I Became the Villain’s Lost Daughter

Chapter 18

After finishing the fruit skewers while looking around I found a stall lined with various items.

Of course I’m not familiar with it since I’ve never had time to shop before, but I seem to enjoy walking around and looking around.

When I saw something like that, I was sure that I felt better.

As I hurried to the front, there were various things such as bracelets, necklaces, and strange toys.

There were items in rough shapes, but there were several that seemed to be quite sophisticated.

Among them, I picked up a scary looking mask.

What was the person who made this thinking?

It’s kinda like those horror movies.

It looks funny, but I knew it wouldn’t be helpful, so I put it down gently.

After looking around at the street vendors for a while, we moved to another place.

I didn’t know the geography of this place, so I followed my father and brother’s directions.

“It’s a bit different here.”

I shook my head at the sight of the street a little different from before.

If it was a market-like atmosphere before, should I say that it feels a little more organized now?

The street, which seemed like a busy place, became a little quieter than before.

“Because it used to be a market, and this place was where shops sell luxury goods.”


I nodded at my brother’s kind explanation.

It’s the difference between a market and a luxury store.

As we continued to stroll, there were also shops selling crafts, and general stores selling various things.

Swords in weapon shops and many more.

Except for the path where groceries were sold, everything feels new for me, who didn’t know the streets of Lysen very well.

“What’s that?”

Looking at it happily, I found a store full of parchment over the glass window.

When I looked up at the signboard, there was ‘scroll shop’ written on it.

When it says a scroll, was it a magic scroll?

“Father, was that a magic scroll shop?”

“Yes If you look carefully, there are things you could use.”

“If you look carefully…?”

Then there’s a high chance of getting something useless.

Well, it would be interesting to see if there was actually something useful there.

Maybe even someone who knows magic could choose from there.

“There’s only sub-magic written on it.”

“What’s a sub-magic?”

Umm… Cool enough to blow wind, or cool enough to light firewood?”

I nodded at the explanation my brother had given.

But unlike the saying that there’s something that you need to ‘look carefully‘, I think it’s okay to use sub-magic too.

I want to make it cool when it’s hot, thinking so, I kept an eye on its location because I might want to come next time.

“Do you want it?”

When asked by my brother who seemed to have read my mind, I glanced at my father and nodded.

If possible, I wish it could be used as an air conditioner in summer.

“I’ll give it to you if you want.”

“Wow, really?”

“Well, there’s a lot in the mansion, so I’ll give it to you.”

Hmm? Not from the shop?

Well, whatever. It would be better if my father gave it to me.

Not knowing anything, I was satisfied.

It could be used by people, it may be small but it’s power was enormous.

And it’s also different from the little magic I wanted.

It was then that I decided not to accept anything from my father recklessly in the future.

As we stopped by a restaurant to eat, the sun was already setting.

The lights of the shops that turned on, one by one lit up the street.

“I should go back soon.”

I spent the whole day playing, but it was still a little disappointing.

It will probably boil and fall off soon when I return to the mansion.

“You can come again next time, so don’t be sad.”


I answered with a smile at the sweet words of my brother walking gently holding my hand.

As I got on the carriage that appeared shortly after walking, and the fatigue I had never felt before poured out.

‘It was good now.’

If I had walked around more, I would have been stuck in bed tomorrow.

Fortunately, thanks to the soft chairs, I was able to sit comfortably in the carriage.

At this rate, I might fall asleep even before we arrive.


As I looked at the teddy bear in my arms, I lifted my head at my father’s call.

“Give me your hand for a moment.”


As I reached out my hand in confusion, I could feel the cold metal over my wrist.

Surprised by it, I quickly turned my gaze on it and saw a bracelet on my wrist.

On top of a thin silver ring, blue jewel embedded between purple jewels was a brilliant bracelet.


“I think it’ll look good on you.” It’s pretty.”


I gently touched the silver ring. It was obviously cold metal, but somehow it felt warm.

“Thank you.”

When I that, my father smiled warmly.

“I’ll cherish it.”

“I’d appreciate it if you did.”

This wasn’t the only gift I had received from my father so far, but somehow it felt special.

On the way back to the mansion, I fell asleep, with an unknown feeling of warmth, unable to overcome the fatigue.

The next day, the carrier pigeon flew up from various places in the Grand Palace.

Each destination was different, but the written content was the same.

[Aslan Krovachatz’s daughter, the Grand Duke’s daughter returns.]

All the pigeons, which contained the same message, flapped vigorously toward their owners.

Sometimes forgetting the fact that there were also beasts who released their prey for hunting.

Aslan smiled coldly at the birds flying above the sky of his land without permission.

“It would be nice to be anxious.”

It took less than two days for the news from the Grand Palace to spread to the capital.

Magical power moving according to his will revealed a round crystal ball.

When the quote appeared opaque, Aslan returned with his usual indifferent look.

A middle-aged woman in colorful clothes was reflected in the shimmering crystal ball.

A man with dark blonde hair and a decent face. Not only the imperial family, but also all the powerful nobles had time to hear the news.

Lenosen and the Empress. Thinking with distorted faces, with crooked smile came to Aslan’s mind.

‘It’s been more than two weeks since I brought Erita, so even if it’s a little uncomfortable, I should be at ease for now.’ ᴬˢˡᵃⁿ

“There shouldn’t be a smile on that fox’s face.”

Aslan’s low voice trembled. The anxiety they’d feel would be very long and harsh.

The suffering of my children for such a long time should be avenge as deeply, the desperation for my beloved would never be easy.

All who are involved, deep or shallow, must bear my wrath.

At that time, the communication crystal ball placed on the desk blinked brightly.

As if he was satisfied with how things were going as expected, Aslan, who was tapping on the desk, raised the corner of his mouth.

A person who could guess his identity just by looking at his sparkling appearance.

It was the Emperor who said that there was no one higher than him in the Empire.

He might say, “I see the sun of the Empire,” As a polite greeting, but the way he spoke was insensitive.

-Hahaha, I don’t know how long it’s been to see the face of the Grand Duke here.

Despite Aslan’s monotonous greeting, the Emperor beyond the crystal ball laughed.

A human being who hides a bare face that shines with greed behind a kind face.

It was Aslan’s evaluation of the current Emperor.

“Because I don’t have to go to the capital.”

I’m sad to say that after sending back all the invitations I sent. It’s a pity that the Grand Duke and I seem far apart.

Contrary to words, the Emperor’s face was not filled with sadness.

To put it bluntly, it was a feeling that could be called satisfaction.

The influence of the Empire’s one and only Grand Duke was comparable to the Emperor, therefore it would be desirable for the Imperial Family, or even the Emperor, to remain quietly in the Grand Duke’s hands.

Wasn’t he the Emperor who always wants to be above him?

Because he was such an Emperor, he kept his attention from Aslan until now.

However, the situation in which the capital’s attention was now directed to the Grand Duke, was beyond the scope of his control.

That’s why they contacted him like a master.

‘Nothing has changed over time.’

The Emperor, Ulysses Ruin Elber, was originally greedy and had a strong sense of inferiority.

It’s been more than twenty years from now.

His father, who was the former Emperor and Grand Duke, was close friends, and Aslan, who was young, also visited the Imperial Palace frequently.

The Emperor, who was his father’s close friend, was very fond of him. Enough to introduce him to his son Ulysses.

However, he was jealous of Aslan’s talents superior to him, and his feelings soon turned to hatred.

The two were only thirteen, but the position of the Crown Prince raised the level of bullying under the guise of Ulysses prank.

It was then that Aslan knew just how ugly the emotion of hatred could make a person uglier.

After becoming an Emperor, Ulysses immediately asked Aslan to have the courtesy of military service.

Aslan also knew the inferiority of Ulysses to him so he didn’t want to make any fuss. If only he hadn’t crossed the line.

He moved the Grand Duke to the North. Wasn’t that an obvious move?

Since Aslan rejected the offer in person, Ulysses has been determined to keep him and his family in check.

Foolishly, I don’t know what’s good for me.

Aslan did not bother to stop the leaking laughter.

“Your Majesty doesn’t want me to go to the capital.”

You don’t like how the power you maintain well was shaken.

I didn’t say anything behind, but I’m sure he understood the meaning.

At Aslan’s slow response, the Emperor’s eyes twitched for a moment.

Aslan’s response with a smile must have hurt his pride.

‘You still can’t manage your facial expressions.’

However, it’s different from the time when he was just the crown prince of the empire and he’s grand prince.

It’s not that he doesn’t know the inferiority complex the Emperor had, but he doesn’t have to care about it.

The ugly appearance wasn’t mine, but the Emperor claimed it himself.

“Now, wouldn’t it be better to get to the point?”

-…Right. The Grand Duke must’ve been busy too, you’ve been holding on to it for too long.

The words spoken by the Emperor, who struggled to hide his uncomfortable feelings, were no different than expected.

Rumor has it that something good has happened to the Grand Duke that has crossed the walls of the Imperial Palace.

“The news are quite fast…”


-Wasn’t this something to celebrate?

At the indifferent affirmation, the emperor struggled to hide his eyes glistening with greed and smiled kindly.

I heard that the Grand Duke has a festive mood, and there must be a reason for that.


So, was the princess doing well? If she’s the daughter of the Grand Duke, won’t she be like my nephew? After hearing the news, I have been worried and unable to sleep comfortably.

As he said that, the expression on his face was filled with concern.

If a stranger saw it, he could have thought it was sincere.

But in Aslan’s eyes, he was just an Emperor blinded by greed.

“I don’t think that’s something Your Majesty should be concerned about.”

-Hahaha! Please don’t misunderstand me as I only have a pure heart for the princess.

“Let’s just let our hearts be grateful.”

At Aslan’s words, the Emperor’s expression hardened visibly.

He seemed to be holding back the anger that filled him with direct words that didn’t even make an effort to say it back.

-Yeah, if that’s what the Grand Duke says. If you do, just promise me next time.

Shortly after that, the bright light of the crystal ball faded.

Aslan looked at the crystal ball whose communication had been cut off and then burst into laughter.

Usually, after receiving his greeting everyone should bow their head, Aslan cut off communication with a satisfied face.

“Your Majesty seems to be very upset.” ᴬˢˡᵃⁿ

Aslan, who continued to laugh, soon shook his thoughts.

‘I’ve reached my goal of spending time on worthless things.’ ᴬˢˡᵃⁿ


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