I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 15: Why on earth do bandits have this? (4)

Chapter 15: Why on earth do bandits have this? (4)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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It was a golden bead.

Not actual gold.

It wasnt as hard as metal, and it was soft to the touch, yielding when pressed.

A squishy golden bead?

In Eugene's memory, there was only one such object in the world of Lucia.

The Golden Toads Inner Bead.

When a toad lives without dying for a hundred years, it becomes a mystical creature known as the Golden Toad.

When the Golden Toad dies, it leaves behind a bead resembling this golden sphere, the Golden Toad's Inner Bead.

Consuming it bestows vast amounts of mana and resistance to numerous poisons.

However, there's a catch: one must perfectly utilize meditation to absorb its energy, or risk fatal poisoning.

Despite this danger, there was no denying it was a treasure so rare that money couldn't buy it.

Why would bandits have this?

This wasnt something mere bandits should possess.

The first thought that came to Eugenes mind was the possibility that the continent's top merchant group, the Florence Merchant Group, had been raided while on their trade route.

If that was the case, the antidote they carried might have been stolen along with this bead.

Not just anyone would recognize this precious item, so the bandits probably took it because it looked valuable.

Should I return it if my guess is right?

Morally, returning it was the right thing to do.

But what if it wasnt stolen from the merchant group?

However, his desire for power made the decision difficult.

Since there was a chance it wasn't from the merchant group, an inner voice tempted him to keep it and decide later.

After all, this bead was precisely what Eugene currently desired most, promising to significantly boost his mana.

In that case Ill find out more about it later and then decide.

After much contemplation, Eugene came to a decision.

If, when delivering the antidote, the merchant group doesnt inquire about the Golden Toad's Inner Bead, he would consume it.

If they do ask...

Then he'd still consume it and just find a way to repay them later.

It might seem like there's no difference in either approach, but to Eugene, there was a significant distinction.

'I'll just pay later.'

Deferred payment.

In fact, this approach was good both for Eugene and for the future world facing the rise of the Black Flower Blood Demon Society

If, in the distant future, a stronger Eugene could stand against the Black Flower Blood Demon Society due to consuming the bead, then its value would be well justified.

Let's take it for now.

Eugene pocketed the Golden Toad's Inner Bead, and also gathered up all the gold and silver coins.

He then left the bandits hideout and settled in a secluded part of the forest.

Who would have thought Id be sleeping in a forest?

But he had no other choice. He was utterly drained.

Eugene immediately fell into a deep slumber.


Raei Translations


When he woke up, it was morning.

'How many hours did I sleep?'

He wanted to know, but he had no way of telling the time.

'First, I need to meditate.'

Even after sleeping, he felt that his physical strength and mana hadn't fully recovered.

It would take about six hours of running to return to the capital so Eugene immediately sat down in meditation.

Once he felt rejuvenated, he opened his eyes and made his way, eventually arriving at the capital, Luciana.

Without hesitation, he headed straight to the Luciana branch of the Florence Merchant Group.

Head of the Luciana Branch, Marshal.

From his youth, he dedicated his life to the group, loyally serving the Earl of Florence, and successfully managed several branches.

Even the head of the Florence family would bow in respect upon seeing him.

Marshal was a respected merchant, admired by many.

"If only she would open her eyes..."

Had his only granddaughter not been afflicted with an incurable disease, he would have been thoroughly content with life.

However, she was struck with a condition where her body was gradually turning to stone, slowly dying.

The treatment required an incredibly rare and expensive antidote.

"Money wasn't the issue, but how could this..."

Thanks to the resources from his role as the Head, Marshal was able to find the antidote with relative ease.

But tragedy struck when the carriers of the antidote were ambushed, leading to their deaths and the theft of the antidote.

"What cruel twist of fate is this..."

For his dear granddaughter, he would have given his life.

But all he could do now was lodge a request with the Adventurer's Guild, and wait.

Her limbs have already turned to stone

Every day, as he watched her condition deteriorate, his heart ached more and more.

"Branch Head!"

"Lower your voice. My granddaughter is resting."

"My apologies! But this is an urgent matter!"

"What is it?"

Seeing his attendant in an unusual state of urgency, Marshal got up.

"We've received word that someone has found the antidote!"

"What? Take me to them immediately!"

"Yes, sir!"

Following the attendant, Marshal moved with a pace uncharacteristic for his age.

The mansion's hallway felt oppressively long.

"Here he is."

The attendant stepped back to reveal the individual.

A man with brown hair and brown eyes, seemingly ordinary.

His physique hinted at rigorous training.

His clothes and disheveled hair gave the impression of someone who had endured much hardship.

Though Marshal was skeptical that this man could be the savior bearing the antidote, he composed himself and greeted the stranger.

Are you the benefactor who has retrieved the antidote for my granddaughter?


"Would you be able to show me the antidote immediately? My granddaughter's condition is critical, so I hope you understand the urgency."

"Not a problem. Here it is."

Eugene presented a small vial.

The liquid inside emitted an unmistakable radiant blue hue.

Good heavens!

"Branch Head, it appears to be the real antidote!"

The attendants exclaimed with relief.

But in that moment, no one could be happier than Marshal.

Welcome this gentleman inside!


Raei Translations


Eugene, guided with utmost courtesy by the attendants, took a seat on the sofa in the reception room.

Exhausted from his grueling journey, he felt as if he might faint and even dozed off briefly while waiting for Marshal.

As time passed and Marshal descended from the second floor, Eugene awoke from his nap.

"Heh heh heh."

It seemed the antidote Eugene had provided worked wonders, as Marshal's face was brimming with joy and relief.

He took a seat across from Eugene.

"The antidote you brought seems to have done its magic. My granddaughter has regained her senses. Before we discuss the reward I promised you, may I inquire about your name?"

"My name is Eugene von Lennon Grace."

"Ah, the distinguished young master of the Barony of Grace."

Even if the name "Grace" was somewhat obscure to most, Marshal, with his vast experience, recognized it instantly.

"I imagine your journey to retrieve the antidote wasn't an easy one. Would you honor an old man with your tale?"

'He probably wants to verify the facts.'

It appeared Marshal wanted to know who had stolen the antidote.

While Eugene's identity as the young heir of the Grace family practically ruled him out as a suspect, Marshal seemed eager to identify the true villains.

If their actions were linked to a rival merchant group, their name would be tarnished beyond repair.

"Well, about that..."

Eugene decided to be honest, albeit adding some minor embellishments like stumbling upon the villains' lair while training in the forest.

He shared the essential facts while omitting details about the internal betrayal of the merchant group and the dark magic involved.

The internal strife was due to personal ambitions, and there was no benefit to mentioning dark magic.

Announcing the discovery of traces of the Black Flower Blood Demon Society, which vanished centuries ago, would either not be believed or would only spread unnecessary panic.

The signs Eugene discovered were mere remnants, and there was no need to alarm anyone.

"To think such a thing happened..."

After hearing Eugene's story, Marshal remained silent for a moment.

'It's a story hard to believe at face value.'

That a young swordsman, merely 16 and at the prime of his youth, would discover the hideout of villains, defeat them, and retrieve the stolen antidote was a tale hard to swallow.

If true, it was a testament to his remarkable potential.

Combined with his status as a student of the Royal Academy of Lucia, his prospects seemed brighter than ever.

Associating with someone like him could be beneficial for Marshal's business in the future.

'The question is whether to believe him...'

With decades of experience dealing with people, Marshal had cultivated a keen eye for assessing character.

It was this very skill that had allowed him to climb the ranks and become the regional head of the merchant group.

He observed the dignity and gaze emanating from Eugene.

A moment of silence passed.

His instincts told him to trust this man.

Beyond mere trust, he is someone with immense potential.

Someone with the potential to be great.

After a lengthy contemplation, Marshal smiled and extended his hand for a handshake.

"You've done a great job. I'll never forget this favor. I am now in your debt.

There's no need for such words.

Bring the gold coins I promised the young lord!

"Yes, sir!"

An attendant brought over a small box and handed it to Eugene.

He found 20 dazzling gold coins inside.

I guess I won't need to visit the guild anymore.

His heart warmed at the thought of finally being able to fully focus on his personal training.

Whenever you wish, visit my mansion. Youll always receive a warm welcome. Feel free to come by anytime.

"Your words alone are more than enough."

They shook hands once more, painting a picture-perfect farewell.

However, an oblivious attendant, who had been eavesdropping, interrupted.

Excuse me, Lord Eugene. While you were looking for the antidote, did you happen to come across a golden bead? About this size?


Eugene's face visibly hardened.

"I'm... I'm not sure."


Yes, such a bead I didn't see such a thing

"It was quite essential along with the antidote in our trade, many of us shed tears over its loss."

"Th...They cried?"


Eugene's lips quivered.

He had intended to keep silent and repay them in the future, but hearing of it like this, it wasn't easy to act nonchalant.

So thats how it is.

However, deceiving the astute Marshal wasnt easy.

From that brief conversation, Marshal seemed to have understood the entirety of the situation and spoke up.

"Listen here."

Yes, Branch Head.

This golden bead you speak of, its the first I'm hearing of it. What exactly is it?

Well, it may appear as a golden bead, but in reality, its the core of the Gol




Marshal glaringly fixed his gaze on the attendant.

I've clearly stated that I've never heard of such a golden bead. What is it again? I'll give you another chance to explain!"

Realizing his slip-up, the attendant tried to navigate the situation.

Ah, it was merely a bead painted gold. Not an item of significance. Perhaps we were overly obsessed with it.

I see.

Marshal, with a sudden gentleness in his eyes, looked at Eugene.

Lord Eugene. Even if you have come across the golden bead, you need not worry about it.

Is that so?

Indeed. After all, it wasnt a significant item for our merchant group.

Marshal laughed heartily.

Eugene too couldn't help but catch on.

This old man, not only offering gold coins but even the golden bead.

He must have been truly overjoyed at having his granddaughter's illness cured.

Of course, if that was the only reason, he wouldnt have given Eugene the golden bead.

The seasoned merchant saw Eugene's potential and made his decision.

Since you're offering, I'll gratefully accept.

Eugene, having faintly realized this, quietly held a sense of indebtedness towards the Florence merchant in his heart.

I shall take my leave then.

Travel safely.

The merchant sent him off with a smile.

After Eugene left, the ever-smiling attendant spoke up.

Branch Head, there's something I'd like to ask personally.


Is this an investment?

To that attendant, who had risen from the bottom to the top alongside the merchant, he wanted to understand his intentions.

An investment...

Seeing the attendant's attitude, the merchant opened his mouth with a smile.

Merchants have a calculating nature, but paradoxically, one shouldn't always be calculating. Sometimes, one should know how to simply give a gift.

A gift... you say?

Yes, just a gift.

A gift given to a man with incredible potential.

Branch Head, I'll make sure to remember todays lesson.

Do so.

The merchant smiled warmly.



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