I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 29: Swordsmanship exam (2)

Chapter 29: Swordsmanship exam (2)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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On the duel arena stood Tina.

Opposite her was a silver-haired middle-aged teacher.

Eugene recognized him immediately.

Declan von Bennet Luberuta.

A relative of Drayn von Bennet Luberuta, Celines father, he was one of the brothers in the family.

Not only was he a prominent swordsman of the Luberuta family, but he was also one of the top swordsmanship instructors at the Royal Academy.

'Is that why shes trembling like that?'

Tina, born with magical talents, stood shakily with a wooden sword in her hand.

'How can I not be scared!'

After suffering five consecutive losses against Eugene, Tina had concluded that she lacked talent in swordsmanship and hadnt picked up a sword since.

It seemed she had forced herself to participate in this test only because skipping it wasnt an option.

'Please let me get through this without getting hurt'

Tina tried her best to steady her trembling body and assumed a basic stance.


Declan gestured nonchalantly.

The cold look in his eyes seemed to hint that he'd ensure a swift, painless defeat.


She really didnt want to go through with it...

However, retreating wasn't an option.

Swallowing hard, Tina shouted and charged forward.

"What's this? Were you here too?"

Just then, a voice distracted her from her duel.

Turning his head, he saw Cillian von Luberuta, Celines older brother.

Beside him stood Celine.

It seemed that Cillian, who had unexpectedly shown up, had dragged Celine to his side while she was watching Tinas match.

"Its quite a coincidence. Are you here to watch Tinas duel too?"

Cillian approached with a friendly smile.

Eugene nodded,

It just turned out that way.

But why was Cillian, a third-year student, attending a first-year examination?

Eugene voiced his question,

Why are you attending the first-year comprehensive exam?

"Hm? Im here to watch my adorable little sisters test. How could I miss my cute sisters match?"

...Who's calling me cute?

Celine shot a disgruntled look at Cillian, who responded by patting her head affectionately.

He then turned to Eugene,

Celine is scheduled to duel soon after Tina.

"Take your hand off my head."

"When is your match scheduled?"

"Would you please remove your hand?"

Im one of the last ones,

Eugene replied.

"Ah, I see. It's going to be a treat with so many spectators."


Clearly bothered by his persistent hair-patting, Celine swatted Cillian's hand away.

Chuckling, Cillian then turned his attention back to the duel,

Anyway, hows Tinas duel going?


Cillian's face stiffened.

Both Eugene and Celine's gazes followed his to the duel arena.

'What just happened?'

Tina was nowhere to be seen, replaced by someone with messy hair wildly swinging a sword around.

With a perplexed look, Celine asked,

"What's going on?"

Where has Tina gone?

Im right here~

Tina appeared suddenly from behind, flashing a playful grin.

...Are you a ghost?

Not at all.

Tina began explaining the situation.

My exam finished really quickly, so I came here. When I swung my sword, he suddenly disappeared. He re-appeared from behind and struck my wrist.

I immediately dropped my wooden sword.

So thats what happened

Celine's face showed a hint of annoyance.

Cillian chuckled warmly and reassured Tina.

Uncle sometimes tends to be a bit excessive. He's not known for his mercy."

So that's why. My wrist still feels numb

Oh dear. Shouldnt you visit the infirmary?

I want to watch Celine's exam first.

It seems our little sister has made a lovely friend.


Tina smiled cheekily.

A smile that brightened the surrounding atmosphere.

It's always nice to see beauty.


A scream echoed from the duel arena.

Everyone naturally turned their attention towards the source of the noise.

50 points, step down.

Declan announced the score with a stoic face.

Thank you for the guidance!

The black-haired student bowed deeply at a 90-degree angle before exiting the duel arena.

With the same emotionless expression, Declan spoke.

Next student, step forward.

And as Cillian had mentioned earlier, after Tina, the next in line was

Its Celines turn!

...I'll be back.

Though she was surprised at how quickly her turn came, Celine composed herself and walked towards the arena.

I only planned to watch Tinas duel, but it looks like I'll be watching Celine's too.

Eugene, who had been idly wandering around, realized he ended up witnessing the duels of the three main heroines.

In sequence: Yerina, Tina, Celine

Speaking of Yerina, where could she be?

Even though Tina's declaration reduced the attention on Celines exam, its importance remained unchanged.

The duel of the top first-year swordsman was slowly gathering a crowd, many converging around the arena.

Yerina would surely want to watch Celine's duel.

With that thought, I saw Yerina approaching.

Upon seeing her, Cillian flashed a playful grin and beckoned her over.

"Daughter of the House of Beruz! Come over here!

Hello, senior.

Goodness. With the most beautiful flowers of the Royal Academy gathered around me, what special day is it today?


Stunned by his audacious comment, Yerina froze.

Tina had a similar reaction.

Hahaha! Just a joke. Let's all focus on our adorable junior's match."

Cillian confidently turned his attention back to the arena.

The other three exchanged baffled glances at his back, but soon redirected their gazes towards the upcoming duel.

The sunlight caught her silver hair, shimmering brilliantly as she stood, waiting.

She was aware of the hundreds of eyes on her and tried to maintain a calm composure.

'Just calmly draw your sword. That will be enough.'

The fact that her opponent was one of the most skilled teachers and also her uncle wasnt important.

She had dedicated herself to the sword.

Today was just another day of wielding it.

"Celine von Riel, I hope to learn from this match."

"Draw your sword."

Declan, without a change in expression, even when facing his niece, raised his sword.

His indifferent gaze met Celine's eyes.

In them, he saw a firm confidence in her swordsmanship and an array of positive emotions, like hopes for the future.

'Is this the gaze of a talented individual?'

He was a swordsman of great regret, overshadowed by his illustrious brother.

The world recognized him as a skilled swordsman, even remarkable, but being born into the renowned Luberuta family meant he dreamed of being the best.

'Celine, you might become the best in the next generation.'

Given a bit more time, she could surpass him and become a legendary sword master.

'But it's still too early.'

One day, he might serve as a stepping stone for Celine, but that day wasnt today.

There was a stark difference in their mana and experience.

'I'll give her a loss from which she can learn.'

With that thought, Declan gripped his wooden sword tightly.

Even if the task at hand was merely to be a stepping stone for his niece, who would one day be a legendary sword master, being born a Luberuta meant it was his duty to wield the sword.

"Come, I'll let you have the first move."

"Thank you."

Perhaps sensing something in Declan's gaze, Celine, with a serious expression, readied her sword.

Then she opened her magic circuit, channeling her powerful mana throughout her body.

The concentrated mana began to flow slowly into her wooden sword.

"Sword aura!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

The aura surrounding Celine's wooden sword was clearer and purer than what she had shown in her past duel with Eugene.

'While my swordsmanship hasn't improved much, my mana is much stronger now.'

"I'm coming!"

Celine lunged at Declan, who assumed a defensive stance with his sword.


The two swords clashed, creating a powerful impact.

The collision of their sword auras produced a force that was far from ordinary.

The two locked eyes, continuing their power struggle.

Celine's gaze drifted to the bracelet on Declan's wrist.

Due to that bracelet, instructors could only use the mana level of an average third-year student during the duel.

Celine, who would be in her second year in a few months, possessed mana just slightly below the third-year average.


'I have a chance!'

If she could swing her sword without any mistakes and had luck on her side, victory wasn't an impossibility.


"Celine is holding her ground!"

Those watching the duel clenched their fists in anticipation, wondering if an upset might be on the horizon.

'I know what you're thinking.'

However, experienced swordsmen could perceive an opponent's intentions just by crossing blades.

Declan noticed the glimmer of hope his niece held.

'You're still a long way from beating me.'

Geniuses often considered various factors like mana, swordsmanship, and luck in a duel.

But they often overlooked one crucial aspect: experience.

No matter how prodigious, a young genius couldn't easily gain the upper hand against someone who had honed their sword skills over decades.


Declan shifted his strength, deflecting Celine's sword.

Then, with a speed reminiscent of light, he unleashed a flurry of swift sword strikes.



Using her years of training as a foundation, Celine blocked Declan's onslaught, biding her time and looking for an opening to counter.

But Declan wasn't about to easily provide her that opportunity.

'A battle is all about momentum.'

Declan continued his relentless assault, ensuring Celine didn't even have a moment to breathe, pushing her to expend her mana rapidly.

Celine's breathing grew ragged, her body slick with sweat.

Still, she never lost her grip on her sword.

'To hold out this long is impressive.'

Declan genuinely admired her resilience.

Any other first-year student would have been overwhelmed and disarmed by now.

But not Celine.

The fiery determination in her eyes remained unquenched as she continued to swing her sword.

'Impressive, but...'

She still fell short against Declan.

The fine control of mana infused into each swing, the slight changes in angle to draw out more power from the opponent Declan's extensive experience began to manifest as small advantages cumulatively created a mountain of difference.

The force from Celine's sword began to wane.


With relative ease, Declan repelled Celine's sword.

"Huff Huff"

Celine, having used up a considerable amount of her mana, looked at Declan with weary eyes.

"So, she couldn't do it after all?"

"But she's incredible!"

"That's an unbelievable level!"

The students watched in awe.

Just the fact that Celine had held her own against Declan for this long was an astonishing feat.

'Indeed, you're a genius.'

Declan's thoughts mirrored the sentiment.

Just her endurance up to this point was enough to earn her the praises typically reserved for once-in-a-century talents.

And so, he thought,

'You should be content with this.'

Declan slammed his sword into the ground, suddenly appearing before Celine and swinging his blade.


Celine's eyes widened in shock.

Realizing this might be her last chance, she infused her sword with every last ounce of her mana.


With a fierce cry, she swung her sword.


A gust of wind arose as their swords clashed, the collision's force surpassing that of ordinary mana.

The intense gale forced many students to shut their eyes tightly.

Slowly, they all reopened them.

Thud. Thump.

Riding the wind, Celine's wooden sword was thrown outside the duel arena.

Simultaneously, an exhausted Celine fell to her knees, admitting defeat.


"Celine was incredible!"

"That was insane!"

Hundreds cheered for Celine, her duel having more than met their expectations.

But Celine was far from elated.

"Haa Haa"

She caught her breath, gazing at her trembling hands.

'Was it impossible after all?'

She had thought she stood a chance when the duel began.

In swordsmanship, mana, or experience - she didn't have the advantage.

'If only I'd trained a bit harder'

Regret bit at her as she recalled the times she hadn't given her all.

Watching her, Declan calmly remarked,

"Celine, that was perfect."


"No one at the first-year level can defeat you. You should be proud."

"Thank you"

While Declan's consolation was genuine, Celine's expression didn't ease.

Because there was an error in his statement.

'No one can defeat me?'

Celine raised her head, searching the crowd for a certain brown-haired boy.

What would happen if their swords clashed again?


...Time to go.

She felt too drained to think, her mind weary.

Dragging her beaten body, Celine exited the arena.



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