I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 19: Time flows like flowing water (4)

Chapter 19: Time flows like flowing water (4)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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The birth of the Lightning Sword Technique became a moment of enlightenment.

Eugene naturally slipped into a state of deep focus.

He surrendered himself entirely to the sword.

Gradually, the essence of the Lightning Sword technique became ingrained into his body.

The longer it lasted, the better.

Creating sword techniques and building proficiency for real combat were separate issues.

He forgot about the passing of time and even his own hunger, waiting in this trance-like state for his sword to come to a stop.

Then, at some point, the sword stopped.

It wasnt because he had exhausted his mana.

This stop signified the natural end to his state of deep focus.

'The Lightning Sword Technique has been ingrained into my mind.'

While he didn't create any unique skills with the Lightning Sword, he had simply mastered overlaying his blade with lightning.

It was basic, but it was foundational.

It was enough to use in actual combat; enough to start creating his own skills and techniques with.

Not a bad outcome.

Eugene sheathed his sword.

But how much time had passed?

He began his practice when the sun was up, and now, the sun was still hanging in the sky.

This feeling...

It was like the sensation of oversleeping.

"What the... Ugh."

As he instinctively tried to utter, What is this?, his parched throat prevented any words from emerging.

Only now did he realize his body was in a pitiful state.

His throat was dry from intense thirst, and his once-clean clothes were now soiled.

Was he sleeping? Or was he meditating?

His exhausted body was practically screaming at him.

'How long did I swing the sword?'

Deep focus, or that trance-like state, could last for a few hours or even extend to several days, but to the point where his throat was too dry to speak?


Eugene, resembling a vagabond, sought quickly found a small stream to quench his thirst.

After gulping down water like a thirsty elephant,

Finally, I feel alive again.

With some hydration, his body's screams of discomfort slightly subsided.

Eugene immediately sat on a rock, meditated for a brief 10 minutes, and then got up.

I still feel a bit weak but

At the very least, he was in a condition to move.

Infusing his legs with mana, he sprinted straight to the Royal Academy of Lucia.

He had to find out how much time had passed.

I probably already have an unexcused absence

All he could hope for now was to have some time left to study for the upcoming comprehensive exam.

It's 11 o'clock.

After checking the time on the clock tower, he headed straight to the dormitory.

'Since Im already late, it doesnt matter whether I go now or later!'

Better to clean up a bit and go in uniform than to show up looking like a mess.


Raei Translations


In no time, Eugene was dressed and stood outside the classroom.

Is it Miss Avel's class?

He could hear Avel's voice coming from inside the classroom.

'Thats a relief.'

Given that Avel was one of the teachers who viewed Eugene favorably and was also his homeroom teacher, it was a better situation than entering a class taught by another teacher.

Eugene opened the classroom door and stepped inside.


"What's going on?"

In an instant, every eye was fixed on him.

Surprise, curiosity, indifference, and most prominently... confusion.

"Eu-Eu-Eugene von Lennon Grace!"

Avel, clutching a piece of chalk, stomped over to stand before Eugene, her steps stomping as if they were trying to shatter the classroom floor.

"Where on earth have you been? Without saying a word?"

"Well, you see..."

"Do you even know what day it is?"

Eugene replied, full of hope.


"Wednesday! It's Wednesday!"

Her powerful stride resonated throughout the room.

Avel began to rapidly fire off questions.

"Why haven't you been at the academy? I've searched every nook and cranny for you! The security office was even ready to file a missing person report, and by tomorrow, a search party would have been dispatched! Where have you been? What were you doing?"

Eugene hesitated momentarily.


If he gave a weird answer, he felt Avel might challenge him to a duel right then and there.

Thus, he decided to recount the truth of what had actually happened.

"I couldn't come out. I was training alone over the weekend when I suddenly experienced enlightenment."


"Yes. It came in the form of deep meditation. I couldn't break out of it. If I did, not only would the enlightenment slip away, but there was also the risk of a mana overload..."


Avel looked perplexed.

Enlightenment, huh?

Wasn't the very essence of the Royal Academy to foster growth in students?

If Eugene's words were true, he couldn't be punished for unauthorized absence.

In fact, he should be commended.

If his story held, his absence from three days ago should be considered a legitimate attendance.

'But the real question is, do I believe him...?'

To be honest, Avel was already inclined to believe Eugene's words.

Or more precisely, she wanted to.

She knew that Eugene was more earnest than anyone in her swordsmanship classes, and that he dedicated himself wholeheartedly to honing his skills.

The way he tirelessly swung his sword, pushing himself to the brink, was something Avel admired.

This was something to be celebrated, and as his teacher, she wanted to believe him.

The problem was...

'It's not just me here.'

Even if Avel wanted to excuse Eugene's absences based on his account, too many students had heard his story.

"Enlightenment? Deep meditation?"

"Sounds like a made-up excuse."

"He should have just said he got hit by a carriage again."

Whispers of doubt spread amongst the students.

'Of course, they'd react that way.'

Had Avel not personally witnessed Eugene's talent, she would likely have shared the students' skepticism.

After all, true enlightenment wasn't something easily attained.

"Teacher! Just send him to the disciplinary committee!"

"Isn't it too much to bring him before the disciplinary committee just for skipping class without permission?"

"I don't know! He still did wrong!"

The classroom was buzzing with noise.

The impending comprehensive exam had kept the students awake for many nights, leaving them exhausted.

If the teacher were to use her usual authority to dismiss Eugene's absence, it could disrupt future lessons.

'I could probably push this to be handled later...'

Doing so might temporarily resolve the situation, but Avel's usual behavior was an issue.

Everyone in the class, especially those who took the swordsmanship practical with Eugene, knew Avel appreciated him as a teacher.

Would this have happened if she hadn't cornered Eugene?

If she berated him only to brush it off suddenly, students might accuse her of favoritism.

'What should I do...?'

A straightforward answer eluded her.

Avel pondered with a furrowed brow.

At that moment, a cold voice echoed from a corner of the classroom.

"Perhaps he did have an epiphany. Why is everyone making such a fuss?"

The voice was sharp and clear, immediately drawing everyone's attention.


There she was, Celine with her cold demeanor.

'Celine is defending Eugene?'

Avel's eyes widened in surprise.

Celine was characteristically indifferent to everyone, and it was rare for her to take sides.

Yet now, she was defending Eugene?

'Didn't Celine dislike Eugene...?'

Everyone at the academy knew about Celine's animosity towards Eugene.

'What in the world...'

'What's going on here?'

Every student in the classroom stared at Celine in disbelief.

True to her noble Luberuta lineage, she seemed unfazed by the many eyes on her, calmly stating,

"I understand everyone is on edge due to the exams, but I don't think it's right to corner an innocent student."

It was a valid point, indeed.

But coming from her, it was unexpected.

"And, it's not strange for him to reach enlightenment. He does have a talent for the sword. Comparable to mine, if not greater."

A murmur ran through the students.

This was truly an unbelievable turn of events.

Celine, the first-year swordsmanship prodigy, was not only defending Eugene but suggesting his talent might be on par or even surpass hers?

'Eugene's talent surpasses Celine's? That's just absurd!'

'Why would she say that? Why would someone as prideful as her say such a thing?'

'What on earth is going on?'

No student took Celine's claim about Eugene's talent seriously.

Yet, the implication of her words was engraved in everyone's minds.

Celine, who once loathed Eugene, was now defending him.

There was no one in this classroom from a house of higher standing than the Luberutas.

Opposing the Luberuta duchy's beloved heir was unthinkable.

As such, the room grew silent as everyone involuntarily closed their mouths.

'Let's, let's just study.'

'We have an exam tomorrow. We should be studying.'

'Why should we care if someone skips class without permission?'

Every student was deeply focused on their books.

It almost seemed like a high-level spell at work.

What in the world...

Watching this scene, Avel was utterly stunned.

Is this the influence of the Luberuta family?

All the students focused on their books just like that.

It was eerily powerful.

At least Tina is still the same...

Tina of the Florence family, which holds power on par with the Luberuta Duke family, was the only one looking up.

The calm girl slowly raised her hand.

Why is she raising her hand?

Before they could question further, Tina spoke.

Teacher, I also believe what Celine said is correct.

You too?

The students, previously buried in their books, now raised their heads to stare intently at Tina.

Why is she behaving this way?

Tina is siding with Eugene too?

Wasnt she the one who seemed to dislike Eugene just as much as Celine did?

No one could make sense of the situation.

I have also sparred with Eugene before, and I can attest to his talent. Perhaps he truly has achieved enlightenment?

Watching Tina speak so nonchalantly, the students of the Blue Flower class simply gave up on trying to understand.

I don't get it anymore.

I must be seeing things.

The two female students, who were the dreams of every male student, were supporting Eugene, the very person they despised.

...Hmm, alright. My thoughts aren't much different. Let's continue with the lesson.

Avel, the first to regain her composure, resumed the class.

The stunned students, however, could hardly pay any attention to her words.



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