I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

What’s with this sudden quiz?

The thought had barely crossed my mind when the sound of a clock echoed around me and the shadow of a clock hand appeared on the sign.

Tick. Tock.

Is this magic?

The sign itself didn't seem special, so magic was the most likely explanation.

The clock hand moved slowly, taking a full 60 seconds to complete a rotation.

This sudden turn of events was baffling, but my conversation with the Lord of Blood and Iron had taught me a thing or two about divine beasts.

Bednicker had five divine beasts: the Deer, the Rat, the Sheep, the Hound, and the Serpent.

The correct answer had to be option three: Deer.

Coincidentally, there were four paths and four options. Did that mean I had to take the third path?

Step, step.

When I passed through the third path...


[The reward has been enhanced.]

[Go right if you wish to stop here.]

An artificial voice rang out.

Another fork appeared in the tunnel.

I see.

So continuing straight meant facing the next question, whereas going right led to the end?

I had no idea what questions awaited, but I pressed onward.

Soon, another sign appeared, this time in a slightly wider space.

[2. Choose the answer that best fits the description from the following options. (2 points)

- One of the Four Grand Swords of the Continent.

- A sword of the house passed down through generations of Bednickers, once wielded by Dark Fairy Kuset.

- Among the Four Grand Swords, it possesses the strongest anti-demon properties.

① Michael ② Gabriel ③ Uriel ④ Raphael

Current Score: 1 point.

※Caution※ In case of an incorrect answer, two molars.]

The potential points had increased, and “Current Score” had been added.

Once again, the clock hand began to tick.

I studied the question.


I was clueless.

The Bednickers possessed numerous swords, and these names meant nothing to me. Even I, who had sold my own family's ancestral blade, had never heard of these names.

And what was with the caution note?

“Two molars for an incorrect answer?”

Was it going to rip out two of my teeth?

Like hell it will.

A scoff escaped my lips.

Blindly guessing was out of the question, though. As I pondered my next move...

[It's Michael.]

The Martial God's voice echoed in my mind.

You even possess knowledge about relics? I asked, surprised to hear from him after a while.

[That's not a relic. It is a now-forgotten divine name]

What do you mean?

[It's nothing important. More importantly... I sense a tremendously evil aura ahead.]

While picking the first path, I asked, Then should I stop here?


[The reward has been enhanced.]

[Go right if you wish to stop here.]

Remembering the encounter with the high priest, I was ready to heed the Martial God's advice. I could find information about my eldest senior brother at the Academy, and contracting the Serpent as my divine beast wasn't that essential.

[No. Although it's evil, it doesn't seem immediately hostile.]


[Let's keep going, Inheritor. I'm curious about these questions. I'll warn you if something feels off.]


I nodded and began to venture deeper. As I went, I noticed a subtle detail: The tunnel sloped downward.

The more questions I answered, the deeper underground I would go.

The path was devoid of light, but strangely, it was not completely dark. It was dim, but I could still make out my surroundings.

[3. Which race was once considered intelligent and treated as a member of the federation but is now considered a monster? Choose from the following options. (2 points)

① Kobold ② Orc ③ Lizardmen ④ Gnoll

Current Score: 3 points.

※Caution※ In case of an incorrect answer, two ears.]

[4. Though they were one of the most powerful among the seven races, which one is now the rarest and hardest to find? Choose from the following options. (1 point)

① Giant ② Dragon ③ Fairy ④ Winged Celestial

Current Score: 5 points.

※Caution※ In case of an incorrect answer, five fingers]

Some questions I knew, others I didn't. Actually, I didn't have the answers to most of the questions, but I still managed to solve them without any trouble...

[It's Lizardmen.]


Because the Martial God was providing me with the correct answers.

[Whoever created these questions is incredibly knowledgeable about history.]

His initial admiration shifted slightly when we got to the eighth question.

[8. The Nameless Empire, the only nation on the continent today, began as a federation. How many nations were there when the federation was first established? Choose from the following options. (5 points)

① 5 nations ② 7 nations ③ 10 nations ④ 15 nations

Current Score: 15 points.

※Caution※ In case of an incorrect answer, tongue.]

I didn't know this answer either, but I was drawn to the second option. I had heard the legend of the Nameless King uniting the seven races countless times.

I waited for the Martial God's voice, but he seemed hesitant.

Martial God?

[...It's the fourth option. 15 nations.]

I nodded and entered the fourth tunnel. As expected, a voice congratulated me.

Thinking about it now, that last question was worth a whole five points.

The Martial God's tone was heavy.

[...I never thought there would still be someone who knew the origins of The Empire.]

Is it really that difficult to learn about?

[Indeed. That era was one of the most turbulent in the Continent's history. Every faction, fearing how even the smallest of their actions might be recorded, was obsessed with destroying their enemies' records.]


[Could some ancient texts remain? Or perhaps...]

I remained silent while the Martial God contemplated something.

[Let's keep going for now.]

I did as he’d suggested and eventually encountered the next question.

[9. Choose the most unusual demon lord from the following options. (5 points)

① Demon Lord of the Green Tongue ② Demon Lord of the Black Swamp ③ Demon Lord of the Blood-Lit Moon ④ Demon Lord of Black and White

Current Score: 20 points.

※Caution※ In case of an incorrect answer, one arm.]

I glanced beyond the tunnel for the first time. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was observing me.

* * * * *

* * * * *


Even the Martial God, who had been answering without hesitation, seemed troubled.

[This question is strange. The criteria of “unusual” is too subjective. It's unclear what standard we should use.]


[Gods of disaster are rulers of Hell, transcendents by nature. Humans group them as demon lords, but they have little in common. They are all unique beings.]


[...Inheritor, what are your thoughts?]

I was just thinking about how many bastards have a bone to pick with me, I thought, my mind elsewhere.

I had already encountered three Demon Lords, and as the Martial God said, they had nothing in common.

Even comparing Ahop and Tangtata, their appearances, demeanors, and abilities were all different.

Despite that... I knew exactly who the most unusual Demon Lord was.

The term “unusual” was indeed vague, but even if all Demon Lords were unique, only one came from another world.

Step, step.

Though there was still time remaining, I stepped into the fourth tunnel.

[Inheritor? That's too rash—]


As the emotionless voice spoke, the Martial God fell silent, seemingly embarrassed.

Though the forgotten Martial God knew a lot about Baek Nogwang, he seemed to know little about the disciples of the Strongest Under the Heavens. He had been surprised to hear that Baek Nogwang had even taken a disciple.

Suddenly, I was curious too.

Why had Master suddenly taken a disciple? Why was Elder Senior Brother his first disciple? Was there any connection to Eldest Senior Brother’s expulsion?

I realized how little I knew about Master.

...How many more questions are there anyway?

I felt like I had descended quite far.

As if on cue, another sign appeared, but this one was different.

This time, there were only two tunnels.

[10. Choose the correct answer. (10 points)

① Left ② Right

Current Score: 25 points.

※Caution※ In case of an incorrect answer, life.]

Was this a joke?

Without any clues, I had to choose between left and right?


I cut off the Martial God.

Hold on a second.

Hadn't he sensed evil from beyond? Even if it wasn't evil, it certainly wasn't someone sane.

Tick. Tock.

I looked at the question again.

My life was on the line. Judging by the risk, this was the last question.

I wondered if this was indeed the only clue available.

Should I give up? Maybe I could go back and take the right path?

It was a tempting thought indeed, but I shook my head.

The creator of these intricate questions wouldn't throw in such a thoughtless question at the end.

There had to be some kind of hint.

Tick. Tock.

Ignoring the ticking clock, I closed my eyes.

I recalled the previous questions, trying to imagine the quiz maker's personality. It was a train of thought that required making subjective assumptions, but still...

An erudite and gloomy person. Someone who enjoys toying with others and has a tendency for cruelty...

It sounded like a recipe for an unpleasant fellow, but... they also clearly defined rewards and punishments and were surprisingly fair.

They had given me several opportunities to stop, and the rewards had supposedly been increasing as I progressed.

Would such a person really ask such a lazy question at the very end?

I thought about the unnatural choice presented at the finish line. I cooled my hot head and slowly opened my eyes.

I should have about three seconds left.

I counted in my head.

Three, two, one.


The clock hand stopped moving.


Nothing happened.




With the emotionless voice, a new passage opened between the two existing paths.


I let out a deep sigh of relief.

“...You devious bastard.”

I had guessed correctly.

Unlike the previous questions, this description lacked the phrase "from the following options."

The answer wasn't among the choices, leaving only one option.

Choose nothing.

One could say it was an obvious trap, but the previous nine questions, with their time limits, had created an atmosphere of pressure.

With an exasperated look, I glanced into the newly revealed space.

What kind of twisted game are you playing?

I simultaneously wanted to see their face and also not lay eyes on them at all.

For the time being, I walked toward the central tunnel.

Trudge, trudge.

The moment my foot landed inside the unusually dark tunnel, I felt as if I’d been enveloped by an unknown liquid.

I was startled at first, but I soon recognized the sensation. It was similar to teleporting with the ring I’d received from Asad.

Just like then, my vision went black before the scene inside came into view, albeit blurry.


Could this place really be called a library?

While books in a library were usually organized on shelves, here they were scattered haphazardly on the floor.

Some areas had books piled up like mountains.


There was even water pooled on the ground, but strangely, the scattered books weren't wet.

I decided to move forward.

As I observed my surroundings, I realized many of the tools were out of place for a simple library.

Grey matter, internal organs, body parts of unknown monsters, skull-shaped candles, glass bottles, and beakers filled with various reagents...

Unknown dolls and taxidermied beasts hung from the ceiling and walls, and a crystal ball emitting a bright light rested on the table in the center.

However, the most striking object was a cauldron.

It was filled with a dark, greenish-black porridge-like substance, stirred by a staff moving on its own.

Rather than a magician’s study, it's like a witch's workshop.

Though it wasn’t like I knew the exact difference between the two.

Anyway, I couldn't sense anyone present. Was the owner out?

“...To think that such a young greenhorn would answer all ten questions correctly.”

A muffled voice reached my ears.

Unless my ears deceived me, it sounded like it came from beneath the mountain of books in the center of the room.


As I thought that, the pile of books began to shake.


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