I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 12: Why on earth do bandits have this? (1)

Chapter 12: Why on earth do bandits have this? (1)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Several days passed, and the weekend finally arrived.

Eugene found himself grappling with a pressing dilemma.

'I have no money for food.'

Thanks to Avel's assistance with his housing fees, Eugene had been using his remaining funds solely for sustenance, focusing on his training.

'But I can't continue like this.'

Not a single coin remained in his pockets.

His pockets were so empty they felt spotlessly clean.

'Whether I like it or not, I need to earn money.'

He had to make money, whether it was by visiting the guild like the previous owner of his body had done, or find another way.

"For now, Ill head out and think on the way."

Eugene left the dormitory, his initial thought being to visit the Adventurer's Guild.

He wondered if there were other ways to make money besides the guild.

As he was lost in thought, a blonde female student suddenly dashed from an intersecting hallway, colliding with him.



Being in what was supposed to be a safe hallway and his mind being preoccupied, Eugene failed to dodge the girl and ended up on the ground.

"Ouch... That hurt."

The girl grimaced in pain.

It was Tina.

Her eyes widened slightly upon recognizing Eugene.

"Huh? Eugene?"

"I'm sorry."

Eugene, quickly apologizing, got to his feet.

"Hold on!"


"It's just... Well..."

Tina hesitated, awkwardly getting up.

"We did spar once, so the least we can do is greet each other when we meet, right?

...Sure. Hi. See you around.

Eugene replied curtly and turned away.

At the moment, he was more concerned about his lack of funds and didn't have the mental space for anything else.

'Does he seriously just say hi and leave?'

He felt cold and distant.

While Eugene was merely hungry, from Tina's perspective, it seemed as if he was drawing a clear line between them.

Even if he didn't want to chat, did he have to be this cold about it?

She had something else to say.

Two days ago, during their fire magic practical class.

The task of the day was a group assignment.

The objective was to melt a ball with fire resistance, working together with group members.

The task wasn't just about infusing the object with brute forcing in mana.

The challenge was to maintain a high temperature for an extended period, consistently supplying the right amount of magic.

Being the top fire magic user in the freshman year, Tina approached the task with confidence, and her teammates were at ease working alongside her.

However, accidents tend to happen when least expected.

The student in front of her, who was supposed to be supplying magic, was clearly distracted.

They mistakenly used a much stronger magic spell than required.

As a result, the superheated object flew toward Tina.

She ducked in panic, but couldn't prevent a few strands of her hair from being singed.

That's when Eugene, who was working on the assignment with another group right next to Tina, promptly cast a water spell without any incantation, deflecting the object.

'I did thank him at the time.'

As a noble, she felt the need to offer a more formal expression of gratitude.

Her golden hair was something she cherished deeply, so what Eugene did for her was no small favor.

"You know, about that incident three days ago during magic class."

"What about it?"

"I want to properly thank you. If it weren't for you, I might've had to cut my cherished hair."

"You're the only daughter of the Earl of Florence. Couldn't you just buy a potion to restore your hair?"

"I could."

"Then why cut it?"


Tina looked genuinely confused, but she soon vigorously shook her head.

"That's not what I mean. I just wanted to thank you. Even with the potion, it would've taken time for my hair to heal. I would've had to wear hats or something. You saved me from that."

"I thought you already thanked me for that."

"I did, but I want to express my gratitude properly."

"Then treat me to a meal."


Tina looked taken aback.

He's asking her to buy him food?

Was he hinting that he still had feelings?

On the outside, Eugene didn't seem to show any signs of such feelings, but maybe he felt differently deep inside.

However, accepting such a proposal was difficult for Tina.

While it was true that Eugene had changed, Tina didn't feel any romantic emotions towards him, especially given how he used to be.

"I... I think buying you food is a bit..."

"Not going to treat me? Then I'm off."

"Wait! Hold on!"

'What am I even thinking!'

She should be focusing on repaying him properly, not fretting over what to give.

That's not how gratitude works.

"I'll treat you! I will!"


Raei Translations


In the end, Tina ended up treating Eugene to a meal.

'So it's just a meal, huh?'

At least that's one meal sorted.

Dragging Tina along, Eugene headed to a sandwich shop next to the Royal Academy's main cafeteria.

"Huh? I thought we were getting a proper meal. Just a sandwich?"

"What? You were planning to eat too?"


"I said buy me a meal. Never said anything about eating together."


Tina's expression turned comical.

"You probably wouldnt enjoy eating with someone like me, right? Miss Noble."

"Ah, yes, what would you like?"

"Just one sandwich, please."

"Alright, here you go."

The sandwich Eugene ordered was already prepared, and the shopkeeper handed it over immediately.

Holding his sandwich, Eugene addressed Tina.

"You said you'd pay, so handle the bill. I'm leaving."


Stunned, Tina completed the payment without expressing a word.

As she watched Eugene's retreating figure, she deeply regretted setting boundaries that day on the rooftop.

"I should've... been a bit gentler."


Raei Translations


After satiating his hunger with a sandwich, Eugene found himself approaching the entrance of the academy.

His plan was to leave the academy and head straight to the Adventurer's Guild.

However, a voice stopped him.

"Wait a moment there!"

It wasnt a voice he recognized, unfamiliar since his arrival in this world.

Turning around, he was met with the sight of a silver-haired man, whose features felt vaguely familiar.

"Do you know who I am?"

As soon as Eugene saw his face, he recognized him.

It was Celines older brother, Cillian von Luberuta, the second son of the Luberuta family.

Being in his third year at the Royal Academy, Cillian was known to be less talented than the eldest son of the Luberuta family and Celine.

However, inheriting the Luberuta bloodline meant he possessed swordsmanship skills that ranked among the top in his grade.

"Are you the first-year who sparred with my younger sister a week ago?"

"That's right."

"Good. I have something I wanted to ask, is that alright?"

His eyes seemed to suggest that refusing wasnt an option.

"What is it?"

"I heard you managed to hold your ground for quite a while against my sister during the spar. Is that true?"

Cillian had recently heard some peculiar rumors about his genius sister and wanted to learn more, which led him to seek out Eugene.

There was no point in hiding what was already widely known, so Eugene replied truthfully,

"Yes, but if we continued, I would have lost."

Youre quite humble, arent you?

Cillian responded with a hearty laugh.

My sister is the greatest sword prodigy in the first year of the Royal Academy. She might even be the best in the entire academy. Many strong swordsmen in the second year can't even handle her. And you're telling me you managed to stand your ground against her?

Given Celine's abilities, such a feat was impressive on its own, especially considering the concept of 'Talent' in this world.

Here, a person's Talent began to flourish at 16 and peaked at 20.

In the context of their ages, even a difference of one year was significant.

Defeating a swordsman a year older was the hallmark of a genius, while overcoming someone two years senior was almost unheard of.

So, it was only natural for Cillian to be skeptical of Eugene, especially since Eugene was the heir to a fallen barony and wasnt a well-known swordsman.

'He doesnt have to believe me.'

Eugene wouldnt have minded if Cillian remained skeptical; being underestimated had its advantages.

It doesnt matter whether you believe me or not.

"If I challenged you to a duel now to verify the rumors, would you accept?"


'Do you think I'm crazy?'

Maybe in a month or so, but not now. Now, he would surely lose.

"What if I draw my sword right now?"

You intend to bully someone two years your junior? It would be unbecoming of a swordsman from the prestigious Luberuta family.

"You're quite cheeky."

Whats the point of being polite when we might be crossing swords soon?

The atmosphere grew tense as their gazes clashed, electricity seemingly sparking between them.

The first to back down was Cillian.

He couldn't detect any fear in Eugene's eyes.

"You're quite the intimidating junior. As you said, I can't just challenge someone two years my junior to a duel. I never had such intentions to begin with."

"That's a relief."

"But I realized one thing."

"What's that?"

"You've definitely managed to hold your own against Celine. Judging by your eyes, you're no ordinary person."

Before he knew it, the way Cillian looked at Eugene had changed slightly.

"I'll remember your face. I sincerely apologize for bothering you today. Let's leave it at that."

Cillian extended his hand for a handshake, and Eugene took it without much thought.

This would've been a good point to part ways.

However, Cillian opened his mouth once again.

"I have one more question."

"What is it?"

"Have you decided to stop following my younger sister around? I haven't seen you near her lately."


Caught off guard by the sudden attack, Eugene was left speechless.

'This damn Eugene...'

All he could do was curse the previous owner of his body.

Barely restraining himself from spewing out those curses, Eugene made an excuse and left.

"After a rejection like that, I won't be ever bothering her again."

"Is that so?"

Cillian didn't stop Eugene from leaving. He chuckled, then his expression turned serious.

It was good that the long-standing issue with her younger sister was resolved, but it was also good to have identified a swordsman who might cross blades with her in the future.

After all, she too was a swordsman, and the desire to face strong opponents was something intrinsic to all who wield the sword.

'He has a promising look in his eyes.'

Cillian recognized in Eugene's gaze the confidence of a man who trusts his own sword.

Once he advances through the grades, they'll inevitably cross swords one day.

With that thought, Cillian turned away.



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