I Became the Hero's Bride!

Chapter 26 – Just for a single day, please be my lover.

Chapter 26 – Just for a single day, please be my lover.

TL: Eevee

Ed: Eevee

Another self-edited chapter. Any mistakes, feel free to correct me in the comments.

Even as the day of the wedding between the hero and Clarice drew nearer, the castle remained in a highly unsettled state. The reason was the profane rumours that was doing the rounds. The rumour that the Holy Maiden Orleia that had been staying at the castle since a couple of days ago was actually promised for marriage to the Otherworldly Hero Park Minwoo. There were numerous witnesses to suggest that this wasn’t pure hearsay, either.

As the vice-captain of the knight order E***** testified,

“I heard a long time ago from the Priestess. A long, long time ago, the Mitohi faith chose the holy Hero as their Holy Maiden’s husband, and bestowed the holy sword as proof of that union. That said, even if the hero was still remembered, the deal with marriage to the hero was a long-forgotten tradition that no one except the Mitohi people remember. It’s been very peaceful lately that before the demon king appeared again, no one needed the hero or chosen one or holy sword or whatnot.”

As the rookie of the mage corps and granddaughter of the archmage, Se**** testified,

“Yeah, it’s right. That that asshole Minwoo and that damn bitch are promised to each other. But don’t get me wrong. Minwoo was all happy that the clergy gave him the holy sword, and then he got caught out. There wasn’t even 1 percent of his own willingness, you know? My goodness, to think the day I would advocate for Minwoo would come…”

And as the person in question, the Otherworldly Hero Park ****** testified,

“Damn it. Damn it. Shit. Fuck. God damn it! ……Ah, I’m sorry, Miss Karina. Believe me. I never had any intention of bigamy at all! I just needed the holy sword to beat the crap out of the demon king! If I knew that marriage was one of the conditions I never would have taken the thing! I don’t even know what to do either! Clarice hasn’t been willing to meet me since that incident…!”

And as the person in question the White Holy Maiden Or**** bullshat,

“Oh my. You’re busy from the early morning? It’s a nice sight, seeing you work so hard. So much that I could just wait in bed for… Eh? Ah, ah. That incident was quite the shock. The knights came charging in for attempted rape or whatnot, but I was simply doing what the queen asked of me and taught her sex ed. Since the princess didn’t want me charged either, then that’s that, no?

The rumours? Of course. It’s the truth. Really, I have every right to resent the princess. She stole a man that was already taken that’s what… Well, it’s true that I tricked darling. But does that change anything? The fact that darling and I are promised to each other in marriage is established fact. There’s a reason why many a playboy pokes holes in the condom to marry rich young ladies. I just did something similar.

Instead of a child, an engagement. Just because you complain that you were tricked, does the conceived child disappear? Same thing. The holy sword here is very much safe and sound. As the proof of darling and my engagement. If darling continues to deny this till the very end… Then as a devout believer of Mitohi I will openly declare a warrant for him. I do wonder if the kingdom will continue to shelter him then.”


Karina asked genuinely.

“Do you have a conscience?”

When she did, Orleia responded as if it was obvious.

“Love is a battlefield. If you bother taking care of things like conscience then that begs to be backstabbed. In order to not be on the losing side, you must make the first move.”

She smiled mercilessly.

“So that they cannot run away.”

Moreover, that rumour was one that Orleia and the Mitohi faith had spread. Damn assholes. Back to the topic at hand, for the sake of the dignity and peace of the hero and Clarice’s marriage, even as Karina busily moved around to identify the truth behind the rumours, the actual rumours in question didn’t die down.

………Because there were several eyewitness reports that Minwoo and Orleia were more than amicable in each other’s company.

As Mister random name who occupied the seat of normal person… No, captain of the knight order testified,

“While the hero was teaching swordplay to the knights, the Holy Maiden appeared with a giant lunchbox. ‘Darling ? here’s the lunchbox full of love you wanted ?’ was what she said. Hm? Ah, the hero did seem to dislike it. But since he was always quite the tsun we just thought he was embarrassed. Jeez. Playing with other women while leaving Her Highness all alone. I really didn’t see him that way, you know.”

As Mister random name who was the gullible one… No, the captain of the mage corps testified,

“Ah, Karina? Have you seen Senyun? She’s not in her office so just where is she at this busy time… Hm? Lady Holy Maiden? That reminds me, think it was the day before, she requested the smallest audiovisual recording device from us. She said she was going to install it in the hero’s room.

Eh? Of course I got it for her. Isn’t it a crime? That’s exactly what I first thought as well so I was surprised, but she said that some impure figures might hurt darling before marriage, was what she told me. Isn’t that just so touching? Let alone resenting her lover who is about to be married to another, but trying to protect him instead? ……Eh? This is why I was fooled by His Majesty?? Why’re you bringing that up… Wait, where’re you going?!”

As the one in charge of Clarice’s bridal training, Madam We******** testified,

“I saw on the way to visit Her Highness. That bastard hero and the Holy Maiden were walking together in the garden arm in arm. The two of them were fidgeting quite vigorously between the two of them, it really made me angry. Her Highness has currently shut herself in her room, but that asshole called a hero’s flirting in the garden…

Huh? Perhaps the hero might have been trying to shake off the Holy Maiden? So what. He’s the hero. To be honest, rather than HeroxClarice, I preferred Personal_MaidxClarice. I never quite liked him… Ah, it’s not like I resent you or anything, Karina, so don’t misunderstand.”

As Mister random name, one of Orleia’s retainers bullshat,

“Aah. Oh boy, I don’t know if it’s because it’s been a while since the two saw each other, but really they’re getting on like a house on fire. Even last night, the hero came down to our Holy Maiden’s room and had a lot of sticky fun together. Really, maybe our hero’s a hero down there as well. Eh? Proof? Haha, isn’t your proof standing right in front of you as a witness? Just ask any of the other clergy that came along. They’ll all say the same thing. …….We’re not spreading false rumours deliberately, you know?



…………I don’t like observant girls like you.”

After that there were many tribulations, but Karina returned safely. Because Senyun, who the mage captain had been desperately been looking for, was watching over her from under a invisibility spell screen. But let alone any profit, all she learned was that those of the Mitohi faith were even more degenerate than she realised. Damn them.

“What now?”

Senyun asked as she munched away on open-fire roasted tentacle. Even as Karina’s eyes narrowed as she wondered why she was eating that, on the other hand, the smell was so damn good Karina could feel her saliva coiling in her mouth.

“Now what. Since it’s come to this, we need to tail the Holy Maiden to see what she’s plotting.”

Karina replied, finally giving in and taking a bite. Her eyes widened like saucers. Wow. Holy shit. This is tasty. Do people living on the coast all eat this every day. How envious.

“You realise that if you get caught by that damn bitch you’ll probably get drilled like an ero-doujin, right?”

“Why would I?”



A face as if she really didn’t understand. Eventually, Senyun scowled as she said,

“Oi, you, you don’t mean…”

“Who’s taking care of Her Highness if I’m not around? Good luck. Se. nyun.”

Tararan~★ Karina winked, complete with sparkle.

Senyun thought. Ah. She really wanted to smack her solar plexus really hard with a fireball. Seriously.


The next day, Senyun hid with her invisibility magic and shadowed Orleia who was leaving to wake Minwoo. Since she was already a veteran of stalking the princess up till now, Senyun was relatively confident in her skills. As Orleia rounded a corner, she completely vanished and-

“Hnnn? Even today you’re a burr of relief and trust. Senyun.”


If she hadn’t groped her breasts from behind. Orleia flashed her distinctive killing smile and wriggled her fingers. Senyun fled like the wind without looking back.

The next day, in addition to her invisibility magic, she also took a highest grade invisibility potion as she watched Orleia (threatening him in order to) give Minwoo a lunchbox. Having used even the mage corps’ last resort, Senyun was rather confident. Once Minwoo left Orleia looked in Senyun’s direction and-


“I’m sorweeeehhh!!!!”

If she didn’t reawaken a trauma. Orleia flashed her distinctive killing smile and wriggled her fingers. Senyun fled like the wind without looking back. She didn’t want another breast massage, after all.

The next day, in addition to her invisibility magic and highest grade invisibility potion and even wearing one of the mage corps’ three great treasures, her grandfather’s cloak of invisibility(1), she watched Orleia waiting for someone in the garden in the dead of night. Despite having even borrowed her respected grandfather’s invisibility cloak she didn’t even had a shred of confidence. Because of that when Orleia sensed a presence and turned her head-

‘Ah. Fuck.’

She was about to simply give up.

“Darling. You’re late.”

If Orleia hadn’t complained with a hint of a nasal voice.

The one she turned around to was not Senyun but Minwoo. Unlike Orleia, whose jade-white face turned pink like a four-o’-clock flower with love, Minwoo dripped iciness as if he was born from the frost.

Senyun thought. Wow. This is worse than when I turned the princess into a woman.

“To think you’d ask to meet alone here, what are you planning.”

“My, darling. The moon is bright, the flowers are blooming and there’s a beautiful fountain with just the two of us. Must you complain so moodily?”

Was it Orleia’s completely unrepentant attitude, or something else, but Minwoo’s eyes curled into a frigid glare.

“You did something you shouldn’t have. If you’d taken one further step, then Clarice would have been scarred for life.”

In contrast, Orleia’s lips curled with the hint of a snarl.

“And that Clarice tried to tie darling to the kingdom forever.”

“That’s not Clarice’s fault.”

“Well. As royalty then it’s not her fault that she selfishly looked out only for her interests despite knowing what kind of existence darling was to the kingdom?”

Glare. Sparks flew between the two of them. Senyun shrank back involuntarily. She just wanted to throw everything ddown and run. She wanted to run away. Even with empty words you couldn’t say that they were sweet on each other, but neither were they this antagonistic towards each other either. No matter how ridiculous they were, both of them were former comrades-in-arms. Looking at them bare their fangs at each other hurt her heart.

“If you’re putting it that way, the one who’s really at fault isn’t Clarice, but me. As the hero, I didn’t think about the surroundings and blindly returned to the palace, it’s my fault. So the one you should blame, is me.”


Orleia’s eyes changed. More affectionate. More sorrowful.

“So even if you were to die it’s not that girl’s fault. You’re protecting her. Ah, I understand very well. Even when we were travelling together, always Clarice Clarice! Even though Clarice got caught by the demon king and sent you off on a dog’s errand you still only looked for Clarice!!”

Her love that went unrecognised, noticed not even once. That sorrowful spark lit up her entire heart and swallowed Orleia’s reason. She tossed away her sly mask that she had been donning till now and revealed her true, love-starved self.

“Who was the one who helped grow the useless hero? Who was the one who gave the hero swinging around a wooden sword the holy sword?! Not the one who only ever waited from afar! Who was the one who always stayed by your side!!”


“The one that you need to marry is me. Not the one shutting herself in her room! Not Clarice, the one who doesn’t even like you, swept along by the current and idly marrying you! The one who’s looked at you all this time, the one whose heart hurts like mad because of you… Is me…!”

Her despair was sorrowful enough to even move the heart of the princess-lover Senyun. But Minwoo’s response was cold.

“I can’t marry you. Clarice aside, you fooled me with the holy sword.”

“So what? I have the right!”

Right? Minwoo coldly enquired.

“That’s right. The right. Because I love you more than anyone. Tell me. What more do you want from me? What more do you want aside from the holy sword? I’ll do it. Do you think that I, the Holy Maiden of the Mitohi faith will be fall behind some common kingdom’s royalty? If I can marry you, I can do anything.”

Orleia was dead serious. If he told her to leave the clergy she would, if he told her to abandon her title as Holy Maiden she would, if he told her to run to the barns right now and copulate with a pig she would.

“That’s what I don’t like about you.”

But Minwoo’s response was still as cold as ever. Rather, there were hints of disgust in his eyes.

“Even when we adventured together I could tell. For what you want, you will use anything and everything to get your way.”

Even back then it was alright. She wouldn’t do it if he told her not to. Heck, there had been a time where he’d been inwardly rejoicing at the thought of a megadere heroine he’d only ever seen in light novels. But then he came to know of her very less-than-ideal appearance (her preference of aiming for the butt that gave him the shivers) and lost his enthusiasm.

“Orleia. I have always, and will continue to be thankful for you being by my side. But… I don’t love you. I would really appreciate it if you would stop doing things that made me hate you. I don’t want to hate you.”


Orleia realised. That ‘from the front’ she had no more hope. The moment that she had laid her hands on Clarice, darling’s heart had completely closed off to her.

Realising that she’d made a stupid mistake, she internally clicked her tongue.

“Alright. I’ll give up.”

Besides…. She was going to anyway. She muttered under her breath. Minwoo asked, with a confused face.


“Fu. What. That face? I’m giving up like you wanted?”

Having regained her mask of calm, Orleia flashed her killing smile and laughed unpleasantly. Both Senyun watching, and Minwoo facing, both of them thought as one.

‘Eh? So suddenly?? Why???’

“You were going to anyway, what does that mean?”

“Like I said. I’ve felt it with darling these last few days together. That there’s no more hope for me. I’m sorry for losing my temper at you darling. I just…”

Orleia averted her gaze and scratched her cheek. It was a calm appearance that made you doubt as to whether this woman was the same one that was so desperately clinging to him earlier. To the point that Minwoo actually began to feel somewhat guilty.

Orleia brought out the holy sword that she’d been safeguarding for so long. Despite coming face to face with the holy sword for the first time in a while, rather than welcome, he felt angry. When all was said and done, that thing was the culprit of this all. If that thing didn’t exist…

“Holy sword. I’ll get rid of it for you.”

Blink blink.


“The holy sword is a promise of our marriage. Namely, if it’s gone, then darling is free from me?”

“W, wait! Getting rid of it, are you serious?”

Hnnnmm? Orleia’s eyes narrowed.

“Well? Do you dislike the prospect? I’m saying I’m giving up?”

“No no! I’m good. I’m very good. Really good.”

“………Even an empty refusal would have been good.”

Orleia hugged the holy sword tightly and said.

“But there’s a condition.”

Of course there would be. Minwoo finally relaxed. If she said she’d get rid of the holy sword, no questions asked then he would have lost sleep wondering what she had planned.

“Go on a date with me.”


“I want to go out into town tomorrow on a date. Then I’ll get rid of the holy sword for you.”

“Hold on, date… What!”

“Last time.”

Minwoo was so surprised his eyes faced directly forward. Orleia smiled plaintively.

“For one last time, just for a single day, please be my lover.”


Minwoo, for a moment, Clarice came up in his mind’s eye. But in the end he couldn’t refuse.

Solving his problems with Orleia, was for Clarice’s sake.

“Yes, Your Eminence. I’ve decided to go with Plan B. I made a mistake quite unlike myself. I shouldn’t have touched Clarice… Well, whatever. At any rate, I have no choice but to impregnate darling with my child. Fufu. Yes, this is going to be good. Just what will darling’s chrysanthemum taste like… Fufu.”

Senyun overheard something she should never have heard.

Author’s Note

Ah since it’s so serious it’s really boring writing this as well. I’ll do my best to make next chapter funny.

(1) 99.99% sure that this is a Harry Potter reference

Translator’s Note

Be honest, who actually felt sorry for Orleia this chapter, right until the last lines did a complete 180? I know I did when I first read it.


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