I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With

Chapter 337:

Chapter 337:

In the middle of Seoul, a huge building towers over.

Standing there, feeling the wind blowing, I was looking at the blue sky, waiting for Stardus to arrive.

[Da-in, Shinryong and Ariel are done, Stardus should be here soon.]


The wind whipped my black cloak behind me.

In the cold air I held my breath, looking down at the city below.

"Is this the last day?"

Touching the white mask on my face, I muttered quietly to myself.

Today, I'm going to do one thing: retire.

In other words.

The last day I terrorize, the day I stand in front of the cameras.

From now on there will be no more terrorizing, no more standing in front of cameras, no more confronting Stardus like this.

Today was the end.


Thinking about it, it was a cool and bittersweet feeling, especially since I was going to be separated from Stardus.


Everything I'd done up until now had been for her It was a shame.

I first announced my existence to the world when I began my terrorizing as Stardus archenemy and now it was time to part ways.

Thinking about it, I felt a new kind of emotionA wistful feeling.

Come to think of it. I did a lot of terrorizing while I was a villain.'

I thought to myself, reminiscing.

I made my debut as a villain by sinking my first ship, defeating Stardus.

Then I made my presence felt with a trilogy of attacks on trains, planes, and other modes of transportation.

I also blew up a bridge.

I also stole a giant weapon from the HanEun Group and took on Stardus.

After the Egostream began in earnest Electra, Death Knight, and others like Eun-woo and Seo-eun joined me.

Ive been on a steady terrorizing spree ever since, with many allies, more than most comic book super villains.

My identity, the one I took on when I was possessed by this world, was that of a villain.

A villain who only fought Stardus.

A villain obsessed with heroes.

Until today.

I thought to myself silently.

Actually, the reason I became a villain in the first place was simple.

The manga based on this world, "Stardust!", has its main character, Stardus, as a boiling, rolling wreck.

I didn't want my favorite character to live like that, which is why I wanted to get rid of the other villains beforehand.

However, Stardus is the type of character who needs to go through a crisis to grow as a protagonist.

Therefore, I decided to give her that crisis but in the form of a clean, unadorned terror that doesn't involve people dying.

Stardus has grown up and she doesn't need my help anymore, so my role is over.

Now it's for her sake, to disappear from her life, neatly.

I am no longer a match for her and so, today will be my last attack and broadcast.

It was my farewell as a villain.

In fact, I planned the attack as an all-star game, and I wanted to make it grand because it was my last but I also wanted to make sure that the public would be convinced. No one would believe me if I just retired, so I had to make it grand so they would think, Oh, this is really my last.

When I was standing on the roof of the building thinking about that, I heard Seo-eun's voice in my ear.


[Da-in. Eun-woo is through, she'll be here soon.]


Well, that's all for now.

Now it was time to get serious and prepare for my retirement announcement.



[Great stardus]

[Finally, it's mango's turn!!!]

[Okay, let's go now, Egostic~]

[I can't wait to see what you're going to say, Egostic~]

[Is it on top of that building?]

[ finally]


Judging by the quick chatter, Stardus is finally coming this way.

And now, finally, it's time to say goodbye to her.

I smiled as I watched Stardus walk my way, her blonde hair flying in the distance.

It's only polite to leave with a smile on your face so I hid my disappointment and smiled back at Stardus.

All right.

It's time for my final broadcast.

The one that will announce my retirement.


And with that, back to the present.

On the top of a building, a cold wind whips around, two figures stood face to face.


The woman glared at me from up there, her long blonde hair whipping around her.

My hero, Stardus.


And me, the villain of this world, facing off against her.

"Egostic, your antics are over. What more are you going to do?"

She glares at me, her eyes cold.

I was being criticized by the hero for taking several hostages and causing a terrorist attack.

What, is it any wonder?

Her name is Stardus.

Real name Shin Haru.

Just, not overlooking injustice, kind, and strong.

The main character of this comic.

For all these years, I have been her nemesis.

If you ask me why.


Actually, it's all for her own good, butshe'll never know this.

I smirked like a villain, hiding my true feelings, and turned to her.

"Yes, you did very well again. You're my recognized nemesis after all."

And that, my friends, was not an empty statement.

It was true.

Shes always been very good.

In Part 1, she defeated the HanEun Group.

She stopped the attack of the Moonbeasts in Part 2.

She defeated the Wish Granter in Part 3.

She was even better than I thought she would be, so much so that I don't have to worry about her anymore.

That's what I said, clapping my hands exaggeratedly in the air.

She rolled her eyes and shouted at me.

"I don't need your approval, you piece of shit!"

That hurt.

Yeah. Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry.

Buthere's the thing.

I'm flying with telekinesis, which I've been abusing lately, and I'm running out of time to use it.

If I do this wrong, I'm going to crash down there.

So, let's make this quick.

My last goodbye.

"Yes, Stardus, yes, you always have been. You've always been the first to see through my games, to confront me. You've always been the one who's been tracking me like this."


She shoots me a look like I'm talking nonsense.

Uh, I think she just flinched to fly over here. Hey, I still have the detonator for this building. Don't come.

Anyway, now it's my turn to get the last word.

"Anyway, this is I think this is going to be my last."

I smiled quietly, and said so.

What I had done today, the last act of terrorism I would cause in this world.

The reason was simple.

"You're all grown up, you don't need to play with me anymore."

She's all grown up now, she doesn't have to deal with me anymore.

I said that, smiling and looking into her blue eyes.

Now she doesn't need me.

Now, it was my turn to leave.

To no longer stand in her way.

Because a true first-class villain must know when to walk away.

And with that, I smiled.

To her, I said my final goodbye.

Goodbye, Stardus.


"What? Wait!"

Having said all that I wanted to say, I spun my cloak around in front of me and teleported away.

And the last thing I saw of Stardus as I left was

Her eyes were wide and fluttering.

What the hell.

What's wrong with her?


"Anyway, thisI think this will be my last time playing with you. You're all grown up, you don't need to play with me anymore."

What are you talking about?

Stardus couldn't believe what she was hearing.

She missed him, wanted to be with him, that's why she'd come here, through all the obstacles he'd presented.

And now.

Now what the hell.

You, what are you saying?

Whether she thinks so or not Egostic continued, still smiling as if he was stating the obvious.

Stardus panicked but he continued.

"Goodbye, Stardus."

"What, wait!"

Stardus reached for his hand in panic, only to be met with a quiet smile and a farewell.


He was gone and Stardus was left alone on the roof of the building.




[What is it?]




[What is this?]

[Hold on]


[Wait, this isn't it]


[I'm dizzy now, did I hear wrong?]

[What's going on, why are you suddenly not waiting for me]

[I'm going to jump]

[I'm going to jump]


[Haha fucked]


Remaining there, with trembling eyes, she stares at the spot where Egostic used to be.

That day Stardus' life changed forever.


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