Zion sat cross-legged at the center of the training ground.

Darkness, like smoke, seeped out of his body.

The darkness seemed to have a life of its own, spreading around him.

When the training ground filled with this darkness...

Countless stars appeared within the darkness, lighting it up.

It resembled the night sky, no, the universe itself.

At the peak of this starlight...


A black star in the midst of the others began to absorb all the surrounding light.

When Zion first sat down, there was only one star, but now things were different.


Another black star materialized next to the first, pulling in light.

Beside the second star, a third black star began to flicker faintly.

Just as the third star's form started to solidify...


All the darkness from the black stars and the training ground rushed back into Zion's body.



Zion slowly opened his eyes.

His gaze held a hint of disappointment.

"Is the third star still too challenging?"

Ever since he returned to the Imperial City, he had strived to overcome the obstacle of the three black stars. However, each attempt fell short by a hair's breadth.

'I was sure I could do it this time.'

When he unleashed the lunar eclipse against the king of the Phantom Army, Zion's black stars had momentarily breached their limit. A small crack appeared in the wall.

He aimed to reach the third star before the crack closed again, but it wasn't going as smoothly as he'd hoped.

And Zion had an inkling as to why.

'It's this body.'

Despite the slight compensation from the heart of the millennium ogre, the fundamental capabilities of his body were far too low.

Even if Zion Agnes hadn't been assassinated as per the chronicles, he wouldn't have lived long due to his incredibly fragile constitution.

Moreover, this body hindered the use of the Lunar Eclipse.

The Lunar Eclipse was originally a strain on even a seasoned warrior's body. To use it with his frail body was a risk to his life, limiting the duration of its use.

'I need a transformation.'

Not just simple training or enhancing my constitution; I require a complete overhaul of my body.

'And for that...'

As Zion contemplated the means to achieve this...

Thump, Thump!

A knock echoed from the entrance of the training grounds.



The iron gate swung open at Zion's command.

Along with it, a woman burst into the yard.

She was a breathtaking beauty, her red eyes enough to capture anyone's attention.

"I've come to see you, Prince Zion."

She was Priscilla Bammel, Zion's former fiancée.

Zion's gaze held a question.

He had expected it to be Thierry or Fredo without a doubt.

"I've heard about your triumph over the Phantom Army."

As Priscilla, seemingly intrigued by the underground training yard, drew closer, she commented.

"The Imperial City is in an uproar over it..."

"What brings you here?"

Zion interjected, cutting her words short.

His gaze was impassive, emotionless.

Priscilla fell silent for a moment, then spoke, meeting Zion's eyes.

"I want to aid you in your endeavors. No, I insist on helping."

Her eyes shone with resolute determination, as if she had contemplated this for a while.

Priscilla remembered.

No, she couldn't forget.

The sight of Zion, morphing into a demon, and then Zion vanquishing that demon in an instant.

'That time, Prince Zion unequivocally referred to the demon as an adversary.'

Moreover, he seemed to have anticipated the demon's presence beforehand.

Perhaps Prince Zion, and possibly the empire itself, were confronting this concealed demon threat alone.

She could have ignored it if she hadn't witnessed it, but now that she was aware, she couldn't stand idly by.

'I must offer assistance in some way.'

This situation also provided an opportunity to get closer to Zion, killing two birds with one stone for Priscilla.


"And how might you?"

Zion's response was a rejection.

"...Excuse me?"

"How do you plan to assist me? With your magic skills that failed to fend off mere assassins, let alone lower-tier demons?"

Zion's voice was frosty.

"Or perhaps, are you adept at gathering intelligence? Or can you mobilize your entire family or the Mage Tower you're affiliated with?"


At Zion's words, Priscilla bit her lip, her eyes quivering.

Every word was harsh and painful, but she found no grounds to contest them.

Because they were all true.

"You're welcome to roam my palace. But if you desire more than that..."

Zion's indifferent gaze met Priscilla's.

"You must prove yourself worthy."

Priscilla bowed her head, remaining silent for a moment before murmuring a quiet response.


With that, she pivoted and exited the subterranean training grounds.

'That should serve as a wake-up call.'

Zion reflected as he watched her departing figure.

Indeed, Priscilla's magical prowess was remarkable among her contemporaries, but it would be woefully inadequate against the adversaries Zion would confront in the future.

Moreover, if she aimed to avoid becoming the 'Unfortunate Princess' as in the chronicles, she would have to exert extraordinary effort from this point onward.


"Prince Zion."

Commander Thierry of the Shadow of Eternity and Nariye, a high-ranking informant of 'The Moon's Eye,' entered, crossing paths with the departing Priscilla.

An unexpected pair.

The reason for Nariye's presence, despite her clear discomfort, was straightforward.

Aileen, the Hubris Branch Manager of 'The Moon's Eye,' had selected her to deliver information to Zion. Therefore, Nariye had no choice but to begrudgingly infiltrate the Imperial City.

'Ugh, I really don't want to be further entangled with Prince Zion... He's so intimidating.'

Nariye was trembling as she glanced at Zion, his thoughts remaining inscrutable, when...

"The cross-verification you requested has been completed."

Thierry addressed Zion with respect.

The assignment that Zion had simultaneously given to the Shadow of Eternity and The Moon's Eye.

Thierry was confirming that all aspects of that task were now complete.

"I will need it soon, so hold onto it for now."

At that, Zion nodded and gave instructions to Thierry.

"Understood. However, there is one more matter I need to report."

Thierry opened his mouth again as if he had more to relay.

Zion looked at him as if prompting him to continue.

"It appears a ceremony to formally acknowledge your status as the heir will be organized soon. But..."


"While preparing for the ceremony, we've detected movements from the Third Prince Enoch and Lergan Urschler, the leader of Icarus."

At Thierry's words,

"So, they've finally decided to act?"

A cryptic smile curled the corner of Zion's mouth.


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