I Became the Genius of the Gigant Academy

Chapter 49:

Chapter 49:

A powerful energy that he had never felt before filled his whole body. Abel knew that the light emanated from the pattern, making him wonder if it had something to do with the current phenomenon. But he didnt have time to think too deeply about it. There is only one thing he needs to do now. All he had to do was swing his sword.


Abel grasped his sword tightly and kicked the ground, leaping high into the air.


The behemoths tail narrowly passed by just below him. Abel raised his sword and lowered it regardless of the wind pressure hitting his aircraft.


With the sound of metal clashing, the sword scraped the behemoths skin. But Abel was not surprised because he knew the skin was closer to the Gigants outer armor than to leather.


That was why he activated the double attack skill from the beginning.

Kwasik-! Shhhh!

Blue blood spurted out with a bursting sound from the area where the sword first struck. The behemoth let out a sharp scream and shook its body. Even if he held out once, it was unable to block the second attack due to the skill effect. Originally, Abel thought it would take four or five attacks to inflict harm, but it was easier than expected.

Its bursting with power.

By the looks of it, it felt like the behemoths power had at least doubled.


Perhaps because of the wounds on its body, the behemoth began to target Abel intensively.

Quang-! Boom!

The continued attacks exhausted him, but Abel dodged them all like an acrobat.

I might just be able to do this!

He was secretly pleased. His goal hadnt been to defeat the behemoth in the first place but to stall for time, and the more it charged at him, the more likely his plan was to succeed. But he wasnt necessarily optimistic about the situation.

I cant just keep running from it.

This sudden burst of energy could vanish at any moment, just as it had appeared, so he had to cause more damage to it as much as possible before it disappeared.

I wish I could use assimilation,

Abel thought to himself as he looked for an opening to strike since he needed to get in closer to deal a fatal blow. The problem was that the behemoth was focused on Abel, so he had no chance to use his only stealth skill, Assimilation. If he tried to use it when his opponent was fully focused on him, hed be spotted immediately. He was trying to figure out how to create an opening.

Bang, boom, boom!

Suddenly, a blue streak of light flew out of nowhere and struck the behemoth in the head. The behemoth staggered from the impact, though it managed to twist its head just in time to avoid the fatal blow.

If you run, youll only be caught and killed! Buy as much time as possible, just like Abel, and if you think youre in danger, fall back!

Hannah was heard shouting.

That was Hannahs magic cannon. She still had poor close-range combat skills but an outstanding long-distance attack skill, which Abel knew her for. The attack was enough to damage the behemoth, and the nervous cadets joined in one by one. They were still few in number, but it was enough. When the behemoth regained his composure, Abel was long gone.

Dont overdo it. Just draw its attention!

Hannah commanded, firing off shot after shot, and the others followed suit. But the situation was not always favorable. If the battle continued like this, there was a very high probability that they would be defeated before the reinforcements arrived. In the meantime, Abel moved cautiously as possible. The behemoth had slightly different characteristics from creature to creature, but basically, there were certain traits that similar species shared. Among them were weaknesses.

Typically, behemoth has two weaknesses.

One is the jewel on its forehead. The gem, glowing a subtly green, seemed to be glowing as if it was brazenly targeting this place. The problem was that destroying the gem would result in instant death. Destroying it was extremely difficult. In other words, no one here had enough destructive power to destroy that gem right now unless they were on a high-level gigant. So it wasnt the forehead that needed to be targeted now, but its other weakness.


The behemoth, which several people were attacking, stood upright in anger. Abels eyes widened at the sight. That was the stance it typically took before unleashing a widespread attack. If they did nothing about it, it would sweep them away, so Abel increased his speed to the maximum. Fortunately, its second weakness was revealed as it raised its body up.

The behemoths second weakness. It was a weakness that all Behemoth typically have. It was its heart.

Abel leaped toward the behemoths body when he was within striking distance. He landed hard on the behemoths torso, causing it to jerk and twist in surprise, but Abel didnt stop.

As the behemoth struggled, Abel continued to climb on top of it. The Behemoth, sensing danger, stopped its defense mode and began to target Abel alone. The other cadets realized that Abel was up to something.


With Hannahs shout, the Gigants launched an all-out attack as if they had been waiting to do so. Among them, Mays attack stood out. She leaped high, stepped on a nearby tree, and slashed deeply into the behemoths neck with her two-handed sword. The others attacks also made a few scratches on its body.


The behemoth cried out in pain again, and Abel managed to get right underneath it.


Exhaling a hot breath, Abel raised his sword high toward the behemoth. He didnt care about anything other than inflicting damage to it. This was his last chance. If he didnt inflict as much damage as possible, hed be swept away if not killed by the enraged behemoth.


Abel put some more magical energy into his core and used two skills simultaneously.

[Slash] [Double attack]




Infamous Scans

As Abels powerful sword struck the behemoth one after another, the behemoth let out a frantic scream and twisted its body. Abel was on the verge of falling off at any moment, but he held on desperately.

This attack was only a preparation to create a stronger attack, and the real attack was different. Abel tightened his grip on the sword and simultaneously pushed all of his remaining magical power into his core.

Purrrr! Boooom!!

A thunderous sound echoed around the sword. At that time, the behemoth decided it had enough and tried to flee underground.

The behemoth quickly began to flee underground, but Abel calmly waited for all his energy to gather. Just before Abel and the behemoth disappeared underground,

[Thunder Spear]

Abel jumped to the side and threw the sword full of lightning energy towards it. Light flashed and.


This was followed by a loud roar. Even as Abel fell, he watched the sword shattering the behemoth and digging deep into it. It trembled as if it had received an electric shock and stopped moving.

It worked out better than I thought.

Abel thought as he blinked his eyes that were suddenly closing. An unbearable drowsiness had overtaken him after his last attack. His only comfort was that he had landed a good blow on the behemoth. At this rate, he didnt see the need to worry anymore.


It felt like someone was calling him, but he couldnt answer.


Something seemed to have hit his aircraft, but Abel could no longer overcome the pressure and closed his eyes.


- -

After a while, blue light surrounded him.

Chirp, chirp-

A bird was heard, and Abel tossed and turned his body at the sound. Then, he felt something soft touch his head.

Was the pillow this fluffy..?

Abel, who wondered, half asleep, suddenly opened his eyes. But what came into view was not a pillow but something dark blue.

Its just like the color of my training uniform.

As he looked closer, he saw the Academy emblem engraved on one side.

Is this also the pattern on the training uniform?

Only then did Abel realize something was wrong and quickly raised his upper body.


A strong feeling of dizziness and pain swept through his body as he stood up. It felt like a hangover and muscle pain all at once.

Is this magic exhaustion?

Even in his painful daze, he could guess why his current condition was like this. Ultimately, the aftereffects of using his magic to its limit came. Just then, a voice came from behind.

Youre awake?

Abel turned his head around to see May sitting up.



Abel was surprised by her calm voice, and then he looked around. They were in the middle of the forest. There was no one else in sight, and he saw two Gigants lying not far away. May spoke up as she saw Abel looking at their gigants.

The damage to the aircraft was severe, and you seemed to be in bad condition, so I pulled you out first .

Oh. Really ?


There was a pause in the conversation for a moment, but Abel could not resist the urge to ask a question and immediately opened his mouth.

Where am I? Where are the other kids?

There are no other kids here. And I dont even know where we are.

That is

Unable to speak, Abel stared into space for a moment. After composing himself, his eyes caught the message window in the corner of his vision. There were messages he never expected to see

[An outstanding achievement has been achieved!]

[The title Behemoth Adversary has been earned. All abilities will increase by 10%.]

[Double Attack proficiency has reached 100%. The skill evolves when the conditions are met.]

[The Thunderbolt Spear has exceeded 30%. Its power is strengthened.]

Up until this point, the messages were understandable. After all, he was only a mere first-year student who fought a behemoth on a supply Gigant. But the message that followed was a little different.

[You have absorbed some of the Behemoths abilities.]

[Physical abilities have increase significantly.]

[Skill fear has been acquired.]

[The soul of the behemoth resides in the pattern (1/3).]

These were messages related to the behemoth.

Isnt this something that only appears when an opponent has been defeated ?

Abel frowned at the incomprehensible situation. But as he thought about it carefully, other possibilities came to mind.

Did the support team arrive and defeat the behemoth after I passed out?

He thought that might be the case. Although the support team took it down, he may have been classified as the most significant contributor to taking it down, and the above messages appeared. Although it seemed too game-like, it wasnt that far-fetched since the system itself was game-based.

How much do you remember?

While he was lost in thoughts, May asked him a question. Only then did Abel stop thinking to himself and answer her question.

How much do you remember?

Before you passed out.


Abel understood what was being asked and answered.

I fainted right after the attack. I thought something hit me.

I thought it would be dangerous if you fell like that, so I caught you. Thats why the arm of my Gigant is completely damaged.

Really? Are you alright ?

Abel asked in surprise, and May paused for a moment before answering.

Yes Whats more important is what happened next.

What happened next?

Suddenly, a blue light spread around you, and before I knew what was happening, we were here.


In response to Mays question, he finally understood why they were alone in a secluded place. A strange phenomenon occurred around Abel, and May, who was with him, was also affected by it. After listening to everything that had happened then, he thought of something.

The artifact!

Only one thing could suddenly cause a spatial transition in this forest.

The artifact called for him.

[To be continued.]


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